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1、中考-詞匯表重點句子A1. I received thei門nvitation yesterday,but I decided not to accept it.我昨天收到了他們的邀請,但是我決定不接受它。2. Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time.我想要去度假,但是我抽不出時間來。3. Television afords pleasurejo many people. 電視給許多人提供 了 愉悅。4. We walked against the snow.我們迎著雪行走。5. Most people are against t

2、he new idea.絕大多數(shù)人反對這個新想法。6. We agree to meet up later and talk things ove就們同意稍后見面談談這些事情。7. I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. 我要求加薪, 她同意了。8. Do you agree with me about the need for more school?關(guān)于需要建更多學校這件事,你贊同我的意見嗎?9. My boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone.我的老板不允許我用這個電話。10. Smoking is not

3、allowed here.這兒不允許抽煙。11. We can do it another time.我們可以下次再做這個。12. I dont like this pen. Please give me another.我不喜歡這只筆,詰給我另一只。13. Have you had an answer to his letter?你給他回了信嗎?14. Helen is anxious about traveling on her own.海倫對于自己獨自旅行感到焦慮不安。15. Peggy is anxious to show that she can work out the probl

4、em.Peggy急于想表明她可以算出這道題。16. Roger appeared very upset.Roger 顯得很難過。17. I appreciated his help when we moved.我感激他在我們搬家時(給的)幫助。18. “Thanks, boys.appreciate it.”謝謝了,男孩們。我很感激(你們的幫助)19. Asking your boss for a pay rise shows that you are an excellent employee!(員) 向老板請求加薪表明你是個優(yōu)秀的雇員。20. Did you ask your boss f

5、or a pay increase?你向老板要求加薪過么?B21. We could hear the rain beating on the roof. 我傘可以聽到雨7k iF高土打著屋檐。22. He,s alive can feel his heart beating.他還活著,我可以感覺到他的心臟在跳動。23. I could always_beol my brother_ai chess.在下象棋方面我總能打敗我哥哥。24. Try to follow the beat.試著品艮著節(jié)拍。25. She didn t believe such thmgsered much.她不相信這

6、種事情會很耍緊。26. W川 there be anyone else we know at the party_besides W川 and Janet?除了 Will和Janet以處,派對上會有我們認識的別的人嗎?27. I dont like those shoes;besides,theyre too expensive.我不喜歡那些鞋;而且,他們還太貴了。28. He is good at describing things.他擅長于描述事物。29. He is in good health.(二Heis very healthy.) 他身體狀況良好。30. Your mother

7、will be very pleased with you. 你媽媽將會為你感到高興 /滿意。31. We have similar opinions. My opinions are similar to hers.我們有相似的觀點。我的觀點和她的相似。32. Shejs very strict with her children.她對她的孩子們很嚴格。33. We re not supposed to smoke here.我們不應該在這抽煙。34. How much are they willing to pay?他們樂意付多少錢?35. You can borrow the book

8、from the library.你可以從圖書館借這本書。36. Danny, stop bothering mewhile I m trying to work.丹尼,當我正努力工作的時候請不要打擾我。37. A piece of china breaks easily.一件瓷器很容易被打碎。38. Tm exhausted-1 need a break.我累壞了 -我需要休息。39. The sun shone through a break in the clouds.陽光從云朵的間隙中照射下來。40. The lifts in this building are always brea

9、king down.這棟樓里的電梯經(jīng)常停止運轉(zhuǎn)。41. Another bridge has been built over the river. 這條河上又修了一座橋。42. He is in the wool business.他是做羊毛生意的。43. His parents promised to buy him a new bike.他的父母允諾給他買輛新自行車。C44. Do you think we should call at Bob while we re in London?你認為當我們在倫敦的時候要去拜訪鮑勃家嗎?45. The government_called_in t

