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1、WelcomeTo Lean Boot Camp歡迎加入精益訓(xùn)練營第一天Day 11TimeTopic8:30 AMIntroductions介紹8:45 AMLean Manufacturing Overview精益生產(chǎn)概括10:15 AMBreak休息10:30 AMLean House Breakdown 7 Wastes 精益屋和7種浪費12:00 PMLunch午餐1:00 PM5S & Visual Factory 5S及可視化工廠2:30 PMBreak休息2:45 PMSimulation Round 1模擬一4:00 PMWrap-Up Day 1 Questions

2、第一天回顧4:30 PMConclusion of Day 1 activities第一天總結(jié) 活動Agenda Day 12TimeTopic8:30 AMTPM10:30 AMBreak休息10:45 AMStandardized Work 標準化工作12:00 PMGame - Standard Pig 游戲- 畫豬12:30 PMLunch午餐1:30 PMKanBan看板2:30 PMBreak 休息2:45 PMSimulation Round 2 模擬二4:00 PMGates Gets Lean 蓋茨走向精益4:30 PMWrap-Up Day Two 第二天回顧5:00 PM

3、Conclusion of Day Two 第二天總結(jié)Agenda Day 23TimeTopic8:30 AMBuilt In Quality 品質(zhì)內(nèi)置9:15 AMQuick Change Over快速換型10:30 AMBreak 休息10:45 AMSimulation Round 3 模擬三12:00 PMLunch午餐1:00 PMKaizen Continuous Improvement改善-持續(xù)改善1:30 PMValue Stream Mapping價值流圖2:00 PMChange Management變化管理3:00 PMBreak 休息3:15 PMLean Cultu

4、re / Lean Leadership Behaviors精益文化/精益領(lǐng)導(dǎo)行為4:00 PMWrap-Up and Path Forward回顧5:00 PMConclusion總結(jié)Agenda Day 3OBJECTIVES目標5Workshop Objectives培訓(xùn)目的培訓(xùn)目的 To introduce you to Lean! 讓你了解精益 To create a common level of understanding Lean!創(chuàng)建一個對精益的基本理解 An invitation to become Lean! 邀請加入精益 GUPS6A Lean Enterprise w

5、ill精益企業(yè)將會精益企業(yè)將會 Increase productivity增加產(chǎn)量 Improve quality提高質(zhì)量 Improve delivery改善交貨 Increase flexibility提高靈活性 Improve capacity改善生產(chǎn)能力 Reduce operating costs 降低運營成本 Reduce inventory減少貨存 Reduce lead times降低交貨期 Reduce cycle times 降低生產(chǎn)周期History of Lean精益的歷史8History of Lean精益歷史精益歷史 1930Henry Ford revolutio

6、nized car production with mass production techniques. 1930年, 福特用大批量生產(chǎn)的技術(shù)對汽車生產(chǎn)進行了革命性改善 1936Toyota began motor vehicle production, but was forced to adopt Just In Time (JIT) purchase of materials in 1946 due to lack of money 1936年, 豐田開始機動車輛的生產(chǎn), 1946年受到資金匱乏的壓力被迫采用即時交貨的方式采購材料 1950Plant Engineer, Taiichi

7、 Ohno, began to develop Toyota production techniques into the Toyota Production System (TPS) 1950年, 工廠的工程師Taiichi Ohno開始把豐田生產(chǎn)技術(shù)發(fā)揚為豐田生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng). 1980sTPS studied by the western world 上世紀80年代, 西方國家學(xué)習(xí)豐田生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng) 1990sAdoption of lean manufacturing上世紀90年代,采用精益生產(chǎn)9Toyotas Success豐田的成功豐田的成功 Based on a different busin

8、ess logic 基于一個不同的商業(yè)邏輯基于一個不同的商業(yè)邏輯 Organized to manage the whole value stream for each product family rather than to manage and optimize each asset in isolation管理每個產(chǎn)品組的整個價值流-勝于孤立地管理和優(yōu)化每個資產(chǎn) Pulling the right products through the system quickly as required by the customer demand rather than making to fo

