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1、完形填空議論文近幾年的高考完形填空試題中,也出現(xiàn)了議論文體裁的完形填空。此類文章有以下幾個(gè)特點(diǎn):1. 首句致勝,論點(diǎn)明確這類文體絕大多數(shù)都把文章的首句作為主旨句,作者在這一句話中提出論點(diǎn),然后在各段的首句提出分論點(diǎn)。2.結(jié)構(gòu)清晰,合乎邏輯。 議論型完形填空的三要素:論點(diǎn)、論據(jù)和論證。論點(diǎn)、論據(jù)形成一體,相互印證。為使文章脈絡(luò)清楚,有邏輯性,常使用一些連接詞。如:on the contrary,generally,worse still,in conclusion,personally,further more,surely,obvio

2、usly,besides,firstly等。 大家要做好議論文題材的完形填空最重要的是抓住作者的論點(diǎn)。不同的議論文論點(diǎn)的提出方式往往不同,大體有以下三種情況: (1)開(kāi)門見(jiàn)山地提出論點(diǎn)。有些議論文在文章的一開(kāi)始就提出論點(diǎn),然后再通過(guò)具體的論據(jù)去說(shuō)明論點(diǎn),論據(jù)有時(shí)候既有正面的論據(jù),也有反面的論據(jù),最后總結(jié)全文。        (2)導(dǎo)入式提出論點(diǎn)。有些議論文會(huì)先通過(guò)敘述生活中的一個(gè)具體的事情或描述生活中的現(xiàn)象,然后根據(jù)事情或現(xiàn)象所反映的問(wèn)題提出自己的見(jiàn)解。最后再用具體的論據(jù)去說(shuō)明自己的論點(diǎn)。

3、60;  (3)最后提出論點(diǎn)。有些議論文一開(kāi)始作者僅僅是列舉生活中的現(xiàn)象,而不表明自己的觀點(diǎn),而是通過(guò)對(duì)具體現(xiàn)象的分析,自然得出一種結(jié)論,這種結(jié)論往往就是作者的論點(diǎn)。 3.方法論證,合情合理。 這類文章都是按一定的論證方法來(lái)論證的。常用的論證方法有: 歸納法(分析個(gè)別事物,達(dá)到共同點(diǎn),得出結(jié)論); 推理法(從原理出發(fā),個(gè)別分析說(shuō)明,得出結(jié)論); 對(duì)照法(正反對(duì)照,分析說(shuō)明,得出結(jié)論); 駁論法(闡述錯(cuò)誤觀點(diǎn),逐條批駁,闡明觀點(diǎn))。 【應(yīng)試策略】1. 通覽把握作者的觀點(diǎn)和態(tài)度。議論文往往體現(xiàn)作者對(duì)某一事物的

4、觀點(diǎn),而作者的觀點(diǎn)就是文章的論點(diǎn)??忌盐兆髡叩挠^點(diǎn),把握作者對(duì)某一事物是褒還是貶,是贊成還是反對(duì),而通常把握了作者的觀點(diǎn)也就找準(zhǔn)了文章的論點(diǎn)。把握文章的開(kāi)頭,總結(jié)文章的結(jié)尾。議論文的篇首或結(jié)尾出現(xiàn)話題中心,通過(guò)首段或末段把握文章的主題。2. 試填注意段與段之間的邏輯。議論文往往圍繞某一個(gè)論點(diǎn)用不同的論據(jù)加以佐證,往往每一段就是一個(gè)論據(jù),而論據(jù)和論據(jù)之間又相互聯(lián)系、互為補(bǔ)充,每一段往往就是其中一個(gè)角度或側(cè)面。3. 復(fù)核通讀全文,檢驗(yàn)每條論據(jù)是否都合情合理,都能強(qiáng)而有力地支撐論點(diǎn)。【解題技巧】1. 重視首句,要有推斷意識(shí)完形填空一般不給出標(biāo)題,但首句往往不設(shè)置空,通常是一個(gè)完整的句子,它是全文