10、he police to deal with the problems.政府把警察叫來解決這.些問題。46. I called him up and told him the news. 我打電話給他、告訴他這則消息。47. The sound of happy laughter called up memories of his childhood.歡樂的笑聲喚起了他童年的記憶。48. Cross the road with care.過馬路時耍小心。49. I don t think she_cares_about what happens to her children.我認為她并不差心

11、她的孩子發(fā)生什么事了。50. Would you care for a drink?你想不想要來點喝的?51. She cares for her fatherthrough his long illness.在她的父親久病期間她照顧他。小心點不要掉下來。我對自己的東西很粗心。這些包很容易拿。他們正在進紅緊急修理。我們執(zhí)任了她對這封信的指示 她扔球我接住了。貓捉老鼠。52. Be careful not tofall.53. I was so careless with my things.54. These bags carry easily.55. They are_carrying_ou

12、t urgent repairs.56. We carried out he門nstructions to the letter.57. She threw the ball and I caught it.58. The cat catches mice.59. The police had to drive very quickly in order to catch the train.警察不得不將車開得非常快為的是趕上火車。60. Youll catch (a) cold if you dont put a sweater on.如果你不穿上毛衣你會得感冒的。61. The heavy

13、 rain was the cause of the flood.大雨是導致洪災的原因。=The flood was the result of the heavy rain. 洪災是大雨的結(jié)果。62. Where can I change my English money for U.S. dollars?在哪可以把我的英鎊兌換成美元?63. They spent the day (in) cleaning out the garage.他們花了一整天把車庫打掃干凈了。64. The mayors determined to clean up the city. 市長決定徹底清理全城。65.

14、 How, s Martcoming along with his English? 馬丁的英語進展如何?66. When the right opportunity comes along she take it.最近工作很難找/住到。這本雜志每個月出版一次 這個夢想實現(xiàn)了。當好的機會出現(xiàn)的時候,她會抓住它。67. Jobs are hard to come by these days.68. The magazine_comes_out once a month.69. The dream comes true.70. He came up with a good idea to solv

15、e the problem.他想出了 一個好點子來解決這個問題。71. He cant compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.作為一個寫悲劇的作家,他不能和莎士比亞相提并論。72. She complained to me about his rudeness.她向我抱怨他的無禮。73. Mum is the best cook in the world.媽媽是世上最好的廚師。74. Please send a copy of this letter to Mr. Grey.請把這封信的副本送給格雷先生Jean總是抄襲我穿衣服的方式

16、 粗心駕駛使他丟了性命。生活費用在上SL她用一塊布把桌子蓋起來。75. Jean always copies the way I dress.76. Careless driving cost him his life.77. The cost of living is going up.78. She covered the table_with a cloth.79. She _cut her finger on a piece of glass.她的手指被一塊玻璃割傷 了。80. Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.血從他胳膊的傷口#噴出來

17、。D81. Is there any danger of fire?有發(fā)生火災的危險嗎82. If you ever dare call me that name again,yoill be sorry.如果你敢再叫我那個名字,你會后悔的。83. “Are you going to visit them?ji_depejWeil,你將要去拜訪他們嗎”嗯.視情況而定吧?!?4. The country depends heavily_on its tourist trade.這個國家(的經(jīng)濟)主要依靠其旅游業(yè).85. I hated to disappoint her.我不想讓她失望。86.

18、I drew my chair up to the table.我把椅子拖到桌子上。(draw-drew-drawn)87. Can I drew $50 from the bank?我能從銀行提取50美元嗎?88. There is no need to dress up - come as you are.沒必要也-就你平常的樣子來吧。89. He is driving me mad.90. The noise is driving me out of my mind.91. The bottle dropped and broke.92. She dropped a postcard t

19、o her grandma.93. Drop everything and come here!他快讓我發(fā)瘋了。噪音快讓我抓狂了 瓶子掉工去摔碎了她給她奶奶寄了張明信片。放下所有事情,到這里來。94. I just dropped by to see how you were getting on.我只是順便拜訪來看看最近你怎么樣了。E95. There is a line of trees on each/ either side of the river.在河的每一邊都有一排樹。96. We hope for an early production of the play.我們希望這部話劇

