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1、房山區(qū)2020屆初三二模英語試卷2020.6知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共14分)一、單項(xiàng)填空(共6分,每小題0.5分)從下面各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。1. Tom, huny up,you can't catch the school bus.A. soB. butC. andD. or2. My elder sister felt sick because ate too much ice cream yesterday.A. heB. sheC. youD. we3. _do you play the violin, Lily?Three times a w

2、eek.A. How longB. How muchC. How oftenD. How far4. In Beijing, flowers usually come out April eveiy year.A. mB. ofC. onD. at5. Can your father diive?Yes, he. And he usually diives me to school.A. canB.needC.mayD.must6. Bill is a good student and he studies than anyone else m his class.A. hai-dB.hard

3、erC.hardestD.the hardest7. It will be sunny next Sunday. Our team a picmc m Shidu.A. hasB.hadC.has hadD.will have8. The little baby m the bedi,oom when his mother came back.A. was playing B. is playingC. playsD. will play9. This is a new park. It last year.A. was builtB. builtC. is builtD. builds10.

4、 Look! The little girl to the music. How beautiful!A. dancesB. will danceC. is dancingD. danced11. Can you tell me ? Yes. It makes me happy.A. why do you like paintmgB. why did you like paintmgC. why you like pamtingD. why you liked paintmg12. Tom is my friend. We each other for three yeai's.A.

5、will knowB. have known C. knowD. are knowing二、完形填空(共8分,每小題1分)閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。When I was a yoimg boy of six, I lived with my grandparents in the coiuitry and my giandfather had a bicycle. Because of my grandfhtheTs woiTy about niy possible hurt by nding the bicycle, I was

6、n't_13 to ride it. However, the big bicycle interested me gieatly.One day, I got on it and rode away. Back then, I was L4 enough I didn't know what feai- wasand loved to try new tilings.Slowly I rode the bicycle along a road up the small lull behind our village. When I got to the top, I stop

7、ped. And then I decided to nde down the lull, hi my opmion, it would be very exciting ndmg down the lull. Back then I had no idea of 15 and all I knew was the accident I would have.I turned around. As I was going down the hill, the pedals(腳踏板)were 16 faster and faster and I could no longer keep up w

8、itli the round moving of them. I was beaten eachtime the pedals passed my feet. Soon I was getting neai, the end of my ride and I knew I must _17 the bike. I thought first I must stop the pedals from timimg. But how? I made a failed tiy to stop the pedals by putting my leg straight. When the end was

9、 coming nearer, I 18 stopped the pedals and was thrown away from the bicycle. What a temble way to stop? I did stop the bicycle. However, I paid the costI had to be m the hospital for a month. Then was told that bicycles had brakes(殺i車).Now I still 19 the excitement the riding brought me. Thanks to

10、this expenence, I learned the 20 of “easy bravery”. That is a lesson that can never be replaced(取代)by those got fi,om other people.13. A. followedB. invitedC. noticedD. allowed14. A. braveB. cleverC. strongD. busy15. A. dutyB. reasonC. skillD. hope16. A. jumpingB. shakingC. drivingD. turning17. A. r

11、epairB. stopC. examineD. change18. A. naturallyB. carefiillyC. finallyD. properly19. A. imagineB. rememberC. researchD. expect20. A. costB. secretC. attitudeD. benefit閱讀理解(共36分)三、閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。(共26分,每 小題2分)AHey, book lovers! Here are some great books for you.GONEWITHtWIN

12、D GONE WITHTHE WINDWnter: Margaret Mitchell¥22 (in bookstores) ¥ 18(oiilme)Gone With the Wmd is a best-seller. It tells a stoiy that happened in the Amencan Civil War (美國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)).Scarlett O'Hara is a woman in the stoiy who is full of energy. She is strongand saves her family.A Little Prince

