



1、第 7 期 Module 3 Unit 7 參考答案及部分解析參考答案1-5 BDACD6-10 ACDBD11-15 BBAAC16. performance17. his18. were looking19. attacked20. why21. himself22. both23. But24. praising25. of26-30 BCDCA31-35 ACDBA36-40 ABCAA41-45 BADDA46-50 CABFD 基礎寫作 One possible version:Wu Jianxiong, a famous nuclear physicist, was born i

2、n Taicang County, Jiangsu Province in 1912. After graduating fromNanjing University in 1934, she went to the US for further education two years later and got her doctor s degree from theUniversity of California in 1940. She devoted her life to her research in physics, winning many prizes, such as th

3、e NationalMedal of Science awarded by the US president.Unfortunately, she died of an illness in New York in 1997, but her great contribution to nuclear physics wins the admirationof many people, who praise her as a Madame Curie in China and the First Lady of Physics.The key to her success was her ha

4、rd work as well as perseverance, which is what we should learn from her. 讀寫任務One possible version:Tough women are becoming more and more common and popular. Some believe that fierce competition in society andintimate connections with fathers contribute to this trend. But some doubt tough women may h

5、ave relationship and familyproblems.In my opinion, this trend is a reflection of the development of society. On the one hand, the fact that more and more womenhave become tough shows that women are gaining greater equality with men and they have to compete against men innearly all aspects. Therefore

6、, women have to become strong and independent. On the other hand, fewer and fewer fatherstake their responsibilities for raising and nurturing children, which leads to more and more girlish boys. Since men are notmanly enough, women have to take their role in life as men. Thus, more tough women appe

7、ar.Nearly all the women I know are tough: my mother and teachers. They are all moms and full-time employees, meaning thatthey have to look after both the housework and their professional work. Thus they have to finish all tasks including toughones that are usually attributed to men. My mother can fi

8、x everything from my bike to air conditioners because my father isalways away on business.I admire these tough women for they can live on themselves. 部分解析 完形填空 話題:健康 本文是說明文。本文主要介紹了低鈉血癥以及人們得此病的主要因素。1. B。由后文可知,人們沒有意識到的問題是:喝太多水也是有害的(harmful)。2. D。由后文的 excessive sweating 可知,當我們出汗(sweat)時,身體流失了需要維持平 衡的鹽分

9、。3. A 。由上文的 too much water 可知,過度出汗同時還喝水( drinking )將會使身體中的鹽分 降低到危險水平。4. C。由后文的 he treated a woman 可知,低鈉血癥最早是由一名南非醫(yī)生(doctor)發(fā)現(xiàn)的。5. D。由后文內容可推知,任何人都可能患上( suffer)低鈉血癥。6. A。由后文的 Secondly. Thirdly, Lastly 可知,有四種因素(causes)可以導致人們得低鈉血 癥。7. C。太老和太小的人群最危險,因為他們很難(hardly)靠自身控制自己的水和鹽的水平。8. D。由后文的 marathon and tri

10、athlon 可知,其次,長時間做運動 (exercises)的人也很危險。9. B。 由本句的 skilled athletes 可推知, 有經驗的運動員沒有這方面的危險, 反而是那些把 馬拉松當成一種興趣愛好 (hobby)的人很危險。10. D。由后文的 the kind of heat 可知,熱度(heat)和潮濕會增加得低鈉血癥的可能性。11. B。由后文的 20?C 可知,低鈉血癥發(fā)生在并不是特別熱(hot)的環(huán)境下。12. B。由后文的 runners slow down 可知,24 個馬拉松跑步者(runners)進入加利福尼亞醫(yī)院時,當時的氣溫也只有23?C。13. A。當溫

11、度升高后,跑步者速度放慢,而且喝水更多,但是身體沒有更新任何喪失的(lost)鹽分。14. A。由后文的 while dancing in a club 可知,在夜總會(nightclubs)的人也容易得低鈉血 癥。15. C。由上文推知:一個年輕女性最近因在夜總會跳舞時喝了十升的水后被送入醫(yī)院( hospital )。語法填空16. performanee。考查構詞法。介詞 for 后接名詞 performanee。17. his。考查代詞。指代Barkhad Abdi s”,表示所屬關系,用物主代詞。18. were looking ??疾橹^語動詞。聯(lián)系上下文可知,電視上的報道稱:電影制片