9、recast and selling from stock根據(jù)客戶的需求快速地從系統(tǒng)中拉取正確的產(chǎn)品-勝于按預(yù)測生產(chǎn)和賣庫存 Based on operational capability and joint process analysis - rather than relying on supplier actions and large centralized information systems 基于運作能力和連接工序分析-勝于依靠供應(yīng)商行為和大的集中信息系統(tǒng)10Basic Concepts of Lean Manufacturing精益生產(chǎn)的基本概念精益生產(chǎn)的基本概念 Lean

10、Manufacturing was developed by Toyota in the early 1940s精益生產(chǎn)由豐田在上世紀四十年代初期發(fā)展起來 Taiichi Ohno, Sakichi Toyoda and his son Kiichiro Mass vs. Lean大批量對精益 Many different products with small runs, efficiently很多不同的產(chǎn)品有效的小批量生產(chǎn) Creating Value 創(chuàng)造價值 Value is anything that changes Form, Fit or Function of material

11、s價值是任何改變材料的形態(tài),適用性或功能 Waste is everything else浪費是所有其它的 Identify Waste - Eliminate Waste識別浪費-消除浪費 Key elements of Lean manufacturing精益生產(chǎn)的要素 Just in time 即時響應(yīng) Zero defects零缺陷 11Basic Concepts of Lean Manufacturing精益生產(chǎn)的基本概念精益生產(chǎn)的基本概念The Gates Production System is based on the Toyota Production Model 蓋茨生產(chǎn)

12、系統(tǒng)基于豐田生產(chǎn)模式The Toyota Production Model emphasizes Lean Manufacturing and Lean Thinking豐田生產(chǎn)模式強調(diào)精益生產(chǎn)和精益思考Lean Thinking Principles*:精益思考法則 Precisely Specify Value by Specific Product精確詳細地說明產(chǎn)品的價值 Identifies the Value Stream for each Product識別每個產(chǎn)品的價值流 Make value Flow without Interruption讓價值不間斷的流動 Lets the

13、 Customers Pull Value from the Producer讓客戶從制造者那里拉取價值 Drive the Pursuit to Perfection追求完美追求完美“Lean Thinking provides a way to do more and more with less and less less human effort, less equipment, less time, and less space while coming closer and closer to providing customers with exactly what they w

14、ant”.*精益思考提供一種方法運用盡可能少的資源創(chuàng)造盡可能多的價值-少的人力投入,少的設(shè)備,少的時間,少的空間-盡可能快地提供客戶真正需要的 *資料來源資料來源:精益思想精益思想,詹姆斯沃馬克和丹尼爾瓊斯詹姆斯沃馬克和丹尼爾瓊斯Need For Change Why Lean Manufacturing改變的需要為什么要精益生產(chǎn)13PricePriceProfitCostPricePriceProfitCostCost Plus vs. Price Minus成本加法與價格減法成本加法與價格減法Traditional ThinkingCost + Profit = Price傳統(tǒng)思想成本+利

15、潤=價格Lean ThinkingPrice Cost = Profit精益思想價格-成本=利潤14Background背景背景PRICE銷售價格銷售價格 1970-19851986-19951996-20002001-Present標準毛利潤標準毛利潤Gates Production System 蓋茨生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)“GPS is the key element in the Gates Corporations Manufacturing Competitive Strategy.”是蓋茨企業(yè)生產(chǎn)競爭戰(zhàn)略的關(guān)鍵因素R. Bell16Background背景背景 Gates has over 40

16、 plants World Wide蓋茨在全球有40多家工廠 12,500+ Associates12500多員工 Hundreds of thousands of SKUs幾十萬的SKU SKUs come in orders of 1, dozens, hundreds or thousands, in any random sequence SKU來的訂單1個,數(shù)十,數(shù)百或數(shù)千,在任何隨機序列 Demand fluctuates with seasons, markets and regions需求隨季節(jié),市場和區(qū)域波動 All products produced throughout

17、a handful of processes所有產(chǎn)品都由多道工序制造 Gates is not a mass producer蓋茨不是一個大批量生產(chǎn)商XXX WHY LEAN MANUFACTURING為什么要精益生產(chǎn) 17 Major Sources of Waste in Gates蓋茨主要的浪費源 Materials材料 Defects缺陷 3-5% Process Scrap工藝廢料 8-45% Labor人力 Inspecting S&D 檢查廢品和缺陷 15-20% Lack of adequate Standards 沒有足夠的標準10-15% Equipment Fai

