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1、(音樂)1.輕音樂旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, he father lovedher very much.旁白: :很久很久以前,有一個可愛的女孩,她的名字是愛麗絲,她的母親死了,他的父 親非常愛她。(吳驊) Father : Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?爸爸: :親愛的女兒! !這些禮物是送給你的。你喜歡它們嗎?(高媛)Alice : Yeah, thank you,

2、Dad.愛麗絲:嗯,謝謝你,爸爸。(吳驊)Father : My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever!父親: :我可愛的女兒,我希望你永遠開心!音樂2.旁白旁白:But one day, he married a new wife. Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.旁白: :但有一天,他娶了一個新的妻子???,她的母親和她的新一步姐妹要來。(歐陽)Stepmother : Helen, Jenny, Iook, how beautiful the house is!繼

3、母: :海倫,珍妮, ,看,多么漂亮的房子?。▌ⅲ〩ele n : Yes, and so many fruits. Apples ,banan as, man goes andwatermelo n. Wow, I like them.( 吃水果)海倫: :是的,很多水果。蘋果、香蕉、芒果和西瓜。哇,我喜歡他們。(吃水果)(高瓊)Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress.(第一場:往身上穿)杰瑞: :媽媽,看,這么多漂亮的衣服。我喜歡這件連衣裙。 (往身上穿)(高媛)Alice : Oh, no, that

4、 s my dress. It s a new dress my father bought for me.艾麗斯:哦,不, ,這是我的衣服。這是一件新衣服,我父親給我買的。(高瓊)Jerry : Who are you? Mum, who is she?杰瑞: :你是誰?媽媽, ,她是誰?(歐陽) Stepmother : She is your little sister. But it doesn t matter. Look! Alice, go,clea n the room and the n cook for us.后媽: :她是你的小妹妹。但這無關緊要???!愛麗絲, ,去, ,

5、打掃房間,然后為我們做飯。(高媛)Alice : Why? I m not your servant.艾麗斯:為什么?我不是你們的仆人。(歐陽)Stepmother : Yeah. But from now you are our servant.繼母: :是啊。但從現(xiàn)在你是我們的仆人。(劉劉)Helen : Mum, I like her dress.( 拽衣服)愛麗絲和杰瑞: :媽媽,我喜歡她的衣服。(拽衣服)(高瓊)Jenny : I like her necklace.( 搶項鏈戴在脖子上)珍妮: :我喜歡她的項鏈。(搶項鏈戴在脖子上)音樂3.旁白: After that, Alice

6、 had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. Shehad no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more andmore dirty, so people called her Ci nderella.(音樂)旁白: :之后,愛麗絲已經(jīng)作他們的奴仆。她工作和從早干到晚。她已經(jīng)沒有地方住,她沒有良好的食物和穿好衣服。她是越來越多的臟,所以人們叫她灰姑娘。(音樂)第二場:(歐陽)Ste

7、pmother : Who is it?繼母: :是誰?(朱孟強)Soldier : It me. I mthe soldier of the palace.(打開門)Good morning, madam, this isfor you and your daughters.士兵: :是我。我的士兵宮殿。(打開門)早上好,夫人,這是給你和你的女兒。(歐陽)Stepmother : What is it?(打開信看)(歡呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a bigdancing party in the palace. The prince wi

8、ll select a queen among the young girls.繼母: :是什么? ?(打開信看)()(歡呼)海倫,杰瑞, ,好消息!會有一個大型舞會的宮殿。王子將選擇一個女王在年輕女孩。(高瓊和劉劉) Two daughters : Hooray! I ll be the queen!兩個女兒:萬歲! !我將女王?。W陽)Stepmother : Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up!繼母: :來吧,女兒。你必須穿上你最漂亮的衣服和彌補?。ǜ哝拢〢lice : Mum

9、, I want to go ,too.愛麗絲: :媽媽,我也想去。(歐陽,劉劉,高瓊)Three : You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly.三: :你? ?看看你自己,又臟又丑。(歐陽)Stepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let s go.后媽: :女兒們,你們準備好了嗎?讓我們去。(4.音樂響起-守護甜心)(高媛)Alice: Oh, my friend. I really want to go. What shall I do?艾麗斯:哦,我的朋友。我真的很想去。我怎么辦呢 ?(姥姥)Cat: Do

10、n t be so sad, Alice . At least, I am with you.貓: :別這么傷心,愛麗絲。至少,我與你同在。(白雪)Fairy : Poor girl, let me help you.仙女: :可憐的孩子,讓我?guī)椭?。音?.守護甜心一月詠歌(姥姥) Cat: Wow, how beautiful! You re the most beautiful girl I ve sou willbe the most beautiful girl in the party!And the prince will love you at on ce!貓: :哇,多么美麗

