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1、翻譯 :每周電視講話稿:奧巴馬總統(tǒng):華盛頓的共和黨人 “鼓勵在海外創(chuàng)造 就業(yè)和利潤的公司”華盛頓:在本周的講話中,奧巴馬總統(tǒng)制訂了一項政策日程,通過為 雇用新員工的公司提供稅收優(yōu)惠, 為研究和實驗提供永久性的稅收抵 免和為清潔能源生產(chǎn)提供稅收減免來鞏固我們的經(jīng)濟和增加美國本 土的就業(yè)。 總統(tǒng)同時也希望消除鼓勵公司在海外投資的幾十億美元的 稅收漏洞,但眾議院的共和黨人卻在過去四年里通過 11次投票維持 這個漏洞保持現(xiàn)狀。中產(chǎn)家庭經(jīng)歷 10年的艱難時期后,在本次衰退中又有數(shù)百萬人丟掉 工作,我們正處于重建經(jīng)濟和讓人民重返工作崗位的艱苦戰(zhàn)斗中。贏得這場戰(zhàn)斗不僅僅要依靠政府。同時也有賴于美國企業(yè)家的創(chuàng)

2、新; 有賴于美國中小企業(yè)主的推動; 有賴于美國勞動人民的技能和聰明才 智。他們將幫助我們實現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟增長和創(chuàng)造就業(yè)。但政府也有重要的責任。 那便是創(chuàng)造環(huán)境讓人們可以籌集資金啟動新 的公司; 讓公司可以獲得貸款擴大業(yè)務;讓創(chuàng)造力獲得獎勵;讓努力 工作的人們獲得回報。這是我為什么努力推動就業(yè)法案通過的原因, 這將為企業(yè)家提供稅收 減免和更多的貸款。 還將減少中小企業(yè)關鍵投資中的資本利得稅, 增 加創(chuàng)辦公司創(chuàng)建成本的減免稅額,釋放人們所需的信貸。 實際上,就 在我簽署這項法案的頭兩周里, 就有數(shù)千企業(yè)主從中小企業(yè)管理局獲 得了新的貸款。但我們還有很多事要做。 因此我提出了更多的步驟來增長經(jīng)濟和刺激 美國

3、企業(yè)雇用員工。 現(xiàn)在, 創(chuàng)造就業(yè)的關鍵之一就是鼓勵公司更多在 美國本土投資。 但數(shù)年來, 我們的稅法卻在實際上鼓勵公司在國外創(chuàng) 造就業(yè)和利潤,并為這些公司提供數(shù)十億的稅收優(yōu)惠。我希望消除這些稅收漏洞。 用這些錢為國內(nèi)的企業(yè)提供稅收減免讓他 們能沖銷明年購買的全部新設備的成本。 這將讓企業(yè)主更好的擴大業(yè) 務和雇用新的員工。 我希望將為研究和實驗提供的稅收抵免永久性固 定下來。 因為促進新思想和新技術的發(fā)展是我們創(chuàng)造就業(yè)的途徑, 更 是保持我們作為發(fā)明創(chuàng)新的世界發(fā)動機的優(yōu)勢的途徑。 我還想為美國 本土的清潔能源生產(chǎn)提供減稅。 因為這是我們在這一新興產(chǎn)業(yè)引領全 球的途徑。這些都是很正常的想法。 當有

