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1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. 教案【單元教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析】本單元以“Customs”為話題,談?wù)摬煌瑖业牟煌幕?xí)俗,滲透跨文化交際意識,使學(xué)生了解不同的文化習(xí)俗和不同的禮儀。該話題能激起學(xué)生的好奇心,調(diào)動學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的積極性,培養(yǎng)他們主動探究、認識世界的能力。本單元的核心語言項目是“Tell what you are supposed to do”,圍繞“Customs”話題,自始至終貫穿著“談?wù)撐幕?、禮儀、習(xí)俗”這一條主線,涉及不同國家的多種習(xí)俗,包括美國、日本、墨西哥、韓國、瑞士、秘魯、哥倫比亞等國人們第一次見面的禮儀習(xí)俗、餐桌禮儀?!締卧獙W(xué)

2、情分析】學(xué)生對不同國家的禮儀和風(fēng)俗有著很濃厚的興趣,本單元會吸引學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,相信會達到理想的學(xué)習(xí)效果?!窘虒W(xué)目標】知識目標:1、語言知識目標。 a. 掌握“be (not) supposed to”的結(jié)構(gòu)及用法。 b. 熟悉不同國家的禮儀風(fēng)俗。2、語言技能目標a. 能談?wù)摬煌瑖业亩Y儀風(fēng)俗。b. 能詢問不同場合的禮儀風(fēng)俗。c. 寫一篇禮儀風(fēng)俗的短文。3、情感態(tài)度目標 a. 由于本單元話題貼近學(xué)生生活,符合他們的心理,可以提高他們學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,積極參與英語實踐活動。b. 通過比較不同文化的差異,提高人際交往能力。 c. 了解禮儀風(fēng)俗的重要性和必要性,避免不必要的尷尬和誤解。4、學(xué)習(xí)策略目標

3、 a. 使用教材中的聽力材料和閱讀材料,充分利用各種資源,擴展所學(xué)知識。 b. 通過合作學(xué)習(xí),并大膽的表達,以學(xué)習(xí)新知識。c. 興趣教學(xué)策略,其中包括游戲、表演、對話和歌曲。5、文化意識目標。了解世界各國文化,在生活中做個有心人,有禮有節(jié)之人,并培養(yǎng)跨文化交際的意識。 【教學(xué)重點】學(xué)會并掌握重點詞匯和功能句。(1) kiss, bow, table manners, chopstick, fork, spoon, napkin, greet, rude, wipe, point, stick, seek (2) shake hands, be supposed to, drop by, pic

4、k up, learnby oneself, make (a) noise, go out of ones way to do sth. make sb. feel at home , be/get used to(3) You should do sth.【教學(xué)難點】 1.結(jié)合功能句進行聽、說、讀、寫的訓(xùn)練。2.不同國家的風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣?!窘虒W(xué)方法】任務(wù)型教學(xué)法:倡導(dǎo)體驗參與,培養(yǎng)自主學(xué)習(xí)能力。競賽教學(xué)法:根據(jù)初中生爭強好勝的性格特征,在課堂內(nèi)引進小組競爭機制,提高團體活動效率,加強團體凝聚力,激發(fā)學(xué)生的求知欲和參與意識。多媒體輔助教學(xué):形象,生動,使課堂容量相對增加,給學(xué)生提供更多的語言實踐機會

5、,有利于綜合語方運用能力的提高?!窘叹摺侩娔X多媒體等?!菊n時安排及教學(xué)內(nèi)容】Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2d)Period 2 (Section A: 3a -3c) Period 3 (Section A: Grammar focus $ 4a -4c) Period 4 (Section B 1a-2e)Period 5 (Section B: 3a-3b $ Self check) 【教學(xué)過程設(shè)計】Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d)一、教學(xué)目標: 1. 語言知識目標:1) 能掌握以下單詞: custom, bow, kiss, greet, be

6、 supposed to, 2)掌握be supposed to句型的用法。2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:1. 學(xué)習(xí)一些見面禮儀,生活習(xí)俗和對時間的看法。2. 了解西方國家的風(fēng)土人情和習(xí)俗。二、教學(xué)重難點1. 教學(xué)重點:be supposed to的用法2. 教學(xué)難點:中西方人們見面禮儀的差別。 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生跨文化交際意識。三、教學(xué)過程Step 1 Lead-in師生討論: 學(xué)生在學(xué)校應(yīng)該做哪些事情?引出新句型。如:Is it a good idea to come to class late?S: No. T: Thats right. Its not a good idea to come lat