18、lures 設(shè)備故障 5-10% VOH Labor in Manufacturing & Maintenance 制造和維修的人工10-20% Materials for Maintenance維修材料 10-20% Production Supplies: Molds, tools, bags, ?生產(chǎn)供應(yīng):模具,工具,袋子WASTE浪費浪費18Major Sources of Waste in Gates蓋茨主要的浪費源 Inventories庫存 Excess of 25-35%超過 Dock to Dock 30 to 70 days門到門交貨時間30 到天 Obsolesc

19、ence 5%廢棄 Capacity產(chǎn)能 15-50% Floor Space房屋面積 10-15% WASTE浪費浪費19Background Pockets of ExcellenceRegional Best Practices區(qū)域的最佳實踐 Shared Best Practices最佳實踐分享20Global Products, Global Processes全球產(chǎn)品,全球工藝全球產(chǎn)品,全球工藝A WW Team working together connected through GPS WEB全球團隊通過GPS的網(wǎng)絡(luò)連接在一起21Constitution章程章程Vision愿景

20、 We use lean principles to delight our customers with superior products and services while relentlessly eliminating waste我們運用精益原則通過堅持不懈地消除浪費,用優(yōu)異的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)愉悅客戶 Mission使命 Gates will become the most competitive supplier in our industry by learning and improving faster than the competition蓋茨通過比競爭對手更快的學(xué)習(xí)和改善,

21、 將成為全球最具競爭力的供應(yīng)商 Objective目標 Global products from global processes來自全球化流程的全球性產(chǎn)品 Satisfy or exceed expectations of customers, shareholders and associates at the expense of the competition.通過積極競爭, 滿足或超越客戶,股東和員工的期望 Become the most competitive company in our industry成為行業(yè)中最有競爭力的公司 Growth of sales and prof

22、itability 銷售增長和盈利22Gates Business Leadership Process (GBLP)CitizenshipZero incidentsRecognized as good corporate citizenMaintain Environmental Management System.Reduce hazardous waste 10%Zero lost timeGrowthImplement GPS per master schedule Implement MDC commercialization planMarket LeadershipProces

23、s Sigma improvementMaintain continuous ImprovementMeet 1st Pass Yield requirementsUpdate quality system to TS 16949Utilize GPS Metric to drive improvement Value CreationEliminate unbudgeted varianceReduce VMC cost by 5%Black Belt Process UtilizedImplement JITImplement TPMUtilize Value Stream Mapping

24、Implement 5SNew products account for 12% annual growthDisplay cost informationUtilize Blue Sky/Master ScheduleCustomer SatisfactionZero Defect StrategyPoke Yoke ProcessUtilize COPQ to drive improvementImplement Practical Problem SolvingMaintain on time PerformanceUtilize standard material specificat

25、ionsUtilize returnable containers for DCsUtilize supplier rating to drive improvementD1% Process - Target 3%Scrap 9.5Dock to Dock 10 days Process Depth ShallowService Level OEM 100%, After 98.5% O PPM ProcessPeople DevelopmentImplement System and Process certification.Implement Training for New and

26、Re-assigned employeesTrain Plant Leadership in Core Disciplines. Utilize Practical Problem Solving for Safety Incident InvestigationDevelop and Utilize Cross training ProcessProvide cost trainingDevelop GPS communication structureImplement policy deploymentSuccession planningDevelop SME for each cor

27、e element23Gates Business Leadership Process (GBLP)公民責(zé)任公民責(zé)任零事故零事故被認可是好的企業(yè)公民維持環(huán)境管理系統(tǒng).降低危害浪費10%零喪失工作時間成長成長按設(shè)計任務(wù)書實施蓋茨生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)GPS運作MDC商業(yè)化計劃市場領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者市場領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者流程SIGMA改善保持持續(xù)改進達到一次通過率要求按TS 16949要求更新質(zhì)量系統(tǒng)利用GPS考核指標來推動改進 創(chuàng)造價值創(chuàng)造價值消除非預(yù)算變動降低VM成本百分之五利用的黑帶過程實施即時交貨實施TPM 利用價值流圖實施五S新產(chǎn)品年均增長占12 % 顯示成本資料利用藍圖/設(shè)計任務(wù)書客戶滿意客戶滿意零缺陷戰(zhàn)略防錯工序使用C

