



1、川大大學(xué)英語(二)第二次作業(yè)答案一.單項(xiàng)選擇部 本大曲曲21蠟.每小篦2.5分,共10。.口余 在則中uilkS"只有一咬是符合建目要求1. -TVhat a pacr job I& done!A, Do itajiiii.日 “ CM Jo it.C, Do ywbMtl0 卜 6n't be upct Tk qm gu d&u bctfai dun2h Are you doing anything special on Friday, Dill?Qh, what a pity!Ah Ko, nothing apHialE - Yifc I harr pf&

2、#171;niK4 to all x janac fneedi *C Yci*f wwx口. TJojI-ni act fun?. Why?3h Jd liko tc make an ppcintnrcr.t with Mn White2, Worry lw it hnpip a: ih* mnwflt6.didat you caul «4rlwr?C, -ChtiliiIt. tiyI kacw veur tuia»? 0. Merry H« d««ia> 弭3 tc w yg4, This 忤 ths wsrst film pradu

3、cad. Do ycu thnk «c?Q, Yiiii'n1 vrcirR. I drtnttEifik *o "tnaftivlC. Not AT 11E0. Nn nMr*AlS. My d育a門 I mada a mistwlw? again.Ah Bt carefU.fi. Doti twnrrv 口源catM vwxhifiggmtE印 hf ft. 卡。卜 KhMapity.0, Y&V 3b?old OJOTTV Ibcu1 *.E. unDeiievable! I have failed ths driving test again!.Th

4、is 后 not th end of tine *ski.An Good 1la±e. cmb昨好C. <iu «t«d40. No pfooteui7k Excust nie. Do you Jiink I could chdr均h my dppaintm&nt ficin 2 to 3 o'dcck?A. Smiy. iib lujeLiblt: in AkU. # 0 r No. yi» tjm11C. H si l赳ii m do su.D. Il s 14)toyuu.8. 一I'm thinking of buy

5、ing these new boots. What do you think?A. Don't ask meB. It good for you.C. rdratber not.D Good choice. You need some warm shoes for ttie winter.19. How about going to see a film together this evening? Let's make it 6:30 at your place.A. Yes; it does me good.B. Ok. 1U be read). 一C. Fd like d

6、iat ven, much.D. U,hat?s the best time to meet10. I think Tom v/orks harder than Bill.A. Fm glad to hear tixae.B. I'm sorry firo Bill.C. rmsony, but I can) agree with you. “D Thank you for saying nice things for Tom.11. Can you speak any foreign languages?A. Yes: I can >eak any foreign langua

7、ges ti. 1 don t knowC. Yes. I can 卒ak English ver/ well and a little Japanese /D I often speak Englich 3t home12. -I've got two tickets fbr the match. Shall we go and watch it together? A. The tickets mus: be expensiveB. The match must be excitingC. Why not? Lets go -D. The place ia too fiir Kf1

8、3. who is that man?A. He is a studentB. He is Doctor TooledC. A driver、I supposeD. He'sdrcnk14. What do you think of this red hat? Do you think it suits me?一. Perhaps another style would be better.A. I like it ven muchB Sony, I hare no ideaC. 1 really don't thmk n looks good on you .D. es. I

9、 know what to say15. Have a nice trip.A. 5Vhy not.B Thank you. the lame to you. "C. You are right.D Let's have it together.16. Tom b the boy: everyone thmk£ will wai the firn prize.A. who .B. whomC. whoeverD. he17. wo should go to cho pork depends on the woothor.A. Whal8. Whether C. If

10、D. That18. rm afraid these shoes are not c your size.A. sppheableB. aaikUc .C. accessibleD. adaptable19. I he teacher said, 'What are you thinking about?*=The teacher asked me thinkingabout.A. what v/ere you B. what you。r。C. what I was .D. what was【20 Fresh 與t enough ®x»rcise and nutri