13、ss ALITTLE PRINCESSWnter: Frances Hodgson BuniettA Little Princess¥23(ni bookstores) ¥ 19(oiilme)Motherless Sara Crewe was sent to school at Miss Minclmfs. Her father was veiy nchand she lived a rich life. Then her father died and Saia lost everything. She had to leam to do with her change

14、d life. Ifs ail excellent book. PETER PANWater: J. M Baine¥ 15(ni bookstores) ¥ 12(oiilme)It is a children's stoiy fiill of miaguiatiou andadventures (冒險(xiǎn)).It is about Wendy, Jolin, and Michael Darling's adventures m Never-Never Land with PeterPan, the boy who would not grow up. Tli

15、e cluldien are happy and lovely. THE SECRET GARDENWater: Frances Hodgson Buniett¥ 35(ni bookstores) ¥ 3 O(oiilme)Maiy Lennox finds herself in her uncle's dark house. Why are so many rooms locked? Whyis one of the gardens locked? And what is that ciymg she hears at night? Thiough the po

16、wer of hope, friendship, and the magic of nature, the brave girl bnngs the house aiid a long-lost garden back to life.21. Wliat difficulty did Scarlett O'Haia face m her life?A. The Ainencan Civil War.B. The loss of her parents.C. Adventures in Nerer-Never LandD. The locked rooms and gardens.22.

17、 If you buy PETER PAN m a bookstore, you have to payA. ¥12B. ¥15C. ¥18D. ¥19.23. Who brmgs the house and a long-lost garden back to life?A. Sara Crewe.B. Peter Pan.C. Maiy Lennox. D. Scarlett O'Hara.I was walking home from work on a busy city street with lots of people. I was

18、n*t looking fbrward to going home, because my fiiends were busy with their own business and weren't able to spend time lazily with me. Ifs then when I walked past a homeless person that I hadn't seen before. He was moving back and forth (來回的)to stay wann, and veiy gently asknig fbr some chan

19、ge. His words fbr money were so quiet that I could hardly heai- him.Something made me stop, him around and walk up to him. At the same time, some thoughts appeai-ed in my head like, MWliat do you think youYe doing?” "YduTe alone, it's dark out and you're a woman. Before I knew what I wa

20、s doing, I asked him if he had had dumer yet and if he would like to join me at a nearby restaurant. He said he hadn't eaten and he would like to. So, he walked with me a few yards to the restaurant and held the door open fbr me as weentered.He asked fbr the smallest thing on the menu but I orde

21、red a larger meal and I explamed that the pnce wasn't worth wonying about. We had a good dinner and a pleasant conversation about oiw life like where we grew up and what kind of music we liked. During the whole time, I just tned to say the right thing and give him the respect and care eveiyone h

22、as. I didiVt want to show that I was better than him.I was so gratefUl fbr tlus expenence. I may not have met my fiiends that evening but I met an unexpected fiiend and the expenence changed my life. It will make me tliuik twice m ftitiwe before I complain about something I don't have.24. Why wa

23、s the homeless man moving back and forth?A. To look for some money.B. To wait fbr his fiiends.C. To keep himself waim.D. To make people notice him.25. What did the wnter ask the homeless man to do?A. To have a dumer with her.B. To ask change witli her.C. To take a walk with her.D. To go to work with

24、 her.26. What did the wnter leam from her experience?A. She should live better than the homeless man.B. She should do more fbr homeless people.C. She would care more about her friends.D. She would let herself complain less.CFlash mobIf you see a group of people dancing and smgmg on the street or in

25、the railway station, you don't need to feel surprised. They aie a flash mob (快閃族).A flash mob, organized with the help of the Internet or other conimuiucations networks,is a group of people who come together suddenly m a public place, do something unusual for a penod of tune, such as coining tog

26、ether to look at the sky, shouting sometlmig at the top of their voices fbr 30 seconds, and then quickly disappear before the police caii arrive.Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change its place if the first one has been replaced fbr any reason.Bill Wasik, a semor editor, organized the first f

