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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上外研版必修二重點短語句型專心-專注-專業(yè)Book 2 Module 11 be connected with=be related to2 take exercise=exercise3 be crazy about4 have a temperature/fever5 lie down6 begin with7 putinto8 become/fall ill9 head towards/to/for10 catch/get a cold 11 get flu12 have a sweet tooth13 get/be injured14 return to nor

2、mal15 above normal 16 below normal17 breathe deeply=take a deep breath18 out of breath19 keep fit/healthy20 keep us fit/healthy21 be fit for22 be off work23 be out of work24 be at work25 keepaway26 at least27 at most28 be worried/anxious about29 be anxious for 30 be anxious for sb to do31 see sb doi

3、ng32 make sure33 would rather do34 go/be on a diet35 a bit of36 miss school37 pay for38 a free health care system39 the problem with1 和有聯系2鍛煉3 迷戀4 發(fā)燒5 躺下6 以開始7 將投入8 生病9 朝前進10 感冒11染上流感12 好吃甜食13 受傷14 恢復正常15 超過正常標準16 低于正常標準17 深呼吸18 上氣不接下氣19 保持健康20 保持我們的身體健康21 適合22 不工作,休息23 失業(yè)24 在上班25 使離開26 至少27 至多28 為而

4、擔憂29 渴望30 渴望sb做31 看到sb正在做32 確保確實33 寧愿做34 節(jié)食忌口35 一點兒,有點兒36 缺課37 支付38 免費醫(yī)療體系39的問題40 have problems with41 pick sb up 42 be privately owned.43 I rarely get toothache.=Rarely do I get toothache.44 I take two hours exercise a week.45 When Zhoukais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a ja

5、cket on, she eyed him anxiously.46 Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.47 My mother has always made sure that we eat very healthily.48 Im not too heavy, so I never have to diet, or anything like that.49 Unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week.50 That is because I was stupi

6、d enough to play football in the rain 51 Im captain of the class team at school.52 I dont think I get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit.53 Two years ago I broke my arm while/when (I was) playing football.54 Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health

7、care system paid for by the government.55 The problem with this system is that poorer people dont have the money to pay for private health insurance. 56 Im going to change my job.57 -You have left the light on.-So I have. I will go and turn it off.58 Look at the clouds. Its going to rain.59 Take mor

8、e exercise and you will become really fit.60 Take more exercise or you will become ill.40 有的問題41 接某人42 私人擁有43 我很少牙痛44 我一個周鍛煉兩個小時。45 周凱的媽媽看到他沒有穿夾克衫就往前門走去時,她擔心的盯著他。46 周凱按照媽媽告訴的那樣去做了。47 我媽媽總是想方設法讓我們吃得健康。48 我不是很胖,所以我不必節(jié)食,也不必做其他類似的事情。49 對我來會說很少見的是上周得了重感冒還有點發(fā)燒。50 那是因為我真是夠蠢的,居然在雨中踢球。51 我在學校是班級足球隊的隊長。52 我認為

9、我不會得這些病,因為我經常鍛煉很健康。53 兩年前我在踢球時胳膊骨折了。54 英國是世界上第一個由政府承擔經費,實行免費醫(yī)療的國家。55 這個體制存在的問題是窮人沒有足夠多的錢來支付私人醫(yī)療保險。56 我打算換換工作。57 -你一直開著燈。-確實如此,我這就去把燈關上去。58 看看云彩。眼看著要下雨了。59 多鍛煉鍛煉身體,你就會變得健康。60 多鍛煉鍛煉身體,否則你就會生病的。Book 2 Module 21 be/become/get addicted to n/doing2 be in danger3 be out of danger4 ban sb from n/doing5 ther

10、e is a ban on6 affect=have an effect on7 influence=have an influence on8 related tobreak into a housebreak into tears belong totake/follow ones advicein order to(句首句中),so as to(句中)give up n/doingsharewith sbcompare tocompare withdo/make a surverymake a list of stop sb fromstop doingstop to docontinu

11、e to do=continue doingoffer sb sth=offer sth to sbcause many deathsillnesses (which are)related to smokingdie of hungerdie from an accidentbe seriously injured a heart attackask sb for moneybe in paintake toleave schoolmind doingin publicthe publicset/fix a dateincrease fromtoincrease by by this tim

