1、English for TourismEnglish for TourismEveryday EnglishThe purpose of life is to enjoy every moment After a hurricane comes a rainbow. 1、Guiding English 2、Accommodation English English for TourismTask1 Outbound tourism 2 Inbound tourism3 FO English4 Chamber service English5 F&B service EnglishEng
2、lish for TourismKey point Welcome speechFarewellThe classic travel routeHot travel route in Hunan provinceTop attractions in huaihuaBasic hotel English in service English for TourismEnglish for TourismHelp you engage in fluent and understandable oral English communicationCompose practical writing as
3、signmentsDo written translation and oral interpretation Get some idea of the tourism development in and outside of China and cultural background information about the countries we are going to travel in class by watching relevant VCDs.Teaching objectivesMain content (20)oWelcome speechoCheck in proc
4、edureoHuaihua scenic spotsoComplaints solutionoFarewell oOther countries Introduction Students preparationoPPT show& sharing (10 minutes)oSpeech Unit 1 Welcome speechoDefinition of TourismoClassifications of Tour GuidesoProfessional words oIntroduction about ChinaoMake a welcome speech Definitio
5、n of TourismoTourism is the practice of traveling for pleasure, a kind of cultural activity most frequently associated with rest and relaxation, sport and access to culture and nature.oTourism is the business of providing tours and services for tourists. Its related to businesses such as transportat
6、ion, hotels and restaurants, tourist attractions and resorts, travel services and so on.o Tourism, to individuals, refers to activities in which they take part to acquire pleasure, relaxation or to enhance knowledge and enrich their lives. To society, it is business chiefly made up of three indispen
7、sable components tourism resources, tourism facilities and travel services. Classification of Tour Guides oAccording to their working area, tour guide can generally be classified into four kinds tour manager/escort, national guide/interpreter, local guide and scenic-spot guide.oA tour escort is also
8、 called a tour manager. He/She represents the travel agency that organizes the tour group and accompanies the tourists from the beginning to the end of their journeys. He/She is responsible for whether or not the tour goes well.oA national guide is a guide on behalf of the travel service that organi
9、zes the group in the destination country. He/She is understood as an interpreter and travels with the tourists around the destination country and takes care of them with the help of the local guides.oA local tour guide is a delegate tour guide from the local travel agency. He/She arranges all the ac
10、tivities in his/her region, takes the tourists to the scheduled tourist attractions and explains things that tourists want to know.出境領(lǐng)隊出境領(lǐng)隊o報名條件:報名條件: o(1)報考領(lǐng)隊者為所有國際旅行社導(dǎo)游員;具有較強的業(yè)務(wù)能力和敬業(yè)精報考領(lǐng)隊者為所有國際旅行社導(dǎo)游員;具有較強的業(yè)務(wù)能力和敬業(yè)精神;政治覺悟高,遵紀守法,沒有違法違規(guī)和責(zé)任投訴記錄神;政治覺悟高,遵紀守法,沒有違法違規(guī)和責(zé)任投訴記錄 o(2)大專以上學(xué)歷和具備一定的外語水平大專以上學(xué)歷和具備一定的
11、外語水平 o報名程序:必須提交報名人員身份證、學(xué)歷證明原件、導(dǎo)游資格證原件報名程序:必須提交報名人員身份證、學(xué)歷證明原件、導(dǎo)游資格證原件及導(dǎo)游證復(fù)印件及導(dǎo)游證復(fù)印件 o考試科目:領(lǐng)隊業(yè)務(wù)與政策法規(guī)、目的地國家考試科目:領(lǐng)隊業(yè)務(wù)與政策法規(guī)、目的地國家(地區(qū)地區(qū))知識、英語三部分。知識、英語三部分。獲得英語導(dǎo)游資格、大學(xué)英語六級證書或目的地國家語種導(dǎo)游資格的報獲得英語導(dǎo)游資格、大學(xué)英語六級證書或目的地國家語種導(dǎo)游資格的報考人員,可免試英語。但必須提交英語導(dǎo)游資格證原件和大學(xué)英語六級考人員,可免試英語。但必須提交英語導(dǎo)游資格證原件和大學(xué)英語六級證書原件及復(fù)印件各一份,或目的地國家語種導(dǎo)游資格證原件和
12、復(fù)印件證書原件及復(fù)印件各一份,或目的地國家語種導(dǎo)游資格證原件和復(fù)印件各一份各一份 o發(fā)證:考試、考核合格后發(fā)發(fā)證:考試、考核合格后發(fā)中華人民共和國出境領(lǐng)隊證書中華人民共和國出境領(lǐng)隊證書Major types of tourist guidesoTour manager/escort 領(lǐng)隊領(lǐng)隊/國際導(dǎo)游員國際導(dǎo)游員oNational guide/guide interpreter 全程導(dǎo)游員全程導(dǎo)游員/全程翻譯、全陪全程翻譯、全陪oInternational receptive tourist guide 國際接待導(dǎo)游國際接待導(dǎo)游oInternational tourist guide 國際導(dǎo)游
13、國際導(dǎo)游oDomestic tourist guide 國內(nèi)導(dǎo)游國內(nèi)導(dǎo)游oOverseas travel tourist guide 國際游導(dǎo)游國際游導(dǎo)游oLocal guide 地方導(dǎo)游員地方導(dǎo)游員/地陪地陪oScenic-spot guide 景點導(dǎo)游員景點導(dǎo)游員oDriver-guide 司機導(dǎo)游員司機導(dǎo)游員oAdventure guide 探險導(dǎo)游員探險導(dǎo)游員oHeritage interpreter 歷史遺跡解說員歷史遺跡解說員oEscort interpreter 陪同解說員陪同解說員oDocent 博物館解說員博物館解說員(講師)講師)oProfessional tour gui
