



1、高級(jí)英語(二,題庫(kù)及答案I.Explain the italicized words in English1 .Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter.2 .and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring3 .Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures.4 .So monstrous a discrepancy in evaluation requires us to examine basi

2、c principles.5.There can be linguistic objection to the eradication of proper names.6.and thus beguile ourselves for an hour or so after dinner7 .prefacing his remarks by “ Of course it s not for me to suggest to you”8.So do I let my imagination play over therecesses of Laura s character,9.I would n

3、ever have believed in the simplebliss of being, day after day, at sea.10. which he imparts from time to time without insistence11. Indeed, this nation -loves betstor was every bit as adventurous as anyone had ever imagined.12. that gave California a name for getting up astounding enterprises13. “ We

4、ll, that is Californiall over.”14. He insisted that man drop his religious illusions15. Has the dictionary abdicated its responsibility?II. Paraphrase1 .a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race2.Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.3 .He is here because ignora

5、nce and bigotry are rampant.4 .All languages are dynamic rather than static.5 .But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary s6 .They make it easier to weather the bad times7 .The Russians will hold. But it ll be a near thing.8 . Mark Twain digested the new American experienc

6、e before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.9 . The case had erupted round my head.10 . spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related.11 .Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.12 . Let s take the thing to court a

7、nd test the legality of it.”13 .a flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility.14 .lexicography, like God, is no respecter of persons15 .They made it harder to make a big killing in good times16 .But it softens the ground for the second demand17 .I want my fill of beauty before I go.18 .who ar

8、e bent on taking over the lion s share of the trade19 .And when they go, so does a huge slice of the new traditional industries worth keeping.20 .Pug saw no point of equivocating.21 .there is a touch of rough poetry about himIII. Translate the following into Chinese1 .From them all Mark Twain gained

9、 a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.2 .What underlies all this sound and fury? Is the claim of the G&C Merriam Company, probably the world s greatest dictionary maker, that it required the efforts of three hundreds scholars

10、 over a period of twenty-seven years, working on the largest collection of citations ever assembled in any language -is all this a fraud, a hoax?3 . Mark Twain suggested that an ingredient was missing in the American ambition when he said: What a robust people, what a nation of thinkers we might be,

11、 if we would only lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally and renew our edges.”4 . But, today, this vital British industry is more in peril than ever before. On almost all the major sea routes of the world, the British fleet risks being elbowed out by stiff foreign competition.5 . ” they vanisfrom a

12、 world where they were of no consequence; where they achieved nothing; where they werea mistake and a failure and foolishness; where they have left no sign that they had existed- a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever.”6 .Smaller shipping lines do not have the resources to dive

13、rsify. They face extinction. And when they go, so does a huge slice of the few traditional industries worth keeping.7 .Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. Todayit is the teachers, he continued, “anctomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man ag

14、ainst man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the man who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.”8 .What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mou

15、ntains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to bescaled only by the most daring. What plants of the high altitudes grow unravished among their crags and valleys? Sodo I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura s character, so austere in the foreground but nurturingtreasures of

16、 tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.IV. Translate the following into English1 .湯姆的聰明絲毫不亞于班上的第一名學(xué)生。2 .孩子們考試成績(jī)優(yōu)異,家長(zhǎng)和教師都很滿意。3 .我沒有預(yù)料到會(huì)卷入這場(chǎng)爭(zhēng)端。4 .合同簽訂不久,工程就開始進(jìn)行了。5 .我們應(yīng)不斷地使自己的思想適應(yīng)變化的情況。6 .一些西方國(guó)家擔(dān)心產(chǎn)油國(guó)會(huì)用削價(jià)的辦法把他們的生意擠跨。7 .為了提高選詞的能力,你要注意詞義上細(xì)微的差別。8 .在壓力下,他別無辦法,只好離職。9 .新上演的那

17、出話劇充分表現(xiàn)了中國(guó)人民大無畏的革命精神。10 .雖然種族隔離是違法的,但種族歧視在美國(guó)仍然以不同的形式存在著。11 .你能用簡(jiǎn)明的語言概括這首古詩(shī)的中心思想嗎?12 .關(guān)于作者本人的情況,你能從文章本身猜出些什么?13 .許多科技人員正努力學(xué)習(xí)外語,以便閱讀第一手參考資料。14 .我們更仔細(xì)地看了看,看看是否有什么我們過去沒有看出的含義。V. Answer the following questions1 .Why is Mark Twain one of America- lovedsauthors?2 .Why was so much attention paid to this tri

18、al in an out-of-the-way small town in the U.S.?3 .Why are new dictionaries needed?4 .How are the Third World countries trying to get a big share of the international sea-borne trade?1.1 n Lesson15, what kind of coastline does Carr like? Why?6. Why did Mark Twain become bitter late in life?7. What do

19、 you think is the message of Lesson 10?8. Comment on the title of Lesson 13. What is the implied meaning?9. On the problem of aid to Russia, did Churchill and Roosevelt see eye to eye? In what way did their opinions differ?10. Why, in Lesson 15, does Carr say: God, is there no escape from suffering

20、and sin? ?高級(jí)英語(二”作業(yè)參考答案I.Explain the italicized words in English1. bankrupt, penniless2. developing, carrying them out at high speed3. exposed the falsehood of4. difference, disagreement5. removal6. pass our time pleasantly7. beginning8. inner places (parts)9. joy/happiness10. tells or reveals11. co

21、mpletely, entirely12. organizing13. as its characteristic is14. cast away15. given up, neglectII. Paraphrase1. a man who became constantly preoccupied by the moral weaknesses of mankind.2. The man who had made the world laugh was himself consumed by bitterness.3. He is here because unenlightenment a