12、e1 對上癮2處于危險之中3 脫離危險4 禁止做某事5禁止做某事6 對;有影響7對;有影響8 和有關系的破門進入一個房子大哭起來屬于聽從某人建議目的是放棄和sb分享把比做把和做比較做一個調查列一個名單阻止sb做停止做停下來目的是做繼續(xù)做向sb提供sth導致許多人死亡和吸煙有關的疾病死于饑餓死于一起事故受到嚴重的傷害一次心臟病發(fā)作向sb要錢處于痛苦之中把帶到輟學,離開學校介意做當眾地公眾確定一個日期從增加到增加了到這時為止Book 2 Module 31. be (deeply) impressed with/by2. split up3. make a note of4. become/be

13、known/famous as forto sb5. change into6. music instruments7. of all time 8. something wonderful9. the rest of his life10. go deaf11. No way!12. at an early age13. a leading/top composer 14. receive many prizes15. play the violin/piano16. have talent for17. show talent fora talented musician18. lose

14、interest inbe/get lost=lose sbs waybe lost in thoughtlose heart lose weight19. mix with20. have a deep influence/effect on21. encourage sb to do22. as well as和;同;以及 除之外=besides或 in addition to 23. As time goes by/on 24. Joseph Hayden was an Austrian composer and is known as “the father of the sympho

15、ny”.25. Having worked there for 30 years, Hayden moved to London, where he was very successful.26. By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.1 對印象深刻2. 分裂,分割 3. 記錄,做筆記4. 作為/以而著名 因為而著名對于sb來說是著名的5. 把變成6. 樂器7. 有史以來8. 很精彩的某種東西9. 他的余生10. 變聾1

16、1. 沒門,不可能!12. 在很小的時候13. 一個優(yōu)秀的/首席作曲家14. 獲得了許多獎15. 演奏小提琴/鋼琴16. 具有的天賦17. 表現出對的天賦一個有天賦的音樂家18. 失去對的興趣迷路限于沉思之中喪失信心減肥19. 把和混合20. 對有深遠的影響21. 鼓勵某人做22. as well as和;同;以及 除之外=besides或 in addition to23. 隨著時間的流逝,24. 約瑟夫·海頓,奧地利作曲家,以“交響樂之父”而著名。25. 在那兒工作了30年后,海頓移居倫敦。在倫敦,他取得了成功。26. 到14歲時為止,莫扎特不僅已經譜寫了很多管弦樂曲,還譜寫了許

17、多鋼琴曲和小提琴曲。Book 2 Module4 一This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 這是西班牙畫家巴勃羅·畢加索的一幅油畫,他被認為是20世紀西方做偉大的畫家。 Considered to be 該短語為過去分詞,在句中作定語, 修飾Picasso. 本句中consider 的用法如下:1、consider意為“考慮, 細想”時, 其后可跟: 1.) 名詞或代詞:

18、 We must consider the matter from different standpoints. 我們應當從各個角度來考慮一下這件事。We must consider it very carefully. 2.) 從句: We must consider what's to be done. He considered how he should answer. 3.) “疑問詞不定式”: Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考慮過如何到那里? We have to consider what material to use

19、 first. 我們先得考慮用什么材料。注意: consider作“考慮”解時, 不能直接接不定式。4.)動名詞: He considered going to see them in person. 他考慮親自去看望他們。He is considering changing his job. 他在考慮調換一下工作。5.) 介詞over或單獨用: He said they had considered over it. 他說他們已經考慮過了。Let me consider. 讓我考慮一下。2、consider意為“認為, 以為, 把看作”, 其后可跟: 1.) 從句: We consider

20、that a friend in need is a friend indeed. 我們認為患難之友才是真正的朋友。2.) 名詞的復合結構(即名詞作賓語補足語): We consider Beijing the heart of our country. 我們認為北京是我國的心臟。3.) 帶形容詞的復合結構: They considered me too young to do the work. 他們認為我太年輕, 干不了這項工作。4.) 帶不定式的復合結構: We consider only such methods to be correct. 我們認為只有這樣的方法才是正確的。注意:

21、不定式后主要是be, 間或為其它動詞(多為完成式)。We all considered him to have stolen Tom's wallet. 我們都以為是他偷了湯姆的錢包。5.) 帶介詞短語的復合結構: We always consider these people as our true comrades. 我們一向認為這些人是我們真正的同志。They always consider themselves in the right. 他們總認為自己對。6.) 帶“it形式賓語形容詞真正賓語(動詞不定式、從句等)”: We consider it our duty to h

22、elp her. 我們認為幫助她是我們的職責。I consider it a great pleasure that I can work with you. 我覺得能和你在一起工作是極大的快樂。注意: consider作“認為”解時, 一般不接動名詞。二Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time. 立體派畫家所畫的內容為人與物,畫面同時呈現人與物的各個面。With 復合結構指的是“with+賓語+賓語補足語”