5、的關(guān)鍵句,也是主導(dǎo)句??忌獜倪@個(gè)窗口領(lǐng)悟文章的有用信息,根據(jù)有用信息推斷文章的大意及主題,從此找到一個(gè)突破口展開(kāi)思維,準(zhǔn)確答題。2. 通讀全文,要有作者意識(shí)完形填空不是單項(xiàng)選擇,它必須建立在理解文章的基礎(chǔ)上,因此要通讀全文,從語(yǔ)篇的整體內(nèi)容出發(fā),根據(jù)具體語(yǔ)境,結(jié)合語(yǔ)言結(jié)構(gòu),全面考慮,把握文章的脈絡(luò),理解全文大意。在通讀中,找出文章的主題,尤其是作者的觀點(diǎn),要有作者意識(shí),與作者達(dá)成共鳴,把握全局,理清思路,抓住主線,按照作者的思路朝著正確的方向發(fā)展,根據(jù)特定情節(jié),找到唯一正確的,合乎邏輯的答案。3. 瞻前顧后,要有結(jié)構(gòu)意識(shí)做完形填空題時(shí)首先要做到瞻前顧后。完形填空題的選項(xiàng)一般從語(yǔ)法角度來(lái)看都可

6、以選,但必須要根據(jù)文章前后的暗示詞以及行文邏輯關(guān)系來(lái)選擇。其次要注意詞語(yǔ)用法上的細(xì)微差別,結(jié)合上下文辨析詞匯的內(nèi)涵、外延、褒貶以及修辭色彩。還要有結(jié)構(gòu)意識(shí),根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)中所需的詞匯做出恰當(dāng)?shù)倪x擇。同時(shí),也要注意一些慣用法,并結(jié)合英美生活常識(shí)等做出選擇。4. 反復(fù)推敲,要有糾錯(cuò)意識(shí)填完所有空,還要復(fù)讀一遍,從語(yǔ)法角度入手,仔細(xì)推敲時(shí)態(tài)、語(yǔ)態(tài)、語(yǔ)氣、主謂一致、代詞的格、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的形式、形容詞和副詞以及名詞的搭配,要有大膽的糾錯(cuò)意識(shí)。而且,還要克服定時(shí)思維,重視不同體裁的文章提供的任何細(xì)節(jié),準(zhǔn)確無(wú)誤地做好完形填空題。Cloze 1(2015·福建卷)體裁文章話題詞數(shù)建議時(shí)間難度自測(cè)正確率

7、議論文尋回昔日對(duì)生活的熱情32115分鐘One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault-finder. However, life can be1 when you are not busy finding fault with it.Several years ago I 2 a letter from seventeen-year-old Kerry, who described herself as a world-class fault-finder, almost always 3 by things. Peop

8、le were always doing things that annoyed her, and 4 was ever good enough. She was highly self-critical and also found fault with her friends. She became a really 5 person.Unfortunately, it took a horrible accident to change her 6. Her best friend was seriously hurt in a car crash. What made it almos

9、t 7 to deal with was that the day before the 8, Kerry had visited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her 9 of boyfriends, the way she was living, the way she related to her mother, and various other things she felt she needed to 10. It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerr

10、y became 11 her habit of finding fault. Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to 12 everything so harshly(刻薄). She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her 13 as well.Perhaps most of us arent as extreme at fault-finding, 14 when were honest, we can be sharply 15 o

11、f the world. Im not suggesting you 16 problems, or that you pretend things are 17 than they are, but simply that you learn to allow things to be as they are 18 most of the time, and especially when its not a really big 19.Train yourself to bite your tongue, and with a little 20, youll get really goo

12、d at letting things go. And when you do, youll get back your enthusiasm and love for life.1. A.lonelyB.greatC.quietD.uneasy2. A.receivedB.answeredC.expectedD.rejected3. A.threatenedB.interruptedC.botheredD.spoiled4. A.anythingB.everythingC.somethingD.nothing5. A.caringB.boringC.interestingD.surprisi

13、ng6. A.attitudeB.planC.measureD.explanation7. A.urgentB.unnecessaryC.certainD.impossible8. A.occasionB.eventC.accidentD.adventure9. A.memoryB.noticeC.evidenceD.choice10. A.hearB.contributeC.expressD.admit11. A.aware ofB.afraid ofC.curious aboutD.confused about12. A.discussB.realizeC.judgeD.settle13.