7、e. Youre not supposed to come to class late. Youre supposed to eat in class, do homework every day, raise your hand before talking等做更多的練習(xí),引出be supposed to句型Step 2 DiscussionWhat do people do when they meet for the first time?Do you know what people in other countries would do when they meet for the

8、first time?Step 3 Work on 1a-1c 1.1a 多媒體呈現(xiàn)1a圖片, 讓學(xué)生根據(jù)圖畫內(nèi)容, 說說圖中的握手, 接吻, 鞠躬是哪個國家的禮儀, 然后按要求把書本給出的“國家”和“習(xí)俗”連接起來。老師不要給出答案。2. Listening 1b. Listen to the recording and check your answers to activities in 1a.3. Pair work:A: What are people in Korea/ to do when they meet for the first time? B: They are sup

9、posed to bow. How about in the United States?A: Theyre supposed to shake hands. 4. 教師介紹本單元的目標語言:Youre supposed to .Step 4 Listening 1. Listening to 2a and 2b. What mistakes did Maria make? 2. Finish 2a and 2b. 3. Pair workRole-play a conversation between Maria and Dan. Dan: How was the dinner at Pau

10、ls house last night?Maria: Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but IStep 5 Role playWork on 2d Role play a conversation between Katie and John. Discuss different customs in different countries. Read and answer the questions.1.What was the funny thing happenin

11、g last night?2.Where is Marie from?Step 6 Language points1.You are supposed to shake hands. Be supposed to do 應(yīng)該被期望做,當(dāng)句子的主語是人時,它可以用來表示勸告,建議,義務(wù),責(zé)任等,意思是 “to be expected to do sth, or to have to do sth.” 如: Youre supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.如果你要離開教室,應(yīng)該先問問老師。We are not

12、 to supposed to play football on Sunday.不準我們在星期日踢足球。This is secret and Im not supposed to talk about it.這是秘密,我不應(yīng)該談?wù)?。She is late for class again and she is supposed to say sorry to the teacher.她又遲到了, 她應(yīng)該向老師說對不起。 2. Bow v. 鞠躬,彎腰 如: Bow to the Queen. 向女王鞠躬致敬。 At the end of the play all the actors came

13、onto the stage and bowed. 終場時,全體演員都走到臺前鞠躬致謝。 He bowed his thanks. 他鞠躬致謝。3. Youre expected to   sb. be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事/應(yīng)該要做某事 He is expected to get through to the finals.我們期待他進入決賽。 Everyone in the class is expected to take part in the discussion. 希望全班同學(xué)參加討論。 You will be expected

14、to work on Saturdays.你們星期六要上班。4. as soon as 意為“一就”,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,若主語用一般將來時,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來;若主句用過去式,從句也要用過去時。 I will call you as soon as I get to Shanghai. 我一到上海就給你打電話。 As soon as I went in, he cried out with pleasure.我一進門他就高興地叫起來。5.hold out 意為“伸出;遞出”。 I held out my hand to catch the box. 我伸出手去接那個盒子。6. shake

15、hands 意為“握手”,表達“與某人握手”用 shake hands with sb.。 The singer shook hands with her fans in the concert yesterday. 昨天的音樂會結(jié)束后,明星與他的粉絲們握手。Step 7 Exercises:Step 8 Homework1. Make at least two conversations.2. Make 5 sentences with “be supposed to do”3. Find some information about table manners in different c

16、ountries. Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3c)一、教學(xué)目標: 1. 語言知識目標:1) 學(xué)習(xí)掌握下列詞匯: relaxed, value, capital, noon, mad, effort, drop by, after all, get mad, make an effort2)復(fù)習(xí) be supposed to句型。3)如何正確的閱讀課文。2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:1)通過“應(yīng)該” 與“不應(yīng)該”進一步了解一些國家的禮儀和對時間的看法。2)了解不同國家的不同的時間觀念, 加強對中國文化的理解。二、教學(xué)重難點1. 教學(xué)重點:1) 掌握本部分出現(xiàn)的生詞和詞組,達

17、到熟練運用的目標。2) 閱讀短文,獲得相關(guān)的信息。通過閱讀練習(xí),來提高閱讀能力。2. 教學(xué)難點:1) 閱讀短文,獲得相關(guān)的信息的能力。2) 理解并運用所學(xué)的詞匯及表達方式。三、教學(xué)過程Step 1. Warming up If you meet someone in the following countries, what are you supposed to do? Please show your ideas.Step 2 Pair work:A: What are we supposed to do when we are in a library?B: Were supposed