20、早日出產(chǎn)。97. He sat in the car with a policeman on either side of him.他坐在車里,(兩側(cè))身旁各坐著一個警察。98. Either you come in person, or you entrust someone with the matter.要么你親自來,要么你委托某人來解決問題。99. He ended up taking the train.他最終乘了 火車。100. A new idea entered his mind.他想出了一個新主意。101. Two men have escaped from Durham j

21、ail.兩個人從 Durham 監(jiān)獄逃跑了。102. Please make my excuses to your friend.請?zhí)嫖蚁肽愕呐笥驯硎厩敢狻?03. Hes been out celebrating and expected his wife to drive him home.他在外慶祝,預料到了妻子會趕他回家。104. It s 20 for dinner, and drinkexare這是午餐的20英鎊,飲料錢額外算。F105. This is my favouhte among his novels.在他的所有小說當中,這是我最喜愛的106. She fed the c

22、hild with a spoon.107. Fetch me some bread.108. He has a 10t of fight in him.她用 勺子喂孩子。(feed-fed-fed)去給我拿些面包來。他很有斗志。109. Could you fill in the application form, please?你能把這張申請表填寫二下嗎?110. I finished typing the report just before you called.就在你打電話來之前我打完了這個報告。111. Her height fitted her for basketball.她的

23、身高很適合打籃球。112. The electrician ns comx up the cooker.電工會來修理爐灶。113. We fixed up the guest bedroom before my parents came to stay.在父母來住之前,我們整理好了客房。114. We ll have fOx up a time to meet.115. They tried to fool you into coming after us.116. Hes friendly to us all.我們得安排一個時間見面。 他們想要愚弄你來跟著我們, 他對我們所有的人都很友好G1

24、17. If you two are going to share a room, you d betteeteOongiow to如果你們兩個要共用一個房間,你們最好學會怎樣相處。118. How s your sogetting along at University?你兒子在大學里過的怎么樣?119. Do you get on well with your parents?你利爾的父母相處得好嗎?120. Get on with your homework.繼續(xù)做你的家庭作業(yè)。121. How on earth did the dog manage to get out?這只狗到底是怎

25、樣逃出來的?(manage to do sth :設(shè)法做成某事)122. Can you help me get out of the meeting tomorrow?你能幫我逃避明天的會議嗎?123. She still hasn got dv由the shock of her mother s death.她仍然沒有從母親過世的驚嚇之中恢復過來。124. If you want to watch TV, get your lessons over first.如果你想要看電視,先完成你的作業(yè)。一125. I don t want to take the test yetnot ready

26、 for it. m我不想?yún)⒓涌荚?,我還沒有準備好。126. John gave me a lift home.John 開車稍我回家。127. Ive given away most of the childrens toys.我已經(jīng)捐贈/分發(fā)了大部分的兒童玩具。128. I ve tried to remove the stain in the carpet but it won away. t我已經(jīng)很努力的去掉地毯上的污漬,但它就是去不掉。129. Suddenly the kitchen light went out.突然廚房的燈熄滅了。130. How does she keep s

27、milingafter all she gorie through that?在經(jīng)歷了那件事之后她怎么還能保持微笑?131. Paris was so expensive, we went through/ used up/ ran out of all our money in one week.巴黎(消費)太貴了,我們在一個星期里就用光了所有的錢。132. I went through the whole house looking for my purse.我槍杳了整個房子來找我的錢包。H133. Please hand in your exercise books at the end

28、 of the lesson.請在這課堂結(jié)束的時候交練習冊。134. The teacher handed out the examination papers.老師杷試卷發(fā)下來了。135. You donhappen to know his name,do you?你不是碰55知道他名字的,對嗎?136. Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine.我特別討厭塑料花。137. The sun was hidden by the clouds.太陽被云朵藏了起來。(hide-hid被dden )138. The girl was holding