14、 A.familyB.lifeC.careerD.education14. A.soB.orC.butD.for15. A.proudB.sureC.hopefulD.critical16. A.faceB.createC.solveD.ignore17. A.rarerB.betterC.strangerD.worse18. A.at leastB.at lastC.by farD.so far19. A.taskB.dealC.resultD.duty20. A.practiceB.speechC.restD.pity【文章大意】這是一篇議論文。文章通過(guò)講述Kerry從一個(gè)吹毛求疵的人變?yōu)?/p>

15、一個(gè)學(xué)會(huì)感恩生活的人,告訴我們要管好你的嘴,尋回昔日對(duì)生活的熱情。9.DKerry批評(píng)她的朋友對(duì)男朋友的選擇。choice 選擇。10.C 空處所在的句子是定語(yǔ)從句,various other things 是先行詞,關(guān)系詞that/which 代替先行詞在從句中作賓語(yǔ),所以用express表達(dá)。11.A 直到她的朋友嚴(yán)重受傷Kerry才意識(shí)到她挑毛病的習(xí)慣。aware of 意識(shí)到;afraid of 害怕;curious about 好奇;confused about 感到困惑。Cloze 2(2014·廣東卷)體裁文章話題詞數(shù)建議時(shí)間難度自測(cè)正確率議論文父母與孩子的關(guān)系2921

16、7分鐘Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenagers have1feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy living with them. According to a recent research, the most common 2between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks. On t

17、he one hand, parents go mad over 3rooms, clothes thrown on the floor and their childrens refusal to help with the 4. On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience continually when parents blame them for 5the towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the s

18、upermarket.The research, conducted by St. George University, shows that different parents have different 6to these problems. However, some approaches are more 7than others. For example, those parents who yell at their children for their untidiness, but 8clean the room for them, have fewer chances of

19、 changing their childrens 9. On the contrary, those who let teenagers experience the 10of their actions can do better. For example, when teenagers who dont help their parents with the shopping dont find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they are forced to 11their actions.Psychologists say th

20、at 12is the most important thing in parent-child relationships. Parents should 13to their children but at the same time they should lend an ear to what they have to say. Parents may 14their children when they are untidy but they should also understand that their room is their own private space. Comm

21、unication is a two-way process. It is only by listening to and 15each other that problems between parents and children can be settled.1. A. naturalB. strongC. guiltyD. similar2. A. interestB. argumentC. linkD. knowledge3. A. noisyB. crowdedC. messyD. locked4. A. homeworkB. houseworkC. problemD. rese

22、arch5. A. washingB. usingC. droppingD. replacing6. A. approachesB. contributionsC. introductionsD. attitudes7. A. complexB. popularC. scientificD. successful8. A. laterB. deliberatelyC. seldomD. thoroughly9. A. behaviorB. tasteC. futureD. nature10. A. failuresB. changesC. consequencesD. thrills11. A

23、. defendB. delayC. repeatD. reconsider12. A. communicationB. bond C. friendshipD. trust13. A. replyB. attendC. attachD. talk14. A. hateB. scoldC. frightenD. stop15. A. lovingB. observingC. understandingD. praising【文章大意】本文是一篇議論文,文章就父母與孩子的關(guān)系進(jìn)行了討論。最新研究表明,父母與孩子之間最為常見(jiàn)的爭(zhēng)執(zhí)在于不整潔和日常家務(wù)這兩個(gè)方面。同時(shí),父母不同的應(yīng)對(duì)方法收效也不盡相

24、同。心理學(xué)家說(shuō),在處理父母與孩子的關(guān)系時(shí),最重要的還是在于雙方的溝通和理解。5.C當(dāng)父母不斷地責(zé)備孩子們?cè)谠∈襾y扔毛巾,不打掃房間,不去超市購(gòu)物時(shí),孩子們會(huì)失去耐心(而跟父母爭(zhēng)執(zhí))。 根據(jù)句意選C。其余選項(xiàng)不符合語(yǔ)境。6.A根據(jù)下文中的However, some approaches are more_than others中的approaches可知此處選A。 Cloze 1(江蘇省鹽城市2017屆高三上學(xué)期期中考試)體裁文章話題詞數(shù)建議時(shí)間難度自測(cè)正確率議論文自律的力量及其對(duì)人們的影響37117分鐘Do you know how discipline can help you a