4、更多產(chǎn)品在美國生產(chǎn), 在美國就有更多 的美滿家庭,就有更多的就業(yè)機會, 也就有更多的企業(yè)繁榮發(fā)展。但 華盛頓的共和黨人卻一再堅持要讓這些企業(yè)漏洞保持現(xiàn)狀。 單單在過去的四年里,眾議院的共和黨人就通過 11次投票繼續(xù)獎勵創(chuàng)造海外 就業(yè)和利潤的公司這項政策每年要花掉納稅人幾十億美元。這相當不合理。 對美國勞動者, 美國企業(yè), 抑或是美國經(jīng)濟都不合理。 當然, 有很多開展國際業(yè)務的公司也為在國內(nèi)為我們的經(jīng)濟做出了重 要貢獻。 這是好事情。 但卻沒有道理讓我們的稅法積極鼓勵他們在海 外創(chuàng)造就業(yè)吧。 相反, 我們應該用我們的稅收來鼓勵那些在我們的國 土上創(chuàng)造就業(yè)和開展業(yè)務的公司。我們應該為美國的中小企業(yè)

5、和生產(chǎn)商提供稅收優(yōu)惠。 我們應該獎勵那 些幫助我們在未來產(chǎn)業(yè)中引領趨勢人們, 比如說清潔能源。 這是我們 確保美國的創(chuàng)新能力和創(chuàng)造能力推動下個世紀的途徑。 這也是我們讓 人們重返工作崗位和領導全球經(jīng)濟的途徑。 這也是我在未來幾個月里 要繼續(xù)努力推進的工作。謝謝大家!奧巴馬每周講話2009年 1月 24日今年是在一場危機中開始的, 本屆新政府也在這場危機中開始運 作。 這場危機前所未有, 應對危機的行動也前所未有。 就在這個禮拜, 我們看到登記失業(yè)的人數(shù)創(chuàng) 26年新高。專家們一致認為,如果我們 無所作為, 失業(yè)率將達到兩位數(shù)。 我們的經(jīng)濟可能將因為無法全力運 轉而減少 1萬億美元,相當于每個四口

6、之家減少 1.2萬美元收入。我 們可能將因為更多美國青年被迫放棄他們的大學夢或者有利于未來 就業(yè)的培訓機會而喪失掉具有潛力的一代人。簡而言之, 如果我們不能勇敢而迅速地行動, 本已糟糕的狀況將 顯著惡化。正因為此, 我已經(jīng)提出了一份美國復蘇和再投資計劃, 以求藉此 快速助推就業(yè)機會的創(chuàng)造和經(jīng)濟的長期發(fā)展。我很高興地告訴大家:國會各黨派已經(jīng)在為這項計劃開展艱苦的工作, 我期盼能在一個月內(nèi) 簽署它使之成為法律。這項計劃將在最近幾年內(nèi)保住或者創(chuàng)造 300 400萬個工作崗 位。這項計劃認清了當前這種矛盾和希望并存的現(xiàn)實:一方面, 數(shù)以 百萬計的美國人正在努力尋找工作; 然而另一方面, 在這個國家還有

7、相當多的工作虛位以待。 也正因為如此, 我的這項計劃不僅僅是一個 只涵蓋促進就業(yè)的短期項目,而是一項在為保持美國在 21世紀的強 大和競爭力而必需的優(yōu)先發(fā)展的重要領域(比如能源、教育、醫(yī)療保 健和新基礎設施等進行投資的全面計劃。今天, 我要詳細談談我們所期待的在上述幾個重要領域的進展目 標 .為了促進清潔能源經(jīng)濟的形成, 我們將在接下來的三年內(nèi)使美國 替代性能源 (諸如風能、 太陽能和生物燃料等 的生產(chǎn)能力提高一倍。 我們將著手建造一個由超過 3000英里輸電線路構成的全新電網(wǎng),以 使生產(chǎn)的清潔能源能夠在東西海岸之間傳輸。 我們將使 75%的聯(lián)邦建 筑更加節(jié)能,這樣每年能為納稅人節(jié)省 20億美

