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1、用心愛心 專心 1 九年級英語上冊 Unit 1 The wise mans advice L3-L4 教科版 【本講教育信息】 教學(xué)內(nèi)容: Unit 1 The Wise Man Advice Lesson 3 and Lesson 4 .重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn): 1. 單詞和詞組: character 性格;品質(zhì) author 作家 recommend 推薦;介紹 cause 原因;引起;惹起 obey 服從;順從 hon esty 誠實(shí);正直 be against 反對 . shave 剃,刮(胡須) 2. 語法知識:一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài): hon est 誠實(shí)的;正直的 intention 意圖;目的 h

2、abit 習(xí)慣;習(xí)性 refuse 拒絕;謝絕 punish懲罰;處罰 grateful 感激的;感謝的 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 lifijinj; the capitail ot China. The Ckidn the largestin tlw I ic - Jj1. in the T gunnb my hair wvw; She - to school. Do von viHir plans ? 1 Wc/Yoti/rhev1 da hive itudy f h 7“ o has Practice It 1. Complete the WORD BANK table

3、. 2. Check your an swers with your part ner. 3. Work as a class. Clap your hands and cha nt the words. get getscomb 4. Fill in each bla nk. Pasr Futurt English, Mike sbtirt hair. dad Spelling Some verbs change their spelling when s is added tor the third person singular. 用心愛心 專心 2 Things Mr. Henry d

4、oes and doesn do on Saturdays On Saturdays Mr. Henry doesn twake up at 6:00 a.m. He (1) _ up at 8:00 a.m. He does ntget up at 6:15 a.m. He (2) _ up at 9:00 a.m. He does n take a shower. He (3) _ a bath. After his bath he doesn have a cup of coffee. He has a shave and (4) _ his teeth. He doesn eat br

5、eakfast at about 7:00 a.m. He (5) _ breakfast at about 10:00 a.m. After breakfast he doesn read the newspaper. He (6) _ for a run. After his run he does ntgo to work. He usually visits his frien ds. 5. Now in your no tebook, write your story about the things you do and don do on Sun day morni ng. WO

6、RD BANK 1/ You/ We He / She They It get gets comb enjoys turn like wake speak take talk hold agree look brush guesses pushes catch keep eat starts begin promise allow repeat arrive cries have goes 三具體內(nèi)容: 1. 課文講解: 用心愛心 專心 3 Forming Opinions: What Do you Think? Guided Writi ng A student is writing her

7、 opinion of the story. Help her finish it by writing the correct conn ector from the work box in each bla nk. WORD BOX and the n before however if un til The Wise Man Advice I think this story teaches an importa nt less on. We should n ever give advice if we do not follow that advice ourselves. In t

8、he story, the mother wan ted the wise man to tell her son not to eat sweets. (1) _ , the wise man would not give the boy advice. At that time, the wise man was eating too many sweets, too. He stopped eating sweets (2) _ he told the boy to stop eat ing them. No one would respect him (3) _ he told peo

9、ple to do things that he did not do himself. He waited (4) _ the time was right. I wish more people would act with this kind of hon esty. I don like it whe n people give me advice (5) _ they don follow their own advice. It makes me lose respect for them. 【典型例題】 【練習(xí)易錯(cuò)難解】 1. Careless drivi ng _ a lot

10、of highway accide nts. A. causes B. makes C. affects 解析:選 A。此題考查動(dòng)詞辨析。 make 不能與 accident 搭配。affect 意思是影響”, 不合題意。 2. I like to go and hear John sing. _ , I m very busy. A. But B. However C. So 解析:選 B。此題考查連詞用法。 however 作連詞時(shí),有然而,可是”的含義,它不 能像 but 那樣直接連接兩個(gè)分句,必須另起新句,并用逗號隔開。 【學(xué)習(xí)同步測試】 【練習(xí)易錯(cuò)難解】 1. Do you go t

11、o the park _ a week? A. one B. first C. once 解析:選 C。此題考查短語含義。 once a week 意為每周一次”。 2. The pla nts n eed _ . Please _ them. A. wateri ng, water B. water, wateri ng C. wateri ng, wateri ng 解析:選 A。 water 有名詞、動(dòng)詞兩種詞性。 need doing =need to be done 有被動(dòng)含義。 【模擬試題】(答題時(shí)間:90分鐘) 一.閱讀理解 A用心愛心 專心 4 根據(jù)海報(bào)內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。 1.

12、 When does Bus in ess En glish Less on start? A. May 24 B. May 15 C. April 29 2. How much do students pay if they want to listen to Rock Music? A. 6 B. 5 C. 9 3. Where will you go if you want to play football? A. 6 Mill Road B. 222 Main Street 4. What time does the World Books ope n on Sun day? A. 1

13、2:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. B. 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. C. 10:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. 5. How many days does the White House ope n in a week? A. Four days. B. Five days. B A horse is a com mon ani mal. I n most places, people no Ion ger use them. But as we know, people have used horses for many thousands of years. But

14、, at first people hunted (獵殺)for horses to eat. I n fact, horse meat was very com mon food. Then, about 6000 years ago, people discovered that horses were useful, too. Somewhere in Southern Russia and central Asia, people first began to use horses to work for them. This discovery changed human histo

15、ry. People were able to travel faster and faster with horses. It was possible for them to leave their own land. Many people went to far Ian ds, met new people and saw new places. They taught other people how to use horses. Then, about 3500 years ago, people in North London Language School 5, MUI Roa

