名詞性、定語從句、 (1)_第1頁
名詞性、定語從句、 (1)_第2頁
名詞性、定語從句、 (1)_第3頁
名詞性、定語從句、 (1)_第4頁
名詞性、定語從句、 (1)_第5頁
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1、(高三英語)名詞性從句/定語從句專練一閱讀下列句子, 按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性以及句意,用適當?shù)脑~填空,每一空格填一個單詞。1. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray.2 . -Do you remember _he came?  -Yes, I do, he came by car.3. Danny left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon.4. Go and get your coat. It's _ you left it.

2、5. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_ he or she wants.6. Lei Feng was always thinking of _he could help others.7. I know nothing about her but _ she is from Canada.8.The reason _ nothing on earth is motionless is _ the earth is in constant motion(運動).9._has happened pr

3、oves that my advice is right.10. Please give the book to _ wins the first prize.11._ they have won the game made us excited.12.We have reached _ is called Xin Jiekou.13.There is much chance_Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.14. I don't doubt_ my friend, John will come to Chi

4、na soon.15. - Do you see why the machine doesn't work?   - Sorry, let's ask the engineer _ is the matter .16. He came late. Thats _ his car broke down. His car broke down on the half way. Thats _ he came late.17. Its thirty years since we last met.But I still remember the stor

5、y, believe it or not, _we got lost on a rainy night.18. Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom?19. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _ it is rough or smooth.20. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _ it was 20 years a

6、go, _ it was so poorly equipped. 21. Please remind me_he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off.22. I just wonder it is that makes him so excited. 23. _ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger ,more prosperous economy. 24. Nobody believed his reason for bei

7、ng absent form the class _ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. 25. When you are reading, make a note of _ you think is of great importance.26. Can we get everything ready by the weekend?It all depends on _ we can get Mr. Greens cooperation. 27. He said he didnt attend the party and _he didnt wa

8、nt to.28. He lived in London for 3 months, during _time he learned some English.29. There is no difficulty_ can't be overcome in the world.30. Is this the museum _you visited the other day?31 Tell us about the people and the places _are different from ours.32.The TV play I watched last night is

9、the best one _I have watched this year.33. Last Sunday they reached Qingdao, _ a conference was to be held.34. My neighburs used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _was very kind of them.35. Who is the person _ is standing at the gate of Beijing Tourism Tower?36.I now know why Mao impresses every

10、one who meets him the way _he does.37. She was no longer the woman_she was.38.The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80_ _are sold abroad .39. Anyone _ is against this opinion may speak out.40. a)_ you know, he is a famous musician.b) It is known to you_he is a famous musicia

11、n.c) _is known to you is that he is a famous musician.41. Mr Zhou, _native language was Chinese, could read and write several foreign languages.42.Do you know the actor_you saw playing Hamlet is now doing King Lear?43. I work in a business_almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.44. Do you rem

12、ember the day _ _your sister was graduated as a Master of Arts?45. The visitor asked the guide to take his picture_stands the famous tower.46. She has married again, _was expected.47. She has married again, _was unexpected.48. This is _ he said at he meeting yesterday.49. This is all_ he said at the

13、 meeting yesterday.50. That is the house, _ windows hasnt been cleaned for months. 51.That is the house, _ _ the windows hasnt been cleaned for months.52.That is the house, but _ windows hasnt been cleaned for months.53. A few people were caught in the big fire, two of _died.54. A few people were ca

14、ught in the big fire, two of _ dead.55. The teacher didnt know the reason _ she was absent yesterday.56. The teacher couldnt accept the reason _ she explained yesterday.57. It was such an easy question _ they could answer58. It was such an easy question _ they could answer it.二語篇練習:閱讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性

15、以及句意,用適當?shù)脑~補全這則短文, 每一空格填一個單詞。(1)Gandhi was honored as the Father of the Indian Nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians with the belief _1_he is an Indian national hero. He was born in India in 1869. _2_ is recorded, he got married at the age of 13, following the local custom. In 1888

16、 he sailed to England, _3_he studied law for three years and become a lawyer. _4_ his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case. In South Africa he was surprised to find_5_the problem of racial discrimination was serious. There he formed on organization and this was _6_he st

17、arted to fight for equal rights.Gandhi returned to India in 1915,_7_India was controlled by the British .He led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and independence for his country. _8_in the political movement many Indians including Gandhi were put in prison and it was still not sur

18、e_9_ they could gain independence, the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give in and India won its independence in 1947. Unfortunately Gandhi was shot by an Indian_10_ opposed his views and died on January 30th ,1948. (2)Influenza, or flu, is 1_ common infection of the nose and

