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1、絕密啟用前座號精選2014年4月全國高等教育自學(xué)考試試題英語(二)試卷得分 評卷入(課程代碼00015)本試卷共12頁,滿分10Q分;考試時間150分鐘&分i_)題號Iff1IVVVI核分人題10101010151530復(fù)杳人得分1 , ,第一部分:閱讀判斷(第1 -10題,每題1分,共10分)下面的短文后列出了 10個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子作出判斷:如果該包提供 的是正確信息.選攆A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息選擇函如果該句的信息文中沒有提及, 選擇C,并將所選答案的代碼(指A.B或C)填在答題紙的相應(yīng)位置上。RunjMiig: Sport or Way of Life? 1Hl l

2、tO (hrouph the chaiinck wcveruJ limes and Inui 山城 once 叫界in there s ruMliig IinlereAld vom. Not a problem Jimi put on some running shoea and romlbriabk Mu、川1l:ra nin.One of Ihp hesi thing9 about the sport of mnning is that you don I need expensive *:)III nerd is u good pair of running shoes and a sa

3、fe flnvironment. But dont be Io 疝11111,3 llltr,Il requires discipline and cnncen Irai ion.ing hr sport -if running is整”Running 茁 good for ynu both physically and menially. It slrenglhens vourcks. h mukes you more aware3 ynur bod” Hunning also improves vcxir body 和 H,jl usrk a 卡.11 can rven help you

4、Io 盯 morefocused in school because exercise ii lihink mg* (karly.八”山:rHow Hn you gel engaged in the sport if you dun I know tnurli 址乂川 H? M閑 stIMM年4月英語(二)試題和參考答案及解析第】玻共已更)runw忤 pnigrums A simple liilcrnet 跳arch can help you findyuu h仆w running van offer濃川卜Lind kikecarr of iheir petition or

5、 just be for fun. They dw leachsome in your area. The programs showrunners to set practicalR a grCal F毗h other g吠眄 know hw 麗亦以 sport cm k If 型即 S a w F see people ch* 加油 the 皿-isn,. j ,何-or how far you* re小,s曲世朋網(wǎng)-一崛iL加而叫1a mo l(porlant than competiH叫皿| 麗血 reciz.d over talent.w 呷 for ,norc than j網(wǎng) &

6、sport running may be the peifect choice for you.L Ynu may Hnd it interrfibng lo go for a run.C. Ml GivejiA Mer g理2 Jhc sptjrl of running is easy.;B FaBC. Not GfvniJ II 巾 haul (o hnd a stde environmeni for running.meBJXl 豌c. Noi Grven4 . Hmining is 即向 to peoples body and mind.A/ln,PBR尿C. Nd Given5 ,

7、A loiig-tlistancc run is gnod in many ways.CB, Fa尿c. Not Given6 You can find running programs online, AtTnJeELFulseC. Nol Given7 Running programs act &oak for you.A ThjeB, FalseC. Nol Giien* lt】U should go for a nin every day.A. TrueB. FalseC. N(H Ciien9. Runners irsp et one another hj they love the

8、 sport.A. TrueEJa尿C. Nol GivenH), Ihuining mrjin- rrinrp (hnn a GpHA” ImeB. FafseC, Nol Given第二部分:閱讀選擇(第T1題再題2分,共10分)閱讀下面短文,請從短文后所給各題的4個選項依、8、。)中選出1個最佳選項并將 所選答案的代碼(指A、B、C或D)填在答題紙的相應(yīng)位置上。1Kindness of StrangersAl hwhere 1 worked J noliced a young boy of about ten shopping done with hi& school2014年4月英語(

9、二)討題和畚考答案及解析第2頁(其12頁)Ht- placed ev rything in his badel und wf ni lo the checkout.Th young shop told him iht lolal pn iUHtanlh 出、叩儼“川歲 1 nd uid he had only bun given $20, He look out one thing at a lime unltl he 即M down tu $20. With yes full of lean, ht dsled if he imjU phone his mum to pick him up,

10、卯hen he 軻 Him咽i 叩 ptawd that even this was inconvenient for his mot he lHe bil hard on his hp to stop the tears and walked outside to wait on the bench in Front of thr shflp. This wu all loo much for the young aseislant who had served him and she maid J *ish ( could afford lo pay for the rest of his

