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1、新目標(biāo)人教版九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)專(zhuān)項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí)題(1)一、選擇題(2X15=30分)()1.a new libraivin our school last year9A. Is; builtB. Was; builtC. Does; buildD. Did ; build()2 Ail accidenton this road last week.A. has been happenedB. was happenedC is happenedD. happened()3.Cotton (棉花)in the southeast of Chma.A. is grownB. aie grownC gro

2、wsD. grow()4So far, the moonby man alieadv.A. is visitedB. will be visitedC. has been visited D was visited()5.A talk on Cluiiese histoivin the school hall next weekA. is givenE. lias been givenC will be givenD. gives()6.How niaiiv treestlus veaiA. are plantedB. will plantC. have been planted D plan

3、ted()7.A lot of tluiigsby people to save the little gul now.A. are domgB. are being doneC has been doneD. will be done(Whenthis kind of comouteis? Last year.A. did; useB. was; usedC is; usedD aie; used()9.The Great Wallall over the world A. knowsB. knewC. is knownD. was known()10Whotlus book?A. did;

4、 wiittenB. was; wntteu byC. did; wnttenD. was; written()11.A storvbv Graimv vesterdav.A. was told usB. was told to usC is told usD. told us()12.The moiikev was seenoff the tree.A. jumpB. jumpsC jumpedD. to jump()13.The school bag-beluiid die chan.A. putsE can be putC can be puttedD. can put()14.Olde

5、i peoplewell.A. looks afterB. must be looked after C must look after D looked after()15.Oui teachercarefully.A. should be listened to E. should be listen C be listened D is listened二、用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給動(dòng)詞的正確形式填空.(1X20=20分)(請(qǐng)注零吋杏峯語(yǔ)杏兩個(gè)方面)1 .Its said(據(jù)說(shuō))tliat the long bridge( build) in two montlis.2. Where to have

6、die meeting (discuss) now3. Which languagedie most widely (speak) in die world?4. The lost boy (not find) so far.5. Last veai a laige number of trees (cut) down.6. The studentsoften(tell) to take care of then desks and chaus.7. The old man is ill. He(must send) to the hospital.8. Vegetables, eggs an

7、d fimts(sell) in this shop.9. Whatknives (make) of ?They(make) of me tai(金丿再)and wood.10. Can the magazine(take) out of the library?11. The room(clean) by me every day.12. Tlie stars cant(see) in the daytime13. Some flowers(water) by Li Mmg already.14. This kind of shoes(sell) well15. How longyour u

8、ncle(be) in the city916. The food(smell) delicious.17. Look? Someone(dance)三、按要求改寫(xiě)下列句子,一空一詞.(1X30=30分)4. The children will smg ail English song.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))An English song by the children.5. You neednft do it now.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))It by you now.6. People use metal for making machines.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))Metal making machines

9、.7. He made me do tliat for him.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))I tliat fbi luni8. They are watcliuig the football match.The football match by them.9. Did they build a budge here a yeai ago?(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))a budgehere by them a year ago?10. They have sold out the light green diesses.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))The light gieen diesses out.11. We call

10、the game “Lianliankan”(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))The game 這Lianliankan” by us.初中英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法專(zhuān)項(xiàng)習(xí)j14 被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)()1 The People* s Republic of China on October 19 1949.A found B was founded C. is founded D was found()2 English in CanadaA. speaks B are spoken C is speaking D is spoken()3 This English song by the girls after classA. ofte

11、n sings B often sangC is often sang D is often sung()4 This kind of car in JapanA, makes B made C is making D is made()5 New computers all over the worldA is used B are using C. are used D. have used2()1 Our room must cleanA. keep B be kept C. to be kept D to keep()2 -T d like to buy that coat-Im so

12、rry. A. it sold B its selling C. It,s been sold D it had been sold()3 A new house at the corner of the roadA. is building B is being built C been built D be building()4 The key on the table when I leaveA was left B will be left C is left D has been left()5 Doctors in every part of the world.A need B

13、 are needing C are needed D will need()6 His new book next month.A will be published B is publishingC is being published D has been published3()1 Japanese in every country.A. is not spoken B are spoken C is speaking D is not speaking()2 These papersyet.A. have not written B have not been writtenC ha

14、s not written D has not been written()3 The sports meet be held until next weekA didn t B wont C. isnt D. doesnt4()1 一My shoes are worn out.A Can t they be mended? B Let me have a look at it.C How much do they cost? D Can t they mended?()2 the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it.A. Does B Has C

15、 Is D Are()3 these desks be needed?A. Will B. Are C. Has D. Do5()1 Why to talk about it yesterday?A didnt a meeting hold B wasn,t a meeting heldC. wasnt held a meeting D a meeting wasn t held()2 Who was the book?A write B wrote C written D written by()3 Where these boxes made?A. was B were C is D am

16、6()1 The flowersoften.A. must be water B must be watered C must watered D must water()2 The books may for two weeks.A. be kept B be borrowed C keep D borrow()3 The broken bike here by Mr SmithA can mend B can mended C can be mend D can be mended7()1 The old bridge in my hometown next monthA is going

17、 to be rebuilt B will rebuiltC are going to be rebuiltD. are going to rebuilt()2 The play at the theatre next Sunday.A is going to be shown B will shownC will show D is shown()3 The old stone bridge next week.A is going to be rebuilt B will be rebuildC are going to be rebuilt D will rebuild8()1 Now

18、these magazines in the library for a long timeA. have kept B are keeping C have been keeping D have been kept()2 The pot for hot water.A used; keeping B was used; keepingC. is used; to keep D. are used; keep()3 Tea in the south of China.A grows B is grown C. were grown D. will grow()4 The bridges tw

19、o years ago.WO Its a Haidian top problemoA is built B. built C were built D was built()5 Wet clothes are often up near a fire in rainy weatherA. hang B hanged C hanging D hung9()1 The river smells terrible People must dirty things into it.A be stopped to throw B be stopped from throwingC. stop to th

20、row D stop from throwing()2 The teapot waterA. is filled with B. filled ofC. fulling of D. filled()3 Old people must be looked fter well and politelyA. speak to B spoken C speak D spoken to()4 Old people must A. look after well B be looked well afterC. looked well after D. be looked after well10()1

21、Newly-born babiesin hospita1A. are taken good care B are taken good care ofC take good care of D take good care()2 They were at the sudden noiseA. frightening B frighten亡d C. frighten D frightens()3 These wallsstone.A are made of B made of u C. are made into D made into11()1 Jane to sing us an Ameri

22、can song last Saturday.A called B was asked C told D was said()2 The papers to themA. were shown B show C shown / D have shown()3 The coather sisterA made to B were made for C was made for D was made to121 I five minutes to decide whether I should go or not.A gave B was giving C had given D. was giv

23、en()2 Good caresuch things.A should take of B should be takenC should be taking D. should be taken of()3 She willgood careA. take; of B be taken; of C. take; for you D be taken; of you13()1 The teacher made him his homeworkA. to do B do C did D done()2 The boy streets without pay in the old daysA wa

24、s made to clean B made cleanC made to clean D was made clean()3 These childrendance.A were seen to B were seen for C were seen D saw to14()1 These stoneswell.A. are fitted B fit C fits D is fitted()2 The bike 500 yuan.A. was cost B cos ted C cos t D is cos ted()3 The important meeting on a cold morn

25、ing last year.A. was,had B was held C held D had15()1 Great changes in the past ten years in ChinaA took place B have taken place C were taking place D had taken place()2 You can* t use the computer, itA was broken down B is wrong C is bad D has broken down()3 Great changesin our country during the past 20 years.A have happened B happen


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