12、人正在尋找 飛利浦船長這部電影的扮演者。19. attacked??疾榉侵^語。此處用過去分詞作定語修飾the American ship Maersk Alabama ,表被動。20. why??疾槎ㄕZ從句。因先行詞為reason,且從句不需補充主語或賓語,所以用why 引導定語從句,并在從句中作狀語。21. himself??疾榇~。指代 Abdi 自己,用反身代詞。22. both??疾榇~。指代 Tom Hanks 和 Paul Greengras&表示兩者都”,用不定代詞 both。23. But??疾檫B詞。開始受到批評,但現(xiàn)在得到贊揚,表轉折關系,用But 連接。24. pr

13、aising??疾榉侵^語?,F(xiàn)在分詞作后置定語,修飾名詞messages message 跟 praise 是主動關系。25. of??疾榻樵~。將從句還原為 they are proud_ me,可知填 of。be proud of sb.意為為某人感到驕傲” 。閱讀理解A 篇(體育)本文是記敘文。作者講述了自己作為殘奧會體操教練的經歷和感受。26. B 。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段的 I want them to experience what I experience 及 I had never ever thought of it like that.I wanted to be there

14、可知,作者這樣做完全出于對體操運動的熱愛。27. C。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段的I went through weeks of depression 及 I was always on themove. That s who I was 可知,盡管腿受傷了,但作者并沒有一直消沉下去。她鼓起勇氣,繼續(xù)前行。28. D 。 推理判斷題。 根據(jù)最后一段中的 you are coming into a family 及 It pulls me rightout of whatever is trying to bring me down. I bounce right back to what s ha

15、ppy in mylife. My athletes keep me balanced 可知,這些殘疾運動員帶給作者莫大的力量,她認為這份工作很值得,很 有意義。I didn t let that trip me up 和第二段的 I was always on theI took my first gymnastics class at age 3 可知,作者很小就B 篇(熱點話題)本文是議論文。文章作者就青少年是否應該使用手機發(fā)表了自己的看法。31. A 。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段的devil s playthings 及下文作者的反駁可知, CK 認為女孩不應該使用手機。32. C。細節(jié)理

16、解題。根據(jù)第三段的 two of the activities that seem to slow down her development of social skills the most .(which includes spending time in front of television) 可知,看電視會影 響女孩社交能力的發(fā)展。33. D。細節(jié)理解題。作者在第四段先擺出Louis CK 的觀點:distractio ns like tech no logy preventkids from learning how to regulate their emotions ,緊接著進

17、行反駁, 并用自己和父母成功克服 不良情緒的經歷說明,Louis CK 的建議(CK s advice not to do anything )不可取。34. B。推理判斷題。作者自始至終都不認為手機會影響青少年社交能力的發(fā)展,反而支持 青少年使用手機,所以他可能會支持 B 項的觀點。35. A。標題歸納題。作者在文中引用研究結果等反駁了Louis CK 的觀點,他認為使用手機不會影響到青少年社交能力的發(fā)展。故 A 項標題形象、貼切。C 篇(現(xiàn)代技術)本文是說明文。文章介紹了 telemedicine apps 的優(yōu)缺點。36. A。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段的My knee was so hur

18、t that I had to stay on my couch 可知,他的腿疼,沒法動。37. B。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段的telemedici ne is beco ming in creas in gly mai nstream . whichattracts more than 1 million users 可知,這類程序越來越受歡迎。38. C。段落大意題。該段從病人、醫(yī)生、醫(yī)院三個方面談及了telemedicine 即 ps 的好處。39. A。推理判斷題。 根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段的 It s also not ideal to get prescriptions from a doct