28、OPQ來推動改善執(zhí)行實踐問題解決維持按期交貨維持按期交貨使用標準化材料規(guī)范對分銷商(DC)采用可回收使用的容器利用供應(yīng)商評級來驅(qū)動改善D1% 工藝工藝 目標目標 3%廢品率9.5門到門交貨門到門交貨10 days流程深 淺服務(wù)水平 OEM 100%, After 98.5%零零PPM流程流程人員發(fā)展人員發(fā)展執(zhí)行系統(tǒng)和流程的認證對新員工和調(diào)任員工進行培訓(xùn)對新員工和調(diào)任員工進行培訓(xùn)培訓(xùn)工廠領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層核心紀律利用實踐問題解決方法做安全事故調(diào)查發(fā)展和使用交叉培訓(xùn)流程發(fā)展和使用交叉培訓(xùn)流程提供成本培訓(xùn)發(fā)展蓋茨生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)GPS的溝通架構(gòu)部署實施方針接班人計劃發(fā)展核心元素的專家SMEBreakthrough Ob

29、jectives目標25Breakthrough ObjectivesGeneral Objectives Target After Each Wave of Transformation每一次變革后的總目標 Quality質(zhì)量 Reach a Reliability index of 9.5 by FY 2004 in all Plants在所有工廠到2004財政年達到可靠性指標9.5 Reach D1 by the end of FY 04 到04財政年底達到D 1 Cost成本 Increase Labor Productivity of no less than 25% in 2 ye

30、ars兩年內(nèi)勞動生產(chǎn)率的提高不低于25 % Consistently reach 5% Variable Manufacturing reduction per year, first 3 years.前三年, 每年持續(xù)降低5 %的可變生產(chǎn)成本 Improve Material Utilization Index ( MUI) 15% year over year, for the next 3 years今后三年每年提高材料的利用率指數(shù)15 % 26Breakthrough ObjectivesGeneral Objectives Target After Each Wave of Tran

31、sformation (cont.)每一次變革后的總目標 Speed and Delivery速度和交貨 Reach a Dock to Dock Time of 10 Days.滿足門到門10 天交貨。 Reduce total inventories by 33% in 2 Years兩年內(nèi)總庫存降低33% Maintain 100% on time performance to OEM and 98%+ for After Market保持主機廠100%準時交貨率和售后市場按時交貨率98%+ Reduce 50% of the lead time in Made To Order pro

32、ducts in 3 years3年內(nèi)按訂單生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品的交貨期降低50% Technology技術(shù) New products will account for 12% of sales each year新產(chǎn)品將占每年銷售量的12% Technology based Value Engineering / Value Added projects to support at least 1% Variable Manufacturing Costs reduction/Year以技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ)的價值工程/增值項目將支持可變制造成本每年至少降低1% Increase the number of usa

33、ble patent statements of invention and trade secrets every year每年增加可用的發(fā)明專利聲明和商業(yè)秘密的數(shù)量 27Breakthrough ObjectivesGeneral Objectives Target After Each Wave of Transformation (cont.)每一次變革后的總目標 Learning and Morale學(xué)習(xí)與士氣 Meet targets for cross training and full process certification完成交叉培訓(xùn)目標和流程證書 Develop and

34、 certify an expert in each lean methodology by plant during Phase Two 到第二階段要發(fā)展和認定每個精益方法的專家 Increase year on year the number of black belt projects completed successfully in each plant每個工廠逐年增加成功完成的黑帶項目數(shù)量 Increase year on year the Kaizen projects completed successfully after standardization of process

35、es在完成流程標準化后逐年增加成功完成的改善項目 Safety and Environment安全與環(huán)境 Reach Zero recordable incidents in all plants 在所有工廠實現(xiàn)零可記錄事故 Certify all plants to ISO 14,000 environmental standard所有工廠實現(xiàn)ISO14001認證 Reduce 10% per year the hazardous waste until total elimination有害廢料每年減少10% 直到全面消除 28Policy Deployment方針的部署方針的部署緊密契合

