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1、ZactheRatTMComplete each word to rhyme with ran, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.1.2.ranan4.3.anan1Comments welcome atshort acatNameWrite the missing short vowel in each word, then say the word.Circle the words that rhyme.2Comments welcome at1.v n2.b g3.m p4.h t5.c t6.r tName W

2、rite these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.totheaandislook1. a.6.3Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency words.Comments welcome atWord Bankmanhandbatantspantshamthe words in the Word Bank.Write the missing letter in each word, then say the word.4Comments welcome at1.ham2.a

3、n3. and4. nts5.at6.antsName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.hadsat sad.The rat is1.matpat fat.Zac sat on a2.cancat hatnaps .The3.antsan pantsran to the jam .Comments welcome atThe4.5short acatNameCircle the things that have the short a sound, then w

4、rite about the picture. Use the Word Bank to help you.Word Bankbatjamrathatbagants6Teacher Note:Ask emergent writers to simply write their favorite short-a words from the picture.PegtheHenTMComplete each word to rhyme with hen, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.7Comments welcome

5、at1.hen2.en3.en4.enName Complete each word to rhyme with fall, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.Write a different wordfallthat rhymes with.Draw a picture to match the word.8Comments welcome atsm2.t1.fall3.b4.wName Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.hereg

6、oinofintoaway.5.6.9Teacher Note:Practice with high-frequency words.Comments welcome athereshort etenNameWrite the missing short vowel in each word, then say the word.Circle the words that rhyme.10Comments welcome at1.h n2.j t3.t n4.b ll5.b d6.tntName Circle the word that best completes the se

7、ntence, then write the word in the blank.begswags eggs.1. The hen hasjetpet let.She is in a2.waswet net.She gets3.redbed bat.Ten pets get on the4.11Comments welcome atshort etenNameCircle the things that have the short e sound, then write about the picture. Use the Word Bank to help you.Word Bankmen

8、henjetbedwebbell12Teacher Note:Ask emergent writers to simply write their favorite short-e words from the picture.TheBigHitTMComplete each word to rhyme with big, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.13Comments welcome at1.big2.ig3.ig4.igWord BanklickringkingsicksingkickIn the blank

9、s below, write the words that end with ick,then say the words.In the blanks below, write the words that end with ing,then say the words.14Comments welcome atName Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.uphasgivenohenot1. n o.6.15Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency w

10、ords.Comments welcome atshort ipigNameWrite the missing short vowel in each word, then say the word.Circle the words that rhyme.16Comments welcome at1.m tt2.f sh3.l ps4.z p5.d p6.s xName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.fitfish wish.TM1. She has a pe

11、tpigbig peghas a bell .2. Thehatsfits hitsthe ball .3. Hebigbag dig.4.His hat is17Comments welcome atName1. A sentence tells a complete thought.2. All sentences start with a capital letter.3. Telling sentences end with a period.The cat naps.Trace each sentence, then fill in the boxes correctly.1.The

12、 pig has a hat.T he pig has a hat .2.She has a pet fish.he3.The ball hits the mitt.he ball hits the mitt18Comments welcome atTMhas a pet fishMoxsShopTMComplete each word to rhyme with fog, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.19Comments welcome at1.fog2.og3.og4.ogWord BankIn the bla

13、nks below, write the words that end with ot,then say the words.In the blanks below, write the words that end with op,then say the words.20Comments welcome athotmoptoppothopcotName Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.saystheygoodwetoodo1. g o od.6.21Teacher Note: Practi

14、ce with high-frequency words.Comments welcome atshort otopNameWrite the missing short vowel in each word, then say the word.Circle the words that rhyme.22Comments welcome at1.f x2.p t3.l ck4.cl ck5.d ll6.d gName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.betfo

15、x box.1. He drops thegotpot patis hot .2. Thelocklick lot.3. The fox has ahopshot hats.The frog4.23Comments welcome atHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWw XxYyZzANaamBebCcDdEeFfGgOn the numbered lines, write the words from the Word Bank in ABC order. Use the alphabet above to help you.Word Bank1.2.foxh