16、d BUSINESS ENGLISH LESSON Stans Apri 29 Ends May 24 4-weeks lesso 12:30 p.m,-8 :00pm. C. 27 Lon C. Three days. WORLD BOOKS 用心愛心 專心 5 Mesopotamia bega n to use horses to help them win the wars. Armies (軍隊(duì)) with horses and chariots (兩輪馬車) were very powerful (強(qiáng)有力的) .About 100 years later, men用心愛心 專心 6

17、learned to ride on horses. These armies became eve n more powerful. For many centuries, until railways were built, people everywhere depended on (依賴) to work and travel. I n a word, horses were n ecessary to people for a very long time. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正(A)誤(B )。 6. Many thousands of years ago people hunted

18、 horses for their meat.( ) 7. About six thousa nd years ago people bega n to use horses as their helpers.( ) 8. Farmers were afraid to leave their land though they bega n to use horses. ( ) 9. With the help of horses, people could easily win the wars. ( ) 10. Horses are still very importa nt to peop

19、le. ( ) 根據(jù)地圖內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。 11. If you want to go from the no rthwest to City Cen ter, you can take Bus _ A. No. 4 B. No. 5 C. No. 3 12. The first hospital can be see n in the _ . A. north B. south C. east 13. You may go boati ng in _ . A. Great Lake and Beihai Park B. Tow n Supermarket C. The History Mus

20、eum 14. Bank of China is n ear _ . A. the Red Star Ci nema B. Teachers College C. May Airport 15. How many middle schools can you find in the map? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. horses C Railway Sutton Town SupcnPOM The The CcntCT The Public I Library Tcachcr I * _ College /Peoples llcspiul Me 5 二 - T 丿

21、ihe Red Star 嚴(yán) A CL The First Hospital Bank of China The Football (JuH Airport 用心愛心 專心 7 .任務(wù)性閱讀 先閱讀(A )、( B)兩篇短文,然后根據(jù)題目要求及所給語境完成下列四項(xiàng)任務(wù)。 A begi n thing hurry ring he My friend, Herbert, had always bee n fat, but _ 16 _ got so bad that he decided to go on a diet. He _ 17 _ his diet a week ago. He like

22、d to eat many foods, but he was asked not to eat them. So he wrote out all of them on a piece of paper. Yesterday I went to see him. I _ 18 _ the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as before. He took me to his room and _ 19 _ put a large box un der his desk. When I asked

23、 him what he was doing, he smiled and the n put the box on the desk. He said that his diet was so strict that he had to reward _ 20 _ sometimes. Then he showed me the box. I ope ned it and found all kinds of sweets in it. B Television has now come to nearly every family. It has become a very importa

24、nt part in peoples life. School childre n in the Un tied States watch TV about twen ty-five hours a week. Soon people feel that televisi on is good for childre n because it helps them lear n about their country and the world. With the help of programmes of educati on, childre n do better in school.

25、Other people feel that there are too many programmes about love and crime on TV , and that even programmes of education don thelp children a lot. All children learn by doing, and they need time to play in order to lear n about the world. When they watch TV, they play less. They also have less time t

26、o talk with their pare nts and frien ds, and they have less time to have sports. 任務(wù) 1:用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(每詞限用一次) 16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ 任務(wù) 2:根據(jù)英文釋義及首字母提示,拼寫單詞。 21. f _ a group of people who are related to each other 22. p _ a radio or televisi on show 任務(wù) 3:同義句轉(zhuǎn)換,每空一詞 They n eed time to play in o

27、rder to lear n about the world. They n eed time to play _ 23 _ 24 _ they can lear n about the world. 任務(wù) 4:根據(jù)短文回答問題 25. What has become a very important part in people life? _. 三. 交際運(yùn)用 (A )從方框內(nèi) AG 選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)補(bǔ)全對話(有兩項(xiàng)為多余選 項(xiàng)) A : Have you seen Jim these two days? B: _ 26 _ He sgone to Japan to see

28、 his grandfather. A : _ 27 _ B: Of course! He had lived there before he came here. A : _ 28 _ B: Yes, I ve just received a letter from him. A : _ 29 _ 用心愛心 專心 8 B : He said he had a good time there and would stay for ano ther mon th. Then he was going to En gla nd. He also wan ted me to give his bes

29、t wishes to you. A : Oh, well. _ 30 _ 26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _ A K Have you still beaid from him? B. No. C Has he ever been there before? D* What did he say? | E. Yes* j F Thats great! G If a nice of him to say so. (B)填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~補(bǔ)全對話,每空一詞。 A : What are you doing? B: Im trying _ 31 _ fix my pen. A

30、: _ 32 _ wrong with it? B: Im trying to use it to write more quickly. A : Well, That easy! Just write faster. B: I ve tried that _ 33 _ it doesn work. I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it, I ll be able to write faster. A : That a good _ 34 _ . B: So I n eed to keep work ing on it, and _

31、35 _ give up. 31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _ 四. 閱讀表達(dá) (A)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格,每空一詞 When Yang Liwei came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip in space, his smile was seen across the world. The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9:00 a.m. in China Shenzhou V spaceship, which traveled round the earth 14 times. He Ianded safely at 6:23 a.m. the next day, making China the third country to successfully send a person into space, after the fomer Soviet


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