



1、人教版八年級下冊現(xiàn)在完成時Unit8 網(wǎng)在完成時可以用來表示發(fā)生在過去某一時刻的,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作(用行為動詞表示)或狀態(tài)(be動詞表示)常與 for (+時間段),since ( +時間點或過去時的句子)連用 for+ 時間段Mary has been 川 for three days.since+過去一個時間點(譯為:自從 以來)I have lived here since 1998. since+ 時間段 +ago I have lived here since six years ago.since+ 從旬(過去時) I have lived here since I was bor

2、n. It is+ 時段 +since+ 從旬(過去時) It s six years since I lived here.瞬間動詞 (buy,die,join,come , go ,leave,join )不能直接與 for since 連用。要改變動詞buy-have;borrowkeep; come/arrive/reach/get tobe ingo out-be out ; leave -be away ; beginbe on ;finish-be over ;open-be open ; close be closed ; die-be dead 1.have 代替 buyMy

3、 brother has had( 不能用 has bought) this bike for almost four years. 2、用 keep 或 have 代替 borrowI have kept( 不能用 have borrowed) the book for quite a few days. 3、用 be 替代 becomeHow long has your sister been a teacher 4、用 have a cold 代替 catch a coldTom has had a cold since the day before yesterday. 5、用 wea

4、r 代替 put onb)用be +形容詞”表示一種狀態(tài),表延續(xù)性1、be + married 代 marry 2、be + 川代 fall (get) ill3、be + dead 代 die 4、be + asleep 代 fall (get) asleep5、be + awake 代 wake/wake up 6 、be+ gone 代 lose,die,sell,leave7、be + open 代 open 8、be closed 代 close/shut9、be+ missing(gone,lost) 代 losec)用“bek副詞”表示一種狀態(tài),表延續(xù)性,代終止性動詞1 “b計

5、on” 代 start,begin 2 “b» up”代 get up3 "b計 back(to)'代 return to,come back to,go back to4 "be here (there) 代 come(arrive,reach,get) here 或 go (arrive,reach,get) there 等等d)用“bek介詞短語”代終止性動詞1. “be in/at + 地點”代替 go to /come to2. 用 be in the army 代替 join the army3. “be in/at + 地點”代替 move

6、toUNIT9 has gone (to),has been (to), has been (in) 的區(qū)別Have/Has gone(to): 去了(現(xiàn)在不在說話現(xiàn)場 )Where is your father ? He has gone to Shanghai.Have/Has been (to): 去過(已不在去過的地方)My father has been to Shanghai.Have/has been in :呆了多久(還在所呆的地方)My father has been in Shanghai for two months . /since two months ago.現(xiàn)在完

7、成時講解1 .基本結(jié)構(gòu):助動詞 have/has+過去分詞(done)2 .基本句型:否定句:主語 +have/has+not+ 過去分詞+其他.一般疑問句:Have/Has+主語+過去分詞+其他.簡略答語:Yes,主語+ have/has.育定) No,主語+ haven't/hasn't.儂定)3 .現(xiàn)在完成時的標志現(xiàn)在完成時的含義之一是過去完成的動作對現(xiàn)在仍有影響,用以下四大標志詞可以表達這種含義* 以 already, just 和 yet 為標志He has already got her help.他已得到她的幫助。He has just seen the film

8、.他剛剛看過這場電影。He hasn't come back yet. 他還沒有回來。* 以ever和never為標志This is the best film I have ever seen. 這是我曾經(jīng)看過的最好的一部電影。He has never been to Beijing.他從沒有到過北京。* 以動作發(fā)生的次數(shù)為標志He says he has been to the USA three times.他說他已經(jīng)去過美國三次了。* 以so far (到目前為止)為標+beforeHe has got to Beijing so far. 到目前為止他已到了北京。She ha

9、s passed the examso far.到目前為止她已經(jīng)通過了考試。用法:現(xiàn)在完成時表示過去發(fā)生或已經(jīng)完成的動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果I have spent all of my money (so far).( 含義是:現(xiàn)在我沒有錢花了.)Guo zijun has (just/already) come.( 含義: 郭子君現(xiàn)在在這兒)My father has gone to work.( 含義是:我爸爸現(xiàn)在不在這兒 )注意:1.現(xiàn)在完成時不能單獨與過去的時間狀語連用,如yesterday,last week, three years ago2)不能與when連用2.現(xiàn)在完成時往往

10、同表示不確定的過去時間狀語連用現(xiàn)在完成時練習(xí)(一)A)選用 have, has*空:1.1 told him the news. 2.She come back from school.3 .You won the game.B)按要求改寫下列各句:4 .They have bought a computer改成否定旬)5 .He has lost his book.(先改成一般疑問句,再作肯定與否定回答)現(xiàn)在完成時練習(xí)(二)一、單項選擇1、 Both his parentslook sad . Maybe they what's happened to him (呼和浩特)A. kn

11、ew B . have known C . must know D .will know2、He has been to Shanghai , has heA. already B .never C .ever D . still3、Have you met Mr Li?A. just B . ago C .before D. a moment ago4、The famous writer one new book in the past two years .A. is writing B .was writing C .wrote D .has written5、Our country a

12、 lot so far.Yes . I hope it will be even.A. has changed ; well B . changed ; goodC . has changed ; better D . changed ; better6. - -Where have you, Kate -I've to the bank.A. gone, gone B. been, been C. gone, been D. been, gone7. Her grandfather for two years.A. died B. has died C. has been dead

13、D. has been died8. It's six weeks I met you last.A. whenB. since C. before D. for9、We Xiao Li since she was a little girl .A. know B . had known C . have known D. knew10、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I it twice . A. will see B . have seen C . saw D .see11、 His father the Party since 1978 .A.

14、 joined B . has joined C. was in D. has been in12、Do you know him wellSure .We friends since ten years ago .A. were B . have been C . have become D. have made13、How long have you hereAbout two months .A. been B . gone C . come D . arrived14、Hurry up! The play for ten minutes .A. has begun B . had be

15、gunC . has been on D. began15、 It ten years since he left the army .A. is B . has C . will D . was16、 Miss Green isn't in the office . she to the library .A .has gone B . went C .will go D . has been17、My parents Shandong for ten years .A. have been in B . have been toC . have gone to D . have b

16、een18、The students have cleaned the classroom,A. so they B. don ' t they C. have they D. haven ' t they19、has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he to ChinaA. How soon, comes B. How often, gotC. How long, came D. How far, arrived20、His uncle for more than 9 years.A. has come hereB

17、. has started to workC. has lived thereD. has left the university二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1、He has never surfed,(改成反意疑問句)2、They have been here since 2000M戈1I線部分提問) they been here3、 The old man last year He for a year. (die)(動詞填空)4、This factory opened twenty years ago.(義句轉(zhuǎn)換)This factory for twenty years.5、Miss Gao lef

18、t an hour ago.同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)Miss Gaoan hour ago.6、Her mother has been a Party member for three years(.同義句) Her mother the Party three years.7、The Green Family moved to France two years ago.陶義旬轉(zhuǎn)換) two years the Green family moved to France.8、 The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago報兩個句子合并成個句子 )三、 漢譯英。1、 吉姆已做完作業(yè),他現(xiàn)在有空了。2、 他昨天收到一封信。3、 我父親以前到過長城。4、 她還沒有看過那部新電影。5、 她去過上海。6、 他這些天上哪兒去了?一、單項選擇。1-5 BBCDC 6-10 BCBCB 11-15 DBACA 16-20 AADCC二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1、 has he 2、 How long 3 、 died, has been dead4、 has been open 、5 has been away 6、 joined; ago7、 It is,


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