



1、中國寓言故事:刻舟求劍和楚王擊鼓One day, a man of the State of Chu was crossing a river by boat.一天,有個楚國人坐船過河.Due to carelessness, his sword which hung at his side fell into the water. 一不小心身上桂的寶劍掉進洞堅去了.Not in the least worried, he slowly took out a small knife and cut a mark on the side of the boat.他一點兒也不著急,慢騰騰地拿由小刀

2、,在船舷上刻了一個記號.Someone on the boat asked him: "Why don't you jump into the water at once to fish for your sword?有人問他:為什么不趕緊下水把它撈起來What's the use of making this mark on the side of the boat?"你在船舷上刻這個記號有什么用啊He pointed to the mark on the side of the boat, saying unhurriedly:他指著船舷上的記號,不慌不

3、忙地說:"There is no need to worry. My sword fell into the river at this marked place.不用著急.我的寶劍是從這個刻著記號的地方掉下去的.As soon as the boat reaches the dock and pulls in to shore, 等舟到了碼頭,靠了岸,I will jump down from here to retrieve my sword."1 / 3我從這里跳下去,就能把寶劍撈上來One day, King Li of the State of Chu annou

4、nced to the people:一天,楚厲王通告老百姓:If any emergency occurs in our country, the drum will be beaten as a signal.假設(shè)國家發(fā)生急事,就以擊豉為信號.The moment the people hear the drum, they must assemble outside the palace gate at once.老百姓一聽到豉聲響,就必須馬上到宮門外集合.One day, King Li got drunk. When he passed by the drum stand, he s

5、tarted to beat the drum at random.有一次,厲王喝醉了酒,從豉架旁邊走過,就胡亂地擊起豉來.When the people heard the drum, they ran from all directions to the palace gate, thinking that some emergency had occurred in the country.老百姓聽到豉聲,以為國家發(fā)生了什么急事,都從四面八方跑到宮門外來了.They stood all around in a dense mass.黑壓壓地站了一大片.King Li sent someo

6、ne to tell them:"Just now the King beat the drum, 厲王派人去告訴大家說:“剛剛國王擊豉,but nothing urgent had happend It was only because the King got drunk and when he passed by the drum stand, he beat the drum just for fun."沒有發(fā)生什么急事;只是由于國王喝醉了酒,走過豉架旁邊,為著好玩,才擊了一陣子豉.All the people returned to their homes, feeling angry.老百姓都回家去了,但是都很氣憤.A few months later, some emergency really occurred in the State of Chu. 隔了幾個月,楚國真的發(fā)生了緊急情況.The drum outside the palace gate sounded from early morning until night.宮門外的豉“咚咚咚地從早晨一直響到晚上.Though the people heard the


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