36、緊密契合ALIGNEDSQDCME目標目標Goals & Objectives愿景愿景/藍圖藍圖CSM / FSM Vision / Blue Sky工廠Plant Level運營方針部署運營方針部署Policy Deployment Operational Level工廠工廠SQDCMEPlant Level主計劃主計劃Master Schedule生產(chǎn)線生產(chǎn)線SQDCMEF/Factory Level政策實施政策實施Policy DeploymentMaster Scheduling生產(chǎn)單元生產(chǎn)單元SQDCMECell LevelALIGNEDALIGNEDALIGNEDProce

37、ss Flow方針部署工藝流程策略(各區(qū)域)策略(各區(qū)域)Strategies (Division Level)蓋茨業(yè)務(wù)運營方針蓋茨業(yè)務(wù)運營方針Gates Business Leadership Policies29Policy Deployment方針部署方針部署Policy Deployment Through Lean MetricsPolicy Deployment Through Lean Metrics通過精益測量指標部通過精益測量指標部署方針署方針 Once Annual Objectives are established, targets are set on the pla

38、nt wide board.每年年度目標建立后每年年度目標建立后, 各項指標就被設(shè)置于工廠范圍各項指標就被設(shè)置于工廠范圍的溝通板上。的溝通板上。The “policy” is communicated to the factory boards by adjusting targets to meet plant wide objectives調(diào)整目標在生產(chǎn)線的溝通板上調(diào)整目標在生產(chǎn)線的溝通板上溝通溝通“方針方針” 以完成工廠范圍的目標。以完成工廠范圍的目標。 The “policy” is communicated to the cell boards by adjusting target

39、s to meet factory objectives調(diào)整目標在生產(chǎn)單元的宣傳板上溝調(diào)整目標在生產(chǎn)單元的宣傳板上溝通通“方針方針” 以完成生產(chǎn)線的目標以完成生產(chǎn)線的目標 The entire plant is then aligned to the Annual Objectives 整個工廠整個工廠與年度目標緊密契合與年度目標緊密契合 30RecordableIncidents可記錄事故可記錄事故Safety安全安全Defect Percentage缺陷率缺陷率PPMReliabilityIndex可靠性指數(shù)可靠性指數(shù)Quality質(zhì)量質(zhì)量Total Cost Variance總成本差異總

40、成本差異First PassYield一次通過率一次通過率SigmaLevel西格碼水平西格碼水平Cost成本成本5S Level水平水平Attendance出勤出勤CrossTraining交叉培訓(xùn)交叉培訓(xùn)Morale士氣士氣MUI材料利用率材料利用率Environment環(huán)境環(huán)境DockToDock門對門門對門On TimePerformance準時交貨準時交貨率率Delivery交貨交貨Plant Wide Board工廠范圍溝通板工廠范圍溝通板31Recordable IncidentsFirst Aid Incidents可記錄事故可記錄事故和急救事故和急救事故Top 3 Regis

41、terProblem Tracking問題跟蹤問題跟蹤SafetyDefect %PPM缺陷率缺陷率, PPMTop 3 RegisterProblem Tracking問題跟蹤問題跟蹤QualityDock-to-Dock門到門門到門Material Outage Hours出貨時間出貨時間Top 3 RegisterProblem Tracking問題跟蹤問題跟蹤DeliveryCost Per Unit單元成本單元成本Top 3 RegisterProblem Tracking問題跟蹤問題跟蹤CostAttendanceCross Training出勤和交叉培訓(xùn)出勤和交叉培訓(xùn)Top 3

42、RegisterProblem Tracking問題跟蹤問題跟蹤MoraleScrap $ to Dump廢棄金額廢棄金額Top 3 RegisterProblem Tracking問題跟蹤問題跟蹤EnvironmentSupport Pictures支持照片支持照片Support Pictures支持照片支持照片Support Pictures支持照片支持照片Stock PrepFactory工廠庫存工廠庫存Focused Factory Board生產(chǎn)線的溝通板生產(chǎn)線的溝通板32Process Problem Solving 過程問題解決過程問題解決 Safety安全 Supporting