11、 things. One of the other pds said 小e had a lew dolhrn Then mh”5 Md ihey could help as 弧山,These four jung girls pooled their money and found that they had mor ihan twu曲川川I” fur ih七 boj s extra purdiases. So they upgraded his pens and pencils to top-quality anerthen look the h;ig out Lo the boy oji t

12、he seal. His young face clunged rum sadness o ihe most beautiful smile. His nwther amved much Inter to pick him up. Instead of running to ths c ar, hr ran back into -Hh七 and catled out, Thank yw!1 was %? proud of my lean ihal day. They did somethin wonderful fcir that 匕. and also found the pleasure

13、of giving w&s as great as receiving.IL The hoy w*nl to the store to.A, buy a basketB. ask for helpC. shop for schoolD. make a phew call12 At the chrckoul jhe boy (bund ihai he.A. did iuH have enough moneyH. did not have his money on himI. Mr即t lo 撕k his mum for moneyD. had lost his money in the si o

14、reB. TKp boy walked out of the store to .A.冒ail for his mumB. resl on ihe benchC. gel more moneyDJook for a friend14, TIif shop distants wereA. cunousB.wealthyCM網(wǎng)RedD.kind-hearted15, ThL boy ran back inh the slore to.A do extra skippingBwxpres* his thanksC. ere ihe mnneyD.take hifi ba oulSM4年4月英語(二)

15、誠,和拿考咨案以解析第3頁(扶H頁)*,得分評卷入第三部分:概括段落大意和補(bǔ)全句子(第16 -25題,每題1分,共10分)闋鼻下面短文,清完成短文后的2項測試任務(wù):()從第16-20題后所給的6個選項中為 第,-段每段選擇1個正確的小標(biāo)題;(2)從第21 - 2S題后所給的6個選項中選擇5個正 確選項,分別完成每個句子,并將所選答案的代碼(指A、B,c、D、E或F)填在答題紙的相應(yīng)位 置上GOur MusclesWhen we think of must les, we might often picture a bodybuilder with big arm and leg mus- d”

16、, But our muscles do not have Io look like that to work welL2融 3 matter of faiut, every lime we hrite our name, use die 20 diiferEnt muscles in our hand Every lime our heart beats,we use our cardiac muscle(心肌),hen we eat our food, we usehjt longue musU電 W Even u&e muscles when we open and close uur

17、f*vps. In fact, even time we move t we use some of the muscles in our body./I-3:A niwle is rnzde nf hny fibens. ibfr is a lype ! ihal leeh j liltle like a rubber baurL ThousHids of libris arc packcil Logtdher to make a single muscle. U r all liavr the same number of muscics-about 700 iiig of Rowers,

18、happen all over nature. Bui nol all of them are daily rhythms. Some Jikelht beating of our heart, happen every second. _ 26Scienlisls use (he terrnrkw k W dr“,ril* the hilling 出I ronlruls biological rhythms,27 In snmr anitnais ii i= probahi)(ontmllc with then biulogical cluck丸 They may not be as atr

19、live 加 people who uork during the day limeBiological Jih k rontrol muiiy rh) llnn? uf lift, 30 Docknw are Iwkii甲(or new ways !o nuke iravel lmg mure comlarlahle and medic al ireatrnent more elTecLive*加14年4月美?。ǘ﨡試和善者答案源解析 第5頁【共12貢畜一:;A. Bui where can you find it?B. This makes them feel tired.C In th

20、summer 由” Ay back to have babies.D* We所1 理皿姓 and more about them.E. Biological clocks can be adjusted.! .Other rhythms are based on months .seasons or years.第五部分:填詞補(bǔ)文(第31 40題,每題1.5分,共15分)物工鱉鬟處空白短文后列出以個詞,其中“個取自短文請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容將其 ?別放叵原有位置,以恢復(fù)文章原貌,并將所選答案的代碼(指a、k.c.d,e、f,g.hjj、k 或L)填在答題紙的相應(yīng)位置上。Life Is DifTlcuJ

