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1、Crop Growth and Regulation2004 本幻燈片集使用許多具有國內(nèi)外版權的圖片,因此只能供上課使用,請勿大量複製或作其他用途。週次 日 期課 程 進 度第一週 9/22 開學第二週 9/27 課程介紹CH1.Growth and Development第三週 10/ 4 CH1.Growth and Development第四週 10/11 CH2. Phytochrome and Light Control of Plant Development 第五週 10/18 CH2. Phytochrome and Light Control of Plant Develop

2、ment 第六週 10/25 CH3. Auxin: The Growth Hormone第七週 11/ 1 CH3. Auxin: The Growth Hormone第八週 11/ 8 CH4. Gibberellins: Regulators of Plant Height第九週 11/15 期中考課程進度週次 日 期課 程 進 度第十週 11/22 CH4. Gibberellins: Regulators of Plant Height第十一週 11/29 CH5. Cytokinins: Regulators of Cell Division第十二週 12/ 6 CH5. Cyto

3、kinins: Regulators of Cell Division第十三週 12/13 CH6. Ethylene: The Gaseous Hormone第十四週 12/20 參訪實習(苗栗改良場、大湖草莓生產(chǎn)區(qū))第十五週 12/27 CH6. Ethylene: The Gaseous Hormone第十六週 1/ 3 CH7. Abscisic Acid: A Seed Maturation and Antistress Signal 第十七週 1/10 CH7. Abscisic Acid: A Seed Maturation and Antistress Signal 第十八週

4、1/17 【期末考時間】 Ch1. Growth and Development生物體發(fā)育過程中增加體積或重量的一種不可逆的變化,即發(fā)育過程中量的變化 Whats Growth ?指生物體或其部分從生命開始到死亡所發(fā)生的一切變化過程,包括量的變化和質(zhì)的變化,亦即包括生長和分化兩種過程 Whats Development ?本章大綱 Embryogenesis 胚發(fā)生 The role of cytokinesis in pattern formation型態(tài)形成時細胞質(zhì)分裂的角色 Meristems in plant development 植物發(fā)育的分生組織 Leaf development

5、 葉的發(fā)育 Root development 根的發(fā)育 Cell differentiation 細胞分化 Initiation and regulation of developmental pathways 發(fā)育途徑的初始與調(diào)節(jié)16-1. Embryogenesis Morphology Embryogenesis establishes the essential features of the mature plant Arabidopsis embryos pass through four distinct stages of development The axial patte

6、rn of the embryo is established during the first cell division of the zygote The radial pattern of tissue differentiation is first visible at the globular stage Embryogenesis requires specific gene expression Embryo maturation requires specific gene expressionMorphology1. pollination a. pollon-花粉b.

7、pollon tube 花粉管i. tuble nucleus 管核ii. generative nucleus 生殖核c. transmitting cells 傳送細胞d. micropyle 珠孔e. integuments 珠被2. fertilization a. ovule 胚珠i. antipodal cells-反足細胞ii. polar nucleus-極核iii. egg-卵iv. synergid cells-助細胞b. embryo sac 胚囊3. double fertilization- unique to angiosperms The relationship

8、 between flower tissue and subsequent parts of the fruit and seedArabidopsis small plant well suited for laboratory culture Drosophila of plant biology genome completely sequencedEmbryogenesis establishes the essential features of the mature plantEmbryogenesis establishes the two basic developmental

9、 patterns1.The apical-basal axial developmental pattern.2.The radial pattern of tissues found in stems and roots.Arabidopsis embryos pass through four distinct stages of development1. Globular stage2. Heart stage3. Torpedo stage4. Maturation stageThe axial pattern of the embryo is established during

10、 the first cell division of the zygoteA summary of the events involved in the establishment of polarity in zygotes of the brown alga Fucus. (A) The zygote is polarized by an asymmetric stimulus from the environment, such as unilateral light. (B) A current flows (charged calcium ions move) through th

