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1、Part One Early and Medieval English LiteratureI..9. Fill in the blanks.In 1066, , with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeatingEngland.A. William the ConquerorB. Julius CaesarC. Alfred the GreatD. ClaudiusIn the 14th century, the most important writer (poet) is .A. Langland

2、B. WycliffeC. GowerD. ChaucerThe prevailing form of Medieval English literature is .A. novelB. dramaC. romanceD. essayThe story of _ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. BeowulfC. Piers the PlowmanD. The Canterbury TalesWilliam Langland s is written in t

3、he form of a dream vision.A. Kubla KhanB. Piers the PlowmanC. The Dream of John BullD. Morte d ArthurAfter the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke .A. French B. English C. Latin D. Swedish was the greatest of English religious reformers and the first t

4、ranslator of the Bible.A. Langland B. Gower C. Wycliffe D. ChaucerPiers the Plowman describes a series of wonderful dreams the author dreamed, through which, we can see a picture of the life in the England.A. primitive B. feudal C. bourgeoisD. modernThe theme of to king and lord was repeatedly empha

5、sized in romances.A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedience D. mockery10. The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called .A. Morte d ArthurB. Robin HoodC. The Canterbury TalesD. Piers the Plowman11. , the“ father of English poetry” and one onfathrreatgivreapt

6、oesets ofEngland, was born in London in about 1340.A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Dryden12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in .A. Flanders B. France C. Italy D. Westminster Abbey13. Chaucer esarliest work of any length is his , a translation of the Fre

7、nchB. “A Red, Red Rose ” D. The Book of the DuchessRoman de la Roseby Gaillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France but throughout Europe.A. The Romaunt of the RoseC. The Legend of Good Women14. In hi

8、s lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings. Which one is not his career? .A. engineerB. courtierC. office holderD. soldierE. ambassador F. legislator (議員 )15. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named based on Boccaccio spoem “ Fi

9、lostrato ” .B. Troilus and CriseydeD. Beowulf6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ADAABA. The Legend of Good Women C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knightn . Questions1.2.Key to the multiple choices : 1-5 ADCABWhat are the features ofBeowulf?Comment on the social significance and language inThe Canterbury Tales.Part Two The

10、 English Renaissance1.Thomas MoreA. Apology for Poetry2.HolinshedB. Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets3.HakluytC. Utopia4.Richard TottelD. Discovery of Guiana5.Philip SidneyE. Principal Navigations, Voyages and6.Walter RaleighF. ChroniclesThe key: (1C2F3E4B5 A6D). Match the writer and his works.IDiscov

11、eriesn1.2.3. Choose the best answer. founded the Tudor Dynasty, a centralized monarchy of a totally new type, which met the needs of the rising bourgeoisie.A. Henry V B. Henry VII C. Henry VIIID. James IThe first complete English Bible was translated by ,“the morning star ofthe Reformation”and his f

12、ollowers.A. William TyndalB. James IC. John WycliffeD. Bishop Lancelot AndrewsThe progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. encouraged exploration and travel, which were compatible with the interests of the English merchants.A. Henry V.B. Henry VIIC. Henry VIII D. Quee

13、n ElizabethExcept being a victory of England over _, the rout of the fleet “Armada” (Invincible) was also the triumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the.4.15.16.declining old feudalism.A. Spain B. France C. America D. NorwayThose, both traders and pirates like , establi

14、shed the first English colonies.A. Francis Drake B. Lancelot AndrewsC. William Caxton D. William Tyndal was a forerunner of classicism in English literature.A. Ben Johnson B. William Shakespeare C. Thomas More D. Christopher Marlowe The most gifted of the“ university witsA. Lyly B. PeeleC. GreeneMor

15、ality plays appeared after.” was .D. MarloweA. miracle plays B. mystery plays C. interlude D. Classical plays is used to say and do good things.A. Mercy B. Folly C. Vice D. Peace is one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.A. Phillip Sidney B. Edmund SpenserC. Thomas More D. Walter Raleigh

16、 is not a famous translator in the English Renaissance.A. Thomas North B. Thomas WyattC. George Chapman D. John Florio had supplied Shakespeare with the material for Julius Caesar.A. Lives of Greek and Roan Heroes 希臘羅馬名人傳 Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets Don Quixote History of the Worldwas one of the

17、 first to see the relation between wealth and poverty toB.C.D.understand that the rich were becoming richer by robbing the poor.A. John Wycliffe B. William CaxtonC. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Thomas More Utopia was written in the form of .A. prose B. drama C. essay One of the popular morality plays was .A.