11、tious food to gocxi health. A. addB. attribur?C. distributeD. cofrtribore “21. Can you find out her pen?A where Alice had putB. where had AUce putC. ivhere Alice h»pat /D. uliaehai Abeeput22. is a fact that English is accepted as an internatiofial language. A. Wlul B. This C. ThaiD. lx,23. Spri

12、ng is the season flowers or。in full bloom.A. whoseB. whichC. vAwn .D. irs24. The sun heats the earth, is very important to Evi ng things. A. 1 B. that C. whereD. which 125. Yesterday the teacher told the students, ''You will learn two lessons this week?=Yesterday the teacher told the student

13、s that.A. ou tvtfl kMin two lessons tbs weekB. the- xwuld kun two ktsom this ,C. tht?y udl lexm two leswcii thw wTD. you would learn two tht«26. you see itr you will never forget it. A. Stfice 0. Once/ C. Before D. Asaon螯27. Read the text slowly you may understand the story better.A. and/B. for

14、C. sinceD. became28. Td hko to hor to you for tho job. She is very clovor ond rdustnous grl.A. idaB. suggestC. rccoaxmefid .D prepae29. The man 1 met verterdiv tc b« om of an* sister t old fiends.A. turns off B. tunu ant d C. turacn 0. turn ova30. A number of theories have been put forward abou

15、t the possibte causes of cancer. A.可能三鹿鹿癥的原因已經(jīng)衩很多迎£茶林了B.入羽就造成癌癥弘可能性原因冊完了他多理論。C.不少理論林提前望來證即瘙福的里因,D人田旗造成癌癥的原因提匕7不少過!論. “31. VYe would apprecidte it if you could confirm your participation at your earliebt convenience. A.如用寵能在最早的方便時低匕隹我仃婁加此次白議,龍門朽豐章數(shù)。D.如果區(qū)就在最早的萬便時候確認(rèn)您轉(zhuǎn)否出席比次會議,我們招掛常感奴) c.如果宓能在方便bn;

16、情盡也通認(rèn)您比三出席此次會議,襲們朽不世后去。一 D.如果名就在萬便的時仞圮快批花工席此次會議,擾們得不勝感象。32. Grapes are usually either green or red.A.的負(fù))逢堂要么是母的,美久是紅的。<D.弱西都是百紅育墩,C.斷至i通常沒有紅&1和綠的,D.的劫發(fā)不紅也不接33. Your house is not worth much today as it was a few years ago.A.如今店的房子跟幾年前相比價格差不了多少。e.如今你的房子和幾年前一樣值錢c.如今當(dāng)?shù)姆孔颖葞诇喦爸靛X多了D-M今5的舟子也不像R年前邛憚道也

17、了。J34. Change, by its very naturo, croatos new needs constantly.A.改爻本質(zhì)常常傕圭處的索求。6.至至最本質(zhì)的部分,會不斷創(chuàng)港資仗空求。C.夏¥,就其不既而言,甫育傕士K的需求 /D.我化,前茸本后而言,會K皈坨創(chuàng)造期的零4935 .亶皂舞會開始他才t*LA. He(hduvt appeal until the dancmg patt>> began.B. HeafpMredwirilthedatxSn£pam*beganC. He appeared. hut ±e dmeme didn&

18、#39;t beam.D. lie didn't appear but the danciiu party beun.36 .好歡北想是fig生回立思W.A. Good teachert 小叩 ak the ctudecU to think.D Ckxxl teadiexs oftcxi like tbc 乂udenb to think xdependallyC. Good teachers often euccurige ther ctixieou to think for theEuelvs. BO. Good te&chcr ahvop indcpoxiciitly en

19、courage tbcxr students tc thick37 .這家國孌其政府給子更多的期.A. The hospital defturKled thdt the goeram«it give more assistance ”B. The hospital demanded that the government gave mere assistance.C. Ibe ho«p£il d«cu£>Jed that the ocemmect to gave more MsistaooeD. Thehoq>ia1 deftunded thegovemmenf giing oxxe»$istince38 .吟人愉了Ann技犯9那本書.A. She confessed to steal the book that Ann


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