29、her father s hand.這個女孩正抓著她父親的手。139. The meeting will be held in the Town Hall. ( hold-held-held )會議將在市政廳舉行。140. Our hopes for the fine weather were not disappointed.我們想要擁有好天氣的希望沒有落空讓他快點。我的腿嚴重受傷。我不想傷害他的感情141. Hurry him up.142. I m seriouslyurt in the leg.143. I didnt want to hurt his feelings.I144. T

30、here were twelve of us, including me and Tom. 有我們當中的12個,包括我和湯姆。145. For fuller information, please contact our local agent.(想要獲得)更豐富的信息,請聯(lián)系我們的本地代理商J146. A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.笑話從來不會(讓你)增加一個敵人,但常常會(讓你)失去一個朋友147. He is a just and honourable ruler.他是一個公正的并且值得尊敬的統(tǒng)治者。K148.

31、Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold.曖和的衣物有助于御寒。149. The children have been warned to keep out of the 卜elds while the crops are growing.在莊稼正在生長的時候,孩子們被警告不得進入農(nóng)田。150. If the door won g ioeena kick.如果門打不開,就踢它一腳。151. Do you want all the same kind, or a mixture.你是想要全部一樣的種類,還是混合的?152. If you knock int

32、o someone, you should say sorry to him or her.如果你撞到了某人、你應該和他或她說對不起。L153. He told me the news with a laugh.他笑著告訴我一個消息。154. Its not kind to laugh at a childs mistakes.則笑一個孩子犯的錯誤是不友好的。155. He laid his hand on my shoulder.他把手放在我的肩上。(放置; 位于:lie-lay -lain )156. I m very keerletorn aboutthe towns history.我

33、非常熱切的想工解這個小鎮(zhèn)的歷史。157. We rdeaving for Canada soon.我們即將動身去加拿大。158. The town lies on the coast.這個小鎮(zhèn)位于海邊。159. His story is nothing but a pack of lies.他的故事不過是一派謊言160. Give him a lift- he s totettle to see anything.把他舉起來,他太小了看不見任何東西。161. Three men were lifted by helicopter from the burning ship.三個男人被直升飛機從

34、燃燒的船上帶走。162. This light is too poor to read by.這光線太暗了,不能看書。163. He s making a reading list for his students.他正在為他的學生們講一份閱讀清單。164. Shes a lively child and popular with everyone.她是個活潑的孩子,很受大家歡迎。165. Mother was well looked after in hospital.媽媽在醫(yī)院里得到了 很好的照顧。166. She looked at him in great surprise, wond

35、ering what he meant.她十分驚訝地看著他,不知道他是什么意思。167. We are all looking forward to seeing you again soon.我們都皿不久后和你再次相見。168. Look out! The roads are full of holes. 當心!這路上都是洞。169. I looked through several magazines in the beauty shop.我在美容院里瀏覽了幾本雜志。170. Ive looked through all my papers but I still cant find th

36、e letter.我已經(jīng)找遍了所有的文件,可仍然沒找到那封信。171. If you dont know the meaning of a word, look it up in a good dictionary.如果你不知道一個單詞的意思,在字典里杳杳。M172. Can you_make me a cup of tea, please?你能幫我沏杯茶嗎?173. She felt she was making a terrible mess of her life.她感覺她把自己的生活弄得一團糟。174. He made an effort to arrive on time.他坍力按時

37、近至口。175. The school is made up of 34 classes.這所學校1 34 個班級組成。176. I couldnt remember a fairy story to tell to the children, so I made one up as I went along.我沒法想起一個童話故事來告訴孩子們,所以我一邊走,一邊編造了一個。177. I didnt mean that one, I meant this one.我不是指那個,我指的是這個。( mean -meant -meant)178. The next committee meeting