18、 The Shepherds B. EverymanC. The Play of the WeatherD. Gammer Gurton sNeedleShakespeare s plays written between are sometimes calledall end in reconciliation and reunion.A. 1590 and 1594 B. 1595 and 1600C. 1601 and 1607 D. 1608 and 1612 Miranda is a heroinein Shakespeare s .A. Pericles B. CymbelineC

19、. The Winter s TaleD. The TempestInappearecShakespeares Sonne, Never before Imprinted (莎士比亞十四行詩 “迄今從未刊印過 ”)which contains 154 sonnets.A. 1606 B. 1607 C. 1608 1609 Shakespeare is one of the founders of .D. dialogueromances”0.21.22.A. romanticism B. realism C. naturalism D. classicism Among

20、many poetic forms, Shakespeare was especially at home (good at) with the .A. dramatic blank verse B. song C. sonnet D. couplet In the plays, Shakespeare used about words.A. 15000 B. 16000 C. 17000 D. 18000has been called the summit of the English Renaissance.B. Francis BaconD. Ben JohnsonA. Christop

21、her MarlowC. W. ShakespeareKey to the multiple choices:1-5 BCDAA6-10 DDCBA11-15 BDADA 16-22 ACBADDBE . Fill in the blanks..The was universally used by the Catholic Churches.The English translation of the Bible emerged as a result of the struggle between and _.The Bible was notably translated

22、into English by the The first complete English Bible was translated bythe morning star of the.2.13.16.translated the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament, which is known as Tyndale s Bible.After Tydale s Bible, then appeared the , which was made in 1611 underthe auspices o

23、f . And so was sometimes called the .Apart from the religious influence, the Authorized Version has had a great influence on English _ and .With the widespread influence of the English Bible, the standard modern English has been and .A great number of and phrases have passedinto daily English speech

24、 ashousehold words.The and language of the Authorized Version has colored the style ofthe English prose for the last 300 years. was the first English printer.William Caxton was a prosperous merchant himself, but he was fond of _ , and his interest was turning to .He translated The Recuyell of Histor

25、yes of Troy into English from French which was the _ book printed in English.The Recuyell served as a source for Troilus and Cressida. 特洛埃勒斯與克雷雪達(dá)After having established his printing press, William Caxton devoted himself to the career of a and .William Caxton published about himself.books, _ of whic

26、h were translated by8.By rendering (翻譯 ) French books into English, Caxton exercised the youthful language in the airs (曲調(diào) ), the graces, the crafts of the elder and contributed to the development of the style of _ century English .The influence of Caxtons publications gisreaalst oin fixin

27、g aEngland.language in2.23.24.As the first English printer, Caxton invented in England the profession of ,which in fact has had a lasting significance to the development of English _ as a whole.The Renaissance started in the century and ended in the century.The word, “ renaissance ” means

28、, which was stimulated by a series ofhistorical events, such as .In the Renaissance, the humanist thinkers and scholars tried to get rid of those old in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expresses of the rising bourgeoisie, and to recover the of the early church from the corruption of the

29、Roman Catholic Church. is the theme of the English Renaissance, which emphasized the capacities of and the achievements of . Stanza is a verse form created by rhyme scheme is .for his poem, in which the4.35.36.The Wars of the Roses (1455 1485) between the House of _ and t

30、he House of _ struggling for the Crown continued for 30 years.Becauseof the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the King of England, the far-reaching movement of _ took place in England, started by Henry VIII.After _ in England, the helpless, dispossessedpeasants,being compelled to work a

31、t a low wage, became hired laborers for the merchants. These laborers were the fathers of modern English _.The introduction of _ to England by William Caxton (1476) brought classical works within reach of the common multitude.The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of relations a

32、ndthe establishing of the foundations of .Because the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk, it was a time when, according to Thomas More,“_”. broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries and abbeys in the country, confiscated their lands and proclaimed himself head of the Church of Engla

33、nd.Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as ., in his translation of Virgil Aeneid, wrotesthe first English blank verse. Richard Tottel Misscellany of Songs and Sonnets con

34、tained poems by and by .Philip Sidney thought that had superiority over philosophy and history. is a picture of contemporary England with forcible exposure of the _3.44.45. From the contact with Greek and Latin drama, English playwrights learned all the important rules in and , th

35、e more exact conception of and .English comedies and tragedies on classical models appeared in the middle of the century.The first English comedy is .The first English tragedy is .Miracle plays, morality plays, interludes and classical plays paved the way for the flourishing of .In the 16th century

36、became the centre of English drama.By , professional actors were organized into companies. were wooden buildings, usually circular in form, with tiers (一排排) of galleries surrounding a roofless pi(t 樓下劇場) .In the Elizabethan Theater, there were no and womentaken by .2.53. s parts w

37、ere alwaysamong the laboring classes.of social wealth.More points out that the root of poverty is the Sonnets contain sonnets and sonnets.The highest glory of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its .The “ miracles ” were simple plays based on stories.There are significant touches of life in

38、the play titledThe Shepherd.sA morality play presented the of good and with personages.Vice was the predecessor of the modern .Through the revival of classical literature, English playwrights came into contact with and drama.7.58.59.Shakespeare s narrative poem, Venus and Adonis, is full o