8、元;我們還將對 250萬所住房進行天氣適應性改造, 這樣平均每年能為每個美國工薪家庭 節(jié)約 350美元的能源開銷。 。為了降低醫(yī)療保健支出,減少醫(yī)療事故, 提高醫(yī)療保障水平, 我們 將在未來 5年內(nèi)對全國的健康檔案進行信息化處理, 這將減少數(shù)以十 億計的醫(yī)療開支, 還能挽救無數(shù)生命。 我們還將幫助那些在這場經(jīng)濟 衰退中陷于喪失醫(yī)療保險危險之中的超過 800萬美國人, 以保住他們 的醫(yī)療保險。為了確保我們的孩子能在新經(jīng)濟中具有競爭力并且取得成功,我 們將對 1萬所學校進行現(xiàn)代化改造;我們將為 500萬名學生修建 藝 術空間 專門教室、圖書館和實驗室,以改善他們的學習條件。我們 將 增 加 對 佩

9、 爾 教 育 資 助 項 目 (相 關 資 料 見 維 基 百 科最后,我們將重建美國以適應21世紀的要求。這意味著要在美國修整和現(xiàn)代化改造成千上萬英里的道路,為千千萬萬的美國人提供大量的運輸和出行的新選擇。這還意味著要加固90個主要港口,構建一套更好的通信系統(tǒng),它們將服務于地方執(zhí)法人員和公共安全官員,以在緊急事件中使國家免受傷害。這同樣意味著要拓寬成千上萬美國人的生存渠道,讓他們無論身處何處,都能在一個公平競爭的環(huán)境中打拼。我知道,很多人對我們這項計劃的實施范圍和規(guī)模心存疑慮。我明白這種疑慮意味著什么,所以這項計劃必須包括而且也將包括前所未有的一些措施,這些措施將讓美國人民來評判我領導的政府

10、是不是一個負責任的政府。我們不會只靠扔錢來解決問題,我們將會在那些真正有用的方面投資。我們不會像某些政客那樣在隱秘的幕布下?lián)芸?只要能做到,我們會將所有投資的去向公開討論之后再決定,并由獨立的專業(yè)人士來告知公眾。我們將通過空前的努力來清除政府的一切無用、低效和沒有必要的開支。任何美國人都可以登錄一個名為的網(wǎng)站,在這里將看到我們把納稅人的錢花在哪里了,怎么用了。謝謝收聽。英文原稿:WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama: Washington Republicans "Rewarding Corporations That Create

11、Jobs and Profits Overseas"WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama laid out a policy agenda that would strengthen our economy and create jobs right here in America by offering tax incentives to businesses that hire new employees, making the research and experimentation tax credit perma

12、nent and providing a tax cut for clean energy manufacturing. The President also wants to close tax loopholes worth billions of dollars that encourage companies to invest in overseas, while Republicans in the House have voted 11 times in just the last four years to keep those loopholes open.After a d

13、ecade of hardship for middle class families, and a recession that wiped away millions of jobs, we are in the middle of a tough fight to rebuild this economy and put folks back to work.Winning this fight will not depend on government alone. It will depend on the innovation of American entrepreneurs;

14、on the drive of American small business owners; on the skills and talents of American workers. These are the people who will help us grow our economy and create jobs. But government still has an important responsibility. And thats to create an environment in which someone can raise capital to start

15、a newcompany; where a business can get a loan to expand; where ingenuity is prized and folks are rewarded for their hard work.Thats why I fought so hard to pass a jobs bill to cut taxes and make more loans available for entrepreneurs. It eliminated the capital gains taxes for key investments in smal

16、l businesses. It increased the deduction to defray the costs of starting a company. And its freeing up credit for folks who need it. In fact, in just the first two weeks since I signed the bill, thousands of business owners have been able to get new loans through the SBA.But we need to do more. So I

17、ve proposed additional steps to grow the economy and spur hiring by businesses across America. Now, one of the keys to job creation is to encourage companies to invest more in the United States. But for years, our tax code has actually given billions of dollars in tax breaks that encourage companies

18、 to create jobs and profits in other countries.I want to close these tax loopholes. Instead, I want to give every business in America a tax break so they can write off the cost of all new equipment they buy next year. Thats going to make it easier for folks to expand and hire new people. I want to m