25、chieve your goals? Do you know that discipline is important to 1 ? What is the power of discipline? How to become disciplined?You might think that many people are not self-disciplined, 2 Im going to prove to you that people in general are disciplined, but 3 , in non-beneficial ways. There are many p

26、eople who smoke daily 4 the fact that it is harmful and 5 and it could kill them. Such people are disciplined at 6 cigarettes and smoking. There are people who are disciplined at drinking lots of alcohol daily. Such people are disciplined at consuming alcohol. Do you 7 where I am going with this?One

27、 of my friends who has a 8 for running spends half an hour every single morning running. Whether it is snowing or raining, she has to run. This is the kind of 9 discipline that you are supposed to 10 and create in your life.Do you know someone who bought a book, but didnt finish 11 it for some reaso

28、n? Do you know someone who decided to improve his 12 and start eating more vegetables and fruit, but after two weeks, he 13 ?These are all examples of 14 of discipline. If you are not disciplined, then you will have a hard time to get your 15 . As I mentioned in my book The ultimate guide to achievi

29、ng your goals that you could know what you want, 16 and take action, but if you are not self-disciplined, you will 17 give up.With discipline, you can start getting up early in the morning, exercise, and 18 yourself of the non-beneficial habits such as smoking and eating non-healthy food. With disci

30、pline, you can change negative habits to positive habits. With discipline, you can join the gym and start working on having a 19 body. Do you see what the 20 of discipline can do?Always remember what Jim Rohn said, One discipline always leads to another discipline.1. A. wealthB. successC. fortuneD.

31、health2. A. forB. andC. orD. but3. A. unfortunatelyB. unwillinglyC. unnecessarilyD. unexpectedly4. A. besidesB. despiteC. exceptD. without5. A. courageousB. disgustingC. dangerousD. forbidden6. A. sellingB. buyingC. gettingD. consuming7. A. careB. seeC. feelD. mind8. A. passionB. giftC. respectD. re

32、ason9. A. formalB. positiveC. negativeD. religious10. A. formB. learnC. followD. believe11. A. readingB. recitingC. analyzingD. reviewing12. A. serviceB. dietC. skillD. performance13. A. broke downB. turned upC. gave upD. set out14. A. lackB. gestureC. signD. symbol15. A. attentionB. orderC. creditD

33、. desire16. A. planB. listenC. askD. hope17. A. obviouslyB. practicallyC. likelyD. quickly18. A. persuadeB. informC. deliverD. break19. A. healthierB. weakerC. heavierD. clumsier20. A. demandB. powerC. principleD. measure【文章大意】本文議論文。文章主要論述了自律的力量及其對(duì)人們的影響,作者呼吁人們加強(qiáng)自律,破除不良習(xí)性,培養(yǎng)健康向上的生活習(xí)慣。5.C 考查形容詞辨析。cour

34、ageous勇敢的;disgusting惡心的;dangerous危險(xiǎn)的;forbidden被禁止的。此處順承前文,與harmful對(duì)應(yīng),表示吸煙是有害和危險(xiǎn)的。故選C。6.D 考查動(dòng)詞辨析。sell賣;buy買;get得到;consume消耗。句意:這種人在消耗香煙和吸煙方面是遵守規(guī)律的。另外根據(jù)后文的Such people are disciplined at consuming alcohol.可知,此處應(yīng)使用consume消耗。故選D。7.B 考查動(dòng)詞辨析。care關(guān)心;see看到,明白;feel感覺(jué);mind介意。句意:你明白我在哪里將會(huì)引用到這點(diǎn)嗎?故選B。8.A 考查名詞辨析。p

35、assion激情;gift禮物;respect尊重;reason原因。根據(jù)下文的Whether it is snowing or raining, she has to run.(無(wú)論下雪或下雨,她都必須去跑步)可知,我的一個(gè)朋友有每隔一天進(jìn)行一次晨跑的激情。故選A。9.B 考查形容詞辨析。formal正式的;positive積極的;negative消極的;religious宗教的。此處與前文吸煙、喝酒不良習(xí)慣形成對(duì)照,這是一種積極的自律性。故選B。10.C 考查動(dòng)詞辨析。form形成;learn學(xué)習(xí);follow遵循;believe相信。句意:這是一種在你的生活中,你應(yīng)該遵循和創(chuàng)造的積極自律