18、to A: What are we supposed to do when we are on a bus?B: Were supposed to Step 3 Lead-in 1. 展示一個哥倫比亞和瑞士風(fēng)光的照片。使學(xué)生熟悉這兩個國家的情況, 通過圖片欣賞引出本節(jié)內(nèi)容。2. Look at the pictures and say something about the two countries.What do you know about Switzerland? What do you know about Colombia? Step 4 Reading 1. Work on 3a

19、: Tell Ss to read the article and answer the question:In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner? Ss read the article quickly and try to find the answer to the question. 2. 方法指導(dǎo): 首先,對原文材料迅速瀏覽,掌握全文的主旨大意。 速讀全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速讀的過程中,應(yīng)盡可能多地捕獲信息材料。其次,帶著問題,再回到原文中去尋找、捕獲有關(guān)信息。做好這類題的要領(lǐng)是:1).明確題意,順

20、藤摸瓜。2).按照要求,尋找答案來源。3).找準關(guān)鍵詞,明白其暗示作用。4)再讀課文,看答案是否符合題意。3. 按指導(dǎo)的方法帶著問題進行閱讀。 4. 最后,教師讓部分學(xué)生說出自己的答案,并校對答案。 Key: In Colombia. Step 5. Careful Reading 1. Answer the questions according to the passages in 3a. 1. Is it OK if people in Colombia arrive a bit late for a friends dinner?2. Who are pretty relaxed ab

21、out time, Colombians or Swiss people? 3. Colombians usually make plans to meet friends, dont they?4. What are you supposed to do if you want to visit your friends in Switzerland? 5. What do people in Switzerland think of time?2. Work on 3b. Read the passage again and fill in the chart. Ideas and cus

22、toms aboutColombiaSwitzerland Being on time Visiting a friends houseMaking plans with friends Step 6 Language points:1.Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time.在我們國家, 我們對時間相當(dāng)寬松。 relaxed是形容詞, 在這里意為“寬松的, 不加以約束的”, 后面常接介詞about。 My parents are relaxed about my clothes.我的父母對我的服裝不加約束。relaxed還可以意為“放松的,

23、 輕松自在的”。You look very relaxed. Arent you busy now?你看上去非常自在,難道你現(xiàn)在不忙嗎?鏈接:relax v. 放松 relaxing adj. 使人放松的,令人感到輕松的relaxation n. 當(dāng)其意為“放松,消遣”時, 是不可數(shù)名詞;而當(dāng)其意為“休閑活動”時, 是可數(shù)名詞。 2. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. 我們珍視日常生活中和家人及朋友共度的時光。 value在這里是動詞, 意為“重視;珍視。 I v

24、alued my friendship with my classmates.  我珍視我和同學(xué)之間的友誼。 I have always valued your advice. 我向來重視你的忠告。拓展:value還可以作名詞, 意為“價值。Good books are of great value to students.  好書對學(xué)生非常有用。I paid him 50 for the painting, but its true value must be at least 500.  我

25、付給他50英鎊買下了這幅畫, 但它的真正價值至少有500英鎊。valuable adj. 貴重的;寶貴的everyday adj. 每天的;日常的;平常的Cooking breakfast is her everyday job.  做早飯是她的日常工作。鏈接:everyday, every day的區(qū)別:前者是形容詞,而后者是副詞性短語。He comes here every day.他每天來這兒。3. We often just drop by our friends homes if we have time. 我們經(jīng)常順便拜訪朋友們的家,如果有時間的話。

26、drop by 順便拜訪可以直接使用,也可以在by后面加表示地點的詞。 I will drop by my uncles home this afternoon.今天下午我要順便去我叔叔家拜訪。拓展:drop in也可以意為“拜訪,到訪”, 后面接人時,要借助于介詞on;接地點時要借助于介詞at。Dont forget to drop in on your teacher.= Dont forget to drop in at your teachers home.不要忘了順便去拜訪一下你的老師。 drop by sb. = drop in on sb. 順便走訪

27、某人 drop by ones home = drop in (at) +地點 拜訪4. get mad 大動肝火;氣憤 They are sure to get mad to hear it.  他們聽了一定會氣壞了。 Mother got mad with me for coming home late.  媽媽為我回家晚了這件事而大發(fā)雷霆。 Father won't get mad about your mistake.  父親不會為你的錯失生氣的。拓展: mad adj. 很生氣

