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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上譯林版八年級下冊第一單元檢測題 (時間:120分鐘;滿分:150分) 姓名_一、聽力部分(每小題1分,滿分20分)第一部分 聽對話,回答問題( )1. What does the woman want to drink? A. A glass of water. B. A cup of tea. C. A bottle of juice.( )2. What does the man want to make? A. Bread. B. Cakes. C. A sandwich.( )3. What does the woman do? A. She is a wai

2、tress. B. She is a doctor. C. She is a teacher.( )4. When will they meet tomorrow? A. At 7: 00 pm. B. At 6: 30 pm. C. At 6: 00 pm.( )5. What will the man do this evening? A. He will go to a concert. 來源:Zxxk.Co B. He will study for a test. C. He will play computer games.( )6. Who has a baseball? A. E

3、mmas brother. B. Emma. C. Emmas sister.( )7. How often does the woman go swimming? A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Every day.( )8. Who studies the hardest of the four? A. Tom. B. Jim. C. Nancy.( )9. Whats Lucys hobby? A. Playing computer games. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing table tennis.( )10. Where a

4、re the two speakers now? A. In a bookstore. B. In a fruit store. C. In a clothing store.第二部分 聽短文,回答問題。 聽第一篇短文,回答第1115小題。( )11. When did the accident happen? A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday evening.( )12. How did Mike go to school? A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus.( )13. Ho

5、w was Mike? A. His arms were hurt. B. His legs were hurt. C. His arms and legs were hurt.( )14. Who took Mike to the hospital? A. A teacher. B. A policeman. C. The driver of the car.( )15. Why did the accident happen? A. Because Mike was too careless. B. Because the car driver was drunk. C. Because

6、the car driver drove too fast.聽第二篇短文,回答第1620小題。( )16. Mother told John to . A. go fishing B. go shopping C. go to school( )17. Mother asked John to buy . A. oranges and eggs B. eggs and tea C. oranges, eggs and tea( )18. The two boys were . A. playing B. working C. talking( )19. Then John met . A. h

7、is teachers B. his classmates C. his friends( )20. In the end Mother had eggs. A. three B. seven C. ten二、單項(xiàng)選擇題(每小題1分,滿分20分)( )21.Uncle Dong is _from time to time because he misses _ old friend Mr Wang.A. lonely, the B. alone,an C. lonely,an D. alone,the( )22.Mr and Mrs Black _ back _.A. hasnt come,

8、yet B. havent come, yet C. havent, come already D. hasnt come , already( )23.We havent seen each other _.A. for a long time B. two days ago C. for two days ago D. a long time ago( )24. _ he_ at this school last term? Yes, I think so. A. Did, study B. Has, studied C. Was, study D. Did, studied( )25.

9、The bread is delicious. It must taste with some jam in it. A. good B. well C. better D. best( )26. Hes never watched such an interesting match, _?A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. is he D. has he ( )27. Miss Wang _ an English teacher. But now she isnt. A. use to be B. used to be C. used to D. uses to be( )2

10、8.The old man was not _ to climb up the hill.A. healthy B. enough healthy C. health enough D. healthy enough( )29. Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? Because I _ it.A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen( )30. You look really beautiful in this pink dress, Sally. A. No, just so-so. B. Thank

11、you. C. Yes, Im sure. D. Not at all.( )31.My mother _ English since she came to the city. A. teaches B. has taught C. taught D. have taught( )32. The place _ be the home of wild red-crowned cranes in order to protect them. A. is used to B. used to C. is used D. was used to( )33. We hope you _ a happ

12、y holiday in Hong Kong. A. to have B. having C. had D. will have( )34.Huo Zun _ known by us before, but he _ a famous singer in the past one year. A.isnt, was B.wasnt, has C.wasnt,was D.hasnt been, has( )35. Mr Green has worked in Zhenjiang since his family to China years ago. A. has moved B. moved

13、C. moves D. move( )36.I have bought a Chinese English dictionary? When and where_ you _ it?A. have, bought B. did, buy C. will, buy D. do, buy( ) 37. He has kept in touth with us .A. since a month B. for a month C. for a month ago D. in a month( ) 38. great fun it is to fly in a balloon!A. What B. W