38、 will be held on 19 August.下一次委員會議將在8月19號召開。179. Hurry up or youll miss the bus!,快一點不然你會赴不上車。180. Im sorry. I mistook you fona friend of mine.我很抱歉。我錯把你當作我的一個朋友了。181. The teacher corrected the mistakes in my essa洛師糾正了我散文中的錯誤。182. My papers are all mixed up and I was trying to keep them in order.我的文件都

39、混在了一起,我正努力把它們擺放整齊/使它們井然有序。183. I always mix him up with his brother. They look so much alike.有必要弄出那些噪音來嗎? 我不吃肉,Jane也不吃。 你有沒有聽見最疝癡息?我總是把他和他兄弟弄混了。他們長的太像了。184. Is there any need for all that noise?185. I dont eat meat and neither did Jane.186. Have you heard the latest news?187. Before we all go wed be

40、tter set a date for the next meeting.在我們走之前,最好給下次會議定個日期。188. He no longer lives here. = He doesrt live here any longer .他不再住這兒了。189. I can only remember the first few notes of the song.我只能記住這.首歌的最開頭幾個音符。190. Theres a notice on the board saying that the meeting has been cancelled.布告板上的通知說會議已經(jīng)取消了。191.

41、 Some people dont take any notice of speed limits有些人完全沒注意要限諫。192. I noticed (that) he was carrying a black briefcase.我注意到他帶著一個黑色的公文包。O193. He offered me a glass of wine.他給我提供 了一杯酒。194. Thank you for your kind offer of help.感謝你想給予幫助的好意。(offer:豐動提出)195. He once know her,but they are no longer friends.

42、他曾經(jīng)認識她,但現(xiàn)在他們不再是朋友了。196. Can you operate this computer?你會操作這臺電腦嗎?197. The names are in alphabetical order.這.些名字是按字母順序排列的。198. Please order me a copy.請給我定購一本。199. He owns 3 cars.他擁有 3 臺車。200. I saw the whole accident with my own eyes.我親眼看到這次事故的全過程。P不要把車停在這條街上。201. Dont park the car on this street.202.

43、 We passed several stores before we came to the bar be r在我們到理發(fā)店之前我們經(jīng)過了幾個商店謂杷鹽遞給我。男孩們路過了我家。過去他不得不在燭光旁閱讀。203. Please pass me the salt.204. The boys walked past our house.205. In the past he had to read_by candlelight.206. She paid the money to me.她把錢付給了我。207. He didnt pay me anything.他沒有付給我任何報酬。208. P

44、ay attention to me, children. I shall not repeat these rules.注意我所說的,孩子們。我不會再重復這些規(guī)定。1. 9.I paid $ 25 forthe coat.我付了 25 元買那件外套。210. The artist should be paid for his work.藝術(shù)家應該因其作品而付給報酬。211. Jim dropped his pen and bent to pick it up.吉姆掉了他的筆,又彎腰撿起來。212. Play with your own toys. Dont take your brother

45、s.玩你自己的玩具。不要拿你弟弟的。213. He finds great pleasure in reading.他在閱讀中找到了極大的樂趣。214. What pleases you best?什么使你最高興?215. Make sure she eats well and gets plenty of fresh air.確保她吃得好,并且有充足的新鮮空氣。216. In the game we got 10 points while the Medical School got only 3.這比賽中我們獲得10分,而醫(yī)學院只得了 3分。217. We could just make

46、out a point oflight at the end of the tunnel.我們只能在隧道的盡頭分辨出一點亮光。218. Its rude to pointyour fingers at people.用手指指人是很不禮貌的。219. Shes been practising the tune on the piano for nearly an hour.她一直在鋼裝卜練習那個曲子幾乎有1個小時了。220. For some timeprefertea to coffee.有段時間,比起咖啡,我更喜歡(喝)茶。221. Im preparing a speech for the

47、 meeting on Thursday.我正在為周四的會議準備一個演講。222. Sarah pretended_to be cheerful and said nothing about the problem.薩拉假裝很高興、對問題什么也沒說。223. The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service for guests.該酒店為顧客提供擦鞋的服務。(provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth. = offer sb sth = offer sth to sb.)224. The public is the be

