West movement_第1頁
West movement_第2頁
West movement_第3頁
West movement_第4頁




1、West movementIntroduction介紹American Westward Movement美國西進運動, movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands farther west. 、運動的人,來自定居在美國部分地區(qū)進一步向西涉足。Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American peoples and their societies expanded from the Atlantic Coast to

2、 the Pacific Coast. 早期和晚期的17th之間19th世紀,英美民族和社會從大西洋海岸擴展到太平洋海岸。This westward movement, across what was often called the American frontier, was of enormous significance. 這在西進運動是什么,通常被稱為美國邊境的巨大意義。By expanding the nations borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became o

3、ne of the most powerful nations of the 20th century. 通過擴大這個國家的邊界,包括超過三百萬平方英里,美國成為其中一個最強大的國家的20th世紀。However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America.然而,這種擴張也導(dǎo)致了極大的痛苦、破壞及文化損失北美本土的美國人。This expansion also meant that much o

4、f North America was dominated by English institutions and ways of life, instead of Spanish or French ones. 這種擴張也意味著了北美洲主要是由英語制度和生活方式,而不是西班牙語或者法語的人。The Spanish and French were also exploring and settling North America in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. 西班牙和法國也探索和解決北美在十六、十七、十八世紀。

5、For good or ill, the westward movement of these Anglo-American settlers was one of the most influential forces to shape North American history.是好的還是壞的,這些英美移民的西進運動是一個最具影響力的力量來塑造北美的歷史。West movement 西進運動(Westwood Movement)Westwood westward Movement (do)早在北美殖民地時期,向西移民的活動就開始了。As early as in North America

6、 to the west the colonial period, the activities of the immigrants began.南部的奴隸主、北部的土地投機商和貧苦的老百姓,都希望在西部獲得土地。Slave owners in the south and north of the land speculators and poor people, hope in the west get land.英國政府為了把殖民地人民限制在能夠控制的地方,于1763年頒布了禁止移民越過阿巴拉契亞山脈以西的公告令。The British government to put the colo

7、nists limit in the place that can control, issued in 1763 over a ban on immigration to the Appalachian mountains to the announcement.獨立革命粉碎了這一規(guī)定。Revolution shattered the this regulation.1783年英美議定了和平解決方案,英國把阿巴拉契亞山以西至密西西比河這一大片印第安人所有的土地,開放給了美國。In 1783, British and American agreed peace solution, the Br

8、itish Appalachian mountains west of the Mississippi River to the large Indian all land, open to the United States.1830年5月,A杰克遜總統(tǒng)通過了印第安人遷移法,把印第安人遷到密西西比河以西。In May 1830, a. President Jackson through the indians migration law ", the Indian people move to west of the Mississippi River.這之后,派軍隊把印第安人押送

9、出密西西比河以東地區(qū),殖民事業(yè)在這一地區(qū)迅速發(fā)展。After this, sent troops to the indians out of the Mississippi River in edom, escorted colonial career in this region in rapid development.“舊西南部”(包括今肯塔基、田納西、亞拉巴馬、密蘇里、密西西比、阿肯色、路易斯安那諸州)的土地,主要被種植園奴隸主占有,成為棉花的主要產(chǎn)地。"Old southwest" (including this Kentucky, Tennessee, Alab

10、ama, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana the state) of land, is mainly plantation owners possession, become the main producing area of cotton.“舊西北部”(包括今俄亥俄、印第安納、伊利諾伊、密歇根、威斯康星諸州)的殖民開發(fā),是由于1785年通過的土地條例(按低價出售公有土地)和1787年西北準州地區(qū)條例而迅速開展的。"Old" (including today in northwest Ohio, indiana, Il

11、linois, Michigan, Wisconsin the state), due to the colonial development in 1785 through the land ordinance (according to sell off public land) and the northwest region must state regulations and quickly develop.獨立革命開始時這里只不過有幾千名法國人,1810年移民已有27萬多,1860年增加到693萬人,僅芝加哥城人口就有100萬。Independent revolution bega

12、n here just thousands of France in 1810, more than 270000 immigrants, 1860 years up to 6.93 million, Chicago city population is only 1 million.這里是盛產(chǎn)谷物和養(yǎng)育業(yè)發(fā)達的地區(qū)。Here is abound in grain and raising industry developed regions.與此同時,美國也向密西西比河以西擴張,用購買和戰(zhàn)爭手段兼并了法國、西班牙、英國的殖民地和墨西哥的大片國土。At the same time, the Am

