



1、期中檢測卷題號1 一*四JL;L八九1I- -總分得分1(總分:100分時間:100分計)聽力部分(3。分)一、聽錄音,選出你聽到的單詞。(I。分)(C ) 1. A. <l<x)r(B )2. A. worker(A )3. A. nolhing(C )4. A. enjoy(B )5. A. cryB. ImlloonB. cubhierB. thingB. lovelyB. dryC. dollar(L Ifarhrr(:.rvrr)lhingC. loudlyC. Ma)二.聽錄音,給圖片排序。(10分)§B. I wanl a hamburgerw please

2、.三、聽錄音,選出你聽到的句子。(10分)( A ) 1. A. I want a liol dog« plcaMr.(B )2. A. Wlrnt do you want lo rat?(B )3. A. The oow ik drinking water.(A )4. A. It will anew in Harbin.B. Whal <io y(Hi uant h> drink?B. Ilie iiM>nkey 1 <irinking a < <>la.B. It will rain in Harbin.(A )5. A. The ap

3、ples are falling clown the stairs. B. The kite is flying away.筆試部分(70分)四、選出不同類的單詞。(5分)(C )1. A. <luckB. cowC. loudly(A )2. A. lakrB. dollarC. rrnlI令檢鼻1 裝4 H,'卜,外義工1 Q(C)3.A.colaB.milkC. drink(B)4.A.rainyB.unowC.uiiuly(C)5.A.shortsB.shoesC.twenty五、給句子選出漢語怠思。(5分)A.風(fēng)在一。B.多少錢? C.用一愉快!1) .幾點(diǎn)了?E.我們

4、在公園怛附餐(C ) 1. Enjoy jour mral ( B )2. Ilo much is il?(D )3. What time is it?( E )4. "e have a picnic in the park.(A )5. Ilie wind is blowing.六、根據(jù)苜字母或漢語意思提示寫單詞,補(bǔ)全句子。(10分)1. What a mess (混亂,臟亂).2. He is playing the suona, ImjI the dog is barking very loudh(大力地).3. She is watching TV. but (hr b el

5、l ring4. 一 hat is that on the lake?-It is a little(I uck .5. I am raring my m歡inzuil. I ain going l<» g<» * wimming . 七、單項選擇。(10分)(A )1.il really a dog?B. ArrC.A. Ir(B)2. h willwindy in Beijing.A. isB. beC lire(A)3 There areinanv ImmIsihr river.-iA. inB. onC. al(»)4. There ig ad

6、uckthe pond.A. withB. onCal(c)5. It willin Manning.A. minv <B. ruinsC. be rainv r(A)6.How加it?一IQ 35. 6 dollars.A. muchB. inanC. anvmonkey in drinking cola.3. The little ducks are swimming on the pond©4. Itwill sn(w inManjing.5. The a|>plrs an*falling clown thr stairs.九、根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容,選出合適的詞補(bǔ)全短文o

7、(10分)(B )7. HowIhM <log <k> you “ant?A. nni<eliB. munvC. sotne(A )8. Can I help you?A colame, pleane.A. forB. alC. in(B )9. Wirehave a pi(knic in ihe park.A. go IoB. goingtoC.取山軍(A ) 10. are wp going to eal?-Al half paM twelve.A. When B. WhatC.Vherr八、判斷下列句子與圖片是(§)否(笆)相符。(10分)I want

8、d hoi <log. pirate.用電核圖外第3仃然4 JT六條(下,外AB 73艮bvirnining shaping falling bhining Mumlingl/»ok al ihis picture*. Tlir sun is I. shining . Tlie duckn are 2. swimming in I he ual<«r. Two pigs are 3. sleeping un<lrr an apple in4» A bird is 4. standing on tlie pig. There are many ap

9、ple、on the lire. Some apples are 5. falling down the trvr.十、將下列問句與其答語連線。(10分)A. It m half poAt three.B. Hire, please.C. I am reading a Ixxik.D. Sorry . 1 cannot.E. Thirteen.1. ho can help me?2. hat are you doing. Tom?3. hal time is it?4. Hou man% caU* arc tlieiv?5. W hat do you want to eat?十一.閱讀短文,選

10、出正確的答案。(10分)It is Sundav toinorruw. I ain going to watch a l)a>kt-tball malch. It i、between an Aincrican team mid un English team. Tile bkvtball mulch i» going to begin ul four o>lock in the afternoon. My friends Mike and Lucy are going to watch the match withine. We are going there by bu

11、s. We think we will conn* back at eight in the evening.(C ) 1. W hat day is today?A. Moruluv.B. Sundav.C. Suturduv. (B )2. W。arn going Io watch.A. a baseball nialch B. a basketball milch C. a football match(B )3. Tlir mal(?h is Iwlwct-n.A. a JupiinrM* Iran) an<l an Anvrican (camB. an English k-am an<l an American team(-.a Chinese tram and an AnkMicaii Irani(C )4. N hill time is the match going to begin?A. At seven o'clock. B


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