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1、Unit 7 No Place Like Home (New Standard English, Book 4)Section 1 Lead-inActivity 1 Home on the RangeDirections: Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roamWhere the deer and the antelope playWhere seldom is heard a discouraging wordAnd

2、the skies are not cloudy all dayHome, home on the rangeHow often at night when the heavens are brightI see the light of those flickering starsHave I laid there amazed and asked, as I gazedIf their glory exceeds that of oursActivity 2 Design My Sweet HomeDirections: Watch the video. Work in pairs. Im

3、agine your ideal home and discuss the questions.1 Where in the world would you like to live?-I would like a tropical island Hainan would be suitable2 What would it look like from the inside and outside?-Outside: a swimming pool , a big balcony , trees and plants, a blue roof. Inside: high ceilings,

4、white tile floors, work room with book shelves and the latest computers, a large kitchen.3 What would you like to see when you look out of the window?-On one side the sea with palm trees and on the other my swimming pool with brightly coloured plants.Activity 3 Home AssociationsWhat do you associate

5、 with the idea of home?Activity 4 Whats Home?Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete the definition.A roof to keep out the rain?Four walls to keep out the wind?Floors to keep out the cold?Yes, but home is more than that.It is the laugh of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father,war

6、mth of loving hearts, lights from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, and comradeship.Home is the first school for young ones,where they learn what is right, what is good and what is kind;where they go for comfort when they are hurt or sick;where joy is shared and sorrow eased;where fathers and mothers a

7、re respected and loved, and children are wanted;where the simplest food is good enough for kings because it is earned;where money is not as important as love and kindness;where even the tea kettle sings from happiness.That is home.Section 2 Active Reading Passage 1Golden MemoriesText organization Re

8、sidents (Para. 3-15)My feelingsFirst residents (para.3-8)the goundsman with a young womanMore residents (para.9)A smart man with his familyMore residents (para.10)Two middle-aged womenMore residents (para.12)A family with a pet dogLast residents (para.13-15)JosephI was soon filled with the sounds of

9、 conversation and laughterIt seemed as if no one spent much time at home any more I like them because of the care they showed to my rooms and my garden. I have to admit I resented. I liked him, we kept each other company.Information Analysis (P102 Ex. 9)1 (Para.2). I do know that strangely, although

10、 we're identical, we're the exact opposite of each other . Why are the house and its neighbour identical yet the exact opposite of each other? -The house and its neighbour have the same structure, but they are facing opposite ways, with the front door of the house facing east, while its neig

11、hbours facing west.2 (Para.5) Soon there were children to look after too . In what way does the house look after the children? -The house provides shelter and keeps them warm and dry.3 (Para.9) I thought they looked rather coarse against my handsome stone. Does the house like the new brick houses be

12、ing built? Why / Why not? -No, he doesnt think brick is as fine a material as stone. The word coarse is negative in connotation.4 (Para.10) But we were all warm and clean, and although it was different, it wasnt unpleasant. What does the house feel about progress? -Fairly positive although a little

13、nervous.5 (Para.14) My floorboards creak, and ghosts make strange noises throughout the night. If the house were a human, what would creaking floorboards and ghosts suggest? The two words suggest old age with stiff muscles and many memories.6 (Para.16) Round the bend comes a large crane with a kind

14、of ball and chain. I do hope it will go away. What do you think the crane is coming to do? Do you think it will go away? Balls are used to smash down walls, so it sounds as if the building will be demolished rather than repaired. If so, the crane will not go away.Theme Discussion (P102, Ex. 10)1 Wou

15、ld you prefer to live in an old building or a new one, and why?- A new one as it is likely to be more comfortable. I also like living high up, so I can get a good view. I think I prefer old buildings. They have more character, and I think they were better built in the old days.2 Do you think old hou

16、ses should be saved and restored, or should they be pulled down and the land used to provide homes for more families?- We dont want everywhere to look the same. Old buildings make a place more interesting. A town exists in time as well as space.We must be practical. High-rise buildings can house far

17、 more people. Old houses waste land.3 To what extent do you think old buildings are part of the local or national heritage, or are they symbols of an unnecessary and sentimental attachment to the past?- I think to try to protect all old buildings just because they are old would be, as the question s

18、ays, “an unnecessary and sentimental attachment to the past”. But if the buildings are of historical significance, they are part of our heritage. Chinese culture is too old and valuable for us to simply forget the past.SummaryGolden MemoriesI can still remember the men who built the house. The maste

19、r from the manor house found clearing in the huge orchard which ran up and down the hills. I only see my neighbour from the side. Ive never seen him face on. Apart from the autumn, the groundsman brought a young woman home. I was filled with the sound of conversation and laughter. The woman looked a

20、fter the garden around me; there was a riot of colours. With time goes by, they had children and then grew up. But one day, I saw a postman arrive with a bundle of letters, the woman cried out and fainted. Years later, they left without saying goodbye to me. Two middle-aged women spent several years

21、 here. I like them because they kept everything clean and tidy. The last person lived with me working at assembling furniture. We just kept each other company. He walked very slowly using his hands to steady himself. Time goes by, there are signs of everyone who has lived with me. However, there are

22、 my golden memories. But in fact, I look and feel my age. Useful Expressions1.充滿了歡聲笑語2.五彩繽紛3.深秋4.穿著漂亮5.一摞信6.中年婦女7.干凈整潔8.各式電器9.收破爛的10.挖土刨坑11.組裝家具12.互相做伴13.使某人穩(wěn)住14.喘氣15.腐爛的蘋果16.拐彎處1. be filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter2. a riot of colours3. late autumn4. dress smartly5. a bundle of