39、f viviidmages of the , and aphorisms 格( 言、警句 ) on life.Shakespeare was a great of the English language.Shakespeare s dramatic creation often used the method of .Shakespeare s drama becomes a monument of the English .Shakespeare was a for play-writing.Shakespeare _s_ people represent all the complexi

40、ties and implications of real life.Key to the blanks: ..9.Latin BibleProtestantism; CatholicismProtestantsJohn Wycliffe; ReformationWilliam TyndalAuthorized Version, James I;King James Bible.Language; literaturefixed; confirmedBible coinages10. simple; dignified11. William Caxton12. Re

41、ading; literature13. First14. Shakespeare15. Printer; publisher16. 100; 2417. 15th ; prose18. National19. Publisher; culture20. 14th; 17th21. Religious reformation22. feudalist ideas; interests;purity23. Humanism; human mind; human culture24.Spenserian; Edmund Spenser;The Faerie Queene; ababbcbcc25.

42、 Lancaster; York26. The Reformation27. the Enclosure Movement;proletarians28. printing29. feudal; capitalism30. sheep devours men31. William VIII32. Renaissance33. HenrySurrey34. 96, SirHenrySurrey35. poetry36. Utopia, Book One; povertyHoward,Thomas Howard,IV . Say true or false...9.10

43、.EarlofWyatt, 40,Earl of37. private ownership38. Italian/Petrarchan ; Shakespearean39. Drama40. Bible41. real42. Conflict; evil; allegorical43. Clown44. Greek; Latin45. Structure; style; comedy; tragedy46. 16th47. Gammer GurtonsNeedle 葛頓大娘的縫 衣針48. Gorboduc 高波特克49. Drama50. London51. 156752. Elizabet

44、han theatres53. actress; boys54. countryside55. master56. adaptation (revision)57. Renaissance58. master-hand (能手 )59. full-bloodThe old English aristocracy having been exterminated (wiped out) in the course of the War of the Roses, a new nobility, totally dependent on Kingspower, come to the fore.A

45、bsolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.The progress of bourgeois economy made England a powerful state and enabled her in 1588 to inflict a defeat on the Spanish Invincible Armada.The Protestant Reformation was in essencea religious movement in a political

46、 guise.Before the Reformation, the English Bible was universally used by the Catholic churches.Walter Raleigh wrote his History of the World in imprisonment. More the man is even more interesting than Morethe writer.Utopia, Book One, describes an ideal communist society.Translations occupied an impo

47、rtant place in the English Renaissance. Philip Sidneys collection of love sonneAtstriosphel and Stella.11.The Miracle plays were not forbidden to perform in churches after the actors introduced secular and even comical elements into the performance.12.13.The writer of Gammer Gurtons Needleis unknown

48、.Two lawyers who wrote Gorboduc were Thomas Sackville (托馬斯 薩克維爾) and Thomas Norton (托馬斯 諾頓).14.Shakespearesosnnets are divided into three groups: Numbers 1 17, Numbers 18126, and Numbers 127154.15.16.Shakespeare s sonnets are written for variety of virtues.Engels said,“Realism implies, besides truth

49、 in detail, the truthful reproduction of typi cal characters un der typi cal circumsta nces.”17.18.19.Shakespeare wrote about his own people and for his own time.Shakespeare s one play contains one them(ceo. ntains more than one theme) To reproduce the real life, Shakespeareoften combines the majest

50、ic with the funny, the poetic with the prosaic散文體的)and tragic with the comic.20.Engels called Shakespeare s plays the“ ShakespeO活潑n V快活ityandwealth of (大量的) action ”.21.Utopia is Mores masterpiece,written in the form of letters between More and Hythloday, a voyage.22.23.Sir Philip Sidney is well-kno

51、wn as a poet and dramatist.Carl Marx commented highly on Mores Utopia and mentioned it in his great work, The Capital.24.25.The highest glory of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its poetry.The miracle plays were simple plays based on Bible stories, such as the creation of the world, Noah a

52、nd the flood, and the birth of Christ.26.Grammer GurtonsNeedleis the first English comedy, Gorboduc the first English tragedy.27.Both the gentlemen and the common people went to the theatres. But the upper class was the dominant force in Elizabethan theatre.28.After Shakespeares death, Herminge and

53、Condell collected and published his plays in 1623.29.From Shakespeares history plays, it can be seen that Shakespearetook a great interest in the political questions of his time.30.31.In Shakespeareshistorical plays, historical accuracy is not strictly regarded.King Lear is a tragedy of ambition, wh

54、ich drives a brave soldier and national hero to degenerate into a bloody murder and despot right to his doom.32.Coming from an old Danish legend, Othello is considered the summit of Shakespeares art.33.34.Shakespeare is one of the founders of romanticism in world literature.Generally speaking, after Shakespeare,the English drama was undergoing a process of prosperity.35.English Renaissance Period


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