36、性。故選C。11.A 考查動(dòng)詞辨析。read閱讀;recite背誦;analyze分析;review審查。句意:你知道有的人買了一本書(shū),但是因?yàn)槟撤N原因沒(méi)有讀完嗎?故選A。12.B 考查名詞辨析。service服務(wù);diet飲食;skill技巧;performance表現(xiàn)。根據(jù)下文的start eating more vegetables and fruit,可知此處指改善自己的飲食。故選B。17.C 考查副詞辨析。obviously顯然地;practically實(shí)際上;likely可能;quickly快速地。句意:但是如果你的自律性不強(qiáng),你將可能放棄。故選C。18.D 考查動(dòng)詞辨析。pers

37、uade勸說(shuō);inform通知;deliver傳遞;break打破,解除。句意:有紀(jì)律,你能夠每天早上早起、鍛煉,你能把你身上像吸煙和吃不健康食物的不好習(xí)慣打破。故選D。19.A 考查形容詞辨析。healthier更健康的;weaker更弱的;heavier更重的;clumsier更笨的。句意:有了自律性,你能進(jìn)入體育館,開(kāi)始為有一個(gè)更健康的身體而努力。故選A。20.B 考查名詞辨析。demand要求;power力量;principle紀(jì)律;measure措施。句意:你看到自律的力量能做些什么了嗎?故選B。Cloze 2(2017屆安徽省師范大學(xué)附屬中學(xué)高三上學(xué)期期中考試)體裁文章話題詞數(shù)建議

38、時(shí)間難度自測(cè)正確率議論文和別人比較沒(méi)有意義34318分鐘In a world where comparisons happen non-stop, it is difficult to look outside yourself and to ever be    1with who you are. Theres always someone whos a bit    2. The only solution is to reach   3and measure against what Warren

39、 Buffett calls your own inner yardstick. There is no more 4measure for comparison than who you were yesterday, last week or last decade, when you were at your    5.Nothing useful ever comes from comparison to others.  6you see yourself as better than someone and you get

40、  7, or you see someone else as better than you and you feel like all your hard work is for  8. It is a fools game. Not one of us is  9alike. The only direct and honest comparison is  10yourself. Everything else is apples to oranges.My opinion is that you are only11to c

41、ompare yourself to someone else if their life  12is the same as your own. Good luck finding that match. And one thing is for sure. No matter how hard you work and how  13you are, there will always be someone who can run a little faster, jump a little higher, score a little better or l

42、ook a little nicer in a swimsuit. And if theres not, you can  14someone is coming up fast behind you. So how can you always win in life? Become your best  15.Having an image of your most recent past limits is the perfect thing to  16you to the next level. If you ran 7 flights of

43、stairs yesterday, then do 8 today. Who   17if the guy next to you did 15? It doesnt make a bit of   18. You are a more fit person today than you were yesterday. Your own   19is all you need.If you 20to a slightly higher standard of yourself every day, you will

44、 always be at the top of your game.1. A. patientB. strictC. contentD. concerned2. A. strongerB. wiserC. lazierD. better3. A. outB. upC. insideD. outside4. A. accurateB. carefulC. usefulD. powerful5. A. endB. bestC. sideD. convenience6. A. WhetherB. IfC. OnceD. Either7. A. lazyB. inspiredC. busyD. sa

45、tisfied8. A. funB. nothingC. sureD. success9. A. reallyB. fullyC. exactlyD. actually10. A.toB.byC. forD. within11. A. allowedB. suggestedC. instructedD. directed12. A. positionB. situationC. occasionD. accommodation13. A. diligentB. dedicatedC.optimisticD.addicted14. A. declareB. concludeC. announce

