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1、高二英語(yǔ)6動(dòng)名詞和不定式做主語(yǔ)及非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞做表語(yǔ)1. _ a language requires time and effort.A. LearnB. LearningC. To learnD. Being learned2. It is not always easy _ invitations.A. to refuseB. refusingC. to be refusedD. being refused3. _ now seems impossible.A. Saving moneyB. To save moneyC. Being saved moneyD. To be saved mon

2、ey4. To answer correctly is more important than _A. a quick finishB. to finish quicklyC. finishing quicklyD. you finish quickly5. How _ the problem will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.A. to solveB. to be solvedC. being solvedD. solving6. It was polite _ the child to give up his seat to the elderl

3、y woman.A. forB. ofC. toD. with7. Is it necessary _ the book immediately?A. for him to returnB. that he returnsC. his returningD. of him to return8. It _ forty-five minutes _ there by bus.A. cost, to getB. takes, gettingC. takes, to getD. takes, to get to9. It is no good _. You should give_.A. to sm

4、oke, it upB. smoking, it upC. smoking, up itD. to smoke, up it10. It is no _ debating with Tom, because he will never change his mind.A. useB. helpC. timeD. while11. Do you consider it any good _ again?A. to tryB. tryC. tryingD. for you to try12. I dont think its much good _ to him.A. writingB. to w

5、riteC. to be writtenD. being written13. _ the assignment made his father lose his temper.A. The boys not having doneB. The boy not having doneC. The boys having not doneD. The boy having not done14. I dont remember _ about it.A. him telling usB. his telling usC. him to tell usD. he tells us15. Her w

6、ish is _ an engineer.A. becomingB. becomeC. to becomeD. being come16.Some peoples greatest pleasure is _.A. fishingB. to fishC. to be fishingD. being fish17. The report was so _ that they were all _.A. inspiring, excitingB. inspiring, excitedC. inspired, excitedD. inspired, exciting18. -“You look pa

7、le.”-“I feel a little _.”A. tireB. tiredC. tiringD. tiresome19. He seems _ here for three years.A. to be livingB. to have livedC. to have been livedD. to live20. -“Whats made you so upset?”-“_ three tickets to the pop music concert.”A. LostB. LosingC. Because of losingD. Since I lost動(dòng)名詞和不定式作賓語(yǔ)的區(qū)別(一2

8、1. I like _ very much, but I dont like _ this morning.A. swimming, swimmingB. to swim, to swimC. swimming, to swimD. to swim, swimming22. Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.A. to be takenB. to takeC. being takenD. taking23. -“Did you close the door?”-“Yes, I remember _ it.”A. to cl

9、oseB. to closingC. closingD. closed24. Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it.A. putting backB. having put backC. to put backD. will put back25. Im sorry I forgot _ your dictionary.Lets borrow one from Li Ming.A. to takeB. takingC. to bringD. bringing26. Henry always forgets things he ha

10、s done. Yesterday he forgot _ and looked for it everywhere.A. to post the letterB. to have the letter postedC. to have posted the letterD. having posted the letter27. My brother regretted _ a lecture given by Professor Liu.A. missingB. to missC. missedD. being missed28. I regret _ you that we are un

11、able to offer you a job.A. informingB. having informedC. to informD. to informing29. I felt tired with walking, so I stopped _ a break for an hour.A. havingB. to haveC. takingD. to taking30. The teacher told the students to stop _ to him.A. to write and listenB. writing and listeningC. to write and

12、listeningD. writing and to listen31. -“What can we do to help Li Hai.”-“All we can do is to try _ that he ought to study more.”A. making him to realizeB. making him realizeC. to make him realizeD. to make him to realize32. You didnt hear us come in last night.Thats good.We tried _ noisy.A. to be not

13、B. not to beC. not beingD. being not33. He finished his homework, then he went on _ a letter.A. writeB. writingC. withD. to write34. The grass has grown so tall that it needs _.A. to cutB. to be cut itC. cuttingD. being cut35. -”Youve come just in time to help us.”-“Fine, what needs _?”A. I doB. don

14、eC. to be doneD. to do36. You didnt need _ him the news; it just made him sad.A. tellingB. tellC. to tellD. that you would tell37. These young trees require _ carefully.A. looking afterB. to look afterC. to be looked atD. looking for38. The sentence wants _ once more.A. to explainB. explainingC. bei

15、ng explainedD. to be explained it39. He hasnt got used _ in the countryside yet.A. liveB. to liveC. to livingD. living40. A very well-known person _ in this house.A. is used to liveB. used to liveC. is used to livingD. used to living41. The clock was beginning _ twelve and everybody held their breat

16、h.A. strikeB. to strikeC. strikingD. struck42. I begin _ the meaning, which begins _.A. understanding, to be clearB. to understand, to be clearC. understanding, being clearD. to understand, being clear43. The police forbid _ here.A. parkB. parkingC. to parkD. to be parked44. The heavy rain forbade m

17、e _ to school.A. from my comingB. to comeC. comeD. my coming45. Toms parents do not allow Tom _ swimming.A. goingB. to goC. goD. goes46. Sorry, we dont allow _ in the lecture room.A. to smokeB. smokeC. smokingD. to smoking47. Visitors are not permitted _ the park after dark, because of the lack of l

18、ighting.A. to enterB. enteringC. to enter inD. entering in48. They dont permit _ noise her.A. to makeB. makeC. makingD. made49. Missing the train means _ for an hour.A. to waitB. to be waitedC. being waitedD. waiting50. I meant _ you, but I was so busy.A. to call onB. calling onC. to call atD. calli

19、ng at非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞做賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)51. She was glad to see her child well _.A. take care ofB. taken care ofC. taken careD. taking care of52. Why do you stand and watch the milk _.A. boilingB. boiledC. from boilingD. having been boiled53. Ive heard hi m _ about you often.A. spokeB. speakingC. speakD. to speak54. Before

20、 he came to London, he had never heard a single English word _.A. speakingB. spokenC. speakD. being spoken55. Walking along the river, we heard someone _ for help.A. shoutingB. shoutC. shoutedD. having shouted56. I held the little bird in my hand and felt its heart _.A. jumpingB. beatingC. bumpingD.