43、 plant-wide hand incident team 支持的工廠范圍的手傷害小組 Quality質(zhì)量 Too much cement on 284 cord 3988 stock under gauge Cord treater wrap-ups Delivery交貨 Sending 406 instead on 460 to Ring Cure Completed Bad edges on 1203 calendar rolls Cost成本 Meeting target達到目標 Morale士氣 Collecting data收集數(shù)據(jù) Environment環(huán)境 Wrinkles

44、causing $126K in scrap Setup scrap reduction on 956 - completed Factory Level Problem Solving Examples生產(chǎn)線問題解決舉例33IncidentsTop 3 RegisterProblem TrackingSafetyDefect PercentageTop 3 RegisterProblem TrackingQualityOEETop 3 RegisterProblem TrackingDeliveryCost / UnitTop 3 RegisterProblem TrackingCost5S

45、 LevelTop 3 RegisterProblem TrackingMoraleScrap $ toThe DumpTop 3 RegisterProblem TrackingEnvironmentShiftTeamPicturesShiftTeamPicturesShiftTeamPictures1203Cell Board生產(chǎn)單元溝通板生產(chǎn)單元溝通板34Process Problem Solving過程問題解決過程問題解決 Safety安全 No incidents沒有事故 Quality質(zhì)量 Slab stock variation completed膠套原料變化-完成 Cure r

46、ubber completing硫化-完成 Losing whales tails損失的機頭膠 Delivery交貨 Bad edges on calendar rolls壓延料的邊部差 Cost成本 Meeting target達到目標 Morale士氣 Meeting targets達到目標 Environment環(huán)境 Resources committed to other categories用于其他項目的資源Cell Level Problem Solving Examples生產(chǎn)單元問題解決35Constitution章程章程Purpose StatementPurpose Sta

47、tement目的聲明目的聲明 Become the Most Competitive Supplier in our Industry在我們的在我們的產(chǎn)業(yè)成為最具競爭力的供應(yīng)商產(chǎn)業(yè)成為最具競爭力的供應(yīng)商 Meet or Surpass Stakeholders Expectations達到或超過股東的期達到或超過股東的期望望 Best In Class in All We Do在所有我們從事的領(lǐng)域中做到最好在所有我們從事的領(lǐng)域中做到最好 Reach Operational Excellence實現(xiàn)卓越的運作實現(xiàn)卓越的運作 Create a High Performance Organizati

48、on創(chuàng)造高績效的組織創(chuàng)造高績效的組織 Live and Prosper in a Culture of Continuous Improvement形成并形成并弘揚持續(xù)改善的文化弘揚持續(xù)改善的文化 Eliminate Waste and Create Value消除浪費消除浪費,創(chuàng)造價值創(chuàng)造價值 Recognized as the technology leaders through constant innovations in products, processes, materials and applications 通過對產(chǎn)品、工藝、材料和應(yīng)用的持續(xù)創(chuàng)新以被認可為技術(shù)的領(lǐng)路人通過對產(chǎn)

49、品、工藝、材料和應(yīng)用的持續(xù)創(chuàng)新以被認可為技術(shù)的領(lǐng)路人 36Constitution章程章程Guiding Principles指導(dǎo)原則Commitment to continuous improvement through elimination of all forms of waste.承諾通過消除所有形式的浪費來持續(xù)改善Commitment to standards. 對標準的承諾Continuous increase of velocity through the process.持續(xù)提高工序間的周轉(zhuǎn)率Focus on the value stream.關(guān)注價值流Zero defect

50、s through Best In Class design and execution.通過最優(yōu)的設(shè)計和執(zhí)行實現(xiàn)零缺陷 Just in time of products and services.及時交貨的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)People are our strength to reach full potential.人是我們實現(xiàn)全部潛能的保證All actions to impact cost, quality or delivery.所有的行動都對成本、品質(zhì)或交貨有改善Care for safety and environment.關(guān)注安全和環(huán)境。Support the operator all

51、 the time to add value.始終支持操作工以增加價值What Is The Gates Production System什么是蓋茨生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)38GPSA declaration of principles, beliefs and values that will guide Gates World Wide關(guān)于引導(dǎo)全球蓋茨運作的原則、信仰和價值觀的聲明 139GPSA definition of the core global systems and processes on which Gates will operate in the pursuit of manufa