27、lash mob in Manhattan in May,2003 and the first successfill flash mob caxne together on June 3,2003after the fiist tiy was foiled at Macy's department store. Following this, about 200 people crowded mto the hall of the Hyatt hotel, applauding(鼓掌)in one voice for fifteen seconds, and next the mob

28、 pretending (假裝)to be tourists on a bus tnp entered a shoe shop m Soho. Wasik said tliat he created flash mobs as a social expemnent designed to make fiin of hipsters(時(shí) 尚潮 人).Thougli flash mobs were firstly regarded as pomtless, the idea has alieady developed fbr the benefit of political (政治的)and so

29、cial events. Flash mobbing takes advantage of the effect of communicating infbnnation on Websites and by email, and piotesters(抗議者)can snmlarly use it to be mvolved m political events.Flash mob gatheimgs can sometimes surprise people. Such an activity might seem amusing and fantastic, but it also mi

30、glit frighten people who are not cleai- about what is takuig place. Undoubtedly, flash mobs can serve as good political tools m any direction. They also have big economic potential (經(jīng)濟(jì)潛力),such as using flash niobs to advertise a product.The flash mob is now beconimg more and more popular People use

31、it to do many thmgs.iiFlash mobs give people an opportunity to come together to create a memoiy27. The word nfbiledH m Paragraph 2 probably meansA. praisedB. preventedC. confusedD. succeeded28. Why did Bill Wasik create the flash mob?A. To help people make friends.B. To adveitise some products.C. To

32、 create some memones.D. To make fun of hipsters.29. What can we mfer about the flash mob from the passage?A. It can be made use of m many fields just fbr fim.B. It usually breaks up quickly for not having enough time.C. If the place for the activity is decided, it can't be changed.D. It gives pe

33、ople the chance to do something unusual together.30. Which of the fbllowmg nught be the best title of the passage?A. Flash Mob: the Popular CultxueB. Flash Mob: the Political PotentialC. Flash Mob: the Short-tenn MemoryD. Flash Mob: the Begnuung of hifonnationSHANGHAIHealth researchers m Shanghai ar

34、e calling for more protection fbr young children as the latestresearch shows about lialf of tlie childi'en are suffenng (受折磨)fi-oni secondliand smoke.About 45% of childi-en suffer passive (被動(dòng)的)smoking in families, 50% in public places, and almost 6% on public transportation, shows a research rep

35、orted by the Shangliai Children's Medical Center (SCMC)on Tuesday.“Not only adults but also children and newboni babies aie at risk fbr the bad effects of passive smoking/ said Tang Jingyan, a doctor. Research has shown that childi-en who are livmg m a secondliand smoke situation will suffer fro

36、m more colds, coughs and sore throats, and they are more likely to suffer fi,om pneumonia(肺炎)and will have a higher nsk of developing cancel-. Doctors even suggested that childien suffemig passive smokuig are more likely to have behavioral problems and may not develop mentally(智上)as quickly as other

37、 childi en.Other reseai-ch by the SCMC has found that more tlian 80% of child patients in the center live in a smoke-filled household, where one or both parents smoke. "Though doctors have stressed the harni of passive smoking over and over, it is still hard to reach a totally smoke-free home/

38、said a doctor named Zhaiig Yiwen. Parents often want to smoke even though the have learned the haiuifiil effects of secondliand smoke.China has 540 million people suffering from passive smoke, 180 million of the younger than 15, the age of smokers is also gettmg lower, Hearlier reports said. "T

39、here aie more young smokers than before. You can see young people weanng a school umfbmi(校月艮)and canying a schoolbag light a cigarette(香煙)on the street. Some of them are even girl students;1 said Jing Xmgmmg, a professor. HChildien like to copy adults, especially their parents. If parents often smok

40、e at home, it is veiy likely childi-en will develop a smoking habit which can cause a bad circle J Jm said.Reports from the Mimstiy of Health said China has about 350 million smokers, of whom 15 million are imderage smokers. Also, around 40 million of the country's 130 nnllion children aged betw

