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1、小學(xué)英語(yǔ)六年級(jí)下冊(cè)第一、二單元檢測(cè)題班級(jí)姓名聽(tīng)力部分、聽(tīng)錄音,選擇你所聽(tīng)到的單詞。1. A. thanB. tellC. taller2. A. dogB. dinosaurC.duck3. A. smallerB. shorterC. stronger4. A. sunnyB. funnyC. windy5. A. tailB. thinkC. thinner二、聽(tīng)錄音,判斷圖片與所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容是T)否(F)相符。)3.)5.(2.4.()()三、聽(tīng)錄音,選擇你所聽(tīng)到的句子。1. A. I m 48 kilogramsB. He is 12 years old.C. He is 50 kilogr

2、ams.2. A. I wear size 35 shoes.B. I am 1.76 metres.C. His shoes are size 37.3. A. She is 1.54 metres.B. He is 1.64 metres.C. I am 1.66 metres.() 4. A. I stayed at home.B. I usually clean my room.C. She usually reads books.() 5. A. He saw a film.B. I did my homework.C. She read storybooks.四、聽(tīng)錄音,寫(xiě)單詞,完

3、成短文。weekend , the Wu family not happy with their room. The peopleRoom 301 loud music all night. It very noisy. The father some hamburgers from the kitchen but they were cold and tasted bad. Also, the mother wanted to a book but the lamp was too . Wu Yifan wanted to TV ,but the TV didn t work either.

4、筆試部分一、選出每組單詞中不同類(lèi)的一項(xiàng)。() 1.A.shortB. longerC. bigger() 2.A.oldB. smallC. sky() 3.A.birdB. lampC. duck() 4.A.watchedB. washedC. clean() 5.A.haveB. sawC. slept二、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. My sister is 12 years (old).2. He is (thin) than me.3. Torn is (short) than Chen Jie.4. Tom is so (happy) today.5. My mother lo

5、oks (young) than my aunt.6. Did your mother (go) shopping yesterday?7. John (have) a cold last Sunday.8. I (stay) at home and watched TV last Saturday.9. My sister often (wash) her clothes on Sundays.10. John wants to(see) a film.三、單項(xiàng)選擇。) 1. My hands arethan Toms.A. bigB. bigerC. biggerthan me.) 2.

6、Tom isA. heavyB. heavierC. heavyer) 3. Johnsare smaller than hers.A. feetB. footC. foots) 4. Your eyes are smaller thanA. meB. myC. mine) 5. Old tree isthan the duck.A. smartB. smarterC. smartest) 6. The shadow is gettingA. long and longB. long and longerC. longer and longer) 7. I have a storyyou.A.

7、 tellB. to tellC. telling) 8. The sundown every day.A. goesB. goC. going) 9. Sarahher homework last Sunday morning,A. doesB. didC. do) 10. What did Amy do She studied English.A. yesterdayB. nowC. tomorrow四、選擇相應(yīng)的答語(yǔ)填空。) 1. What did you do last weekend?) 2. Are Tom and Jim going to meet John together?)

8、 3. What did your father do last night?) 4. How was your weekend?) 5. Did Amy see a film yesterday?A. He watched TV .B. I read a new film magazine.C. It was good.D. Yes, she did.E. No, they arent.五、連詞成句。1. bigger, feet, are, Your, mine, than(.)2. a, are, bird, You, becoming, beautiful (.)3. is, my,

9、Why, longer, shadow (?)4. cold, tasted, were, They, and, bad(.)5. to, wanted, mother, My, book, a, read (.)6. 六、按要求改寫(xiě)句子。1. His sister is 13 years 01d.(對(duì)畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn))is his sister?2. My brother read a book last Sunday.(對(duì)畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn))your brother last Sunday?3. Zhang Peng is playing football.(用 last weekend 改寫(xiě)句于)

10、Zhang Peng last weekend.4. My mother had a cold yesterday.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句) mother a cold yesterday?七、閱讀短文,判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。John: Which dinosaur do you like?Tom: I like the orange one.John: How tall is it?Torn: Its 3.5 metres.John: I like the green dinosaur. Its taller than the orange one. Its 5 metres.Tom: Loo

11、k! This is a yellow dinosaur. It isnt tall. Im taller than this one.John: How tall are you?Tom: Im 1.65 metres.()1. Tom likes the green dinosaur.()2. The orange dinosaur is 3.5 metres.()3. The orange dinosaur is taller than the green one.()4. The yellow dinosaur is shorter than the orange one.()5. T

12、om is l.65 metres.八、閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。Hi, Im Kate. I have a big family. There are six people in my family. My grandpa is older than my grandma and he is thinner than her. My father is taller and stronger than my mother. I have a brother. His name is Paul. He is heavier and taller than me. He is also tall

13、er than my father. I grow older every day. Im growing taller and taller.()1. There are people in Kate s family.A. sevenB. fiveC. six()2. Kates grandpa is than Kates grandma.A. olderB. heavierC. younger()3. Kates father is than her mother.A. older and shorterB. taller and strongerC. younger and thinn

14、er()4. Who is the tallest? A. Paul.B. Kate.C. Kates father()5. Kate is getting .A. younger and youngerB. taller and tallerC. shorter and shorter參考答案小學(xué)英語(yǔ)六年級(jí)下冊(cè)第一二單元檢測(cè)題聽(tīng)力材料及答案1、 1. taller 2. dinosaur 3. smaller4. funny 5. thinner2、 1. Chen Jie played the pipa last Monday.2. John read a book last night.

15、3. Miss White had a cold last weekend.4. Amy watched TV yesterday.5. Mike played ping-pong last Sunday.3、 1. I m 48 kilograms2. His shoes are size 37.3. He is 1.64 metres.4. She usually reads books.5. He saw a film.4、 Last weekend , the Wu family were not happy with their room. The people in Room 30

16、1listened to loud music all night. It was very noisy . The father got some hamburgers from the kitchen but they were cold and tasted bad. Also, the mother wanted to read a book but the lampt work either.was too small. Wu Yifan wanted to watch TV, but the TV didn聽(tīng)力答案1. C2. B3. A4. B5. C四、筆試答案四、1. T1. ALast,1. A1. old6. go1. C1. B2. F2. Cwere,2. C3.T3. B4. F4. Cin, listened, to,3. B4. C5. T5. Awas, got,5. A2. thinner3. shorter8. stayed2. B3. A4. C5. B2. E3. A4. C5. D7. had6. Cread, small, watch4. happy9. washes7. B 8. A5. younger10. see9. B 10. A5、 1. Your feet are big


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