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1、第10期聽力部分(15分)I. 聽錄音, 在A、B、C選項中選出你所聽到的句子。每小題念兩遍。(共3小題,每小題1分)( ) 1. A. Now computers are becoming smaller and better. B. Now computers are becoming smaller and smaller. C. Now computers are becoming better and better,( ) 2. A. Computers can do important jobs like making planes. B. Computers can do imp

2、ortant jobs like flying planes. C. Computers are used for flying planes.( ) 3. A. Your computer is more expensive than mine. B. Your computer is as expensive as mine. C. My computer is more expensive than yours.II. 聽錄音, 在A、B、C選項中選出與你所聽到的句子的意思最相近的句子。每小題念兩遍。(共2小題,每小題1分)( ) 4. A. If computers can do al

3、l our jobs, we will have something to do. B. If computers can do all our jobs, we wont have anything to do. C. If computers can do all our jobs, we wont have nothing to do.( ) 5. A. He is the tallest among the three students in his class. B. He is taller than any other student in his class. C. He is

4、 the shortest among the students in his class.III. 聽句子, 選擇最佳答句。每小題念兩遍。(共5小題, 每小題1分)( ) 6. A. They are from China. B. They are very useful. C. I feel bad.( ) 7. A. So do I. B. Almost everyday! C. Wonderful!( ) 8. A. I watch movies. B. I am fine. C. No kidding.( ) 9. A. Not at all. B. Desktops. C. Wit

5、h pleasure.( ) 10. A. Because they can play computer games. B. Because they think laptops are easier to carry around than desktops. C. Because I dont like that at all.IV. 聽短文, 根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。短文念兩遍。(共5小題, 每小題1分)( ) 11. Why are computers one of the most useful inventions? A. Because they help us a lot i

6、n some ways. B. Because they are smaller and better. C. Because they are cleverer than us.( ) 12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到的)? A. Doing some shopping. B. Studying online.C. Drawing pictures.( ) 13. Why are computers useful to our study? A. Because we dont need to go to school any mo

7、re. B. Because we can get information on the Internet. C. Because computers help us save time and we have more time to study.( ) 14. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Spending much time chatting and playing games is a waste of time and money. B. Things online are all bad for our mind and health. C.

8、 We should use computers as much as possible.( ) 15. What does the speaker want to tell us? A. We should use computers to send emails. B. We should use computers correctly. C. Computers are important to us.筆試部分(85分)I. 詞語釋義。(每小題1分, 共15分)從下面每小題的A、B、C三個選項中選出可以替換劃線部分的最佳選項。( ) 1. Some computers in this m

9、achine are tiny, so you cant see them easily with your eyes.A. very small B. wide C. big ( ) 2. The coat is expensive. I dont have enough money to buy it.A. excellent B. not cheap C. narrow( ) 3. My father works as an engineer in a big factory.A. is B. means C. lasts( ) 4. They stood next to me just

10、 now, but I was so busy with my work that I was unaware of that. A. didnt look at B. didnt identify C. didnt know( ) 5. I look forward to his reply to my letter. A. want to get B. am excited about C. look like( ) 6. I realized my mistake when I got home.A. knew B. made C. had( ) 7. Dont bother (打擾)

11、the man. He is typing. A. writing on the paper B. writing with a pen C. writing with a computer( ) 8. The weather here is becoming colder and colder and I dont want to go outside to play.A. seeming B. getting C. making( ) 9. Its very convenient to use the computers to calculate. A. guess the answer

12、B. work out the answer C. look for information ( ) 10. David is popular among students in our school. A. is beautiful among B. is kind to C. is liked by( ) 11. I dont know how to operate this machine.A. fix B. work with C. buy( ) 12. We are able to complete the work. A. have the ability to B. try to

13、 C. want to( ) 13. What happened to him? He looks very sad.A. is good for B. can help C. is wrong with( ) 14. Jim is good at solving Maths problems.A. is interested in B. does well in C. enjoys( ) 15. Human beings brains can produce new ideas while computers cannot.A. create B. protect C. catchII. 語