21、 knocking57. -“Do you smell anything unusual?”-“Yes.I can smell something _.”A. burningB. is burningC. having burntD. burn58. Why do you have the water _ all the time?A. ranB. to be runningC. runningD. being running59. Ellen was absent this morning because she had her tooth _.A. fillingB. having bee

22、n filledC. filledD. full60. I cant _ you running up and down all day long.A. permitB. letC. haveD. allow61. Is there anything you want from town? Im going to get _.A. those letters mailedB. mailed lettersC. to mailed those lettersD. those letters mail62. The teacher got the students _ all the words

23、they didnt know.A. looked upB. looking inC. to look upD. look at63. What did the school master want _ to the noisy children?A. doingB. to doC. doneD. did64. They wanted the work _ with great care.A. to have doneB. to be doneC. doingD. to do65. I need this chapter _ before tomorrow.A. rewritingB. rew

24、rittenC. rewriteD. to write again66. Having read the Emperors New Clothes, we all found it _.A. interestB. interestedC. interestingD. to interest67. When she returned home, she found the window open and something _.A. to stealB. losingC. missedD. stolen68. My hometown is found _.A. complete changing

25、B. having completely changedC. completely changeD. completely changed69. We found many people _ in the meeting room.A. seatB. seatingC. to seatD. seated70. There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself _.A. being heardB. heardC. hearingD. hear71. Because of my poor English Im afrai

26、d I cant make myself _.A. understandB. be understoodC. understoodD. understanding72. Dont let him _ you _ for a long time.A. to make, waitB. make, to waitC. make, waitD. to make, to wait73. He kept me _ for many hours.A. to waitB. having been waitedC. waitingD. waited74. Mother caught the boy _ in t

27、he corner.A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokingD. being smoked75. John left his coat _ on the sofa.A. layingB. lyingC. laidD. lain基礎(chǔ)綜合:接上期61. Some doctors were sent to the front where medical workers were _.A. in great need B in desperate need of C needed great D needed in62. The police have caught the murd

28、erer.A. beyond B. over C. above D. off 78. For most Americans, their 18th birthday _ the end of one part of their life and the beginning of another. A. predicts B. tells C. marks D. signs 79. Mr. Wang, who is said to have immigrated to the USA, _ at No.2 Middle School in our city for twenty years. A

29、. has been teaching A. nothing B. no one B. was teaching C. taught C. no D. none D. has taught 80. Im sorry I cant spare any ink for you, for, you see, I have _ myself. 81. -How often do you visit your granny in the village? -I feel ashamed. Just _. A. often B. by accident C. once in a while D. all

30、of a sudden 82. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him. A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any 83. The situation is _ - we have no food, very little water and no medical supplies. A. desperate B. adventurous C. deserted D. optimistic 84. -But for your

31、 timely warning, we _ into great trouble. -Well, you know were friends. A. would get B. must have got C. would have got D. cant have got 85. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to _ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written te

32、st and an interview. A. polish up magazines, radios and televisions. A. which B. that C. what D. where 87. The company made it a rule that any application form _ properly will not be accepted. A. not to be filled many books to cover and so many exercises to finish. A. I realized B. did I realize C.

33、had I realized D. I had realized 89. _ I admit that the problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cannot be solved. A. When B. While C. As D. Since 90. -Surely you can turn to David for help. -_ He is the last one you can rely on. A. Get out of it! B. Is that right? D. Its up to you. C. I could

34、nt agree more. B. not filled C. not being filled D. not having been filled 88. It was not until the entrance exams were in sight that_ that I had so B. take up C. put up D. make up 86. The word “media” basically refers to _ we commonly call newspapers, 91 According to _ announcement by Guangzhou Pri

35、ce Bureau, _ new measures which have been taken recently are expected to cut the operation costs of each taxi driver by 1280 yuan Athe; 不填 Ban; the C不填 ; the Dan; 不填 92. -Did you remember to pay the telephone bill? -The telephone bill? _. AThat isnt due yet. CMy telephone is out of order. of it. Aal

36、lowed Bpermitted Cadmitted Dpromoted 94.After the Shenzhou VI capsule ( 太 空 艙 touched down, two astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth, thus again _ China is a global space power. Aproving Bto prove Cto have proved Dbeing proved 95. Generous public funding of basic science would _ a good

37、 many benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security. Aresult from Blead to Clie in Dsettle down 96. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered and a child rarely dislikes food _ it is badly cooked Aif Buntil Cthat Dunless 97. -The Singaporean singer

38、 Stefanie Sun took the Most Popular Female Award in Hong Kong. -But when she studied in middle school, no fans could have imagined how well she _ in the world of entertainment. (孫燕姿 Awould do Bwas doing Chad done Ddid 98This river has changed its course many times. It _ always located where it _ at

39、present. Aisnt; is Bisnt; will be Cwasnt; is Dwasnt; has been 99. The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that far- away village. Auntil a goal. Ahad scored Bscored Cwould score Dwould have scored Bthat Cwhen Dwhere 100. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _ BAre you sure? DPlease remember the amount. 93. Jim was not _ to the club, because at that time he was no


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