14、de 職業(yè)職業(yè)/專職導(dǎo)游員專職導(dǎo)游員oNon-professional/amateur tour guide/step on 非職業(yè)非職業(yè)/兼職兼職/臨時導(dǎo)游員臨時導(dǎo)游員Tour guide training /education and examinationoApply 申請,報名申請,報名oRegister 注冊注冊oTraining curriculum 培訓(xùn)課程培訓(xùn)課程krikjulm oSubject 科目科目oTeaching material 教材教材oTeaching model 教學(xué)模式教學(xué)模式oTeaching method 教學(xué)方法教學(xué)方法oPractice 實習(xí),實踐
15、實習(xí),實踐oABCs of China/World Tourism 導(dǎo)游基礎(chǔ)知識中國篇導(dǎo)游基礎(chǔ)知識中國篇/世界篇世界篇oTour-guide Professional Operations 導(dǎo)游業(yè)務(wù)知識導(dǎo)游業(yè)務(wù)知識oPolicies and Regulations 政策與法規(guī)政策與法規(guī)oSkills and Strategies of Speaking 說話技巧和策略說話技巧和策略oInterview/talk 面試面試/面談面談oOral test 口試口試oWritten test 筆試筆試oField/on-the-spot speech 實地景點介紹實地景點介紹Professional
16、 words o旅行機構(gòu)詞匯o旅游口譯詞匯o旅游常用成語口譯詞匯o主要景點口譯詞匯o湖南十三篇導(dǎo)游詞景點詞匯旅行機構(gòu)詞匯旅行機構(gòu)詞匯o旅行社:travel agency 報價:quotation 包價旅游:package tour 團體旅游:group tour 散客:individual tourist 住宿:accommodation 膳食:meals 交通:transportation 游覽:sightseeing 衣食住行:clothing, meals, accommodation/shelter, transportation 旅游口譯詞匯旅游口譯詞匯 o點:spot, site,
17、 resort, destination 旅游景點/名勝景點:tourist attraction/destination, scenic spot 避暑勝地:summer resort 避暑山莊:mountain resort 名勝古跡:scenic spots and historical sites 山水風(fēng)光:landscape 亭閣:pavilion 樓:mansion, tower 臺:terrace 塔:pagoda, pgd tower 殿堂:hall 陵墓:tomb, mausoleum m:sli:m, -z- o關(guān):pass 石窟:grotto grt 旅游常用成語口譯詞匯
18、旅游常用成語口譯詞匯o絡(luò)繹不絕:an endless stream 美不勝收:too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 聞名遐邇:known far and wide 墨客騷人:famous men of letters 奇峰異石:picturesque peaks and rocks 奇花異草:exotic flowers and herbs 主要景點口譯詞匯主要景點口譯詞匯 o故宮:the Imperial Palace 紫禁城:the Forbidden City 兵馬俑:Terra Cotta Warriors/soldie
19、rs and horses 長城:the Great Wall 居庸關(guān):Juyongguan Pass 不到長城非好漢:He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man. o世界自然遺產(chǎn):the World Natural Heritage o出境游 outbound tourismo國內(nèi)游 inbound tourismo長江三峽 Three Gorges on the Yangtze River o“上有天堂,下有蘇杭?!眔In heaven there is paradise, on earth Hangzhou and Suzho
20、uo“三奇”:巧石、奇松、云海othe three wonderful features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, and the sea of cloudso武陵源風(fēng)景名勝區(qū) Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Areao麗江古城 Old Town of Lijiango龍門石窟 Longmen Grottoes o魚米之鄉(xiāng) a land of milk and honeyo郁郁蔥蔥 luxuriant and greeno一片蒼茫的海天景色 a vast expanse of sea and sky
21、o蔚為壯觀 present a splendid sighto熙熙攘攘 hustle and bustleIntroduction about ChinaoChina is in the eastern part of Asia, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean.China has a total land area of 9.6 million square kilometers, next only to the former Soviet Union and Canada.oChinas land border is 22,800 kilom
22、eters long. The nation is Korea,Mongolia,Russia,Afghanistan,Pakinstan,India,Viet Nam and so on.oThe Chinese mainland is flanked by the Bohai, the Huanghai (Yellow Sea), and the East China and South China Sea in the east and south. Chinas surface slopes down from west to east in a four-step staircase
23、. oChinas many mountains are well known throughout the world. Most of Chinas rivers flow from west to east into the Pacific Ocean. China has many natural lakes, most of them scattered in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. oMost of China is situated in the temperate zone. S
24、ome parts of south China are located in tropical and subtropical zones while the northern part is near the frigid zone . The eastern coastal regions of China are warm and humid and have four distinct seasons. China has the greatest diversity of wildlife in the world. China is rich in mineral resourc
25、es, with total reserves ranking third in the world. oChina is currently divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government . China is a united, multi-national country of 56 ethnic groups. The basic demands of family planning are late marriage a
26、nd late childbirth .At present ,family planning as a state policy is supported by a vast majority of the people.A Welcome SpeechStep 1: Lead-inoQ: What is the first thing that a tour guide should do when he/she meets the tourists?oA:a welcome speechStep 2: Scene and Tasko1. SceneoSuppose you are a l
