



1、精品文檔1 .在17世紀和18世紀,中國的藝術、建筑和哲學在西方很受欣賞。止匕外,中國 的絲綢、茶葉和瓷器在西方也備受欣賞,并在一定程度上改變了許多西方人的生 活方式。進入20世紀后期,西方人再次轉向中國文化。他們除了喜歡中國菜肴 外,還學習漢語,嘗試中國醫(yī)藥,練習中國武術,觀看功夫電影。In the 17th and 18th centuries , Chinese art , architecture and philosophy were very much admired in the West . In addition , Chinese silk , tea and porcel

2、ain were enjoyed a great deal , which transformed westerner's way of life to a certain extent . Since the late 20th century , people of the West have turned again to Chinese culture . Apart from the love of Chinese food , they are learning the Chinese language , trying Chinese medicine , practic

3、ing Chinese martial arts , and watching Chinese kongfu films as well .2 .隨著我國社會經(jīng)濟的迅猛發(fā)展、人民生活水平的提高和醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生事業(yè)的改善, 我國老年人口明顯增多。不少人對此憂心忡忡。但有識之士指出,我們不僅要看 到人口老齡化所帶來的巨大的壓力,也要看到人口齡化背后所蘊涵的商機以及老 年人豐富的智力、經(jīng)驗等資源,要將壓力變?yōu)闄C遇。With the rapid development of the social economyin China, people's living standards and medic

4、al industry are improved. Many people are severely worried about the increasing number of older people. Men of insight say that it brings us not only the enormous pressure, but also great opportunities behind it as well as abundant resources of olders such as the intelligence and experience. Wemust

5、turn pressure into opportunity.3 .與舞蹈和音樂相伴的歌謠跟口頭流傳的神話,遠在文字出現(xiàn)之前就已大量產(chǎn) 生。中國的文學正是發(fā)端于此。不過歌謠本是人們在生活中隨興而發(fā)的東西,上古時代也沒有保存和記載它們的手段,因之也就很快湮滅,不留痕跡。我們只能從一 些古籍書中推斷它們的存在。古書中記載了一些據(jù)稱年代非常久遠的歌謠,但是 大多出于后人的偽托,能夠斷定朝代的歌謠要到詩經(jīng)里才能看見。從這點來 看,古代神話對中國文學的影響更為顯著。Long before the emergenceof the written word, ballads, accompanied by

6、mus ic and dance,and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular . Chinese literature finds its origins in these traditions. However, ballads were what people improvised out of daily life, and due to lack of meansto record and preserve them in ancient times, they quickly disappeared w

7、ithout leaving muchof a trace.Today, wecanonly deduce their existence from ancient books, which recorded sometime-honored ballads, though most of these are belived to be derivatives of later generations.Ballads in the Bookof Songsare the earliest writings that can be dated. F精品文檔精品文檔romthis point of

8、 view, ancient mythology obviously has had a great influen ce on Chinese literature.4 .隨著社會的發(fā)展,人類對水的需求不斷增加,但可供人類使用的水資源卻急劇 減少。水資源危機所帶來的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)惡化等問題嚴重威脅著人類的生存,如何更有效地利用水資源,推進水資源的可持續(xù)開發(fā)和保護,已經(jīng)成為世界各國共同面 對的緊迫問題。With the fast development of the society, man ' s demand for water has continuously increased. B

9、ut the source from which water can be provided to man has been sharply reduced. The problems caused by water shortage such as worsening bio- system have become serious threats to man s existence. How to make effective use of water resources and to promote the sustainable development and protection o

10、f water has become a common pressing problem faced by all the countries in the world.5 .除了干旱時期,人們從不把水看成是寶貴的自然資源。 因為我們想當然地以為 水和空氣一樣的不值錢。然而由于人口增加以及可怕的浪費, 在當今世界的許多 地方,供水已成為一大挑戰(zhàn),而且是一個嚴重的社會問題。如果我們的政府不采 取積極有效的措施來解決這個問題,在不久的將來,我們就會面臨缺水的災難。Except in times of drought ,water has never been regarded as a valua

11、ble natural resources since for we take it for granted that water, like air, is cheap and can be found everywhere. However, partly because of the increased population and partly because of awful waste, water supply has becomea great challenge in manyparts of the world,and shortage of water has been