13、erican west of the Mississippi River to expansion, buy and war means with the merger of the France, Spain, British colony and Mexico. Large sections of the land1803年,美國乘拿破侖忙于應(yīng)付歐洲戰(zhàn)爭之際,從法國手中以1500萬美元價格購買了稱為路易斯安那的廣大地區(qū)(面積約為83萬平方英里)。In 1803, the United States by napoleon's preoccupation with the Europ

14、ean war, from France with $15 million purchase price of the hand called Louisiana in the vast area (an area of approximately 83 square miles).1810年和1819年美國從西班牙手中奪得佛羅里達;In 1810 and 1819, the United States from Spain won Florida hands;1846年,又強迫英國訂約,把美國北部北緯49度的國界線一直延伸到太平洋沿岸,排擠走了這個地區(qū)的英國人。In 1846, Britai

15、n and the United States, forced contracting 49 degrees north latitude ever has been extended to the Pacific coast, go out of the area's British.1846年和1853年,美國與墨西哥發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭,勝利后購買了墨西哥的大片國土,總計約95萬平方英里。In 1846 and 1853, the United States and Mexico to make war, after winning the Mexican large land purcha

16、se, a total of about 95 square miles.到1853年,美國已把它的國境線推進到太平洋沿岸,國土面積達303萬平方英國(約 785萬平方公里),比宣布獨立時的版圖增加7倍多。By 1853, the United States has put its frontier advance to the Pacific coast, land area of 303 square FangYingGuo (785 square kilometers), than declares independence more than seven times the map o

17、f the increase.密西西比河以西的人口在1840年以前還極稀少,40年代移民開始多起來,特別是1848年加利福尼亞發(fā)現(xiàn)金礦,對西部的開發(fā)是一大推動。The Mississippi River west of the population in 1840 years ago is so rare, 40 s begins to rise more immigrants, especially the discovery of gold in California in 1848 in the western development is a big boost.1850年以后,這個地

18、區(qū)的移民和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,在美國發(fā)展中居于重要地位。1850 years later, the region's immigration and economic development, and in the United States is an important position in the development.此外,美國還繼續(xù)向西擴張到與它本土不相毗連的地區(qū)。In addition, the United States continued the westward expansion to and it not in adjacent areas local.1867年以72

19、0萬美元的代價從俄國購買了阿拉斯加,其面積等于美國原來的13州的2倍;$1867 in 7.2 million from the price of Russian bought Alaska, its area is equal to the United States the original 13 states; 2 times1894年,美國在檀香山推翻夏威夷國王,1898 年爆發(fā)美西戰(zhàn)爭后,又兼并了夏威夷群島。In 1894, the United States in Honolulu, Hawaii to overturn the outbreak in 1898 after the

20、 Spanish American war, and the merger of the Hawaiian islands.美國領(lǐng)土不斷擴大,吸引來外國移民的洪流。United States territory continues to expand, appeal to the stream of foreign immigrants.外國移民在1790-1860年有500多萬,1861-1913年達2700萬。Foreign immigrants in 1790-1860 years has more than 500, 1861 1913, 27 million.阿巴拉契亞山以西的人口,

21、 1790年時只占全國總?cè)丝诘?,18印年時已增長到占49。The Appalachian mountains west of the population, 1790 accounts for only 3% of the country's total population, and in India has risen to 49%.國外來的移民,對西部的開發(fā),對美國整個經(jīng)濟的迅速發(fā)展,都起了巨大的作用。Foreign settlers, and of the western development, for the United States of the rapid deve

22、lopment of the whole economy, played a huge role.移民使美國能夠進行大規(guī)模的農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn),能夠以巨大的力量和規(guī)模開發(fā)其豐富的工業(yè)資源,以至很快就摧毀了英國的工業(yè)壟斷地位。Immigrants make the U.S. to agricultural production on a large scale, with great power and can scale development of its rich industrial resources, and quickly destroyed British industry monopoly status.美國政府的土地政策,橫貫大陸鐵路的建筑,加速了西部的開發(fā)。The United States government land policies, transcontinental railway construction, accelerate the development of the west.美國向西部的領(lǐng)土擴張和開發(fā),對美國的政治、經(jīng)濟生活都有重大


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