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1、資料收集于網(wǎng)絡,如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除只供學習與交流只供學習與交流1.ear2.actor3.hen4.toy5.uni versity6.elepha nt7.hat8.umbrella9.rabbit10idea11.hour12hon est boy13.in teresti ngbook14.easy questi on15.orange dress16apple pie17X-ray1.在空格內(nèi)填上 a或anmach ine 18.ice cream2.用 a,an,the 或"/” 填空1.Wash ington iscapital ofUn ited States of

2、 America.2.There is ” A” on his paper.3.I ateapple .It ' sred apple.4.tall man over there is myboss.aroundsun.6.No n ews isgoodn ews.visitedGreat Wall?5.earth moves7.Have you8.They often play football after school.9.Childre n n eed loveandatte nti on.insky?10.Are there any birds11.stude nt in th

3、e third row istallest in ourclass.12.Did you have breakfast this morni ng? 13.Mr.White will goto Tokyo byair.14.By way,do you know old woman in glasses?3.選擇填空I.Mom tells her little daughter aB./C. anA.D. the, the,12. Can you tell men earest bookshop?Go straight and turn right atthird cross ing, and

4、you will see it.old story every ni ght.A.D. the2. computer on t he table is Susan' s.AB. AnC. TheD. /3. There ismap of the worldonwall.map is mine.A. a, a, AB. a, the, TheC. the, the, TheA. the, aB. the, theC. a, theD. the, /A4.Whites live onfloor.A. /, threeB. A,thirdC. The, thirdD.The, the thi

5、rd5.Spring comes afterwin ter.A./, /B.The,/C.The, theD.A, the6.1 boughtshoes yesterday.shoes are verybeautiful.A. a, The pairB. a pair of, TheC. the,TheD. apair, The7.He wassoldier in the Second World War.A. aB. anC.theD. /8.She can playandA. the tennis, theguitarB. tennis, guitarC. thetennis,guitar

6、D.tennis, the guitar9.1 can seemoon andcloudsin thesky.A. the,a B. a, aC. the, /D. the, the10.c is incat.a加sis ina tsat.A.An, AnB. An, AC. A, AD. A, An11.Tian ' anmen Square is inBeiji ng.A. /,/B. A, /C. The, /D. /, theI.?冠詞填空:在下列句中空白處填入適當冠詞,不需用冠詞處劃X。1. There ispicture of elephant on wall .2. Th

7、is is useful book .ve read it forhour3. elephant is much heavier than horse .4. doctor told him to take medic ine three timesday .5 . Let's go out for walk .6 . It's too hot . Open door , please .7 . There is woma n over there .woma n is Meimei's mother .8 .sun rises in east .9 . Changji

8、ang River is longest river in China .10 . Are you going to do it second time ?11. Washi ngton is capital of USA.12 .Turners are living at the end ofTurner Street .13 . He joined the army in spri ng of199514 . old man is teacher . He likes playing basketball after supper .15 . After I had quick break

9、fast , I hurried to school .16 . Are sheep kept by farmers for produci ng wool andmeat ?17 . They went to People's Park , but we both went toPeople's Cinemayesterday .18 . I often watch TV in evening .19 .day of December 20 , 1999 is Monday .20 . Tomorrow is Christmas Day and my father and I

10、 went to chooseChristmas tree today .21 . I think maths is more importa nt tha n any other subject .22 . He often goes to school by bike .23 . What does this word mean ,Father ?24 . What importa nt n ews !II.選擇填空。1. Does Jim haveruler ?Yes , he hasA . an ; some B . a; one C . a;/D . any ; one2 . The

11、re is old bike .old bike is Mr Zhao's .A . an ; TheB . the ; An C . a; TheD . the ; The3 .apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay .A . The B . A C . An D . Two4How many books do you have ?I have book . That's English book .A . a; an B. a; one C . one ; an D. one ; one5. At that time Tom wasone-y

12、ear-old baby .A . a B . anC . theD./6 .tiger is China .A . The ; a B . A; the C . The ; from D . The ; the7 . We can't see sun at night.A . the ; the B . the ; / C . a ; /D. /;/8 .useful book it is !A . What an B . How a C . What a D . What9 . One after noon he foundhan dbag . There was “ s ” on

13、 the corner of handbag .A . a; an ; the B . a ; a; the C . an ; an ; an D . the ; a ; a10 . old lady with white hair spoke En glish well atmeet ingA . An ; an; a B . The ; /; an C . The ; /; a D . The ; /; the11. Great Wall is Ion gest wall in the world .A .A;aB.The ; theC .A; theD .The;a12 .newbrid