21、tUal makes life difllcull is that ihe process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. PmHems cauM- _3l_,anger, fear or despair. These are 32 feeling, often as painful as any kind of phjsit al pain. And since life 33 an endless series of problem it is 34 difficult and is full of pain as well

22、 as joy.Yh it is in this prwess _ 35 _ and solving problems ihal life has its meaning. Problems caJl furlh our 36 and nur 帆 sdom. Il is only Eerause of problems that we grow 37 and Apiriludly, Nmi wj wdHi lo riicuurage iht _38 _ol the human spirit, we encourage ihe human capacity to solve pruhlinisj

23、uti as in school we deliberate!) _39 problems for our children to solve. It is through ihr pain of confrunting and resolving dial we leant, Il is for this reason that 40 people b-dirri nol Lu h ar Iml actually tu welcome problenw and actually lo welcome Ihe pain of problems.A. meetingE.wiseL posesB.

24、 courageF.lakesJ. alwaysC- carefulC,MildnessK. uncumfuriabkD. growthH.setL mentalh20年4月美語i,析第頁f共12頁)I得分I評卷人 第六部分:完形補(bǔ)文(第41題書題1.5分,共15分)下面的短文有時處空白每處空白后的括號內(nèi)有一個詞,靖根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容將其正瞬的股 式填入文中,以恢復(fù)文章原貌,并將答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的位置上:Xrv There Truths in Dreams?Iniiine waking np aftrlream) about a tembk plane crash. I he next day v

25、ou willmake a plane journey that you have 41 (plan)lnig before Will you 醐 on the plane?A survey shows that vou nuy not cancel your trip. Bui your dream will probably ittfluence your 42( thought) during the journey. You may feel 43 _ ( wary j and find the trip much44(long)than hefon1- So dreams may i

26、nfluence vhat we Eire 45 i real doing mI】i“明七are awake.e)tplanalion of dreams 儲占lill a J n) . (clear J area, A team of re&earthera aje enleririfi A new field of siudies; Do drcams actually inlluencf our 47 J behave) Y Ovr the pad few years, they have 48(do ) studies in different euhures and found ou

27、t thal dreiimM conum some49 ( hide) tiuths;dreams altect die way people live and wurk But researchers Jbu id people nut lu be 59 (easy ) influenced by tlieir dreams.第七部分:短文寫作【第51延30分)請根據(jù)所提供材料中的要求完成一篇血詞左右的英語短九并將短文寫在答題紙相應(yīng) 的位置上。51. 某英文報社正在舉辦題為E-books口Paper Bo點? ”的狂女活動口請藉此題目寫一篇英文短文應(yīng)征。內(nèi)容包括以下兩個方面:你喜求電子書還是

28、紙質(zhì)書?理由是什么7L一 一 一一參考答案及解析第f部分度讀判斷(第1 -10題,每艇1分洪1。分)LA 2,B3.C4, A 5.C6. A 7. B 機(jī) C 9, B 10, AL解析建千北建:你可能身發(fā)吃昭步是一件有趣的事情口蹙目的美域詞是“加忸懶tinf,對應(yīng)探士第一 段:You 即 through the channels several times and find that once 咿 in ihere1 s nothing on TV I hat intfresb viu. Not a problem! Jusl put on some running shoes and c

29、omfortable doilies and 即 for a run.原文是建為體一次盅倒 震所有電視菊道發(fā)現(xiàn)時什幺也不感興趣時.這不是問匙,穿上造段和舒適的衣履去跑步吧,由此可知苑步 義一件有費的事枕“題目內(nèi)容身之楣符,故選A2鼻的題干大奇:地步這項運過很客益.題目的關(guān)椎詞是/y二對原文第二段最后兩句:Fhl be fooled into thinking the sport of ninning cuyJL requires discipline and conccntrutitMi.原文是說不會錯碟地 認(rèn)為韻步這亨逵動很藺羊,它是需要初球和臬中精力的.題目內(nèi)容與原丈內(nèi)容不將.改選現(xiàn)3解析

