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1、C. wellC. feltC. ThursdayC. hisC. bought外研版英語四年級(jí)下學(xué)期期末測(cè)試卷(時(shí)I可:45分鐘 總分:100分)聽力部分(40分)一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。(10分)()1. A. naughtyB. nice()2. A. fellB. fall()3. A. MondayB. Wednesday()4. A. wasB. whose()5. A. downB. drank二、聽錄音,將下列圖片與對(duì)應(yīng)的內(nèi)容連起來。(10分)A. is tall and strong.B. is a clever pupil.C. is naughty.D. is c

2、ool and shy.E. is nice and beautiful.三、聽錄音,選擇正確白答語。(10分)B. No, I wasn tB. Yes, I am.B. No, it wasn B. Yes, it sunny.B. It is long.t.() 1. A. No, I won t.() 2. A. It s me.() 3. A. No, it is small.() 4. A. Yes, it was.() 5. A. I fell off my bike and bumped my leg.四、聽錄音, 完成句子。 (10 分 )1. Tom will play t

3、able tennis on .2. It will be in Shenyang tomorrow.3. This is my friend. He is naughty.4. I helped my mum noodles last week.5. you go swimming?筆試部分 (60 分 )五、選出不同類的一項(xiàng)。 (5 分 )B. hereC. thisB. todayC. ThursdayB. weatherC. famousB. sangC. wentB. rideC. bike2. young。寸應(yīng)詞)4. hot(對(duì)應(yīng)詞)6. go(過去式)()1.A.there()

4、2.A.Monday()3.A.long()4.A.song()5.A.walk六、按要求填空。 (6 分 )1. he候格)3. sun彤容詞)5. will not( 縮略式 ) 七、單項(xiàng)選擇。 (14 分)() 1. What you do last Sunday?A. wereB. areC. did() 2. I talked Lily yesterday.A. tooB. withC. and() 3. It was thin then. But it fat now.()4. Will you go to school on Monday?A. No, I am not.B. Y

5、es, I will.C. Yes, I go.()5. W川 it in Haikou?A. sunB. sunnyC. be sunny()6. He take his book tomorrow.A. willB. going toC. is will()7. London is a big famous city.A. ofB. andC. with八、根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容,判斷句子是(T)否(F)正確。(10分)()1. She had a cold yesterday, and today shea headachegot()2. My parents and I were on holi

6、day in Hainan.)3. Next week is a holiday. We will visit my grandparents by plane.)4. This is Tower Bridge. It's very famous.)5. My father ' s hair was short then, another' shair was short too.九、連詞成句。(10分)1. house, that, your, is(?)2. do, will, tomorrow, you, homework, your(?)3. it, be, w

7、ill, hot, tomorrow, Beijing, in(.)4. grandma s, longu y was, hair, then(.)5. helped, I, wash, Mum, clothes(.)十、好朋友,手拉手。根據(jù)問句找答語。(5分)()1. Were you at home yesterday?()2. W川 you play football on Sunday?()3. Whose house is it?()4. What will you do on Friday?()5. Did you buy some milk yesterday?A. No, I

8、won ' t.B. Yes, we did.C. Yes, I was.D. It ' s the Queen ' s.E. I ' ll play with my friends. 十一、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇合適白選項(xiàng)。(10分)It will be a sunny day this Sunday. I will go shopping with my mother. We can buy some food and drinks. We bought a big watermelon last Sunday, and I ate the whole(整個(gè)的)

9、watermelon and drank some milk. So I had got a stomach ache, and we went to the doctor. It was a busy day! I can' t go shopping next Sunday. Becausethe weather report says it ' going to rain next Sunday. So I want to read books at home.()1. I will go shopping with my mother this.A. SaturdayB

10、. MondayC. Sunday()2. We bought last Sunday.A. a small watermelon B. a big watermelon C. some milk() 3. I went to the doctor, because I .A. had got a headache B. had a cold C. had got a stomach ache() 4. It will be next Sunday.A. sunnyB. rainyC. to rain() 5. I want to next Sunday.A. read booksB. go

11、shoppingC. eat a watermelon參考答案和聽力材料聽力材料1. My friend is a nice girl.2. Sam fell off his bike yesterday.3. Today is Monday. 4. Whose house is it?5. We bought a kite in the park.1. He is my little brother. He is naughty.2. My cousin is cool, and he is a bit shy.3. Mrs Liu is a nice and beautiful teach

12、er.4. Daming is a pupil, and he is very clever.5. My father is tall and strong.1. Were you at home yesterday?2. Who is that little girl?3. Was it a big city then?4. Was it sunny yesterday?5. What happened to your leg?1. Tom will play table tennis on Monday.2. It will be rainy in Shenyang tomorrow.3.

13、 This is my friend. He is a bit naughty.4. I helped my mum cook noodles last week.5. Did you go swimming?答案1. B 2. A 3. A4. B 5. C1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. A2. B 2. A 3. B4. A 5. A四 1. Monday 2. rainy 3. a bit 4. cook 5. Did五 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C六 1. him 2. old 3. sunny 4. cold 5. won't 6. went七、1. C 點(diǎn)撥:詢問過去的某一時(shí)間做了什么事,用句式:“Whatdid +主語+ do +其他? ”3. B 點(diǎn)撥:talk with.意為:與交談。4. A5. B 點(diǎn)撥:以 will 開頭的疑問句 , 肯定回答用“ Yes, 主語 will. ”。6. C7. A 點(diǎn)撥:從 tomorrow 可知描述的是將要進(jìn)行或計(jì)劃做的事情??捎镁湫汀爸髡Z will 動(dòng)詞(動(dòng)詞詞組)原形其他. ”。8. B8、 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T9、 1.


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