22、nd prejudice are widespread and unchecked.4. Every living language is in a process of constant change.5. A dictionary should record the fact without bothering whether it can satisfy the vanity of those who use a dictionary to prove their unyielding position in an argument or help those who bet some

23、money in support of their conviction.6. But they make it easier to survive when economic conditions are unfavorable.7. The Russians will fight on. And it will be difficult for them to manage to carry on the fight.8. Mark Twain first observed and absorbed the new American experience, and then introdu

24、ced it to the world in his books or lectures.9. The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently.10. People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes and human beings could have a common ancestry.11. Mark Twain began working hard to become well kno

25、wn locally as a newspaper reporter and humorist.12. Let s accuse Scopes of teaching evolution and let court decide whether he is breaking the law or not.13. a shameless example of irresponsibility in making the dictionary14. Lexicography is a science and its judgment, like the judgment of God, canno

26、t be swayed by anybody no matter what high social position he may occupy.15. They make it more difficult to make a large amount of money when economic conditions are favorable.16. But it will make it difficult for the Americans to reject their second demand.17. Before I die, I want to enjoy beauty t

27、o my he art s content.18. who are determined to take the biggest share of the trade19. When these smaller shipping companies go bankrupt, a big part of the few old industries that have been doing well and earning huge profits will close down.20. Pug thought it better to give a clear, direct answer.

28、Ambiguity would not bring any good, only more illusions and disappointments.21. There is a trace of simple poetic quality in his character.III. Translate the following into Chinese1 .從所有這些形形色色的人身上,馬克吐溫敏銳地認(rèn)識(shí)了人類,認(rèn)識(shí)了人們的言與行之間的差距。2 .究竟是什么導(dǎo)致了這場(chǎng)喧囂與憤怒呢?出版這部詞典的麥里目出版公司也許稱得上是全球最大的詞典出版商,該公司聲稱他們?yōu)榛I劃這部詞典的出版工作耗資三百五

29、十萬美元,動(dòng)員了三百名專家學(xué)者花費(fèi)二十七年的心血才完成了世界上任何語言中詞匯量最大的詞庫(kù)。難道這一切都是騙人的把戲嗎/3 .馬克吐溫認(rèn)為,美國(guó)人的理想中缺少了一種成分。他說:“我們只消偶爾地躺下來好好放松休息一下,保持鋒棱利角,我們將有可能成為一個(gè)多么朝氣蓬勃的民族,一個(gè)多么富有思想的民族?。 ? .然而,如今英國(guó)的這一至關(guān)重要的產(chǎn)業(yè)正面臨著空前嚴(yán)重的危機(jī)。幾乎在世界上所有的主要航海線上,英 國(guó)商業(yè)船隊(duì)都有被強(qiáng)勁的外國(guó)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手?jǐn)D開的危險(xiǎn)。5 .他們從世界上消失了,在這個(gè)世界上無足輕重,無所成就;甚至他們的存在本身就是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤,是個(gè)失敗,是種愚蠢。這個(gè)世界上也沒有留下絲毫能表明他們存在過的痕跡。這

30、個(gè)世界贈(zèng)給他們的只是一日的哀傷和永久的遺忘。6 .而那些規(guī)模較小的海運(yùn)公司卻沒有足夠的財(cái)力來從事多樣化經(jīng)營(yíng),它們面臨著破產(chǎn)的命運(yùn)。一旦這些海運(yùn) 公司破產(chǎn),英國(guó)有限的幾個(gè)值得保留的傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè)的一大部分也會(huì)隨之消亡。7 .達(dá)羅在熱得像烘箱似的法庭里來回踱著方步?!敖裉焓艿焦舻氖墙處煛保又f道,“明天就會(huì)輪到雜志、書籍和報(bào)紙。要不了多久,社會(huì)上便會(huì)是一種人與人為仇,教派與教派為敵的局面,直到我們的社會(huì)大踏步地退回到十六世紀(jì)那光輝的年代,那時(shí)如果有誰膽敢給人類帶來智慧、知識(shí)和文化,就會(huì)被那些愚昧的偏執(zhí)狂們點(diǎn)燃柴堆活活燒死?!? .我最喜愛的是岸邊的那些懸崖峭壁及其背后的那高聳云端、神奇莫測(cè)的峰巒疊

31、嶂,那山峰只有最英勇無畏 的人才能夠攀登上去。在崇山峻嶺之間人跡未至的石隙和幽谷中生長(zhǎng)著的是一些什么樣的高原植物呢?我也這 樣地讓自己的想象力盡情地探索勞拉性格深處的秘密。她的性情表面上嚴(yán)肅冷峻,但她內(nèi)心里卻孕育著豐富溫柔的情感,宛如嬌嫩的花朵,等待著勇士去發(fā)現(xiàn)。IV. Translate the following into English1. Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class.2. The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satis

32、faction of both parents and teachers.3. I did not anticipate that I would get involved in this dispute.4. The project got under way soon after the signing of the contract.5. We should constantly adapt our thinking to the changing conditions6. Some Western countries were afraid that the oil-producing

33、 countries would drive them out of business by undercutting them.7. To improve your diction, you must pay attention to the shades of meaning of words.8. Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.9. The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new

34、 play.10. Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation is against the law.11. Can you sum up the central idea of this ancient poem in plain terms?12. What can you infer about the author from the article itself?13. Many scientists and technicians

35、are out to learn foreign languages so as to be able to read first-hand reference materials.14. We looked at it more carefully to see whether there was more to it than we assumed in the past.V. Answer the following questions1. Because his literary works such as two novels about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are loved by Americans who imagine he was adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous.2. Because the result would affect the whole country, even the world.3. New dictionaries are needed because E


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