27、ocal guide.oMr. White is the tour groups national guide from Canada.o2. TaskoMake a welcome speech according to the scene given.Make a Welcome Speech Wello1) Include the six itemso2) Speak fluentlyo3) Highlight characteristicsEn Route to the Hotel En Route to the Hotel Welcome SpeechWelcome SpeechGo
28、od evening, ladies and gentlemen Welcome to China! Welcome to Shanghai. Confucius, our great ancient philosopher once said, “What a great joy it is to have friends from afar!” Today, with such great joy, on behalf of the China Youth Travel Service, Id like to express a warm welcome to all of you, ou
29、r distinguished guests from the other side of the Pacific. I also hope that during your short stay Shanghai, you can not only satisfy your eyes and stomach, but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of the Chinese people and its development. Please allow me to say
30、a few words about myself. My name is Gao Yuan. You can simply call me Gao, which means “tall” in Chinese, although Im not tall at all. This is our driver, Mr. Li, who has been driving for more than ten years. Mr.Li and I will be at your disposal. We will do everything possible to make your visit a p
31、leasant experience. If you have any problems or requests, please do not hesitate to let us know. You are going to stay at Shangri-la Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel located right on the famous Huangpu River. Since you are to stay in our city for two days, you will be using this vehicle during yo
32、ur stay in Shanghai. So please take the trouble to jot down the plate number for future convenience: 8E199. I will repeat: 8E199. Got it? Known throughout the world as the “Pearl of the Orient”, Shanghai is a modern and fast-paced city, rich in history and culture, which has a wealth of areas and si
33、tes just waiting to be explored. During the following two days, you will experience the old part of the city by investigating Shanghais former Concession areas and Yuyuan Gardens. You will also visit the newest area of the city, Pudong, and two of its most impressive structures: Jinmao Tower and the
34、 Oriental Pearl TV Tower. In addition, tomorrow evening you will take a cruise on the Huangpu River and enjoy the beautiful night scenery on both sides. I sincerely wish you a pleasant, comfortable stay and a fantastic holiday here. I shall do all I can to make everything easy for you . Thank you an
35、d have an enjoyable evening!The Six Itemso1) To extend a warm welcome to the touristo2) To introduce your team to themo3) To give a brief account of tour arrangementso4) To make sure youll be always at their serviceo5) To tell them the time differenceo6) To give best wishes to themHelpful SentencesA
36、sking for attentionGood evening, ladies and gentleman.May I have your attention please?Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please?Ladies and gentlemen, please let me have your attention for a moment.Self-introductionIm Yao, your local guide from CYTS.First, please allow me to introduce myself.Im a
37、guide from China International Travel Service. My English name is Jan.Im your local guide in Wuhan, and my name is Li Pin.My name is Jan Lin, but you may just call me Jan.Introducing a person to a groupPlease allow me to introduce Mr. Wang, our driver on this trip.Please let me introduce my colleagu
38、e first. Mr. Wang is our driver. He has 15 years of driving under his belt, so you are in very safe hands.May I introduce to you Mr. Li, the general manager of our travel service?May I have the pleasure of introducing the local guide to you? This is Miss Wang Jie from Shanghai CITS.Giving welcomesWe
39、lcome to Wuhan, China.First let me express a warm welcome to you.On behalf of China Travel Service and my colleague, I warmly welcome you to Chengdu. On behalf of China International Travel Service, Chengdu Branch, I would like to express our warmest welcome to you all.On behalf of CYTS Wuhan Branch, Im very glad to have all of you here.Expressing intention to provide good serviceWe are glad to be at your disposal.If you have any problems or requests, please feel free to ask me.If you have questions or requests, please dont hesitate to tell us.We will
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