14、hat a C. How a D. How( )39.My son up yet because he to bed very late last night.A. hasnt got; has goneB. didnt get; went C. doesnt get; went D. hasnt got; went( )40.Do you mind my sitting here?_.The woman sitting here has just left.A. Youd better not. B. Of course not C. Yes, please D. No, you cant三

15、、完形填空(每小題1分,滿分15分)A thousand years age Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1 in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 2 forest left, though(然而)there are still some small areas covered in treesWe call these woods. Elephants, tigers and many

16、3 animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 4 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 5 pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 6 to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the d

17、angerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them. 7 did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon 8 in the same way. You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong 9 in the zoos. But there are still about 36 differ

18、ent animals 10 there. One of the most interesting of Hong Kongs animals is the barking deer. These are beautiful little animals 11 a rich brown coat and a white patch (補(bǔ)釘) under the tail. They look like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet 12 .They make a noise rather like a d

19、og 13 . In Hong Kong the barking deer has only a real enemy (敵人) 14 . People hunt these little animals though it is illegal (違法的). There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important 15 people to protect wild animals.( ) 1. A. work B. study C. live D. enjoy( ) 2. A. many B. a few C. no D. n

20、ot( ) 3. A. other B. others C. the other D. another( ) 4. A. people B. animals C. plants D. things( ) 5. A. grew B. made C. got D. kept( ) 6. A. fire B. hotness C. heat D. stoves (爐子)( ) 7. A. So B. Such C. As D. Nor( ) 8. A. lived B. died C. came D. left( ) 9. A. besides B. except C. and D. or( ) 1

21、0. A. live B. to live C. lived D. living( ) 11. A. have B. without C. with D. get( ) 12. A. high B. higher C. short D. shorter( ) 13. A. shouting B. crying C. barking D. talking( ) 14. A. tigers B. men C. wolves D. elephants( ) 15. A. to B. for C. like D. of四、閱讀理解(每小題2分,滿分36分) A(-說明文類)People know th

22、e danger of fires. Its good for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions(建議):Put a smoke alarm(報(bào)警器)in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once. Make escape (逃脫) plans. They

23、 should know all the ways of getting out of the house. If there is a fire,everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily. Buy fire extinguishers (滅火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them. Practice

24、 for a fire. They do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:Dont open a hot door!The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.Stay close to the floor!Smoke can be more dangerous than fire;the best air is near th

25、e floor because smoke rises.What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First,stop!Dont run!The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop!Fall to the floor. Then roll!Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket (毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may

26、still be on you. There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire,dont forget to call 119 for help.( ) 1. What does it mean when a smoke alarm rings at home?A. You have to get up. B. Water is running to the floor.C. Something is burning. D. Something

27、is lost.( ) 2. The writer advises people to do the following to prepare for a fire except that . A. they use electrical cookers B. they make escape plans C. they buy fire extinguishers D. they practice for a fire( ) 3. When a fire happens, if you open the hot door. A. the fire will grow more quickly

28、 B. the electricity will be cut off C. the door will soon be on fire D. you will leave the house quickly from the door( ) 4. What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire? A. Stop, run, roll. B. Stop, drop, roll. C. Run, drop, roll. D. Drop, roll, stop.( ) 5. What is

29、the best title for this passage? A. The Dangers of a Fire B. The Causes of a Fire. C. Be Careful When There Is a Fire D. Be Ready for a Fire. B (有關(guān)未來想象類短文練習(xí))What will the house of the future look like? Could it have gardens on its walls,or a pool with fish for dinner? Architects (建筑師) believe that t

30、hey are all possibilities. The only thing for sure is that the houses will be as green as possible.The tree houseMany architects in the world would like to build a “tree house”.Like a leaf,the surface of the house collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used to heat water,produce electri

31、city,and even create fresh air for the home. The “root” (根) of the house is deep under the ground. It uses the soil (土壤) to the homes temperature.The lizard (蜥蜴) house來XXKLike a lizard,changing color with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When its in the bright sun,the cove

32、r of the house will turn dark to protect it from strong heat. During dark days,it turns white and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.Meals at homeThis design is perhaps as much about the future of food production as architecture (建筑風(fēng)格). It has gardens on the outside wall o

33、f the house. People can plant tomatoes,carrots and green tea on them. So every day in the morning,you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.Learning from the pastLooking to the future isnt the only way to be green. Sometimes,ancient techniques (古老的技術(shù)) can also help cut down energy use. Fo