14、法填空。(每小題1分,共10分)閱讀下面短文, 按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性和上下文連貫的要求, 在空格處填入一個適當?shù)脑~或使用括號中詞語的正確形式填空。Hello, Im Bruce. I have three good (16) _ (friend). We are different (17) _ each other. Jack is thirteen years old. He is one year (18) _ (old) than me. And he is much taller than any one of us. He is talented for sports. And f

15、ootball is his favorite sport. Tom is as tall as me. He is very (19) _ (fun) and outgoing. He often (20) _ (make) us laugh. We both like (21) _ (read). Henry is one year younger than me. And he is shorter than any of us. (22) _ he is as heavy as me. He is good at (23) _ (draw). He likes drawing pict

16、ures a lot. Im (24) _ (quiet) than them. But we are all friendly to each other (25) _ can share everything.III. 完形填空。(每小題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下面短文。從短文后所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。The computer and the Internet have made a huge change in people's lives. People can't _26_ their lives without them. Now sitting i

17、n front of the table and clicking a _27_, people can easily get on the Internet. Over 80 per cent of people in the world _28_ the Internet every day. Because of the Internet, people can _29_ share knowledge. Lives before and after the invention of the computer and the Internet are totally_30_ , and

18、the biggest changes are about communication and information. First, people all _31_ to have the easiest way to communicate (溝通) with others. With the _32_ of the Internet, people can easily talk with others. Besides, people can easily receive(收到) information through the Internet. Using the Internet,

19、 people can _33_ all kinds of information they need. People can know many things and get a lot of information in the world _34_ they stay at home. In the past, it was not _35_ to find information instantly at home. ( ) 26. A. form B. know C. imagine ( ) 27. A. monitor B. mouse C. speaker ( ) 28. A.

20、use B. look C. get ( ) 29. A. actually B. quickly C. slowly ( ) 30. A. different B. same C. difficult ( ) 31. A. agree B. remain C. want ( ) 32. A. feeling B. advice C. help ( ) 33. A. look B. find C. identify ( ) 34. A. so B. because C. when ( ) 35. A. possible B. interesting C. cheerfulIV閱讀理解。(每小題

21、1.5分,共30分) 閱讀下列短文,從下面每小題的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。AWhen I was in elementary school, I got into a major argument (爭論) with a boy in my class. I have never forgotten the lesson I learnt that day. The teacher brought us up to the front of the classroom and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the oth

22、er. In the middle of her desk was a large and round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the boy what colour the object was. "White," he answered. I couldn't believe (相信) he said the object was white, when it was obviously (明顯地) black! The argument about the colour

23、of the object started between my classmate and me. The teacher told me to go and stand where the boy had been and told him to come and stand where I had been. We changed places, and then she asked me what the colour of the object was. Ihad to answer, "White." It was an object with two diff

24、erently coloured sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Onlyfrom my side was it black. Sometimes we need to look at the problem from the other person s view in order to truly know his / her idea.( ) 36. Where did the argument happen? A. In the classroom. B. Outside the classroom. C. In the libr

25、ary. D. On the playground.( ) 37. What colour was the object from the boy's side?A. White and black. B. Black.C. White. D. We don't know. ( ) 38. What made the argument end? A. The teacher told them the truth. B. The teacher changed the places they stood. C. Their classmates told them the tr

26、uth. D. They felt bored with the argument.( ) 39. What kind of object was it? A. One small and round object. B. Two sides with the same colour. C. Two sides with different colours. D. One large and square(正方形的) object.( ) 40. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. An argume

27、nt with my classmate. B. A good teacher I once met. C. A lesson I learnt. D. Don't argue with others.B Tokyo is one of the most confusing cities in the world. Over 20 million people live and work in the Tokyo area, and many world-famous companies have their offices there. But most streets don

28、9;t have names. So how can you find your way in Tokyo? Most people in Tokyo are very good at giving directions. They can usually explain(說明) how to get to their home or their office from the nearest train station. People in Tokyo often use maps when they give directions. Advertisements in newspapers

29、 or magazines, for example, usually have a small map to help you find the company. If you are going to visit someone's house, it's a good idea to ask the person to draw a map of the local area. If you get lost, the best idea is to go to a police station. In Japan,each neighborhood has a smal

