



1、Module 9Population第 3課時一、單項填空(A )1.This is _ interesting movie and it s also _ most interesting one I ve evA. an; theB. an; aC. a; theD. a; a(C )2.The factory _ two years ago.A. closes downB. closes toC. closed downD. closed to(C )3.Parkville is a city _ 200 , 000 people.A. ofB. fromC. withD. in(D )

2、4.They are all hungry. They need food _ A. drinkingB. to drinkC. eatingD. to eat(B)5.Chin a s population is too _ to imagine.A. manyB. bigC. littleD. small二、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示拼寫單詞1 In the US, flats(公寓 ) are much cheaper than houses.2 The local(當(dāng)?shù)氐?) people are very friendly and nice.3 Please don t speak loud

3、ly in publicthe(公共的 ) places.4 Pollution(污染 ) is one of the biggest problems in China now.5 The village is not big but very quiet( 安靜 )三、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空One of the most important world problem is the (1) growing(grow) population on the earth. The population ofthe world today (2)is(be) more than 7 ,000, 0

4、00, 000. That is a great number and we know it quite well. Theimportant thing is not how large the population of the world is now, but is the speed of the (3)growth(grow). It sabout 1.63% every year.In order to give you some ideas of the birth rate(出生率 ), look at the (4) second(two) hand of your wat

5、ch.Every second, four (5) babies(baby) (6) are_born (bear) in the world. Another baby! Another baby! Another baby!Another baby! You can speakt quicklyenough (7) to_keep(keep) up with the birth rate. The population isgrowing faster and faster. One day, people have no enough room (8)to_live(live) and

6、have to find food for over350, 000 mouths more.So this is one of (9) the_biggest(big) problems that you are going to (10) see(see) in your life.四、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1 The school isn t far from my home改為.同(義句 )The school is closeto my home.2 Living in the city centre is expensive.( 改為同義句 )It sexpensiveto live in th

7、e city centre.3 Lucy s school is big. It has ,2000 pupils.( 改為同義句 )Lucy s schoolis big with 2, 000 pupils.4 The population of China is more_than_1 , 300,000, 000( 對畫線部分提問)What is the population of China?5 I spent 200 RMB on the clothes.( 改為同義句 )I paid 200 RMB for the clothes.第 4課時一、單項填空(B)1._ of the

8、 students _ boys in our class.A. Three fifths; isB. Three fifths; areC. One third; isD. One three; are(C )2.I don t like those big cities which have got _ people and _ traffic.A. too much; too manyB. many too; too muchC. too many; too muchD. too many; much too(C )3._ the population of China by the y

9、ear 2060?A. What are B. How areC. What isD. How is(B)4.There is _ report in today s newspaper. It s about the international film festival in ShanghaA. anB. aC. theD. /(C )5.In figures( 數(shù)字 ) a billion is _.A. 10 , 000B. 100 , 000C. 1, 000, 000, 000D. 100 , 000,000二、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示拼寫單詞1 There are twenty-two

10、 pupils(小學(xué)生 )in each class.2 People all need much better public services(服務(wù) )3 Nobody knows how to solve(解決 ) the problem.4 My flat(公寓 ) is on the third floor.5 The farm is very clean and people canrubbishtee( 垃any圾 ) on it.三、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1 I used to have(have) a cup of coffee in the morning.2 There a

11、re always crowds(crowd) of people in the city.3 Four fifths (five) of the workers in our factory are women.4 The room is too small; we need a larger (large) one.5 The government needs to_build (build) more hospitals.6 They had better sleep(sleep) more every day.7 I want to advise them to_work (work)

12、 for the library for some days.8 Do you have any candies for the girls to_eat(eat)?9 How many babies(baby) do you look after?10 Shanghai is one of the busiest(busy) cities in China.四、語法填空基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練1 On May Day we plan to stay with friends in Hangzhou.2 Emily began to work in a factoryat the age of twenty.

13、3 Harry is very rich, but he has no friends.4 Jane likes history, so she often goes to the history museum.5 There is(be) no rubbish in the yard.6 What s Tom doing? He preparings (prepare) for the exam.7 What do you think ofthe new film? It a sgood film.8 She has no idea what they are talking about9

14、I need you to_help(help) me with the cooking.10This will make our job evenmore(much) difficult.五、完形填空Big schoolbags have been a serious problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too _1_to carry, and it troubles you a lot _2_ you want to find a book out to read. Now an e-textbook

15、will _3_ you.It is said that e- textbooks are going to be _4_ in Chinese middle schools. An e-textbook, in fact, is a small_5_ for students. It is much _6_ than a usual schoolbag and easy to carry. Though it is as small as a book, it can _7_ all the materials( 材料 ) for study. The students can read t

16、he text page by page on the _8_, take noteswith the pointer(屏寫筆 ), or even9“_” their homework to their teachers by sending emails. All they have todo is to press a button.Some people say e-textbooks are good, but some say they may be _10 _ for the students eyes. What do youthink of it?(B)1.A.lightB heavyCusefulD comfortable(D )2.A.tillB afterCbeforeD when(C )3.A.troubleB preventChelpD understand(A


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