14、ge has been built over Huangpu River.A .The ;aB.A ; /C .A ; theD .An ;the13 .woma n over there is popular teacher in our school .A .A;anB.The ; aC .The ; theD .A;the14 . He used to be teacher but later he turned writer .A . a; a B . a; theC . /; a D . a; /15 . They made him king .A . a B . theC . an

15、 D. /16 . His father is En glish teacher . He works in our school .A . aB . anC . the D. /17 . Is he America n boy?A . an B. aC . one D. /18 . Does Tom often play football after school ?A . /;/ B . /; the C . the ; / D . a; /19 . They passed our school day before yesterday .A .anB .oneC . aD . the20

16、 . Australia is En glish-speak ing countryA .aB .anC . theD. /21 . She has orange skirt . skirt is nice.A . a; The B . an ; The C . an ; A D . the ; The22 . This isapple . It'sbig apple .A. an ; aB . a;theC. a; anD . an ; the23 . Look athorse over there .A . aB . anC . theD. /24 . Don't play

17、basketball here .It's dangerous .A . aB . anC. /D . the25 . There isold woma n in the carA. /B . theC . aD . an26 . Beiji ng isbeautiful city . It'scapital of ChinaA . a; aB . the;the C. /; theD . a ; the27 . Shan ghai is ineast of ChinaA. /B . anC . aD . the28 . rve bee n a stude nt there f

18、or n early two andhalf years.A . aB . anC . theD ./29 . Bill is English teacher . He likes playing football .A . a; the B . an; the C . a; / D . an;/30 . The museum is quite far . It will take you half hour to get there bybus .A . an ;/ B . an; a C . a ; / D. /;/I. 1. a; an ; the 2. a; an。第一個空的a是泛指,

19、第二個空的 an是指"一小時”。3. An ; a。這兩個空都是泛指,故都用不定冠詞。4. The ; the ; a。前兩個空都是特指,故填the ;后一個空中的 a相當于every或each ,three times a day 意為"一天三次”。5 . a。go out for a walk 意為"出去散步”。6. The7. a; The。前者泛指,后者特指。& The ; the。第一個空用the表示太陽是世界上獨一無二的物體;第二個空用the是因為在方位詞的前面一般用定冠詞。9. The ; the ,x。第一空用the是因為在河流名稱的前面用

20、定冠詞;第二空用the是因為在形容詞最高級前面用 定冠詞;第三空“零”冠詞是因為 專有名詞前一般不加冠詞。10 . a。 a sec ond time 意為“再一次"、“另一次”。the seco nd time 意為“第二次”。此句填a是表示動作的重復,而不能用the (表順序)。II. the; the。第一個the是特指美國的首都。第二個 the是在由普通名詞構(gòu)成的 專有名詞 前應加定冠詞。12 . The。“ the +姓氏的復數(shù)”表示“一家人”或“夫妻二人”。由普通名詞構(gòu)成的專有名詞前應加the。13 . the ;x。表示在某一年的季節(jié)名稱前應加定冠詞。14 . The

21、a ; x;x。在球類名稱前不加冠詞。泛指的三餐名稱前不加冠詞。15 . a。三餐名稱前若有形容詞,則可在形容詞前加冠詞,此處是泛指,故用a。16 .x;x;x;x。此句意為“農(nóng)民 養(yǎng)羊是為了產(chǎn)毛和肉嗎? ”前兩個空也可填定冠詞, 意為:“那些農(nóng)民養(yǎng)的那些羊是為了產(chǎn)毛和肉嗎?”17 . the ; the。普通名詞構(gòu)成的專有名詞前應加the。18 . x; the。TV前不加冠詞?!霸纭⑽?、晚”名詞前加冠詞。19 . The ; x;x。第一空是特指。日期名詞前不加冠詞。20? x; a21 .x。學科名稱前一般不加冠詞。 22 . x;xo go to school上學。by bike騎自行車。23 . x; Xo指示代詞 不能與定冠詞連用。24? Xo注意news是不可數(shù)名詞,故不能加a。II. 1 . B。第一空是泛指;第二空的one是不定代詞,用以替代前面的ruler。 2 . A3. C。這是一句諺語,意思是“一天吃一個蘋果,用不著看醫(yī)生?!?. C。one強調(diào)數(shù)量,用以回答“ Howma ny .? ”問句;第二個空是泛指,故用an。5. A。one雖以元音字母


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