46、D. bet15. A. assistantB. coachC. competitorD. teacher16. A. leadB. pushC. exposeD. cause17. A. wondersB. saysC. caresD. asks18. A. differenceB. senseC. changeD. effort19. A. benefitB. resultC. habitD. progress20. A. commitB. devoteC.tendD.contribute【文章大意】這是一篇議論文。作者在文中論述了和別人比較沒(méi)有意義。我們要和過(guò)去的自己比較,用自己的內(nèi)在標(biāo)


48、你感覺(jué)你的努力沒(méi)有用。故D選項(xiàng)正確。7.A考查形容詞詞義辨析。lazy懶惰的;inspired受鼓舞的;busy忙碌的;satisfied滿意的。結(jié)合上題解析可知,A選項(xiàng)切題。8.B 考查名詞(代詞)。fun樂(lè)趣;nothing什么也沒(méi)有;sure確實(shí)的;success成功。for nothing意為免費(fèi)的,徒然的。結(jié)合上題解析可知,B選項(xiàng)正確。9.C 考查副詞詞義辨析。really真正地,真地;fully完全地,充分地;exactly精確地,恰好,正好;actually事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上。和別人去比是傻子的游戲,因?yàn)槿撕腿藳](méi)有完全相似的。故C選項(xiàng)正確。10.D考查介詞。文章第一段最后提到要和昨天


50、果你旁邊的小伙子跑了15段樓梯誰(shuí)又在乎呢?從上文可知作者要人們做到自己一天比一天進(jìn)步,而不去和別人比,不去在意別人的進(jìn)步。C選項(xiàng)切題。18. A考查名詞詞義辨析。difference區(qū)別;sense感官,感覺(jué);change改變;effort努力。別人做得再好和我們也毫無(wú)關(guān)系,我們只和自己比較,所以即使你跑7段樓梯,別人跑15段,那和我們一點(diǎn)關(guān)系都沒(méi)有。make a different意為有關(guān)系,有影響,故A選項(xiàng)正確。19. D考查名詞詞義辨析。benefit好處;result結(jié)果;habit習(xí)慣;progress進(jìn)步,進(jìn)展。從上下文可知此處是指我們沒(méi)必要去和別人比,去看別人的成績(jī),只要我們自己

51、每天都在進(jìn)步,那么我們就是一個(gè)成功的人,你的進(jìn)步就是你需要的東西。故D選項(xiàng)正確。20. A考查動(dòng)詞詞義辨析。commit  犯罪,保證;devote獻(xiàn)(身),奉獻(xiàn),投入(時(shí)間、精力等);tend傾向于;contribute貢獻(xiàn)。如果你保證每天都有所提高,那么你將永遠(yuǎn)都是勝利者。A選項(xiàng)正確。Cloze 1體裁文章話題詞數(shù)建議時(shí)間難度自測(cè)正確率議論文人生應(yīng)該擁有對(duì)手33818分鐘A jaguar is an endangered animal. It is said that there are less than 20 in the world 1, one of which is n

52、ow living in the national zoo of Peru. In order to 2 this jaguar, Peruvians 3a pitch of land in the zoo for it,where there are flocks of animals for it to eat.Anyone 4 has visited the zoo praised it to be the Heaven of Tiger. However, no one has ever seen the jaguar hunt the animals. What we could s

53、ee is its lying in its house eating and sleeping.Some people thought the jaguar felt too lonely so they rented a female tiger to 5it. Nonetheless, it did not make too much 6. The jaguar just sometimes went out of its house with its girlfriend and stayed in the sun for a while.It is 7for the jaguar t

54、o be lazy in this environment. A tiger is the king of forest but you simply put some small8 around him. That is why it showed no 9 in going out. Why don t you put two wolves around him? a visitor proposed.Others 10 him and put five panthers into its 11. Since then, the jaguar didnt go back to its ho

55、use any more. It either stood on top of the hill roaring or 12from the hill strolling without sleeping all day,totally got back to its 13.In our world , 14 creature without any rivals is lifeless . If a man lives without 15 he is bound to be satisfied 16 the present and will not strive for the better. 17 environment tends to 18successful people. Therefore, your rivals are not your enemies, but your good19! In our lives, we need some rivals to be particular about us and supervise us with 20 requirements and standards. Due to our rivals, we can bring out our potential to the best!1. A.accuratel


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