已閱讀5頁,還剩4頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use過去完成時一、過去完成時的概念與結(jié)構(gòu)特點概念:過去完成時表示在過去某一時間或動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成了的動作,即“過去的過去(past-i n-the-past)”。-|I1>那時以前那時現(xiàn)在構(gòu)成:過去完成時由“助動詞had + 過去分詞”構(gòu)成,其中had通用于各種人稱。They had already had breakfa

2、st before they arrived at the hotel.She had finished writing the compositionby 10 : 00 this morning.二、過去完成時的判斷依據(jù)1. 由時間狀語來判定一般說來,各種時態(tài)都有特定的時間狀語。與過去完成時連用的時間狀語有:(1 ) by + 過去的時間點。如: I had finished reading the novel by nine o'clock last night.(2 ) by the end of +過去的時間點。女口: We had lear ned over two tho

3、usa nd En glish words by the end of last term.(3 ) before +過去的時間點。女口: They had pla nted six hun dred trees before last Wedn esday.2. 由“過去的過去”來判定。過去完成時表示“過去的過去”,是指過去某一動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成的動作,即動作有先后關(guān)系,動作在前的用過去完成時,在后的用一般過去時。這種用法常出現(xiàn)在:(1 )賓語從句中當(dāng)賓語從句的主句為一般過去時,且從句的動作先于主句的動作時,從句要用過去完成時。 在told, said,kn ew, heard, tho

4、ught等動詞后的賓語從句。如:She said that she had see n the film before.(2 )狀語從句中在時間、條件、原因、方式等狀語從句中,主、時,動作在后的要用一般過去時。如:When I got to the station, the train had already left.After he had fini shed his homework, he went to bed.注意:before, after引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句中,由于before 和after本身已表達了動作的先后關(guān)系,若主、從句表示的動作緊密相連,則主、從句都用一般過去時。如:W

5、here did you study before you came here?After he closed the door, he left the classroom.(3 )表示意向的動詞,如 hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用過去完成時表示"原本,未能"We had hoped that you would come, but you did n't.3. 根據(jù)上、下文來判定。I met Wang Tao in the street yesterday. We had n't s

6、ee n each other since he went to Beijing.三、過去完成時的主要用法1. 過去完成時表示一個動作或狀態(tài)在過去某一時間或動作之前已經(jīng)完成或結(jié)束,即發(fā)生在“過去的過去”。如:When I woke up, it had stopped raining.我醒來時,雨已經(jīng)停了。(主句的動作發(fā)生在“過去的過去”)2. 過去完成時是一個相對的時態(tài),表示的是“過去的過去”,只有和過去某一時間或某一動作相比較時才使用它。如:He told me that he had written a new book. (had written發(fā)生在 told 之前)3. 過去完成時

7、需要與一個表示過去的時間狀語連用,它不能離開過去時間而獨立存在。此時多與already ,yet , still , just , before , never 等時間副詞及 by , before , until等引導(dǎo)的短語或從句連用。女口: Before she came to China, Grace had taught English in a middle school for about five years. Peter had collected more tha n 300 Chin ese stamps by the time he was ten.4. 過去完成時表示某

8、一動作或狀態(tài)在過去某時之前已經(jīng)開始,一直延續(xù)到這一過去時間,而且動作尚未結(jié)束,仍然有繼續(xù)下去的可能。(had worked 已如: By the end of last year, he had worked in the factory for twenty years.有了 20年,還有繼續(xù)進行下去的可能)5. 過去完成時 也用于 hardlywhen.(剛就),no sooner.than.(剛就),It was the first time + that等一些固定句型中。He had no soo ner left the room than they began to talk ab

9、out him.他剛離開房間,他們就議論起他來。We had hardly beg un whe n we were told to stop.我們剛開始就被叫停。It was the first time that he had ever spoke n to me in such a tune.他用這樣的語調(diào)跟我講話,這是第一次。四、過去完成時與現(xiàn)在完成時的區(qū)別現(xiàn)在完成時表示的動作發(fā)生在過去,但側(cè)重對現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果或造成的影響,與現(xiàn)在有關(guān),其結(jié)構(gòu)為“助動詞have (has) +過去分詞”;過去完成時則是一個相對的時態(tài),它所表示的動作不僅發(fā)生在過去,更強調(diào)“過去的過去”,只有和過去某時或某

10、動作相比較時,才用到它。試比較:I have lear ned 1000 En glish words so far.到目前為止我已經(jīng)學(xué)會了1000個英語單詞。I had learned 1000 En glish words till the n.到那時為止我已經(jīng)學(xué)會了1000個英語單詞。rm sorry to keep you wait ing.對不起,讓你久等了。Oh, not at all. I have bee n here only a few minu tes.沒什么,我只等了幾分鐘。(“等”的動作從過去某一時間點持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在)Joh n returned home yesterd