19、throat, and sometimes the lungs. The cause is a virus that passes from one person to another. The virus spreads through the air 2_ an infected person expels air suddenly.Medical experts have identified three major kinds of influenza. They call them type A, B and C. Type C is 3_(little) serious. Peop

20、le may not even know they have it. But researchers study the 4_ two kinds very closely. Viruses change to survive. This can make 5_ difficult for the body to recognize and fight an infection.A person 6_has suffered one kind of flu develops the same kind again. The bodys defense system produces antib

21、odies. These substances stay in the blood and destroy the virus 7_ it appears again. 8_ the body may not recognize a flu virus 9_ has even a small change.Each year, researchers develop vaccines(疫苗) to prevent the spread of the flu virus. The WHO holds meetings in 10_ experts discuss 11_ kinds of flu

22、 viruses to include in the next vaccine.(3)I read a report last night. It says 1_ a lot of people died in 2_ traffic accident. But I forget 3_ the accident happened last Sunday. 4 _ astonished me most is 5_ some babies lost 6_ lives. However, I don't know 7_ the government has taken some measure

23、s to deal with 8_. In my opinion, 9_ accident has taught us a lesson 10_we should obey the traffic rules.(4)Body language is used every single day by people of different nationalities all over the world. It is a language _1_ words that consists of gestures, facial expressions and body _2_ (move) tha

24、t greatly add to - and sometimes even replace- _3_ (speak) language.Body language _4_(use) to communicate both attitudes and feelings as it is not always explicit. Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss. People often use body language 5_ purp

25、ose. Someone who does not know the answer to a question will move their shoulders upwards away from their upper body and then let them fall, 6_(mean), “I dont know”. 7_, body language can be unconscious as well. A person _8_ is feeling uncomfortable or nervous will often hold their body in a very ri

26、gid manner and have a tight look about their mouths. They might also cross their arms and move in 9_ abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human. They might not even realise how they are acting but their body language will tell anyone who cares to look closely enough 10_ they are feeling. Body l

27、anguage can therefore make peoples feelings more transparent as although we can lie with words, it is not as easy to do so with our bodies.(5)American scientists have discovered that walnut trees can produce more than walnuts. The scientists say 1_walnut trees also can make a chemical form of the po

28、pular pain-killing medicine aspirin. The trees do this under the stress of disease or other threats. Scientists say the chemical may help the trees reduce damage from dry weather, unseasonable temperature 2_ other changes in the environment. The results are important 3_ presence of the chemical coul

29、d warn growers early 4_ a tree is in danger. Growers could recognize a problem 5_ leaves on walnut trees die and fall off. The scientists say the 6_(find) also show that a plant can communicate with other plants through the atmosphere. For example, a tree could communicate 7_ it is under attack from

30、 insects. 8_ that information, a grower could begin corrective treatment. Researchers 9_(know) for a long time that laboratory plants may produce methyl salicylate, aspirins chemical form. Aspirin was first made from the bark covering on willow trees. 10_ the researchers had never before found methy

31、l salicylate in a forest. They have not confirmed that trees could emit, 11_ give out, large amounts of the chemical into the atmosphere.三改錯題,改正下面句子中的錯誤(答案形式有替換,添加,刪除,換詞序)1. Its uncertain that the experiment is worth doing.2. All what is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad.3.

32、What the boy didnt take medicine made his mother angry.4. You cant imagine how excited were they when they received these nice Christmas presents.5. That well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.6. What he really means is what he disagrees with us.7. Whom is going to do the job will be decide

33、d by the Party committee.8. When well finish translating the book depend on the time.9. Where will the house be built will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.10. If you come or not is up to you.11. That is what he likes the place so much.12. That is that Lu Xun once lived.13. We thought strange that

34、Tom did not come yesterday.14. The fact which she had not said anything surprised all of us.15. Can you tell me who is that gentleman?16. Who leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.17. The energy is that makes the cells able to do their work.18. Jack was soon told why he did was not neces

35、sary.19. Is this what we met each other two years ago?20. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who he is21. I dont care whether she has no money. I care if she is honest or not.22. The child is always lying, so none of us will believe no matter what he says.23. See to that the children dont c

36、atch cold.24. He, that is playing an important part, which is well-known to us all.25. The boy dived into the water and, after it seemed a long time, he came up again.26. These who have plenty of money will help their friend. 27. This is the longest train which I have ever seen. 28. Which we all kno

37、w, swimming is a very good sport. 29. I shall never forget those years which I lived in the farm which you visited last week.30. The radio set which I bought it last week has gone wrong. 31. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of them hadn't been cleaned fot at least a year. 32. Th

38、e day will come which the people all over the world will win liberation. 33. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who is working in China. 34. They talked for about an hour of things and persons who they remembered in the school. 35. My glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the gro