16、ot doggotbox cot.Write two or more words from the Word Bank that rhyme.24Comments welcome atGustheDuckTMComplete each word to rhyme with rub, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.25Comments welcome at1.rub2.ub3.ub4.ubWord BankbatdogbeddigballduckIn the blanks below, write the

17、In the blanks below, write the words that begin with d,then say the words.b,words that begin withthen say the words.bdbdbd26Comments welcome atName Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.thisyesplayshemyhavey e s.5.6.27Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency words.Comm

18、ents welcome atshort usunNameWrite the missing short vowel in each word, then say the word.Circle the words that rhyme.28Comments welcome at1.d ck2.m g3.dr m4.j mp5.m d6.tr ckName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.hoghug rug.1. The cubscotscuts catsth

19、e cake .2. Mombunbet buspicks us up . 3. Theluckduck dockis in the tub .4. A29Comments welcome atWord BankcatdigdogdolldrumhopmudrunswimswingsunsingWrite two sentences about what you like to do for fun. Use the Word Bank above to help you.It is fun toCircle two words on this page that rhyme.30Commen

20、ts welcome atJakesTaleRemember me. the silent e!TMCircle the words that have the long a sound,then write each word in the blank to match the picture.1.2.rake3.4.31Comments welcome atcatrakemansnakewhalecakeName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.gamega

21、te same?1. Who will win thecagepig page.2. Please turn thebakeshake shadehands .3. Letswhatwhale saleis in the waves .A4.32Comments welcome atwhwhaleName Use wh to complete each word to match the picture,then say the word.Write your own sentence using one of the wh words above.33Comments welcome at1

22、.whale2.isper3.eel4.iskerslong acakeName Look at the picture, then circle the things that have the long a sound. Use the Word Bank below to help you.TMWord Bankcane raceComments welcome atcaverakegateskatelakesnakeplanewave34Name Make silly sentences! Theres more than one correct answer.Hint: Use th

23、e Word Bank on page 34.Have fun!.The dogran to the1.red .Lets paintthe2.The monstersees a3.Circle the number of your favorite silly sentence, then draw a picture to match the sentence.35Comments welcome atName Circle the wcoorrrdectthqaut ebsetsitocnomwoprledtetso tbheegisneneatecnhcsee, ntence,then

24、 write the word in the blank.WhenWhy is dinnertime ?1.WhatWhotime is it ?2.WhenWhyis honey so sweet ?3.WhatWhois that man ?4.36Comments welcome atPetesSheepIf I see adouble e,I say e !TMCircle the words that have the long e sound,then write each word in the blank to match the picture.1.2.sleep3.4.37

25、Comments welcome atredsleeptreefeetjetbeesName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.treethree mebees .1. I seeteethfeed tale.2. I brush myshekeep sheepeat grass .3. Thecheesecheek sees.4. Zac likes38Comments welcome atshshellsName Use sh to complete each

26、 word to match the picture,then say the word.Write your own sentence using one of the sh words above.39Teacher Note: If the r-controlled vowel “a” as in “shark” needs introduction, please see pCaogmem6en7t.s welcome at1.shells2.ark3.eep4.ipName Complete each word to rhyme with think, then say the wo

27、rd.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.What color rhymes with Color the crayon to match your answer.40Comments welcome atink1.think2.ink3.ink4.inkName shwh orUseto complete each word to match the picture,then say the word.Color the pictures that show animals.Teacher Note: “” is a useful word when us

28、ed to teach the digraph /wh/, even though it is not fuComments welcome at411.wheel2.ells3.eep4.iskers5.ake6.istleQuotation Marks tell us the EXACT words ais saying.I cant sleep,says Pete.What do you think Petes mother will say to him?I cant sleep.each sentence below,then trace over the one you like.