11、ay.約翰昨天回至 U家的。Where had he bee n?他去哪兒了?(答語中使用過去完成時是指約翰在returned home之前去了哪些地方,即“過去的過去”)五、過去完成時與一般過去時的區(qū)別雖然這兩種時態(tài)都表示過去發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),但在使用時應(yīng)注意以下幾點:1. 時間狀語不同:過去完成時在時間上強調(diào)“過去的過去”;而一般過去時只強調(diào)過去某一特定的時間。試比較:They had arrived at the stati on by ten yesterday.They arrived at the stati on at ten yesterday.2. 在沒有明確的過去時間

12、狀語作標(biāo)志時,謂語動詞動作發(fā)生的時間先后須依據(jù)上下文來判斷:先發(fā)生的用過去完成時,后發(fā)生的則用一般過去時。如:She was very happy. Her whole family were pleased with her, too. She had just won the firstin the compositi on competiti on.3. 當(dāng)兩個或兩個以上接連發(fā)生的動作用and或but連接時,按時間順序,只需用一般過去時來代替過去完成時;另外,在 before , after , as soon as引導(dǎo)的從句中,由于這些連詞本身已經(jīng)表示出時間的先后, 因此也可以用過去時

13、來代替過去完成時。如:He en tered the room, turned on the light and read an evening paper.I (had) called her before I left the office.重點英語中,已經(jīng)有了一個過去一般時表示在過去發(fā)生的動作,為什么還有過去完成時呢?要記?。哼^去完成時的關(guān)鍵概念是:假設(shè)在過去發(fā)生了兩件(或以上)的事件,一件是 A事件,另一件是 B事件,如果A、B兩個事件幾乎是同時發(fā)生的,那就用一般過去時;但是,如果A、B兩個事件不是同時發(fā)生的,怎么辦呢?那就是:哪個事件先發(fā)生,就用過去完成時;哪個事件后發(fā)生,就用過去完

14、成時。在上面的假設(shè)中,如果A事件先發(fā)生, A就用過去完成時;如果B事件先發(fā)生,B就用過去完成時;而不管兩件事是用什么樣的時間狀語或其它形式表示的。請看例句:例 1 She said (that) she had never been to Paris.例 2 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.例 3 We had hoped that you would come, but you did n't.例 4 Tom was disappo in ted that most of the guests had left wh

15、e n he arrived at the party.例 5 The students were writing, busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she had left in the office.在上面的五個例子中,我們只要稍微分析一下,就可以發(fā)現(xiàn):每個例子講述的內(nèi)容中,都包含著兩個(或以上) 在過去發(fā)生的事件。我們將兩件事抽取出來看一下,就非常明白:必定有一件事是先生的,另一件是后發(fā)生的:例 1 said had never been to (先沒有"去”,后"說”)例 2 arrived had run awa

16、y.( 先"跑”了,后"到”)例 3 had hoped would comedid n't (先"希望”,后才發(fā)生"沒去”)例 4 was disappointed had left arrived ( 先"離開”,后"到達”和"失望”)例 5 were writing went had left (先"離開”,后"到”和"寫”)難點過去完成時的難點在于:有時候一句話中并沒有出現(xiàn)兩個事件,因此無法比較兩個事件的先后。那為什么也用過去完成時呢?請看下面的例句:例 1 By the tim

17、e he was twelve, Edis on had bega n to make a livi ng by himself.實際上,在上面的例句中,仍然有著“先、后”之分的。不過,這次不是A、B兩件事件的先后,而是有兩個過去時間的"先、后”關(guān)系。首先,句子中有個明確的過去時間點:12歲。說他“ 12歲”,顯然是過去式。那么,緊接著說“他已經(jīng)開始謀生了”,這個“謀生”是發(fā)生在“12歲”時,還是“ 12歲”前,還是“ 12歲”后?答案是肯定的:他的“謀生”發(fā)生在“12歲”之前!也就是說,“12歲”已經(jīng)是一般過去時,而在“ 12歲”之前發(fā)生的事,當(dāng)然是過去 完成時。所以,在那么多表示

18、時間狀語的詞中,大家要特別注意By、Un til等的用法??梢哉f,在講述過去的事件中,如果出現(xiàn)By時間狀語,很有可能要用過去完成時了。(當(dāng)然,我說的是很有可能。)類似的時間表達方式還有Un til、Before等。只要大家把握了過去完成時的基本含義,不管句子怎么變化,應(yīng)該沒有多大的問題。例如:例2 Un til the n, his family had n't heard from himfor six mon th.此句的分析同上面差不多。首先有個明確的過去時間點"then"(那時),而"hadn't heard"發(fā)生在then之前(

19、包括then)。所以此句用的是過去完成時。再舉兩個例子,請大家自己分析:例 3 We had learned about 4000 English words by the end of last term.例 4 I waited until he had finished his homework.例 5 We had got to the station before 10:00.僅供個人用于學(xué)習(xí)、研究;不得用于商業(yè)用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur f u r den pers?nlichen f u r Stu


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