39、und and broke.36. He is a man of great experience, from who much can be learned. 37. A harvester is a machine with which we harvest crops or a person which is harvesting. 38. I have bought the same dress which she is wearing. 39. In the police station I saw the man from which room the thief had stol

40、en the TV set. 40. Chapin, for who money was now no problem, start a new film company with his friends. 41. Please put the letter which he can easily find it. 42. The house in the front of which there is a big tree was built more than 1000 years ago. 43. Antarctic, which we know very little, is cove

41、red with thick ice all the year round. 44. The reason why I was away from school is because I was ill yesterday. 45. It was a meeting that importance I didn't realize at that time 46. She was the one I met at the party, whom you knew. 47. They have decided to stay at home, that is, I think, a wi

42、se choice. 48. All the apples which fell down were eaten by the pigs.49. Did you see the man whom I nodded just now? 50. I, who is your good friend, will try my best to help you. 四將下面句子翻譯成英語:1.我們要維持生態(tài)平衡,這是重要而且必不可少的。2.他們在荒島上找到什么就吃什么。3.他的提議是挑戰(zhàn)別的班級進行一次友誼競賽。4.你可以放心我會永遠支持你的。5.他說自解放以來他一直住在北京。6.她堅決要求他們向她出示

43、護照。7.到哪兒去度暑假,這個問題我們還沒決定。8.有些人,他們的臉你永遠難以忘懷。9.中國有數(shù)千島嶼,其中最大的是臺灣島。10.他們是在去年建造的實驗里完成這個實驗的。11.請給我解釋一下你不辭而別的理由好嗎?12. 你昨天見到的史密斯夫人是我的一個朋友。13. 他來幫助你是確實無疑的。14. 月球上有沒有生命是個有趣的問題。15.他要跟我們說什么,還不清楚。16. 這就是我想做的17. 這房子正是他最需要的東西。18. 問題在于人們怎樣才能找到一種有效的方式來儲藏太陽熱。19. 他們應該嘗試第二次的想法值得考慮20. 她工作很努力的事實我們都知道21. 他們表達了他們將會再次來拜訪中國的希

44、望22. 我相信他是忠誠的。23. 我想知道他來還是不來。24. 一切要看我們是否有足夠的錢。(高三英語)名詞性從句/定語從句專練參考答案:一填空題1.that 2.how 3.that 4.where 5.whatever 6.how 7. that 8. why, that 9.What 10 whoever 11.That 12.what 13.that 14. that 15.what 16. because,why 17.that 18. what 19.whether 20.what 21. when 22.when 23.what 23.It 24 that 25.what 26

45、.whether 7.that 28.which 29.that 30.that/which 31.that 32.that 33.where 34.which 35.that 36. that 37.that 38.of,which 39.who 40.As,that,What 41.whose 42.whom 43.where 44.on,which 45.where 46.as 47.which 48. what 49.that 50.whose 51.of ,which 52.its 53.whom 54. them 55.why 56.which/that 57.as 58.that

46、二語篇填空(1)1.that 2.As 3.where 4.On 5.that 6.how 7.when 8.Although/Though 9. whether 10.who(2)1. a 2. when 3. least 4. other 5. it 6. who 7. when 8. But 9. which/that 10. which 11. what(3)1.that 2.a 3. where 4. What 5.that 6. their 7. whether/if 8.it 9. the 10. that(4)1Without 2.movements 3. spoken 4.

47、is used 5. on 6. meaning 7. However 8. who/ that 9. an 10. how(5)1. that 2. and 3, because/as/since 4. that 5. before 6. findings 7. when 8. With 9. have known 10. or三改錯題答案(答案形式有替換,添加,刪除,換詞序)1. that改為whether 2. what 改為that 3. What改為That 4. were they 改為they were 5. That 改為whether 6. what 改為 that 7. W

48、hom 改為 Who 8.depend改為depends9. Where will the house be built 改為Where the house will be built 10. If 改為whether11. what 改為why 12.that改為where 13. thought it strange 14. which 改為 that15. who that tall man is 16. Who 改為Whoever 17. that 改為what 18. why改為what19. what 改為 where 20.he改為it 21. 去掉no 22. 去掉no mat

49、ter 23. See to it that24. that 改為 who 25. it 改為what 26.these-those 解析:1、首先要明確的是,this/ that/ these,3個永遠不能做定語從句的“先行詞”。 2、that, 可以作“替代詞”,帶后置的定語短語(但不是定語從句): The weather in East China is wetter than that (the weather) in West China. 3. 只有 those (people/ things) + 定語從句: those (poeple) + who-/whom-/that- those (things) + that-/which- 27.which-that 28.which-as 29.first'which'-when 30. drop 'it'31.them-which 32.which-when 33. is-are 34 who-that 35. with-without. 36 who-whom 37 second 'whic


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