外研版初中英語九年級上冊Module 1 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big課件_第1頁
外研版初中英語九年級上冊Module 1 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big課件_第2頁
外研版初中英語九年級上冊Module 1 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big課件_第3頁
外研版初中英語九年級上冊Module 1 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big課件_第4頁
外研版初中英語九年級上冊Module 1 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big課件_第5頁
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1、the yellowstone national park what do you know about these wonders?victoria falls the terracotta army three gorges dam the pyramids in egyptsky n. 天空天空grey adj.灰色的灰色的; 陰沉的陰沉的do you know these words?silent adj.寂靜的寂靜的sign n. 跡象;標(biāo)志跡象;標(biāo)志silver adj.銀色的銀色的stream n.小河;小溪小河;小溪canyon n. 峽谷峽谷shine v.照耀照耀besid

2、ereplyclearfall awaynearlyon top ofprep. 在在旁邊;在旁邊;在附近附近v. 回答;答復(fù)回答;答復(fù)v. (煙霧等煙霧等)開始消失開始消失 突然向下傾斜突然向下傾斜adv. 幾乎;差不多幾乎;差不多 在在上面;上面; 蓋住蓋住 1. work in pairs. talk about a great natural wonder you know. use the words in the box to help you. below, deep, fantastic, high, long natural, shine, sign, silent, sil

3、ver prep. 在下面;在在下面;在以下以下v. 照耀照耀n. 跡象;標(biāo)志;招牌跡象;標(biāo)志;招牌adj. 寂靜的寂靜的adj. 銀灰色的;銀制的銀灰色的;銀制的the grand canyonhow deephow widehow longnearly one mile. about fifteen miles. more than 200 miles. 2. read the passage and complete the table.true or false.1. when i arrived, the weather was sunny and hot.2. i went to

4、the wrong way at first.3. the colorado river was nearly three miles below me.4. finally, i looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles.tfffsome adjectives tell you facts, such as wide, deep, high and tall; some adjectives tell you the opinion

5、 of the author, like wonderful, huge and great. learn to use them to talk about facts and give your opinion.3. choose the correct answer.1. where does the passage most probably come from?a) a magazine. b) a grammar book. c) a dictionary. d) a storybook.2. why was there nothing to see?a) because ther

6、e was nothing. b) because it was too dark.c) because it was raining. d) because it was in the morning.3. which direction was the writer facing while he was looking over the grand canyon?a) south. b) north. c) east. d) west.4. what is the writers purpose in writing this passage?a) to give facts about

7、 the natural world.b) to say how he feels about the natural world.c) to tell an interesting story about the grand canyon.d) to attract people to visit the grand canyon.4. complete the passage with the words in the box.below, mile, remain, reply, sign silent, sky, stream, through in the dark, there i

8、s no (1) _ of the grand canyon, and it is (2) _. but if you (3) _ by the grand canyon as the (4) _ gets brighter signsilentremainsky and look down about one (5) _, you can see the colorado river (6) _ you. it looks like a silver (7) _ as it passes (8) _ the rocks at the bottom of the canyon. if some

9、one asks you whether the grand canyon is the greatest wonder of the natural world, it may be easy to (9) _.milebelowstreamthroughreply 5. complete the table with facts about a natural or man-made wonder of the world.namelocationinteresting facts1. i got out of the car, went through a gate and walked

10、 along a dark path. 我下了車,穿過一扇門,沿著一條黑暗我下了車,穿過一扇門,沿著一條黑暗的小路走著。的小路走著。 go through 通過,穿過;經(jīng)歷通過,穿過;經(jīng)歷 e.g. the rain has gone through my coat. the country has gone through too many wars.拓展:拓展:go 相關(guān)詞組相關(guān)詞組go abroad 出國出國go against 違背;與違背;與不符不符go up 增長;上升;被興建起來增長;上升;被興建起來 go on 繼續(xù);繼續(xù)下去;發(fā)生繼續(xù);繼續(xù)下去;發(fā)生go over 復(fù)習(xí)復(fù)習(xí)

11、;仔細(xì)審查;走近;仔細(xì)審查;走近 go ahead 進(jìn)行進(jìn)行 go away 走開;消失走開;消失go for 去取來;爭取得到去取來;爭取得到2. i looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it.我朝那片巖石望過去,但是一片寂我朝那片巖石望過去,但是一片寂靜,還是看不見它。靜,還是看不見它。i was looking across one of the wonders of the natural world- the grand canyon. 我在眺望自然界奇觀之一的大峽谷。我在眺望自然界奇觀之一的大峽谷

12、。i looked down to the colorado river我俯瞰科羅拉多河我俯瞰科羅拉多河finally, i looked to my left and to my right.最后,我向左右遙望最后,我向左右遙望look over 從從上方看過去上方看過去look down 向下看向下看look to ones left/ right朝某人的左側(cè)朝某人的左側(cè)/左側(cè)看左側(cè)看拓展:拓展:look 相關(guān)詞組相關(guān)詞組look after 照料照料 look back 回顧,向后看回顧,向后看look in 順便來訪順便來訪look into 調(diào)查調(diào)查look through 瀏覽瀏覽

13、look over 翻閱;調(diào)查翻閱;調(diào)查look up 找出,查閱;仰視找出,查閱;仰視 look down upon sb. 輕視某人輕視某人 look forward to doing 期待期待 3. the sun rose behind me and shone on the rocks. far below me, the ground fell away and down to a river. 太陽從我身后升起,照在巖石上,地太陽從我身后升起,照在巖石上,地面面(仿佛在隨光線仿佛在隨光線)向下延伸,向下延伸,(逐漸逐漸)退退落,顯露出谷底的河流。落,顯露出谷底的河流。behind

14、, on, below, away和和down幾個(gè)幾個(gè) 介詞和副詞生動地描寫了太陽升起時(shí)介詞和副詞生動地描寫了太陽升起時(shí)作者在大峽谷觀察到的奇妙景作者在大峽谷觀察到的奇妙景象。象。the ground fell away是形是形象化的描述,說明了隨著陽光的象化的描述,說明了隨著陽光的照射,作者仿佛看到地面在下降,照射,作者仿佛看到地面在下降,逐漸顯露出谷底的河流。逐漸顯露出谷底的河流。4. i remained by the canyon for about half an hour remain v. 逗留,留下逗留,留下 n. 剩余物;遺跡;殘骸剩余物;遺跡;殘骸 e.g. i didnt

15、 remain long in the city. 我并沒有在那個(gè)城市逗留很久。我并沒有在那個(gè)城市逗留很久。 the police told everybody to remain in their cars. 警察叫大家都留在車?yán)铩>旖写蠹叶剂粼谲嚴(yán)铩?. i have _ my watch everywhere. but i cannot find it.a. look at b. looked up c. looked for2. the xiamen-shenzhen high speed railroad will run _ eight cities. a. across b.

16、through c. over 3. please drive _ when you pass a school. ok. a. nearly b. early c. slowly d. really4. the little elephant is afraid to go alone. he always walks _his mother. a. beside b. behind c. below d. under5. the volunteer spoke as_ as she could to make the visitors understand her.a. clearly b

17、. more clearly c. most clearly d. the most clearly6. 他們正在建一條隧道,它將穿過這他們正在建一條隧道,它將穿過這座山。座山。they are building a tunnel and it will _ the mountain. go through imagine you have just visited one of the natural or man-made wonders. write sentences and describe your experience.say when you visited it.i just visited t


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