48、st judge.公眾是最好的裁判。225. He pushed the library door open.他推開圖書館的門。226. He opened the doorwith a hard push.他用力推開門。227. Try to put this article into simple Chinese.試著犯 1 文篇文章譯成簡單的中文。228. Never put offtill tomorrow what you can do today.今天能做的事絕對不要拖延到明天。(今日事今日畢)229. They will put on a new play this week.這

49、.周他們將上演一出新戲。230. Rosie has put on five kilos since she gave up smoking.Rosie自從戒煙以來已經(jīng)增重5公斤。231. Put out all fires before leaving the camping ground.離開宿營地前要熄火所有的火。232. You are not allowed to put up advertisements on this wall without special permission.沒有特許你們不被允許在這面墻上張貼廣告。233. Do you know how to put u

50、p a tent?你知道如何搭帳篷么?他的手很敏捷。每個人都想快速地致富天開始下大雨。我舉起我的帽子。我昨天才收到消息。234. Hes quick with his hands.235. Everyone wants to get rich quick.236. It began to rain hard.237. I raised my hat.238. The news only reached me yesterday.239. Even when I stood on tiptoe I couldrit reach the top shelf.即使當我踮起了腳尖我還是沒法夠到最上面的

51、架子。240. By the time the police received the call it was too late.當警察接到電話時已經(jīng)為時已晚。241. I remember meeting her at a party.我記得在一次聚會上見過她。242. Remember to close the windows before you go out.在你出去前記得要關(guān)窗戶。243. Remind me to buy stamps.提醒我要買郵票。244. He reminds me of his father.他讓我想起了他的父親。245. My watch doesnt w

52、ork - Ill have to have it repaired.我的手表壞了,我得請人修一下。(have/get sth done: 使某事被做; 請另人做某事)246. The road is under repair.馬路在維修中。247. I asked him, but he gave no reply.我問過他,但是他沒有給(我)答復。248. The road rises steeply from the village. 道路從村莊旁開始陡峭地上升。249. Dont let the desire for money rule your life.不要讓對金錢的欲望統(tǒng)治你的

53、生活。250. You must obey the rules.你必須蹲守規(guī)則。251. Ive run out of coffee. W川you have tea?我的咖啡喝完了。你想喝點茶嗎?S252. I want to set off early in order to avoid the traffic.我想耍星點出發(fā).為的是避開交通高峰。253. Mr. Smith set up a shop with very little money when he was young.當史密斯先生還很年輕的時候,他用很少的錢開了一家店。254. You will have to shout

54、at her because she cant hear very well.你得沖她大聲叫喊,因為她聽不清。255. He didnt show up in my birthday party. I dont know where he2 gone.他沒有在我的生日派對上露面。我不知道他去了哪里。256. She opened the door without a sound. 她(輕輕地) 打開門, 沒有一點聲響。257. He may have to spend more than a yeanon his book.他可能不得不花一年多寫書。258. She often stays u

55、p doing her homework.她經(jīng)常熬夜做作業(yè)。259. My camera has been stolen.我的照相機已經(jīng)被偷了。11(偷盜:steal - stole - stolen )260. Our first stop will be in Edinburgh。我們的第一站將會在愛丁堡。261. If you keep on trying youll succeed in the end.如果你一直努力,你最終會成功的。262. Hard work is the key to success.勤奮是成功的關(guān)鍵。263. Jane suggested going together in one car. Jane建議坐一輛車去哪兒。264. I expected him to be early and was sure enough he arrived five minutes before the others.我期望他早點來,他也的確比別人早到五分鐘。265. They looked up in surprise when she walked in.當她走進來的時候,他們驚訝地抬起頭來。266. 2 wouldnt surprise me if you get the job.如果你找到工作,我不會感到驚奇。T267. Take your coat


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