52、cturing excellence.蓋茨追求卓越生產(chǎn)時采用的核心全球性系統(tǒng)和方法的定義 240GPSA set of global and regional policies to sustain the operation in alignmentto a common direction.一套全球性和地區(qū)政策,用來保持各運作單元朝同一方向前進。 341GPSA framework to integrate our engineering resources and activities to common goals.集合我們的工程力量和活動,努力實現(xiàn)同一目標的框架 442GPSA in

53、vitation to all associatesto develop their capabilities and potential to create a progressive environment for continuous improvement.邀請所有員工一起來開發(fā)自己的能力和潛力,創(chuàng)造一個持續(xù)改善的向上的環(huán)境。 543GPSAn invitation to change, learn and improve.對改變,學(xué)習(xí)和改善的邀請 6GPS Implementation實施45GPS Implementation Phase Process實施的階段過程實施的階段過程

54、Phase 1: Transformation階段:轉(zhuǎn)化 Build foundations建立基礎(chǔ) Initiate mobilization開始動員Phase 2: Expansion階段:開展 Integral use of methods and tools完整的運用方法和工具 Radical improvements in core systems and processes在核心系統(tǒng)和過程的根本改善 Continuous Improvements in lean metrics持續(xù)改善的測量指標Phase 3: Acceleration階段:加速度 Culture of conti

55、nuous improvement across the entire division在整個公司創(chuàng)造持續(xù)改善的文化 Consistently meeting strategic goals of growth, profitability and leadership始終如一地實現(xiàn)增長、收益率和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力的戰(zhàn)略目標 46GPS Phase ObjectivesGPS階段目標階段目標 Phase 1階段1 Transition.轉(zhuǎn)化 Build the foundations & Initiate mobilization. 建立基礎(chǔ)并發(fā)起動員 Demonstration of both

56、theoretical understanding and practical applications in all GPS elements. 實證對GPS所有元素的理論理解和實踐應(yīng)用 Ownership & involvement within all levels of the organizational structure. 在組織結(jié)構(gòu)的所有層面中的“擁有者”和參與 Progressive development of individuals at all levels. 在所有層面中的個人的進步發(fā)展 Positive achievements, relative to o

57、verall business objectives.肯定的成就相對于總的業(yè)務(wù)目標 Clear evidence to support progress process confirmation. 支持進程的明顯證據(jù)方法確認“a total management system is needed that develops human ability to its fullest capacity to best enhance creativity and fruitfulness, to utilize facilities and machines well, and to elimin

58、ate all waste.” Taiichi Ohno.一個全面的管理系統(tǒng)是需要發(fā)展人的能力到最大以最大限度的提高創(chuàng)造力及成果,更好的利用機器設(shè)施,消除所有浪費47Lean Manufacturing精益生產(chǎn)精益生產(chǎn)Core Processes: Major Sources of Opportunity核心進程:機會的主要來源 Product Development 產(chǎn)品開發(fā) From Customer needs to specifications and prototypes從客戶需求到規(guī)格和原型 Product platform to manufacturing platform從產(chǎn)品

59、平臺到制造平臺 Process Commercialization 流程商業(yè)化 On time, metrics準時, 測量指標 Reduction of complexity at the shop floor車間現(xiàn)場復(fù)雜性的降低 Process Development 工藝發(fā)展 High Speed, no waste, highly flexible高的速度, 沒有浪費, 高度靈活性 Visual, work place organization目視化的工作場所組織 Standardized Work標準化工作 Shallow Processes淺顯的工藝 48Lean Manufact

60、uring精益生產(chǎn)精益生產(chǎn)Core Processes: Major Sources of Opportunity 5M Optimization最優(yōu)化 ManMachineMethodMaterialsMoney Standardization人機器方法材料資金標準化 Capability improvement. Reduction / Elimination of Inspection產(chǎn)能改善。減少/消除檢驗 Supply Chain供應(yīng)鏈 Advanced Quality Planning 先進的品質(zhì)計劃 Reduction of Waste in the Supply Chain減少供應(yīng)鏈中的浪費 World Wide Purchasing


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