30、題千大盍;找一個適合寇步的妄登環(huán)境很過 題目的美批詞是“由版皿上(incr-sdfeenvirun- mniF ,時應(yīng)原文第二段第二句:AU ycu need 港 “ood puir of running shoes and & Me enviranmeni.原文是說除 只需要一雙好的曲骨和一個安全的球城。題目標(biāo)史的內(nèi)容在文中并沒有9現(xiàn),故選心4解析】超干大需:電步財人的身心使席都需好處“題目的美拉伺是“bog aid而屈,時應(yīng)原丈第三段第 句;Running is和od for ”u bo(h曲*加all) and mentally,短目是原文的同義表達(dá)t故選A*5解新制干大章:長電力多方面

31、的好處c趟目的美轅河是Tonga皿em二時應(yīng)原文倒敕第二段第三 % Running isnt aJwgn ibout hflw fM yw * running nrbw far youie 即 M 最文j|,迪他步這頑運動并不總 是要求他步快或者電多遠(yuǎn).魅口所就的內(nèi)露在正中#沒疝出現(xiàn).放選匕6 解析電干大毒:你可以也網(wǎng)上找到葩步課程、,黑目的關(guān)犍祠正一,詞旅二葉底原支第四段第二,三句: 以同 M-himk ufler running prugranH. A flinipJe Irderviei eearch cm help 加u And 軸me in your uvel 原丈是說大部分 學(xué)發(fā)靠

32、弄社壽電步課程,體尺雷也網(wǎng)上搜索一下就可以就刎在俅罔邊的一些年卷口珈日內(nèi)K與原文內(nèi)客相 機(jī)被送A。工解析整千大彌:的步語魏為你設(shè)定了目標(biāo)題R的美幢同建“就i即水、葉應(yīng)原文第舊戳鼠后一向: They il9 (cwh runnere io stl prulital 陰曲 ind tike care ure Iqopv for nwre dim jusl t hpanTnjnoing ma* br the ptrlwt choice for you, J 文是說如果張正在尋找不權(quán)技 Ml,隼,周蛹(二)試和叁率案及解析 第,頁(共12頁)先是i個速動的項目,葩?;蛟S是最好的選淮。題目內(nèi)容身之相將,

33、故選Ad第二部分:閱讀選擇(第11、15題,每題2分41Q分)11 .。12. A 】3.兒 14. D 15, R1L 解析事實始節(jié)題:根看文聿 * 一句話At the mlorc where 1 worked , I noticed a young boy 詛* M better wilh 叢picc cf our mMkn. % J 制 ch,wse 加 papcr0值引gh brings me加幅施iirepbceabM fed晚川向嘿精選座號絕密啟用前2014年1。月全國高等教育自學(xué)考試試題英語(二)試卷得分評卷入第一部分:閱讀判斷第1 10題,每題1分,共10分)(課程代碼0001

34、5) 本試卷共12頁,滿分100分;考試時間150分鐘??偡诸}號1DnIVV”況核分人S分10 4010二 10.15 .1530復(fù)查人得分一下面的短文后列出了 10個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子作出判斷:如果該句提供 的是正確信息,選擇A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,選擇比如果該句的信息文中沒有提及, 選擇C,并將所選答案的代碼(指A.B或C)填在答題紙的相應(yīng)位置上。The Stranger Who Changed My Lifeh a Bunny niurning in the spring of 1966 I mtie driving h tail + looking for a cu

35、stomer. Vtfiile passing New Yrjrk Hospital41 found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me.I slnpppd. Thij man reached taxi and jumped in. 41 The Airport . pipas*1, * he said. As always, I ivoiidpn-d jIhhiI rny pjis*iriipi. as ihis man a talker? After a few momentst he Rtarled sayingT How

36、 do jou like driving a tax濘Ils OK/I 5aH I make a living and meei inieresling people sometimes, *FftWhal do you do? I asked.“I am a doclur al Nru lork HosptlatMany limes during long rides11 * d developed a good relationship with my passengers and rerpivil ven- good ndvicr from thm. This time I decided to ask lor his help.M Could ask a favor of you7 Hr didn I answer. J have a son, 15 ,a good lud. He wants a job 2014年10月英語(二)試國和畚考答案及解析 第1頁(共建更靠 this summer Is it possible that you gel one for him?HP 如n的噩制d 1 3 smi叫 t0 fel Wish. Fina


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