11、!你是我所見過的最美麗的女孩。你將會成為最美麗的女孩的派對和哈里王子將愛你一下吧?。ò籽〧airy : Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you ,you should come back at twelveoclock.仙女: :艾麗斯,去參加晚會,舞蹈。但記住你,你應該在 1212 點鐘回來。(高媛)Alice : Thank you , Fairy.( 跑)艾麗斯: :謝謝你, ,仙女。(跑)(白雪)Fairy :(喊)Be careful! Don t forget the time!仙女: :(喊)小心! !不要忘記時間了

12、 ?。ǜ哝拢〢lice : I won t forget.艾麗斯:我不會忘記的。英文 6.舞會第三場(姥姥)Minister Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This ni ght, our princewill select the most beautiful and kin dest girl to be his quee n .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!部長女士們,先生們, ,歡迎來到王子的舞會。今天晚上,我們的王子會選擇最美麗和善良的女孩是他

13、的王后?,F(xiàn)在,年輕的姑娘們,到前面來,請!(姥姥)Minister :How are they?Which one do you like?大臣: :他們怎么樣?你喜歡哪一個?(胖)Prince : No, I don t like anyone.(Alice come in)王子: :不, ,我不喜歡任何人。(愛麗絲進來)(姥姥)Minister : Wow, how beautiful!(She s like a fairy. She s like a An gel. She s so lovely. She s like a princepretty the girl is!)大臣: :

14、哇,多么美麗?。ㄋ褚晃幌膳?。她就像一個天使。她那么可愛。她像一位公主。多漂亮的女孩啊! !)(王子) Prince : Pretty princess, may I dance with you?王子: :美麗的公主,我可以和你一起跳舞嗎?(高媛)Alice : I d like to.艾麗斯:我想。(music and dan ce)7.7.(音樂和舞蹈)(one pers on pick up a clock)(一個人撿起一個時鐘)(高媛) Alice : Oh, it s time to go back. I must go now.艾麗斯:哦,是時候回去。我現(xiàn)在必須走了。(胖) Pr

15、ince : Wait, princess, wait!王子: :等等公主, ,等等?。ǜ哝拢〢lice (跑,掉一只鞋)(胖)Prince :(拿起鞋)Pretty princess!Why are you leaving? I must find you!soldiers!王子: :(拿起鞋)漂亮的公主!你為什么要離開?我必須找到你!士兵們!(朱孟強)Soldier : Yes!士兵: :是的?。ㄍ踝樱?Prince : Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.王子: :拿著鞋去每家找。你必須找到適合我的女孩。

16、(朱孟強)Soldier : Yes, Sir。士兵: :是的, ,先生。第四場:(士兵敲門)(歐陽)Stepmother : What s the matter, soldier ?繼母: :什么事,士兵?(朱孟強)Soldier : Are there any young girls in you* family, madam? The pretty princess lost her shoein the palace. The prince wants to find her and marry her.士兵: :是不是有女孩你* *家庭,夫人?美麗的公主在王宮丟了一只鞋。王子要找到她

17、并和她結婚。(劉劉) Helen : Let me try.The shoe is mine.海倫: :讓我試試。是我的鞋。(朱孟強)Soldier : No,it s not yours. It s too small for you.士兵: :不,不是你的。對你來說太小了。(高瓊)Jenny: It s mine. Let me try it.詹妮: :這是我的。讓我試試吧。(朱孟強) Soldier: No, it s not yours, it s too small for you.士兵: :不,不是你的,你穿著太小。(歐陽) Stepmother : Hi, come on, ma

18、ybe it s mine. Let me try it.繼母: :嗨, ,來吧,也許它就是我的。讓我試試吧。(朱孟強)Soldier :0h, my god, it couldn t be yours. Do you have another daughter?士兵: :哦, ,我的上帝,不可能是你的。你有另一個女兒 ?(高媛) Alice : Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?艾麗斯: :你好先生,我能試一試嗎?(歐陽)Stepmother :You? Go away!繼母: :你嗎?走開?。▌ⅲ〩elen : Look at yourself!海倫: :看看

19、你自己?。ǜ攮偅㎎enny : So dirty and so ugly!珍妮: :又臟又丑?。ㄖ烀蠌姡?Soldier : No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please!士兵: :不, ,女士,讓她試試!來吧, ,小女孩,試一試,請?。ǜ哝拢〢lice : Thank you!(試鞋)艾麗斯: :謝謝你! !(試鞋)(朱孟強)Soldier : Wonderful! It s yours! It fits for you very well!士兵: :太棒了 ! !這是你的! !它適合你的很好?。ㄖ烀蠌姡㏒oldier : Good news,sir! I have found the beautiful girl.士兵: :好消息,先生! !我發(fā)現(xiàn)這個漂亮的女孩(胖)Prince : Really? That s wonderfull! I II come


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