29、TMRemember to add quotation marks.Think of sheep,says1. Mother.Lets have pizza,says2.Mother.42Comments welcome atSkyRideRemember me. the silent e!Circle the words that have the long i sound,then write each word in the blank to match the picture.TM1.2.slide3.4.43Comments welcome atfivetinslidehivespi

30、nName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.whitewith bite.1. My dog is black andkitwrite kiteis in the sky .2. Abigbike bake.3. I ride myforhideside hidthe box .4. I can44Comments welcome atchcheeseName chUseto complete each word to match the picture,the

31、n say the word.chWrite your own sentence using one of thewords above.45Comments welcome at1.cheese2.eck3. ase4.ickenName Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.whatdownareIguesswhere1. ar e.6.46Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency words.Comments welcome atName Compl

32、ete each contraction by adding an apostrophe.Write the new contraction in the blank.donotdon t1.didnotdidn t2.isnotisnt3.can notcan t4.47Comments welcome atdontName UWsreitestlhetomciosmsinpgletsehoeartchvowwoerldintoeamcahtcwhortdh,e picture, then say the word.then say the word.Circle the words tha

33、t have the short i sound.48Comments welcome at1.slippers2.ed3.eeve4.ide5.ip6.eepRemember me.RobotandMr. MoleTMthe silent e!TMCircle the words that have the long o sound,then write each word in the blank to match the picture.1.2.bone3.4.49Comments welcome athometopropenotehotboneName Circle the word

34、that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.poleroll pale.1. The flag is on theis in the hole .2. Amolegoesrose rise.3. She picked a redhophome cone.4. Its time to go50Comments welcome atththreeName Use th to complete each word to match the picture,then say the word.Write your

35、 own sentence using one of the th words above.51Teacher Note: “thumb” is a useful word when used to teach the digraph /th/, even thouCgohmmitenistsnwoeltcofmuellyatd1.three2.umb3.ink4.ornlong oboneName Look at the picture, then circle the things that have the long o sound. Use the Word Bank below to

36、 help you.Word Bankbone polehomerobehoseropemolerosenosestone52Comments welcome atName Make silly sentences! Theres more than one correct answer. Hint: Use the Word Bank on page 52. Have fun!.Shepicks the biggest1.The monkeywent up the2.3. Theis on theCircle the number of your favorite silly sentenc

37、e, then draw a picture to match the sentence.53Comments welcome atNameAsk for something nicely.Write a sentence using the word please. Start your sentence with a capital letterand end with a question mark ? .Write a sentence using the wordsStart your sentence with a capital letter.and end with a per

38、iod.or exc!tion mark.54Comments welcome atDuneBuggyRemember me. the silent e!TMTMCircle the words that have the long u sound,then write each word in the blank to match the picture.1.2.tube3.4.55Comments welcome atfuntubecubcubemulefluteName Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then writ

39、e the word in the blank.tubetub tape.1. The glue is in akitecute cot.2. The little doll isfallboot flute.3. She plays themulehas a long tail . huge4. The56Comments welcome atName Complete each contraction by adding an apostrophe.Write the new contraction in the blank.IwillIll1.shewillshell2.IIhaveve

40、3.wehaveweve4.57Comments welcome atIllName Complete each word to rhyme with ring, then say the word.Hint: Use the picture clues to help.Write a different wordthat rhymes with ring.Draw a picture to match the word.58Comments welcome ating1.ring2.ingTM3.ing4.ingName chth orUseto complete each word to

41、match the picture,then say the word.Circle the words that have the long e sound.59Comments welcome at1.thorn2.eese3.ree4. ase5.icken6.umbName Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.mefindyoulivelittlebe1. me.6.60Teacher Note: Practice with high-frequency words.Comments we

42、lcome atoaSoapBoatWhen two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking!Use oa to complete each word to match the picture,then say the word.1.2.tdcoatTM3.4.spbtWrite the two words from above that rhyme.and61Comments welcome atlong amailNameCircle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.mailsail sell.1. The boat has a bigpailpain paintin art class .We2.chaintan trainis on the track .3. Therainrun raceis wet .The4.62Comments welcome atlong eleafNa


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