41、een 13 and 18 had tned smoking, and 15 million had become addicted to(上癮)smoking.31. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. The bad effects of passive smoking.B. The influences of adults to children.C. The bad living situations of children.D. The attitude towards children smoking.32. What can we leani

42、from the passage?A. About 45% of childi-en suffer passive smoking in public places.B. About 40 million children aged between 13 to 18 tned smoking.C. About 350 imllion children are heavy smokers in Cluna.D. About 80% of the children in the SCMC smoke heavily.33. What is the writer's mam purpose

43、in wntmg tlus passage?A. To question about the behaviors of the children smokers.B. To show the reasons why children like leanung smoking.C. To call on people to protect children from secondliand smoke.D. To encoiuage children to give up smoking as soon as possible.四、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題。(共10分,每小題2分)A ne

44、w rubbish sorting system has been put into use in Fangchengyuan Community m Beijing. Local people not、'校物4東均,坂 靈詫,項(xiàng)舍工力Racyclabki KmhM wmu 5* mmi. HvwWuIimmWrubbish sorting systemonly sort their mbbish, but also put QR codes(二件E碼)on it.“When the mbbish is collected and the codes are seen, I will

45、get small gifts and even some money/1 one of the local people told reporters.nIfs really creative and encouraging. ”About 350 coininunities have earned out this smart system in Beijing. The capital of China has jomed a list of cities m the countiy that take action to support nibbish sorting. For exa

46、mple, Sheiizlien and Shanghai have made laws to punish people and organizations fbr not sorting nibbish conectly.China produces quite a lot of rubbish eveiy year. Much of the nibbish is buned (填埋)in soil or burned without bemg sorted. Landfills (填埋場(chǎng))take up a lot of land and have a risk of polluting

47、 the soil and water nearby. And burning rubbish can produce hannfiil gases.Tluough nibbish sorting, we can reduce (減少)the use of landfills and air pollution Whafs more, nibbish sortmg saves resources, which could bring economic(經(jīng)濟(jì)的)benefits. For example, a ton of waste paper can be reused to make ab

48、out 850 kg of paper, saving 17 trees and 50% of water. Because of their benefits, some countries have developed successful sorting systems.Japan has a stnet and detailed system. When people throw away a water bottle, the cap, the waste paper and the bottle itself have to go mto three different bins(

49、垃圾箱).Eveiy year, families receive special mbbish soilmg tmietables and directions from their local govenunents. They are advised to follow the timetables and duections when they throw away mbbish.In Australia, every family is provided with three rubbish bmsthe red hd(蓋子)bin for general waste11 like

50、food and plastic bags, the yellow lid bin fbr “recycling" like steel are glass, and the green lid bin fbr Hgreen waste “such as grass and leaves. On the streets, the bins are printed with pictiues of the things that are allowed inside. It makes recycling quite easy.34. What will people get if t

51、hey sort their rubbish in Fangchengyuan Cominumty?35. How many communities have earned out this smart system in Beijmg?36. What do families in Japan receive fi,oni theu, local governments every year?37. What is the green lid bin for m Australia?38. What are the benefits of nibbish sortmg?書面表達(dá)(共10分)五

52、、文段表達(dá)(10分)39. 從下面兩個(gè)題目中任選一題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50詞的文段寫作。文中已給出內(nèi)容不計(jì) 入總詞數(shù)。所給提示詞語僅供選用。請(qǐng)不要寫出你的校名和姓名。題目假如你是李華,正在參加一個(gè)美國交換生的項(xiàng)目,這個(gè)項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人Sain正在招募兒童之家的志愿者,請(qǐng)你用英文 給負(fù)責(zé)人寫一封自薦信,內(nèi)容包括:你的基本信息,想做志愿者的理由以及具體打算為他們做什么。提示詞語like, help, play, sing, happy提示 問題: What,s your name and how old are you? Why do you want to be a voluntee


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