19、ake the research and experimentation tax credit permanent. Because promoting new ideas and technologies is how well create jobs and retain our edge as the worlds engine of discovery and innovation. And I want to provide a tax cut for clean energymanufacturing right here in America. Because thats how

20、 well lead the world in this growing industry.These are commonsense ideas. When more things are made in America, more families make it in America; more jobs are created in America; more businesses thrive in America. But Republicans in Washington have consistently fought to keep these corporate looph

21、oles open. Over the last four years alone, Republicans in the House voted 11 times to continue rewarding corporations that create jobs and profits overseas a policy that costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year.That doesnt make a lot sense. It doesnt make sense for American workers, American b

22、usinesses, or Americas economy. A lot of companies that do business internationally make an important contribution to our economy here at home. Thats a good thing. But there is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas. Instead, we should be using our tax doll

23、ars to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders.We should give tax breaks to American small businesses and manufacturers. We should reward the people who are helping us lead in the industries of the future, like clean energy. Thats how well ensure that American innovation

24、and ingenuity are what drive the next century. Thats how well put our people back to work and lead the global economy. And thats what Ill be fighting for in the coming months.Thank you. Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, January 24, 2009 We begin this year and this Administration in the midst of

25、an unprecedented crisis that calls for unprecedented action. Just this week, we saw more people file for unemployment than at any time in the last twenty-six years, and experts agree that if nothing is done, the unemployment rate could reach double digits. Our economy could fall $1 trillion short of

26、 its full capacity, which translates into more than $12,000 in lost income for a family of four. And we could lose a generation of potential, as more young Americans are forced to forgo college dreams or the chance to train for the jobs of the future. In short, if we do not act boldly and swiftly, a

27、 bad situation could become dramatically worse. That is why I have proposed an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan to immediately jumpstart job creation as well as long-term economic growth. I am pleased to say that both parties in Congress are already hard at work on this plan, and I hope to si

28、gn it into law in less than a month. Its a plan that will save or create three to four million jobs over the next few years, and one that recognizes both the paradox and the promise of this moment - the fact that there are millions of Americans trying to find work even as, all around the country, th

29、eres so much work to be done. Thats why this is not just a short-term program to boost employment. Its one that will invest in our most important priorities like energy and education; health care and a new infrastructure that are necessary to keep us strong and competitive in the 21st century Today

30、Id like to talk specifically about the progress we expect to make in each of these areas. To accelerate the creation of a clean energy economy, we will double our capacity to generate alternative sources of energy like wind, solar, and biofuels over the next three years. Well begin to build a new el

31、ectricity grid that lay down more than 3,000 miles of transmission lines to convey this new energy from coast to coast. Well save taxpayers $2 billion a year by making 75% of federal buildings more energy efficient, and save the average working family $350 on their energy bills by weatherizing 2.5 m

32、illion homes. To lower health care cost, cut medical errors, and improve care, well computerize the nations health record in five years, saving billions of dollars in health care costs and countless lives. And well protect health insurance for more than 8 million Americans who are in danger of losin

33、g their coverage during this economic downturn. To ensure our children can compete and succeed in this new economy, well renovate and modernize 10,000 schools, building state-of-the-art classrooms, libraries, and labs to improve learning for over five million students. Well invest more in Pell Grant

34、s to make college affordable for seven million more students, provide a $2,500 college tax credit to four million students, and triple the number of fellowships in science to help spur the next generation of innovation. Finally, we will rebuild and retrofit America to meet the demands of the 21st ce

35、ntury. That means repairing and modernizing thousands of miles of Americas roadways and providing new mass transit options for millions of Americans. It means protecting America by securing 90 major ports and creating a better communications network for local law enforcement and public safety officials in the event of an emergency. And it means expanding broadband access to millions of Americans, so business can compete on a level-playing field, wherever theyre located. I know that some


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