



1、八年級下英語第二次單元考試(1) (總分:100分 答卷時間:90分鐘 命題人:沈紅梅)第一卷 選擇題部分(55分)1、 聽力 A) 本部分共有10小題,每小題你將聽到一段對話,每段對話聽兩遍。( )1A B C ( )2A BC ( )3A B C ( )4AB C( )5A BC ( )6A. To work outside. B. To work in the field. C.To clean up the city park.( )7A. Tom. B. Brown. C. Green.( )8A. At the womans. B. At the mans. C. At a res

2、taurant. ( )9A. Six. B. One. C. Two. ( )10A. March 21st.B. March 22nd. C. March 23rd.B )聽對話和短文回答問題。你將聽到兩段對話和一篇短文,各聽兩遍。聽第一段對話,回答第11-12小題( )11How long did Li Fang live in Shanghai?A. For 5 years.B. For 6 years.C. For 7 years.( )12What does Li Fangs father sell?A. Apples. B. Football.C. Computers.聽第二段對

3、話,回答第13-15小題( )13What is the goal of the game?A. To learn the history of each place.B. To travel around the world.C. To go to many countries.( )14When was the game designed?A. In 2001. B. In 2002. C. In 2003.( )15Where cant we buy the game?A. In China. B. In England. C. In Japan.聽一篇短文,回答第16-20小題( )1

4、6Where may the tourists be now?A. In Nanjing. B. On the bus. C. In the park.( )17Where does Nanjing lie?A. In the southeast of China. B. In the northeast of China.C. In the south of China.( )18What does the guide think of the people in Nanjing?A. Hard-working and humorous. B. Polite and generous. C.

5、 Helpful and friendly.( )19What can people do in Xuanwu Lake Park according to the passage?A. Boating and flying kites. B. Boating and fishing. C. Swimming and flying kites.( )20Where can the tourists enjoy the beauty of the whole city?A. Nanjing Museum. B. On the top of Zijin Mountain. C. On the Gr

6、eat Changjiang Bridge.二、選擇題部分(15分)( )21.Yesterday _ 8-year-old boy fell into the river._ boy was saved by _policeman. A. a ; A ; a B. An ; The ; a C. an ; The; the D. a ; A; the( )22.If you have questions, you should ask the teacher _ help. A.from B.on C.for D.to( )23.The car over there isnt _.It be

7、longs to _. A.her; me B.her;mine C.hers; me D.hers; mine( )24.He sleeps with his eyes _ and mouth _. A.close; open B. close; opened C.closed;opened D.closed;open( )25.-Will the box be _? - Maybe, but someone will help me . A.too heavy for you to carry B. too heavy for you to carry it C.so heavy for

8、you to carry it D. so heavy for you to carry( )26.The rich man _ much food _ the poor family during the hard time. A.provided; to B.provides; with C.provided; for D.provide; for( )27.-Its kind _ him to help me solve the problem. - Yes, he is always kind _ everybody. A.for; of B.of; to C.to; of D.to;

9、to( )28.-Lets go fishing if it _ this weekend. - But nobody knows if it _. A.is fine; will rain B.will be fine; rains C.is fine; will be rain D.will be fine;will rain( )29.Its necessary _ a foreign language. A.of us to learn B.for us to learn C.of us learning D.for us learning( )30.When you feel _ t

10、o watch TV by then, you are all right. A.enough good B.enough well C.well enough D.good enough( )31.This kind of iPad _ in our computer shop. It _ very well. A.is sold; sells B.sells; is sold C.sells; sells D.is sold; is sold( )32._ interesting work it is ! A.What a B. How a C. What D.How( )33.There

11、 a lot of farmland here. But now you can only see tall buildings. A. used to have B. is used to being C. used to having D. used to be( )34.-What can I do for you,Sir? - Id like a bag of rice, for I have _ at home. A.some B.little C.a little D.a few( )35.-Im really nervous before the English exam. -

12、_. Im sure you can pass it. A.Take it easy B.Take your time C.Not at all D.Sorry to hear that3、 完形填空(10分) Working as volunteers at a summer camp is not easy. _36_, when I have become a _37_, I think its great fun. During the summer camp, there are a number of _38_, They want to _39_ time with their

13、kids in nature, hoping to take a rest from the busy life. From the moment they arrive, these parents can be seen _40_, working so hard to help others in the community _41_ doing the dishes, taking kids to see the doctor, buying things, sweeping around the rooms and spending time taking _42_ in all k

14、inds of activities. They are full of energy to be _43_ to do so much work. At the end of the camp, it is so _44_ to say goodbye to each other. I really thank them. They are always giving and never _45_ anything in return(作為報答). Thank you, summer camp parents.( )36. A.However B. So C. And D. Because(

15、 ) 37. A.teacher B.volunteer C.member D.organizer( )38. A.workers B.students C.parents D.doctors( )39.A.have B.spend C.give D.take( )40.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.anyone( )41.A.by B.in C.with D.at( )42.A.area B.things C.care D.part( )43.A.able B.true C.interested D.crazy( )44.A.boring B.h

16、ard C.happy D.easy( )45.A.looking on B.looking up C.looking at D.looking for4、 閱讀理解(10分) AListening test is one of the most important parts of the English exam. Here are some tips for you. Before you start to listen, you need to relax. Dont be stressed out. And try to read the questions.These questi

17、ons usually help you understand the conversation or the passage. Then listen carefully to the first sentence. It usually tells you the main idea of the passage. When youre listening, try to do some thinking and take some notes, such as: What happened When, where, and how What does the speaker want t

18、o tell us In this way, you may understand the passage better,Please remember not to think about one or two words for a long time. When you hear some words you dont know, dont spend too much time on them. Very often, youll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening.() 46. This pa

19、ssage mainly talks about_. A. tips on listeningB. tips on speaking C. tips on reading D. tips on writing( ) 47. Its better for you to keep _when you start to have a listening test. A. excited B. relaxed C. stressed out D. worried() 48. We should listen to the first sentence carefully, because it usu

20、ally tells us_. A. the answers to the questions B. where to write the answers C. the main idea of the passage D. how much time left (剩余) for the listening test( ) 49. When youre listening, its important for you to _ A. remember every wordB. take some notes C. understand all the wordsD. think about o

21、ne or two words for a long time( ) 50. The usually help(s) us understand the passage better. A. questions B. first sentence C. notes D. A, B and C B When I drove to work yesterday, I met a traffic jam. As I looked out of my window, a handsome young man was walking on the street. He was walking towar

22、ds the bridge. There were some homeless men with their cups around there. The young man went to one of them. He brought out some money from his pocket, said a few words to him and put the money into his cup. He continued to walk and then saw another homeless man. He stopped for a minute, said a few words and then gave the man a candy. And then he saw the next homeless man. He was shivering because of coldness. The young man now stopped for a second and gave his scar


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