23、結構,它是一個十分有用的結構,不僅教材中經常出現,考試中經??嫉?, 1)with+賓語+形容詞He often sleeps with the windows open. Dont speak with your mouth full. 2) with+賓語+副詞He stood before his teacher with his head down. He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on3)with+賓語+名詞He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl4)with+賓語+介詞短語She s

24、aid good-bye with tears in her eyes. He was asleep with his head on his arms. 5)with+賓語+現在分詞(短語) He fell asleep with the lamp burning. I wont be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. 因為媽媽有病,我無法去度假。6)with+賓語+過去分詞(短語)He sat there with his eyes closed. 他閉目坐在那兒。All the afternoon he worked with

25、 the door locked. 整個下午他都鎖著門在房里工作。7)with+賓語+不定式(短語)I cant go out with all these clothes to wash. With so many people to help us, we are sure to finish it in time. 有這么多人幫忙,我們一定能按時完成。三。But I cant stand that picture of a golden-haired girl. 但我受不了那幅金發(fā)女郎的畫。stand 忍受,后面可接名詞或動詞的-ing形式。 He cant stand working

26、in the extreme heat for several hours. stand for 代表stand at attention 立正stand away 不接近,離開四.He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses. 他以畫馬著稱。most + 形容詞或副詞, 前面不加定冠詞the 時,其意思為“非常”。 如:I am most pleased with your answer. 五 interest 'intrist n.興趣; 趣味; 關心; 注意感興趣的事, 愛好常用復利益; 利害關系; 權利; 股權重要性;

27、 影響; 勢力利息; 息金find no interest in such things 對這樣的事不感興趣a question of common interest 共同關心的問題have an interest in a business 在某企業(yè)中享有股權the public interests 公共利益a matter of considerable interest 相當重要的事情percent interest on a loan 借款付五分息the shipping interest 航運界She has two great interests: music and painti

28、ng. 她有兩大愛好:音樂和繪畫。She returned our favour with interest. 她加倍地報答我們的恩惠。習慣用語be interested in對.感興趣關心 同.有投資關系; 在.擁有股份have an interest in 對.有興趣關心 在.中有股份、權益等hold sb.'s interest 吸引住某人的興趣in the interest(s) of 為.利益; 為.起見, 對.有利lose interest 不再感興趣; 不再引起興趣show (an) interest in 對.表示關心 (有興趣)take (an) interest i

29、n 對.感興趣have no interest in 對.不不太感興趣feel no interest in 對.不不太感興趣take no interest in 對.不不太感興趣with interest 有興趣地, 津津有味地; 附加利益; 加重地, 加倍地interest sb. in sth. 使某人注意, 關心或參入某事; 使某人對某事感興趣Book 2 Module 51. in total=totally=in all2. now that=since3. believe inbelieve sb=believe what sb says4. be similar to5. r

30、eplace him/take the place of him/take his place in place of=instead of 做狀語6. play a part intake part in7. work on8. send/receive messages of congratulations9. land safely10. in space11. take photographs of=take a photograph of12. a success/ failurea surprise13. offer sbs congratulations on/upon14. t

31、ake off 15. scientific achievements16. the third country to send a man into space17. (thousands and) thousands of people18. wishsuccess/luck19. look through the telescope20. a five-day visit to China 21. get out of22. come on23. go aboard (the ship/plane)go abroad24. at the start/beginning of25. be

32、delighted to do26. more or less27. divideinto be divided into28. concentrate (ones attention) on/upon29. all over the country30. daily newspaperhome newsinternational news31. cultural eventsfinancial reportsfilm reviews, book reviews1 合計,總共2. 既然3. 相信(某人為人)信仰相信某人所說的話4. 和相似5. 代替,取代而不是,代替6. 在中扮演角色,起作用

33、參加7. 從事8. 發(fā)送/收到賀信9. 安全著陸10. 在太空中11. 拍照12. 一個成功/ 失敗的人,一件成功/ 失敗的事一個使人驚奇的人,一件令人吃驚的事13. 表示祝賀14. 起飛;脫下;請假;(事業(yè))騰飛15. 科學成就16. 第三個把人送入太空的國家17. 成千上萬的人18. 祝成功/好運19. 透過望遠鏡看過去20. 對中國為期五天的訪問21. 從中出來22. 來,快點,得了吧23. 上船/飛機出國24. 在開始25. 高興地做26. 或多或少27. 把分成, 被分成(把整體分成部分)28. 全神貫注于29. 遍及全國30. 日報國內新聞 國際新聞31. 文化事件財政報道影評,書評Book 2 Module 61. come out2. fall in love withbe in love with3. play a part in(比較:play the part of )4. to ones surprise = to the surprise ofin surprise5. care aboutcar


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