28、;瘋的She was mad at her husband for forgetting her birthday.  她因為她的丈夫忘了她的生日而生氣。 Both brothers are mad about tennis.兄弟倆對網(wǎng)球都很入迷。She went mad after the death of her son.   兒子死后,她就瘋了。5. heavy traffic 交通繁忙, 交通擁堵, 車水馬龍 He got home late because of the heavy t

29、raffic. 他回家晚是因為交通擁擠之故。traffic n. 交通; 路上行駛的車輛His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.他的左膝在一次交通事故中受傷了。There's usually a lot of traffic at this time of day.每天在這段時間往來車輛都很多。The streets are crowded with traffic.街上車輛很多。6. go somewhere 去某地 somewhere adv. 在某處;到某處 I'm not

30、 going home yet. I have to go somewhere else first. 我還不準備回家,我要先去別的地方。 “Perhaps we can talk somewhere privately,” said Kesler. “也許我們可以找個地方私下談?wù)劊眲P斯勒說道。 注意: somewhere是副詞, 前面不可用介詞。somewhere常用于肯定句中, anywhere(任何地方)常用于否定句和疑問句中。在疑問句中, 可以用somewhere或anywhere, 如果期望對方回答“是”, 就用somewhere;如果不知道對方會回答“是”還是“不是”, 用som

31、ewhere、anywhere都可以。I didn't go anywhere in the neighborhood.我沒有到附近什么地方去過。I lost my key somewhere near here. 我的鑰匙是在這附近丟的。Step 7. Role-play 3c Role-play a conversation between Teresa and Marc. Teresa is late and Marc is mad.注意使用目標語言: In , youre supposed toA: Hi, Marc. Sorry, Im a little late.B: Te

32、resa, youre 10 minutes late!A: Its just 10 minutes! Its no big deal!B: Well, in Switzerland, youre supposed to·jy·comStep 8 ExercisesStep 9 Homework Write a composition about customs of our daily life and try to use “be (not) supposed to” and “be (not) expected to” to composed your work.Pe

33、riod 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c)一、教學(xué)目標: 1. 語言知識目標:1) 學(xué)習(xí)掌握下列詞匯:passport, cleanoff, chalk, blackboard, northern, coast, season, knock, eastern, take off, worth, manner2) 進行一步復(fù)習(xí)鞏固學(xué)習(xí)Section A 部分所學(xué)的生詞和詞組。3) 掌握be supposed to, be expected to, be important to的句型。2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:進一步了解不同國家的風(fēng)土人情,體會文化禮儀差異,了解中

34、國的基本禮儀。二、教學(xué)重難點1. 教學(xué)重點:1) 復(fù)習(xí)鞏固Section A 部分所學(xué)的生詞和詞組,達到熟練運用的目標。2) 總結(jié) be supposed to, be expected to, be important to的不同句型。2. 教學(xué)難點be supposed to, be expected to, be important to 的不同句型三、教學(xué)過程Step 1 Revision 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。1. Walking on the beach makes you feel _ (放松的).2. Beijing is the _ (首都)of China. 3. We u

35、sually have lunch at _(中午). 4. If you _ _ _ _ (不努力)to study, you wont pass the English exam.5. You should be easy on these students. _ _ (畢竟), they are kids. 6. The Chinese people are great people and _(重視)customs and traditions above almost everything.7. Just remember you cant _ _ (發(fā)火)at what they

36、tell you. Step 2 Grammar Focus.1. 學(xué)生閱讀Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空練習(xí)。1) 你第一次遇到某一個人應(yīng)該做什么? _ _ you _ _ _ when you meet someone for the first time? 2) 你應(yīng)該握手。 You _ _ _ _ _.3)你不應(yīng)該親吻。You _ _ _ kiss. 4) -你應(yīng)該什么時候到?-我應(yīng)當(dāng)7點鐘到。-When were you _ _ _?-I _ _ _ _ at 7:00. 5) -我應(yīng)該穿牛仔褲嗎?-不應(yīng)該穿,希望你穿西服打領(lǐng)帶。-_ I _ _ wear jeans

37、?-No, you _ _ _ wear a suit and tie.6) -讓別人一直等不禮貌嗎? -對,讓別人一直等不禮貌。-_ _ _ to keep others waiting? -Yes, its _ _ _ others waiting.7) -準時很重要嗎?-是的,準時是很重要。-Is _ _ _ _ on time?- Yes, its important to be on time. 2. 學(xué)生們完成填空試題后,可以打開課本檢查答案,對錯誤的句子,單獨進行強化記憶。Step 3 Grammar1. be supposed to do sth. 意為“(按規(guī)定、習(xí)慣、安排等