19、or who doesn t have your electronicmedical-record history on hand 可知, 由于醫(yī)生和病人不是面對面 交流,醫(yī)生也沒有病人以前的病歷,所以有可能導致處方出錯。40. A 。推理判斷題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第三段的 We are going to see a major change in how medicine is practiced and where 及最后一段的 that s a good thing 可知,他還是很看好 telemedicine apps 的。D 篇(社會)本文是議論文。文章主要討論了是否應該設立棄嬰保護艙的問題。

20、41. B 。細節(jié)理解題。 由第三段中的 enough time so the mother can get away without being noticed 可知,棄嬰保護艙允許棄嬰的母親迅速離開,不被他人發(fā)現(xiàn)。42. A。細節(jié)理解題。由第七段The chief aim . they will die 可知,設立棄嬰保護艙是為了保護被拋棄的嬰兒。43. D。 推理判斷題。 聯(lián)系 Opponents also argue . every year in Germany 禾口 which is campaigning against the baby hatch可知, Terre des H

21、ommes 這個非政府組織是反對設立棄嬰保護艙的。 那 么這個數(shù)據(jù)是用來證明設置棄嬰保護艙是沒有效果的。29. C。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段的move 可知作者是個意志堅定的人。30. A 。 細節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)文章首句 開始練體操了。44. D 。推理判斷題。由倒數(shù)第三段中的But supporters of the baby hatch see things differently可知,Stangl 是棄嬰保護艙的支持者。在最后兩段里Stangl 講到,生命權比對自己來歷的知情權更為重要;不知道自己的來歷,并不會對棄嬰的成長造成多大影響。這些議論是在反駁 聯(lián)合國的觀點??梢耘袛?Stangl

22、認為有必要設立棄嬰保護艙。45. A 。標題歸納題。本文對棄嬰保護艙進行了背景介紹,并重點對是否應該設立棄嬰保護 艙的問題進行了討論。 A 項標題準確地概括了文意。第 8 期 Module 3 Unit 8 參考答案及部分解析參考答案1-5 DCCAA 6-10 BCDDB 11-15 CABBA16. where 17. that18. nicer 19. surrounding20. had taken21. in22. whether / if23. reflection24. what25. one26-30 ADDCD31-35 CABDA36-40 BDBAA41-45 ACBDB

23、46-50 BECAD 基礎寫作 One possible version:All students in Senior Three went on an outing to Chimelong Paradise on September 9th, 2014, gathering at the schoolgate at 7:45 am, and setting off at 8:00 am. After arriving at the Chimelong Paradise gate at 9:00 am, we had a picnictogether and played exciting

24、 games such as riding the roller coaster. Through these activities, not only did we show youngpeoples energy and broour horizons, but we also relieved our study pressure.To keep a better memory of this happy time, the students union intends to exhibit some picturesof this activity by sticking them o

25、n the blackboard of our playground. Whoever has taken wonderful pictures is welcome toemail them to before October 23rd. 讀寫任務One possible version:Growing up in an environment where people thought boys should be tough, the author tried not to cry. However, after hismother died, he couldnt help crying

26、. After that, he realized that cryingis good.I definitely agree with the author. Whether men or women, boys or girls, they have the right to cry when necessary.Never shall I forget my experience of crying when I was in Junior One.I didn t study hardand as a result, I got a score of only 59 in an Eng

27、lish test. So sorry was I that I shut myself in my bedroom, crying. I felt muchbetter after crying and made up my mind to work hard.Nobody wants to be a crybaby, but it is bad for our health to always contain our negative emotions such as anger or grief.In fact, it is our tears that can release us f

28、rom negative emotions. Tears wash away the pain and help us grow up healthilyinstead of shutting ourselves up in lonely hearts. 部分解析 完形填空 話題:熱點話題 本文是記敘文。文章講述美國人道協(xié)會的工作人員拯救烏龜?shù)墓适隆?. D。Dave Pauli 和他的隊員們在搜索鉆到“洞(holes)”里的烏龜。2. Co3. C。用管子往沙土里扎,碰到“硬(hard)”殼,說明離烏龜“近了( close)”。4. A。由下文的 scooping the soil back

