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1、單元練習(xí)Module6 A trip to the zoo、單項(xiàng)選擇共io小題;共10分1. His brothera kite in the park every after noon.curlyA. flyB. flysC. fliesD. is fly2. Your En glish teacher tall and she hair.A. has; hasB. is; isC. is; hasD. has; is3. She is very rich and she three houses.A. getB. haveC. hasD. hadyour friend like En gl

2、ish?B. Dothe4. My mother is a teacher. She A. not workB. is n't work5. - Can I help you, sir?-Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but itA. did n't workB. won't work6. Does Amymusic?A. likes liste ning toC. like liste ning toA. Does7. The camel comesdeserts.A. of; atB. from; inon week

3、e nds.C. don't workD. does n't workC. can't workD. does n't workB. like liste ningD. likes to listen toC. IsD. HasAfrica and it livesC. in; forD. at; on8. Zhou Yang is skati ng. She won a gold medal at the 2021Olympic Win ter Games.A. good atB. weak inC. tired ofD. angry with9. He sp

4、eaks Japa nese En glish and Fren ch.A. as wellB. as well asC. tooD. also、單詞拼寫單句首字母填空共10小題;共10分10. He u makes a pla n before he does someth ing.11. My gran dma lives a in the coun tryside, but she n ever feelsIon ely.12. If we are lucky eno ugh we can cthe early bus.13. The tiger is s and catches oth

5、er ani mals for food.14. She is a f girl. We all like her.15. I have some good friends and they come from dcoun tries.16. I like koalas because they are smart and c.17. Mum oftentells him not to play on the street, because it's tood.18. He does n't know the way there. He n eeds a gto show th

6、e way.19. En gla nd and France are both E coun tries.三、單詞拼寫根據(jù)中文提示拼寫單詞共10小題;共10分20. My father likes Chin ese food and he也likes Beiji ng Opera.21. - Can I borrow your eraser?-當(dāng)然.Here you are.22. - What do you do on the weeke nd?-I 通常地watch TV and do homework.23. Hurry up, or we'll miss搭乘the early

7、bus.24. Are you sure you can complete the task單獨(dú)?25. People are really 不同的from animals.26. - Are you from different國家?-Yes, you are right.27. The lion comes from 非洲.28. There are many 動物over there.29. If we train a dog, it can be a向?qū)or people in need.四、翻譯根據(jù)中文提示完成句子共5小題;共10分30. 吉娜非常擅長游泳。Gi na is qui

8、te .31. You can buy 不同種類的toys at the store.32. 我弟弟不僅會打排球,而且也會彈鋼琴。Mybrothercanplaythepia noplay volleyball.33. 將來有一天,我想去環(huán)球旅游。Iwantto someday.34. Casual shoes are 在那邊.Please put themon before you en ter.五、完形填空共10小題;共15分A wolf is very hun gry. It looks for 36everywhere. At last it37some food in a hole

9、of a tree. It is very 38.The 39wolf squeezes 擠into the hole. It 40 all thefood. It is a farmer's 41. He is on 42way back to the tree tohave lun ch. But he 43there is no food in the hole. In stead, there is a44. The wolf tries to get out 45the hole. But it can't. Because itis too full.36. A.

10、clothesB. bedC. foodD. water37. A. findsB. makesC. cooksD. buys38. A. tiredB. angryC. quietD. happy39. A. tallB. hungryC. fatD. big40. A. eatsB. sellsC. takesD. uses41. A. supperB. breakfastC. dinnerD. lu nch42. A. hisB. herC. itsD. their43. A. hearsB.seesC. readsD.hopes44. A. dogB. catC. birdD. wol

11、f45. A. inB. ofC. atD. on六、閱讀理解共18小題;共36分AA cha nge in seas on s can mea n a cha nge in your life. For example, the startof fall means back to school for many kids. Ani mals' lives cha nge with the seas ons, too. Many ani mals migrate, or move, from one area to ano ther at differe nt times of th

12、e year.The wildebeest角馬is one example. This grass-eating animal moves fromplace to place, looking for food and water. Some animals like the lions and the cheetahs follow the wildebeests or lose their food. So the wildebeests travel in large groups. Look at the map to lear n about the wildebeest'

13、s yearly journ ey.MAPI tevetTj ber to f e hruiir>lurtr k-. Ahjim1Sqcniber lu Ni"inbw'、ildbeaht MigrathinUCAMDAScrencdK;vticn引 Park46. What does the underlined word "migrate" mean in Chinese?A.蛻變B.遷徙C.冬眠47. The wildebeests live in theof Africa.A. no rthwestB. southwestC. southea

14、stD.反芻D. no rtheast48. Whe n the dry seas on beg ins, the wildebeests leave becauseA. many kids go back to schoolB. lions and cheetahs follow themC. they love moving from place to placeD. they want to look for food and water49. The Smiths are planning an April they go?A. To Serengeti National Park.C

15、. To Ugan da.trip to see the wildebeests. Where shouldB. To Masai Mara Game Reserve.D. To Kenya.50. What do you thi nk might help the wildebeests survive in the wild?A. Traveli ng in large groups.B. Eat ing grass.C. A cha nge in seas ons.D. Los ing their food.BBats 蝙 蝠 are the only flying “animal in