12、a serious social problem. If our government doesn' t take active and effective measures to solve this problem, we will face disaster in the near future.6 .環(huán)境與發(fā)展,是當今國際社會普遍關注的問題。 人類經(jīng)過漫長的奮斗歷程,特 別是從產(chǎn)業(yè)革命以來,在改造自然和發(fā)展經(jīng)濟方面建樹了輝煌的業(yè)績。 與此同時, 由于工業(yè)化過程中的處置失當,尤其是不合理地開發(fā)利用自然資源, 造成了全球 性的環(huán)境污染和生態(tài)破壞,對人類的生存和發(fā)展構成了現(xiàn)實威脅。保

13、護生態(tài)環(huán)境, 實現(xiàn)持續(xù)發(fā)展,已成為全世界緊迫而艱巨的任務。Environment and development are two major concerns of the international community. Through its arduous efforts of many years, especially those made since the Industrial Revolution, mankind has made brilliant achievements in transforming nature and developing economy. Yet

14、 neglect irrational exploitation and utilization of resources has caused global environmental pollution and ecological degradation posing a real threat to the survival and development of mankind. It is therefore an urgent and formidable task for all countries around the world to protect theof enviro

15、nment in the course of industrialization,particularlythe精品文檔精品文檔ecological environment and maintain a sustainable development.7 .我認為總結一下學習英語的經(jīng)驗是值得一試的。這里,我想談談三個相關的問 題。首先,大量閱讀應視作學習過程中的重點, 因為我們是通過閱讀獲取大量語 言輸入的。其次,盡可能多背熟一些好文章也十分重要。一方面,死記硬背確實 無甚裨益,但另一方面,在真正理解基礎上的熟記肯定對我們有好處。大腦中儲存了大量很好的文章,我們在用英語表達自己理想的時候,就會

16、覺得容易多了。最后,我們應把所學到的東西用到實踐中去,這是至關重要的。通過多讀、多寫、 多聽、多說,我們就能完成提高英語水平的任務。I consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English. Here, I would like to make three revevant points first wind-reading should be taken as a priority in the learning process.Because it is through reading t

17、hat we get the most of language input. Next, learning by heart as many well-writing essays as possible is also very important. On the one hand, learning by note is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly be of benefit for us. With an e

18、normous store of excellent essays in our heads. Wewill find it mucheasier to express ourselves in english. Finally, it is critical that we should put what we have learned into practice. By doing more reading, writing, listening and speaking, we ll be able to accomplish the task of perfecting our Eng

19、lish.8 .膨脹的自我使我們忽略了一個基本事實,那就是:我們同在生活這條大船上, 別人的好壞與我們休戚相關。別人的不幸不能給我們帶來快樂,相反,在幫助別人的時候,其實也是在幫助我們自己。An inflated ego blinds us to the fact that we are all living together on the same boat. The fortunes of other affects our well-being. The misfortune of others does not bring us happiness. Onthe contrary, h

20、elping others is in fact, helping ourselves.9 .相對而言,要求沒有受過教育的人節(jié)約資源比較困難。他們往往認為資源只是唾手可得的原料罷了,用得再多也不過分。他們很少注意到大自然的毀滅所造成 的致命后果。跟沒有受過教育的人相對照的是,大多數(shù)受過教育的人把他們的幸 福跟大自然聯(lián)系在一起,并且為了保護自我而努力保護大自然。盡管在當前環(huán)境問題的討論中,人們可能很難區(qū)分各種建議孰優(yōu)孰劣,但是一位當代評論家主張以人的名義保護大自然應該成為我們的指導原則。It ' s relative more difficult to callfor poorly-ed

21、ucated people toconserve resources because they tend to view resources as nothing more than handy materials, which they can never overuse to the point of excess. They' re seldom aware of the fatal consequences of the ruin of nature.In contrast, more-educated people bind their own well-being to t

22、hat of精品文檔精品文檔nature, and try to preserve nature on the grounds of self-preservation. Though it may be difficult distinguish a good proposal from a bad one in our current debate on environmental issues, one contemporary commentator has argued that protecting the environment in the nameof man should

23、be guiding principles.10 .文化是不同國家的人們互相理解的最佳媒體。通過舉辦文化節(jié),許多中國城 市在世界上的知名度提高了。已經(jīng)證明,對促進中國人民和世界其他地方人民之 間的交流來說,這是最好的途徑之一。這種交流沒有僅限于文化方面,還擴大到經(jīng)濟和其他領域。Culture is the best medium for different people of different countries to understand each other. Through holding cultural festivals Manycities in China have beco

24、me better know to the world. It has been proved that this is one of the best ways to promotes the exchange between the people of China and other parts of the world., the exchange has not only been confined to culture, but extended to the economic and other fields.11 .當你步入蠟姻的殿堂,你可能認為已經(jīng)爬到了山頂,剩下的只是悠閑地沿