34、r example,a chimney (煙囪) can be a useful air conditioner(調(diào)節(jié)器) because it is easier for hot air to flow out at the chimney.( ) 6. What is the best title of the passage? A. Green Houses of the Future B. Different kinds of houses C. The Greener,the Better D. How to Build Green Houses( ) 7. We can heat

35、water,produce electricity or create fresh air for the home . A. with the root of a leaf B. with the energy from sunlight C. with the soil under the ground D. with the tree built at home( ) 8. What will happen to the cover of the lizard house when its in the bright sun? A. It will turn white. B. It w

36、ill produce energy. C. It will produce light. D. It will turn dark.( ) 9. The passage seems to tell us that meals at home in the future . A. will be more delicious B. need more cooks C. will be greener D. will be easy to cook( ) 10. A chimney can be a useful air-conditioner but it used to cause . A.

37、 pollution B. accidents C. noise D. change C【2013江蘇宿遷中考試題游記】When Mark first arrived in Thailand, he saw an old man selling something cheap in the street of Chiang Mai. The old man was one of the poor people in Chiang Mai and there was no difference(區(qū)別)from beggars (乞丐). Most of them were some lonely

38、 old people. Their life had no support.Mark was a kind man, so he gave some changes to him without thinking. The old man told him to pick something he liked. Mark didnt choose anything and left.But the old man followed him closely. At first, Mark didnt think a lot, just supposing he wanted to go hom

39、e. But when he went out very far saw the old man still following him, he was a bit tired, thinking the old man must feel he was kind and wanted to beg more money from him.Mark turned back and told him not to follow him because he hadnt much money. But the old man seemed not to understand what he mea

40、nt, still following him. The bag on his back made him sweat (流汗) all over.Mark happened to meet his Thai colleague (同事) in the street and his colleague heard this. The colleague turned to ask why the old man was following his friend.The old man said out of breath, “My son, you gave me money, but did

41、nt want my things, so I have to give you something. I see you are a foreigner, likely not to familiar with here. I just want to follow you and show you the way. All I can do for you is this.”Mark was shocked. He said he didnt know why, when he felt the old man was just like his father.( )11. What di

42、d Mark do when he first found the old man following him?A. He didnt think a lot and went on walkingB. He asked the old man why he was following himC. He was shocked and asked his colleague to come.D. He gave him more money without thinking.( )12.The old man followed Mark closely .A. because he wante

43、d to go back home B. because he wanted to sell more things to MarkC. because he wanted to beg more money D. because he wanted to show Mark the way( )13. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Mark didnt like this old man at all. B. The old man was Marks father.C. The old man sold

44、 something cheap to make a living.D. Mark didnt give the old man anything at the beginning.( )14.How did Mark feel about the old man at last?A. He felt the old man was kind and warm. B. He felt pity for the old man.C. He felt angry with the old man D. He felt doubt if the old man was a thief. D【2013

45、江蘇宿遷中考試題人物傳記】Even though shes quite young, Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend (傳奇). She was born on February 22, 1975, in California. Being from a family that produced great actors, she quickly found her way into the spotlight (聚光燈).When she was 11 months old, she made her first advertisement

46、on TV. She made her first movie at the age of 2. Five years later, she acted Gertie in Steven Spielbergs famous film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(1982).However, it wasnt all roses and sunshine when Barrymore was growing up. She was drinking wine by the time she was 9, smoking marijuana (大麻) at 10.Most

47、 kid stars in Hollywood fail to become stars as adults(成年). And most of the time, once theyre out of the spotlight, they stay out. But Drew Barrymore doesnt.As she was growing older, Barrymore started to realize that life is more meaningful than dangerous actions in the films. She started to build a

48、 career in 1997. She has made a series of successful films since then, including Charlies Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates (2004).“In my life, there is darkness and drama(劇本), and I have yet to explore(探索)some of that in my work life. I just want to challenge (挑戰(zhàn)) myself and prove that I can do more

49、.”Actually, anyone whos not familiar with her disordered(混亂的)childhood might find it hard to believe shes such a sweet person now. Like many of the characters(角色)she plays in her comedy(喜?。? Drew is easy-going and laughs a lot. In 2007, she was on the cover of People magazines 100 Most Beautiful People iss


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