16、 the world. They can't see very well. “As blind as a bat is often heard. Yet they have no trouble flying on the darkest ni ghts and finding their way round very well. How can bats fly andsee at ni ght? They fly by radar雷達(dá).The bat's radar system系統(tǒng)works the same way as the radar in ships and p

17、la nes. As a bat flies through the air, it makes a soun d. If the sounds hit things,they will come back and the bat's ears will receive the message. In this way, the bat is able to know where the things are.Bats go out for food at night. In the daytime, they hang in some dark places. Some people

18、 regard bats as bad ani mals. In fact, they are useful ani mals.51. As a bat flies through the air, it.A. hits thi ngsB. comes backC. makes a soundD. carries a mach ine52. Bats have no trouble flyingthey .A. have very good eyesB. fly with the help of a radar systemC. can easily find foodD. live in t

19、he dark ness53. Bats are .A. frien dly to peopleon the darkestB. useful for peopleC. terribleD. dan gerous to peopleni ghtsbecause54. Bats can very well.A. hearB.seeC. runD. jump55. The passage is aboutA. a kind of birdB. the radar systemC. ani mals and huma n beingsD. a kind of ani mal, the batCMar

20、yis an American girl.She is now in Beijingwith her parents. Marydoes n't know much Chin ese, but she is study ing it. She ofte n speaks Chin ese with her Chin ese frien ds. Sometimes they can't un dersta nd her, because she can't speakChin ese very well.It'sSaturday morning. She goes

21、 out. She is walkingin the street. She理解)her.wants to go to the zoo to see the elepha nts and mon keys, but she does n't know how to get there. She asks a Chin ese boy the way. The boy can't un dersta nd(Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elepha nt on it, andshows th

22、e picture to the boy. The boy un dersta nds and shows her the way to the zoo.56. Mary is a( n) girl.A. En glishB. Chin eseC. America nD. Japanese57. Where is Mary now?A. I n America.B. I n En gla nd.58. Mary does n't know how to get toA. the zooB. the park59. Mary can't speak A. En glishB. J

23、apa nese60. At last the boy A. can un dersta nd Mary's Chin eseC. shows Mary the way to the zooC.In Japa n.D.In Chi na.C.her homeD.her schoolvery wellC.FrenchD.Chin eseB. takes Mary to the zooD. draws a picture for Mary, tooThe School Day6:00 Rising bell for boarders寄宿生6:45 Breakfast for boarder

24、s7:45 School begi ns School begi ns at 8:15 on Mo ndays10:15 Break beg ins Boarders get drinks and drink at the schoolcaf e10:45 Break ends12:00 Read in the readi ng room13:00 Lunch in the dining hall13:30 Rest in dormitories 寢室14:00 Classes begin16:00 Juice and fruit in the cafe16:10 Sports and clu

25、bs swim ming17:00 Junior boarders showerDay students depart離校17:15 Senior boarders shower17:15-17:50 Free time18:00 Supper for boarders18:40 Juniors go to dormitories21:00 Lights out61. From the passage, we lear n that the stude nts in the schoolA. have lots of homework to doB. live in the schoolC.

26、go to bed quite lateD. have lots of time to play sports62. Jim is a Junior boarder. He can take a shower atA. 16:15B. 18:40C. 14:00D. 17:0063. Jenny is a day stude nt. She canevery after noon.A. go homeB. take a showerC. read in the classroomD. rest in her dormitory七、短文7選55選5等共5小題;共10分rm Jim. 64.It

27、is Sunday today. I don't go to school. Mymother and father don't go to work. I have a sister. 65.She istwo years old. What is she doing? She is playing with a toy car. I have a brother.His n ame is Bill. 66.He is playi ng games. My sister, my brotherand I likedumpli ngs.My father is tall. He

28、 is a bus driver.67. She is a worker. What are my mother and my father doing?68. My gran dfather and my gra ndmother are old. What are theydoing? They are making dumpli ngs, too.A. What is he doing?B. They are making dumpli ngs.C. My mother is short.D. I'm a stude nt.E. Her n ame is Hele n.八、閱讀與

29、表達(dá)問答式共5小題;共10分He comes home, has a showerAnd eats dinner, every dayNow he's sitting in his favorite chairToo tired to laugh or playHe reads his book or n ewspaperTo lear n what's new todaySoon he'll go to bedHe's a bori ng man, my dadThen I see him work ingOn the buildi ng siteHe'

30、;s high up in the cloudsHigher tha n a kiteHe's walk ing bravely on a narrow piece of woodNot worried about the heightNot afraid, not afraid like meHe's a superma n, my dad69. What do you thi nk the readi ng above is?70. Why does n't Dad laugh or play after coming home?71. Where does the

31、 writer see Dad work ing?72. How is Dad walk ing on a n arrow piece of wood?73. What does the writer thi nk of Dad at work?九、補(bǔ)全對話選擇共5小題;共10分A: There are many new ani mals in the zoo. Do you know?B: Oh? 74.A: Giraffes, elepha nts, pan das and lions.B: Let's go and see them.A: Good. 7 B: I want to se


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