25、著平 緩的山坡下山.然而,這只是戀愛的結束,焙姻的開始.擁有一顆驕傲而又叛逆的 心,墜入愛河與贏得愛情都是難事;但維持愛情也很重要,夫妻都應相敬如賓,互 相關愛.當真愛起始于圣壇之時,夫妻之間便開始了一場智慧與慷慨的競爭,一 場為了一個不可能實現(xiàn)的理想而持續(xù)一生的奮斗.不可能實現(xiàn)?啊,當然不可能,因為他們不是一個人,而是兩個呀。Again, when you have married your wife, you would think you were got upon a hilltop, and might begin to go downward by an easy slope. B

26、ut you have only ended courting to begin marriage. Falling in love and winning love are often difficult tasks to overbearing and rebellious spirits; but to keep in love is also a business of someimportance, to which both manand wife must bring kindness and goodwill. The true love story commences at

27、the altar, whenthere lies before the married pair a most beautiful contest of wisdom and generosity, and a life-long struggle towards an unattainable ideal. Unattainable? Ay, surely unattainable, from the very fact that they are two instead of one.12 .別人抽煙,你吸入,確實會對你的肺有危害。據(jù)美國肺協(xié)估計,每年約有3000 名死于肺癌的人是被動吸

28、煙者。有一項調查發(fā)現(xiàn),不吸煙的婦女,如果在吸煙的 家庭環(huán)境中生活40年或更長的時間,那么就有加倍患肺癌的危險。It surely does harm to your lungs if other people smoke and you breath it in. According to the estimate of American Lung Association,each year about 3000 people per year who die from lung cancer are passive smokers. An investigation indicated th

29、at non-smoking women living in a smoking精品文檔精品文檔family environment for 40 years or still longer will have double risk of developing lung cancer.13 .中國的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)慶膳食是節(jié)日必不可少的伴侶。例如,我國的端午節(jié)(theDragon Boat Festival)是紀念古代 詩人屈原的日子。那一天,人們通常要賽龍 舟、吃粽子(zongzi)。中秋節(jié)是觀賞滿月的日子。圓圓的月亮象征 著圓滿,象 征著家庭團聚。因此,中秋節(jié)(The Mid-autumn Fes

30、tival)的特制食品是一種圓形的月餅。春節(jié)是中國 的農(nóng)歷新年(the Chinese lunar NewYear' s holiday), 除了常見的家禽和肉類之外,人們還要按各自的地方習俗烹制傳統(tǒng)食物,如錢子和年糕Chinese traditional festival food which is necessary partner.For example the Dragon Boat Festival is a day which in memory of a poet quyuan .in that day,people through dragon-boat racing,

31、eating Zongzi and see full moon day.circle moon symbols perfect, and the family can unite.Therefore,The Mid- autumn Festival ' s food which is a kind of circle mooncake.Spring festival is the Chinese lunar NewYear s holiday ,except universal fowl and meat,people need to cook their food which use

32、 their traditional behavior,such as dumpling and new year cake.14 .正是因為不停地追求進取,我們才感到生活幸福。一件事完成后,另一件隨 之而來,如此連綿不絕,永無止境。對于往前看的人來說,眼前總有一番新天地。 雖然我們蝸居于這顆小行星上,整日忙于瑣事且生命短暫,但我們生來就有不盡 的希望,如天上繁星,遙不可及。只要生命猶在,希望便會不止。真正的幸福在 于怎樣開始,而不是如何結束,在于我們的希冀,而并非擁有。We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing

33、leading to another in an endless series. There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hopin

34、g is prolonged until the term of life. To be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have.15 .聘金是中國傳統(tǒng)習俗的一部分。這一習慣在整個中國都很普遍。但是近幾年 來其標準不斷上升,致使大多數(shù)家庭都很難達到。高額的聘禮常?!皳尳佟?了新 郎父母必生的積蓄,甚至引起家庭糾紛。止匕外,許多新焙夫婦被迫舉行奢侈的蠟 禮宴會,在這個過程中,大量債務的累積可能使他們的新焙生活變得辛酸,至少在最初

35、階段是這樣。想想老一輩節(jié)儉的焙禮,雖然簡簡單單,但也幸福美滿,沒 有給他們焙后的生活帶來任何負擔。精品文檔精品文檔Endowmentmaybe part of Chinese tradition, but the standards have become so high in recent years that a majority of families are finding it difficult to meet them . The high endowment amounts often rob grooms ' parents of their life s savings and causes family disputes. Besides, many newly married couples are forced to host extravagant wedding ceremonies to keep up w


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