



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上顧客滿意度調(diào)查表Questionnaire尊敬的業(yè)主/住戶:Dear residents/owners: 感謝您一直以來對(duì)我們工作的支持與理解,為進(jìn)一步改進(jìn)和提高我們的服務(wù)質(zhì)量,為您提供更加優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù),我們殷切的希望您對(duì)本公司及本公司的各項(xiàng)服務(wù)提出寶貴意見。請(qǐng)您于百忙之中填寫此份問卷,提出寶貴意見,謝謝。First please allow us to say thanks to you for your long-time understanding and support. To improve our service quality, we hope you c

2、an spare us some time to fill out your feedback on our services below. Thank you.填寫說明:Instructions:1、問卷采用選擇題和填空題形式,請(qǐng)您在認(rèn)為最合適的項(xiàng)目上打“”。Fill out the blanks and make the most appropriate choice with “”.2、請(qǐng)您于 年 月 日前將問卷填妥并交于前臺(tái)客服部。Please give it back to the front desk before .房號(hào)ROOM NO. 姓名NAME 聯(lián)系電話TELEPHONE

3、NUMBER 1、 客服服務(wù)工作 非常滿意 滿意 比較滿意 不滿意 Front desk services very satisfied satisfied so-so not satisfied 1)您對(duì)目前客戶服務(wù)工作的總體評(píng)價(jià) The overview of front desk services 2)客服的儀容儀表、服務(wù)態(tài)度 Receptionists attitude and appearance 3)工作效率及處理能力(投訴、報(bào)修) Work efficiency and trouble-shooting ability 4)財(cái)務(wù)交付款辦理效率 Financial efficien

4、cy 5)溝通能力 Communicational capacity 6)裝修管理與服務(wù) Reconstructional management and services 7)您對(duì)客戶服務(wù)的意見與建議 Your advice or suggestion on front desk services: 2、保安服務(wù)工作 非常滿意 滿意 比較滿意 不滿意 Security mans services very satisfied satisfied so-so not satisfied 1)您對(duì)目前秩序維護(hù)工作的總體評(píng)價(jià) The overview of security services 2)儀

5、容儀表、服務(wù)態(tài)度、溝通能力 Attitude, appearance and communicational capacity 3)保安人員的應(yīng)變能力、警覺性 Flexibility and awareness 4)消防安全管理 Fire-fighting management 5)外來人員引導(dǎo)和管理 Outsider guidance and management 6)機(jī)動(dòng)車,自行車輛秩序維護(hù) Vehicles order management 7)當(dāng)遇上特別情況而需要提供協(xié)助 Emergent aid 8)您對(duì)秩序維護(hù)服務(wù)意見與建議 Your advice or suggestion on

6、 security services 3、 公共設(shè)備設(shè)施服務(wù) 非常滿意 滿意 比較滿意 不滿意 4、 Public equipments maintenance very satisfied satisfied so-so not satisfied 1)您對(duì)目前公共設(shè)備設(shè)施服務(wù)工作的總體評(píng)價(jià) The overview of security services 2)公共照明 Public area lighting 3)電梯的運(yùn)行和維護(hù) Elevators work and maintenance 4)公共區(qū)域設(shè)備設(shè)施維護(hù)與保養(yǎng)情況 Public equipments maintenance

7、5)供水、供電、供氣等公用設(shè)備的運(yùn)行 Water-supply, power-supply and gas-supply 6)您對(duì)公共設(shè)備設(shè)施服務(wù)意見與建議 Your advice or suggestion on public equipments services 4、清潔服務(wù) 非常滿意 滿意 比較滿意 不滿意 Cleaning services very satisfied satisfied so-so not satisfied 1)您對(duì)目前清潔服務(wù)工作的總體評(píng)價(jià) Your overview of cleaning services 2)保潔員儀容儀表、服務(wù)態(tài)度 Housekeepe

8、rs appearance and attitudes 3)樓層干浄整潔情況 Floors cleanness 4)公共場(chǎng)所衛(wèi)生情況 Public areas cleanness 5)垃圾清運(yùn)及時(shí)性 The promptness of garbage-dealing 6)您對(duì)清潔服務(wù)意見與建議 Your advice or suggestion on cleaning service 5、綠化及四害消殺服務(wù) 非常滿意 滿意 比較滿意 不滿意 Gardening and pest-killing services very satisfied satisfied so-so not satisf

9、ied 1)您對(duì)目前綠化、四害消殺服務(wù)工作的總體評(píng)價(jià) Your overview of gardening and pest-killing services 2)綠化人員禮節(jié)禮貌、儀容儀表 Gardeners appearance and attitudes 3)花木修剪及時(shí)率 The promptness of gardening 4)園林綠化養(yǎng)護(hù)效果 The effect of gardening 5)公共區(qū)域四害消殺及時(shí)率、效果 The promptness and effect of pest-killing 6)您對(duì)綠化及四害消殺服務(wù) Your advice or suggesti

10、on on gardening and pest-killing services 6、社區(qū)文化 非常滿意 滿意 比較滿意 不滿意 Community culture very satisfied satisfied so-so not satisfied 1)您對(duì)目前社區(qū)文化工作的總體評(píng)價(jià) Your overview of community cultural services 2)社區(qū)文化組織狀況及能力 The status and capacity of community cultural organization 3)社區(qū)活動(dòng)內(nèi)容及質(zhì)量 The contents and quality of cultural activities 4)社區(qū)文化活動(dòng)次數(shù) The frequency of cultural activities 5)指示、提示標(biāo)識(shí)牌完善清晰 The clearness of guidance and marks 6)日常公告、通知、宣傳及時(shí)性 The promptness of notice, announcement and propaganda 7)您對(duì)社區(qū)文化的意見與建議 Your advice or suggestion on community culture 7、您對(duì)本公寓的總體評(píng)價(jià)


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