高中英語(yǔ) book8m2reading課件 新人教版選修8_第1頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ) book8m2reading課件 新人教版選修8_第2頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ) book8m2reading課件 新人教版選修8_第3頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ) book8m2reading課件 新人教版選修8_第4頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ) book8m2reading課件 新人教版選修8_第5頁(yè)
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1、M2 The RenaissanceIntroduction and Reading1. Have you ever seen the painting of the Mona Lisa?2. What do you think of the painting?3. Do you think its a work of genius?Read what people say about the painting and decide which opinions are positive.Keys: 1 & 4 are positive background combination e

2、ffect light shade subjectastonishing dark disturbing dull masterpiece mysteriousLook at the words in the boxes.Decide which boxes contains: words to describe what you think about a work of art2. words to describe technical aspects of a paintinglower boxupper boxSome information about the Mona Lisa 1

3、)The Mona Lisa is an oil painting and probably the most famous painting in the world. It is painted by Leonardo da Vinci. In 15031506 he painted a portrait of Lisa Gherarardini, who was a wife of a Florentine Silk merchant.(2) In 1962, the painting was taken to the USA and shown in New York and Wash

4、ington(3) In 1974 it was shown in Tokyo and Moscow.(4) In 2005 it was moved to the Louvre, Paris.1.Classical (a) refers to the Middle Ages (from about 1100 to 1500)2.Medieval (b) refers to the period which followed the Middle Ages3.Gothic (c) refer to ancient Greece and Rome4. Renaissance (d) refers

5、 to a typical style of art and architecture in the Middle Ages Activity1 the study and design of buildings2. the study of the meaning of lifearchitecturephilosophyMatch the words in the box with their meanings.(activity3)architecture art contribution tradeemploy literature philosophy talent3. someth

6、ing that you give4. to give someone a job5. business, especially between different countries6. painting and drawing7. novels, poems, etc. especially good ones8. a natural skillemploytradeartliteraturetalentcontributionRead the passage carefully and find a word or phrase in the passage which means:(a

7、ctivity4) difficult to understand or explain (Line11)1.2. point of view (Line39)mysteriousperspective3. a large church (Line44)4. to make someone want to achieve something or to feel determined to do something (Line45)5. closely connected with (Line46)motivatego hand in handcathedralRead the passage

8、 and answer thequestions.(Activity5) Why was the Renaissance given this name? Because it has the concept of “rebirth”.2. When and where did the Renaissance begin? It took place in the 14th16th century in Italy.3. What changes happened in Europe at this time? The arrival of the Europeans in America,

9、the development of trade and the change in ideas about religion.4. What was new about (a) painting (b) music (c) architecture? (a) perspective and effects of light (b) polyphonic music (c) lighter buildings5. How did philosophy change at this time? People, not religion, were at the centre of the uni

10、verse.6. Why do people think Leonardo was an extraordinary genius as well as a great artist? Besides being a famous painter, he was also a skilled inventor, who was well-known for his astonishing drawings of aeroplanes, parachutes, tanks and submarines.Translation1.The word was used to describe a pe

11、riod in European history which began with the arrival of the first Europeans in America, an age of exploration, and the beginning of the modern world. 這個(gè)詞被用來(lái)描繪隨著首批歐洲人抵達(dá)美洲而開(kāi)始的這個(gè)詞被用來(lái)描繪隨著首批歐洲人抵達(dá)美洲而開(kāi)始的 那段歷史,這是一段探險(xiǎn)的歷史,也是現(xiàn)代世界史的那段歷史,這是一段探險(xiǎn)的歷史,也是現(xiàn)代世界史的 開(kāi)端。開(kāi)端。be used to 被用來(lái)被用來(lái) begin with 以以作為開(kāi)端,作為開(kāi)端,an age o

12、f exploration,and the beginning of the modrenworld 與與 a period為為同位同位關(guān)系,后者對(duì)前者補(bǔ)充說(shuō)明關(guān)系,后者對(duì)前者補(bǔ)充說(shuō)明2.But they looked forward, too, by opening new frontiers in the arts. 而他們也通過(guò)開(kāi)辟新的藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域來(lái)展望未來(lái)。而他們也通過(guò)開(kāi)辟新的藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域來(lái)展望未來(lái)。 3.Architects preferred designing building with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of

13、the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages. 相比較于中世紀(jì)歌特式建筑得沉重來(lái)說(shuō)相比較于中世紀(jì)歌特式建筑得沉重來(lái)說(shuō),建筑師們更喜歡建筑師們更喜歡光亮的建筑。光亮的建筑。 A contrast (with) B 與與對(duì)立,對(duì)比對(duì)立,對(duì)比 與與對(duì)照。對(duì)照。 TranslationPara 54. The sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy. 這種激發(fā)藝術(shù)家的探索意識(shí)與這種激發(fā)藝術(shù)家的探索意識(shí)與 一種新型的

14、人生哲學(xué)攜手一種新型的人生哲學(xué)攜手 共進(jìn)。共進(jìn)。 hand in hand 1)手牽著手,共)手牽著手,共 同地同地 walk hand in hand 手拉著手散步。手拉著手散步。 2) 緊密相連緊密相連 Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 骯臟和疾病緊密相連。骯臟和疾病緊密相連。 Translation5.After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life was considered of little value compared with the greatnes

15、s of God, philosophers began asking questions like “ What is a person?” “Why am I here?” 幾個(gè)世紀(jì)以來(lái),哲學(xué)家們都持有中世紀(jì)的世界觀,認(rèn)為幾個(gè)世紀(jì)以來(lái),哲學(xué)家們都持有中世紀(jì)的世界觀,認(rèn)為與上帝的偉大相比人的生命很渺小?,F(xiàn)在他們提出諸如與上帝的偉大相比人的生命很渺小?,F(xiàn)在他們提出諸如 “ “人為何物人為何物?” 以及以及“我為何存在我為何存在?” 這樣的問(wèn)題。這樣的問(wèn)題。 be of littlie value be +of +名詞名詞 be of use/importance/help=be useful/

16、important/helpful Translation6. But even if his only contribution to history had been the Mona Lisa, it would have been genius enough for all time. 但即使他對(duì)歷史的貢獻(xiàn)僅僅是一副但即使他對(duì)歷史的貢獻(xiàn)僅僅是一副蒙娜蒙娜麗莎麗莎,這也已這也已經(jīng)是恒久的天才作品。經(jīng)是恒久的天才作品。for all time 永遠(yuǎn)永遠(yuǎn) TranslationLanguage points1. masterpiece1) 杰作杰作,名作名作 It is one of the

17、 greatest masterpieces of European art. 它是歐洲藝術(shù)最杰出的作品之一。它是歐洲藝術(shù)最杰出的作品之一。2) (個(gè)人或團(tuán)體的個(gè)人或團(tuán)體的)最杰出的作品最杰出的作品 Robinson Crusoe is Defoes masterpiece. 魯賓遜漂流記魯賓遜漂流記是笛福的杰作。是笛福的杰作。2. mysterious 1) 神秘的神秘的;不可思議的不可思議的 the mysterious universe奧秘的宇宙奧秘的宇宙 A mysterious light came from the deserted house. 廢棄的房屋里亮起了神秘的燈光。廢棄的房屋里亮起了神秘的燈光。2) 詭秘的詭秘的 He is being very mysterious about his future plans. 對(duì)自己未來(lái)的打算對(duì)自己未來(lái)的打算, 他顯得十分詭秘。他顯得十分詭秘。3. illustrate1) (用圖用圖,實(shí)例等實(shí)例等)說(shuō)明


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