30、l police station, and the police officers there have a map of all the buildings in the area. Giving directions is an important part of their job.( ) 41. Why is Tokyo one of the most confusing cities in the world? A. Because it has a very large population. B. Because most streets don't have names

31、. C. Because people in Tokyo are bad at giving directions. D. Because too many famous companies have their offices there. ( ) 42. Which of the following must you have when you go to Tokyo?A. A pen. B. A magazine.C. A map. D. A newspaper.( ) 43. What's the best choice for you if you get lost in T

32、okyo? A. Ask the police for help. B. Find a map of the local area. C. Ask the passer-by for help. D. Find the nearest train station. ( ) 44. Which of the following is TRUE about Tokyo? A. Tokyo has 20 million people. B. It's not easy for most people to find the nearest way to their houses. C. Ad

33、vertisements in newspapers seldom have a small map. D. The police officers are good at giving directions. ( ) 45. What is the passage about? A. How to find a way in Tokyo. B. How to get to the office in Tokyo. C. When to go to Tokyo. D. When to visit someone's house.C To have a healthy vision, i

34、t's a good idea to set rules for your children when it comes to the amount of time they spend in front of the computer. 1. Have your child's vision checked. Before starting school, every child should have an eye exam, including near-point (computer and reading) and distance testing. 2. Contr

35、ol the amount of time. Your child may spend all his or her spare time on the computer without a break. Encourage kids to take 20-second breaks from the computer every 20 minutes to reduce (減少) the development of eye focusing problems. (Some eye doctors call this the "20-20 rule".) 3. Check

36、 the workstation. For young and small children, make sure the computer workstation is adjusted(調(diào)整) to their body size. The right distance between the monitor and the eye for children is 18 to 28 inches. Viewing the computer screen closer than 18 inches can make the eyesnervous. 4. Check the lighting

37、. To reduce glare (刺眼的光), windows and other light sources should not be directly visible when sitting in front of the monitor. Reduce the amount of lighting in the room to match the computer screen.( ) 46. What does the underlined word "vision" mean? A. The ability to think. B. The ability

38、 to see. C. The ability to dream. D. The ability to hear.( ) 47. What is the 20-20 rule? A. Take 20-second breaks every 20 seconds. B. Take 20-second breaks every 2 minutes. C. Take 20-minute breaks every 20 minutes. D. Take 20-second breaks every 20 minutes.( ) 48. Which of the following is NOT rig

39、ht about the distance between the eye and the monitor?A. 17 inches. B. 27 inches.C. 19 inches. D. 21 inches.( ) 49. What is the advice before starting school? A. Checking the lighting. B. Checking the workstation. C. Checking the child's vision. D. Controlling the amount of time.( ) 50. Who migh

40、t the passage be written for?A. Teachers. B. Parents.C. Children. D. Doctors.DMost parents love the Internet and want their kids to use it. But a new survey (調(diào)查) in America finds many parents are also afraid of the online world. They worry that their kids will get in trouble with people they meet on

41、line. The study was done online from May 5 to May 10 by Insight Research Group. It says 80% of parents are worried about kids meeting bad people online. That's because young people who largely have grown up with the Net think of it as a way of showing personal feelings. To young people, the bene

42、fits (好處) of giving out some personal information to online friends outweigh (超過) the risks (風險). And, the study shows they are so comfortable with the Internet that 78% of them have a personal website or blog. Parents also realize the importance of the Internet. The survey shows 91% think the Net h

43、elps their children show their feelings, and 77% think the Internet is one of the most valuable education tools that children have. But 88% think it's important to know what their kids are doing online. Findings show both parents and children need more education about using the Internet. ( ) 51.

44、 Who is afraid of the online world? A. Students. B. Parents. C. Teachers. D. Scientists. ( ) 52. Why may young people get in trouble with people they meet online? A. Because they feel it's good to get on the Internet. B. Because they look on those people as their real friends. C. Because they li

45、ke to make friends with people online. D. Because they may give out their personal information online. ( ) 53. What is the third paragraph about? A. The importance of the Internet. B. The importance of education. C. The most valuable education tools. D. What kids do online. ( ) 54. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The survey took place in America. B. The survey lasted for 6 days. C. 80% of young people have a persona


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