38、)應(yīng)該做某事,可用來表示勸告、建議、義務(wù)、責(zé)任等,相當(dāng)于should的用法。 否定形式為“be not supposed to do sth.” 表示不該或禁止做的情。e.g. If you want to eat ice-cream, you are supposed to ask you mum. 如果你想吃冰淇淋,應(yīng)該先問問你媽媽。2. be expected to表達“被期許(預(yù)期)會做某事, 希望做某事,表示一種可能性。e.g. She was expected to arrive before dinner. 希望她晚餐前到達。be supposed to do相對于be expe

39、cted to do主觀性更強一些。3. It be + adj. +to do sth. It be important to do sth. .做某事很重要。e.g. It is important to learn English well. 學(xué)好英語很重要。Step 4 ConsolidationWork on 4a. 1. 讓學(xué)生讀句子,學(xué)習(xí)新詞,了解句意,選擇合適的短語填空。2. Check the answers with the Ss. Work on 4b. 1. 讓學(xué)生通讀短文, 學(xué)習(xí)新詞,理解大意。2. 方法指導(dǎo): 根據(jù)我們所學(xué)的短語:be supposed to do

40、sth. / be expected to do sth./ be important (adj.) to do sth. 再結(jié)合題目,用適當(dāng)?shù)男问絿L試填空。3. 找部分學(xué)生到黑板, 寫出自己填寫的答案。4. 共同檢查, 核對答案。Group work.Work on 4c. Learn new word: mannerMake a list of advice for someone coming to your country as an exchange student for the first time. Work with your group to give advice abo

41、ut:timewhat to do for someones birthdaymeeting peoplevisiting someones hometable mannersgiving gifts Step 5 ExercisesStep 6 Homework 寫一篇文章來介紹一下中國一些方面的風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣,可以包括以下這些方面: ·greeting ·eating meals with other people·attending a party目標句型:be supposed to do Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e)一、教學(xué)目標:

42、1. 語言知識目標:1) 能掌握以下單詞:empty basic, exchange, go out of ones way, make feel at home, teenage, granddaughter, behave, except, elbow, gradually, get used to2) 能掌握以下重難點句子:Youre supposed to Youre not supposed toIts impolite to You shouldnt 3) 提高學(xué)生的聽力水平。4)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的閱讀能力,理解關(guān)鍵詞和短語的能力。2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:1)通過對一些國家的風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣和飲

43、食文化。餐桌禮儀的了解,進一步提高學(xué)生對文明生活的認識。2)通過學(xué)習(xí)了解各國的基本禮儀。3)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生良好的合作能力和良好的行為習(xí)慣。二、教學(xué)重難點1. 教學(xué)重點:1) 掌握本課時出現(xiàn)的生詞及用法。2) 進行聽力訓(xùn)練,提高綜合聽說能力。 3)閱讀短文,獲得相關(guān)信息,提高學(xué)生們的綜合閱讀能力。2. 教學(xué)難點1). 運用所學(xué)內(nèi)容談?wù)摬妥蓝Y儀。2) 在聽的過程中獲取有用的信息。三、教學(xué)過程Step 1 Warming- up and revision Share your passage about customs in Colombia and Switzerland. Step 2 Lead in

44、 What are you supposed to do when you are invited to a party? For example, time, coat, present, greetings and so on.What are the table manners in China?Step 3 Presentation 1. Work on 1a. How much do you know about table manners around the world? Take the following quiz. Circle T for true or F for fa

45、lse after each sentence.Mind your manners!1. In India, youre supposed to eat with your hands. T F2. In China, youre not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. T F3. In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first. T F4. In France, youre supposed to put your bread on the tab

46、le. T F5. In China, its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl. T F1)先讓學(xué)生自己做,老師指導(dǎo),讓他們理解每個句子的意思。 2)共同討論,核對答案。2. Listening. Work on 1b. Steve is going to China to study. His friend Yang Ming is telling him about the table manners in China. Listen and number the pictures in the order you

47、hear them.23.3Work on 1c. Listen again. Match the sentence parts.讓學(xué)生看1b插圖。說一說他們在干什么?然后讓學(xué)生聽第一次錄音,把插圖的順序?qū)懗鰜怼T僮寣W(xué)生第二次聽錄音,把1c兩部分句子連起來。Step 4 Practice 1. 讓學(xué)生齊讀1c 句子。2. 讓學(xué)生兩人一組操練1d. Talk about other manners in your country. A: We are supposed toB: Yes, Its impolite toStep 5 Group work. Work on 2a. What do