29、 inch by inch 可知,鋤耕機操作員開始“工作( work)” 了。5. A。由上文的 to find buried treasure 可知。6. B。由上文的 looking for 可知。7. Co由下文的 the builder called The HSUS for help 可知,Dave Pauli 和他的隊員們是來“拯救(save)”烏龜?shù)摹?. D 。由上文的 gopher tortoises are a threatened species 可知,這意味著他們處在一種可能受 傷害(harmed)的環(huán)境下。9. D 。從第一段中的 the sandy soil 可以得

30、到提示。10. B。“棲息地(habitat)”將要被建成住宅,烏龜們遇到麻煩了。11. Co由上文的 A housing development was planned to be built 可知,這一建設項目將 “毀掉 (destroy)”烏龜?shù)母C。12. A。在工程開始“前(before)”打電話向 HSUS 求助,這是“幸運地(Luckily ”。13. B。由下文的 The rescue team was able to safely . all the tortoises 可知,這是一次“成功 的行動( success)”。14. B。由下文中的描述可知,烏龜們有了新“家( ho

31、me)”。15. A 。由上文的 A special fence surrounding the shelter prevents. 可知,籬笆圍繞在這片土地 周圍是為了防止烏龜們“走失 (wandering)”。語法填空16. where??疾殛P系詞。設空處引導定語從句修飾先行詞communities,且在從句中作地點狀語,故填 where。17. that??疾閺娬{句。去掉 it was 和設空處內容,句子的結構和意義仍然完整,故該句是強調句。又因為強調的是here,故填 that。18. nicer??疾楸容^等級。設空處所在句意為:他們堅持認為照片上有人的話會更漂亮。故 填比較等級 ni

32、cer。19. surrounding ??疾榉侵^語動詞。 fence 和 surround 之間是邏輯上的主謂關系,故填 surrounding ,作后置定語修飾 thefence。20. had taken 。考查謂語動詞。聯(lián)系上文可知,我拿出的照片是幾周前拍攝的,設空處表示 的動作發(fā)生在 pulled out thephotograph 之前,故用過去完成時。21. in ??疾榻樵~。由后文的表示 穿著. 。a blue dress 可知,設空處的意思為穿監(jiān)色連衣裙。故用介詞in22. whether / if??疾檫B接詞。設空處所在句意為:我問她是否( whether /if ”曾經有

33、過鏡子。23. reflection ??疾闃嬙~法。聯(lián)系上文可和,該句句意為:如果光線充足,她可以看見自己 在罐中水面上的映像。24. what??疾檫B接詞。設空處引導表語從句,且在從句中作see 的賓語,故填 what。25. one。考查代詞。設空處指代與前面提到的a mirror 同類的一個事物,故填one。閱讀理解A 篇(個人情況) 本文是記敘文。遭遇火災的女子卻從失去中感受到了自由。26. A。詞義猜測題。由上文的 a fire burned Vivienne Palmer s house to the ground and turned her possessi ons to as

34、h 及下文的 but later, a surpris ing state of happ in ess set in 可推斷,劃線詞的意 思應該是“難過的” 。故選 upset。27. D 。細節(jié)理解題。 由第三段中的 she looks around her crowded house . a commitment to let go of at least ten things .every day for a year 可知。28. D 。推理判斷題。 由第四段中的 warned her: Dont set yourself up for failure 可推斷, David 對 Pa

35、lmer 的計劃持反對態(tài)度。29. C。細節(jié)理解題。由最后一段中的Palmer hopes to raise enough money to fund a familyvacation 可知。30. D。標題歸納題。一場火災卻使Palmer 于失去中找到了自由。為了重獲這種自由,她于火災十年后大量處理家中物品。故 D 項正確。B 篇(科普知識) 本文是說明文。文章介紹了人們剛入睡時容易驚醒這一生理現(xiàn)象的原因。31. C。細節(jié)理解題。由第三段中的your brain sig nals your body to relax to prepare for sleep 可知。32. A 。篇章結構題。 由第四段首句 This brain activity may cause your larger muscles to contract a little bit 及段末的 almostat the same instant that your muscles jerk 可推斷,劃線部分指代腦部 活動引起的身體抽搐。33. B。細節(jié)理解題。由第六段中的 Myoclonic jerks are a normal part of sleep. Most peop


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