23、letters 6. middle-aged women7. clean and tidy8. all sorts of appliance9. rag-and-bone man10. dig up11. assemble furniture 12. keep each other company13. steady oneself14. catch ones breath15. decaying apples16. round the bendSection 3 Active Reading Passage 2Home ThoughtsUseful Expressions1. 歸屬感2.西部

24、荒原3.讓人驚嘆的照片4.令人震撼5.提高生活水平6.壽命延長一倍7.意識到自己與眾不同8.席卷而去9.收拾家當10.宗教仇恨11.自由者的國土12.勇敢者的家園13.傳統(tǒng)大家庭14.核心家庭1. sense of belonging2. Wild West3. striking photos4. come as a shock5. raise the standards of living6. double lifespan7. consciousness of difference8. sweep away9. pack up10. religious hatred11. land of

25、the free12. home of the brave13. traditional extended family14. nuclear familyDifficult Sentences1. Home is where we hunker down Its an inward-looking place, where we should feel safe. (Para 5)家是我們可以放松休息的地方,在家里我們脫下鞋子,忘掉外面那個紛擾的世界。家是一個讓我們轉(zhuǎn)向內(nèi)心的地方,到了家我們就感到安全。2. Yet the more choice we have, the more it b

26、ecomes restricted. (Para 8)但是我們的選擇越多,我們所受到的限制也越多。3. Or will the Western (specifically Anglo-Saxon) nuclear family influence living patterns elsewhere in the world? (Para 9)西方的(更具體地說應(yīng)該是盎格魯· 撒克遜式的)核心家庭會對世界其他地方的生活模式產(chǎn)生影響嗎?4. Perhaps it's time for us to go back into space, as it were, but this t

27、ime to take photos of our homes, to stand back and consider how we live, who we live with, and where we achieve the ultimate warmth, comfort and love. (Para 10)也許我們可以這么說,現(xiàn)在是我們重回太空拍攝地球的時候了。 但是這次我們是要給我們的家園拍一些照片,然后置身事外,重新審視我們的生活,思考一下我們是怎樣生活的,跟誰一起生活,我們從哪里獲得最大限度的溫暖、舒適和愛。Section 4 Language in UseTranslate

28、 the paragraph into English (P109, Ex. 6)1. 在畢業(yè)典禮上,一家知名IT公司的經(jīng)驗豐富的 CTO托馬斯·克拉克給140名渴望在IT行業(yè)干出一番事業(yè)的計算機科學專業(yè)的學生提出了一些重要建議。 (aspire to)2. 在他看來,信息技術(shù)不僅僅是組裝機器和裝置。在這個領(lǐng)域,創(chuàng)新起著關(guān)鍵的作用。(assemble, domain)3. 所以 IT 工作者自然要承受巨大的壓力,因為他們每天都要想出一些新點子。(on a daily basis)4.但是克拉克也指出,IT 行業(yè)的最終目標是利潤。如果你想在這個領(lǐng)域獲得成功,你應(yīng)該牢記創(chuàng)新并不等同于個人

29、主義。(ultimate, synonymous with)5. 值得注意的是,很多有天賦的年輕人由于狂妄自大,交流能力差,沒能發(fā)揮他們的潛力,因此沒有取得成功。 (arrogance)6.克拉克強調(diào)說,你必須學會和不同部門的人合作,這樣你才能創(chuàng)造出能被市場接受的產(chǎn)品,你的才華才能綻放。 (blossom)1. In the graduation ceremony, Thomas Clark, a veteran CTO of a renowned IT company, offers some important advice to 140 computer science majors w

30、ho aspire to pursue a successful career in IT. 2. In his opinion, information technology is not just about assembling machines and devices; it is a domain where innovation plays the key role. 3. So naturally IT workers have to endure great pressure in their work as they need to come up with new idea

31、s on a daily basis.4. But Clark also points out that the ultimate goal of IT business is profit. If you want to succeed in this business, you need to keep in mind that innovation is not synonymous with individualism.5. It is noticeable that because of arrogance and poor communication skill many gift

32、ed young men didnt realize their potential, thus failed to achieve success. 6. Clark emphasizes that you must learn to cooperate with people from different departments, and only thus can your talent blossom by creating products that will be accepted by the market.8Unit 7 No Place Like Home (視聽說)(New

33、 Standard English, Book 4)Assignments and Oral Activities1. Finish Outside View and Listening-in online after class. 2. Listen and imitate the pronunciation and intonation in Pronunciation part.3. Be prepared for oral activities next week: 1) Make a list of English and Chinese (with English translat

34、ion) proverbs and sayings about house, home or family. 2) Prepare a 1-minute presentation on one of the following topics: a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern houses as compared to old houses? What does the saying “An English mans home is his castle” mean? Do the Chinese have the s

35、ame attitude to their homes as the British? P79, Ex. 5, 6 (3-5) b) In what circumstances might young men and women in China return home to live with their parents after college? Should parents continue to support their children after they have finished their studies? How should parents help their ch

36、ildren to become (financially) independent? P81, Ex. 9 (1,2,4) c) To be an ideal roommate/flatmate. What are the qualities that we are looking for in an ideal roommate/flatmate? P84, Unit TaskTeaching Plan Warm-up: Brainstorming Proverbs and sayings about house, home and family. 1. East or west, hom

37、e is the best.2. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. 3. Home is where the heart is. 4. All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer)5. The people who live in glass house should not throw stones. 6. If the family l

38、ives in harmony, all affairs will prosper. 7. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. 8. We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. 9. Wash your dirty linen at home.10. Every dog is a lion at home. 11. A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 走東走西,家是最好金窩,銀窩,不如自家的草窩。心安即是家。幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。自己有弱點就不要說別人的壞處。家和萬事興家家有本難念的經(jīng)。養(yǎng)兒方知父母恩。家丑不可外揚。夜郎自大。在家兇如獅,


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