48、you know about customs in foreign countries? What do you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country?e.g. My cousin went to America, and she said that learning basic table manners was her biggest challenge. She never knew what she was supposed to do at the dinner table.提前預(yù)習(xí)或查閱資料,

49、了解外國的一些餐桌禮儀,你認為到外國參觀時最大的挑戰(zhàn)是什么?讓學(xué)生分享他們的答案。Step 6 ReadingLead-in播放一個法國人就餐的圖片,讓學(xué)生觀察法國人就餐的習(xí)慣,然后老師問,他們可以用手拿水果吃嗎?設(shè)置懸念,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生閱讀。Fast Reading1. Let Ss read the passage fast and check the sentences (T or F)1) Li Yue enjoys her change life in France. ( )2) Li Yue was never nervous before she arrived in France.

50、( )3) People are supposed to put their bread on their plates. ( )2. Read the passage again and check the answers with the Ss. Careful reading.1. 2a Read the letter and answer the questions.1) Why is Li Yue in France?2) Does she enjoy staying with her host family? How do you know?3) How does she feel

51、 about making mistakes when she speaks French?4) What is the biggest challenge she is facing? REVIEWINGTaking notes or summarizing the main ideas can help you move language from your short-term to long-term memory.2. 閱讀技巧點撥:1) 閱讀過程中對于不認識的生詞或短語,要學(xué)會根據(jù)上下文或已經(jīng)學(xué)過的知識猜測意思。2) 對于以what、who、which、when、where、how

52、或者why等詞引導(dǎo),就文中某句、某段或某一具體細節(jié)進行提問并要求回答,正確理解題干和信息句的意義是關(guān)鍵。速讀全文,抓住中心主旨,應(yīng)盡可能多地捕獲信息材料。細讀題材,各個擊破。閱讀時,要有較強的針對性。對于捕獲到的信息,要做認真分析,仔細推敲,理解透徹,只有這樣,針對題目要求,才能做到穩(wěn)、準。Post readingWork on 2c.Step 7 Language points1.I was a bit nervous. a little late a bit 和a little作程度副詞修飾形容詞、副詞、動詞或比較級時,意義相同,為“一點兒, 有些”。 He walked a bit /

53、a little slowly. 他走路有點慢。二者都可以作名詞詞組, 做主語或賓語。如: A little / bit is enough for me.我有一點兒就夠了。 I know only a little / a bit about her. 我對她的情況只了解一點。a little可直接修飾名詞;而a bit后須加of才可以。如: There is a little water in the bottle.= There is a bit of water in the bottle. 否定形式 not a little 作狀語,相當(dāng)于very / quite, “很, 非常”;

54、作定語和賓語時,相當(dāng)于much, 意為 “許多”。而not a bit 作狀語時,相當(dāng)于not at all, 意為“一點也不”,作賓語時則相當(dāng)于not much。如: He is not a little (= very) hungry. 他餓極了。 He is not a bit (= not at all) hungry. 他一點也不餓。2. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. go out of ones way 特地;格外努力 She always goes out of her 

55、way to please her guests.她總是不怕麻煩地使客人稱心如意。 He would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble.他常不怕麻煩去幫助有困難的人。3. about my age 同我的年齡差不多的 Bernice is a girl about my age.伯妮斯是個和我年紀接近的女孩。5. how to behave at the dinner table. behave v. 表現(xiàn);舉止 If you behave like that, you'l

56、l get yourself disliked. 如果你的行為那樣,你會讓人厭惡的。 It's hard to train children to behave well at the table.培養(yǎng)兒童用餐時舉止得體是很困難的。 He behaves himself like a man.  他表現(xiàn)得像一男子漢。 behavior n. 行為;舉止;習(xí)性;態(tài)度6. I thought that was pretty strange at first, . pretty在這里是用作副詞,意思是“頗;相當(dāng)?shù)亍薄?pretty作副詞, 常用于口語,只可以修飾其他形容詞或副詞,能修飾動詞。I am pretty sure that he'll say yes.他會同意的, 我對此相當(dāng)有把握。After six months, I could speak Chinese pretty well.6個月之后, 我就能講相當(dāng)好的漢語了。pretty adj. 漂亮的;秀麗的;好看的W


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