11、e polarized but still spherical zygote at the site at which the rhizoid will emerge, driven by Ca2+ uptake in the shaded half of the cell, from which the rhizoid will emerge. The current (Ca2+) flows out on the opposite side. (C) Cell polarity becomes fixed when actin microfilaments assemble at the

12、site of rhizoid emergence and a cell wall is assembled around the zygote. The cell wall completely surrounds the zygote, but its composition differs in the rhizoid and thallus halves. Vesicles containing sulfated polysaccharides are transported by actin filaments to the plasma membrane and deposited

13、 in the cell wall only at the site of rhizoid emergence. (D) Finally, the zygote divides, and the rhizoid cell grows at its tip. The radial pattern of tissue differentiation is first visible at the globular stageEmbryogenesis requires specific gene expression GNOM gene: axial patterning MONOPTEROS g

14、ene: primary root and vascular tissueWilt-type genes are capitalized and italicized.ex. GNOMMutations are set in lowercase letters.ex. gnomEmbryogenesis requires specific gene expression SHORT ROOT (SHR) and SCARECROW (SCR) genes: ground tissue development. HOBBIT (HBT) gene: the root meristem SHOOT

15、MERISTEMLESS (STM) gene : the shoot promeristem Embryo maturation requires specific gene expression ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3) FUSCA31. 阿拉伯芥胚進入休眠後可產(chǎn)生大約20,000細胞。2. 休眠由於失水與關閉一般性的基因轉錄與蛋白合成所導致。3. 細胞為適應特定休眠狀況,所以需要特定基因表現(xiàn)。如:初期休眠對ABA分子調(diào)控基因 LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1) LATE EMBRYO ABUNDANT (LEA) Embryo mat

16、uration requires specific gene expression胚發(fā)生晚期作用基因16.2 The role of cytokinesis in pattern formation型態(tài)形成時細胞質(zhì)分裂的角色Stereotypic立體型利用阿拉伯芥為模式植物,闡述細胞分裂方位在組織與器官形成之特性。Ton gene mutations16.3 Meristems in plant development植物分生組織的發(fā)育Meristems are populations of small, isodiameteric cells with embryonic character

17、istics.分生組織為小細胞且?guī)в信咛匦灾容S(或?qū)ΨQ分裂)細胞群Stem Cells 未分化的細胞其維持不確定之細胞分裂能力稱之幹幹細胞細胞。 植物傳統(tǒng)上稱此細胞類型為初始細胞初始細胞initial cells。 其功能類似動物的幹細胞Shoot Apex 包括頂端分生組織頂端分生組織與葉原葉原體體 莖頂分生組織莖頂分生組織屬未分化細胞群,且不包括所衍生的任何器官 傳統(tǒng)上區(qū)分為三細胞層: L1 and L2: 垂周分裂 L3: 逢機方位分裂中央帶:細胞較大,高液胞化細胞群。周緣帶:細胞較小之狀如油炸圈餅細胞群。肋帶:中央帶細胞下之細胞群,使莖內(nèi)部組織往上生長。Cytohistologica

18、l zonation細胞組織帶Some meristems arise during postembryonic development Primary meristem 初級分生組織 胚發(fā)生期間所形成的根與枝頂端分生組織,為構成植物體主幹結構。 Secondary meristem 次級分生組織 Axillary meristems Inflorescence meristems Floral meristems Intercalary meristems Lateral meristemsAxillary, floral, and inflorescence shoot meristems

19、 are variants of the vegetative meristem Determinate 有限的有限的 具遺傳程序性地限制生長 Indeterminate 無限的無限的 無預先決定去限制生長 Phytomere 發(fā)育單位,由一至多個葉片,葉連接的節(jié),節(jié)間與腋芽所組成。16.4 Leaf developmentThe origin of leaves at the shoot apex and their axes of symmetry on the stemStage 1. OrganogenesisDorsiventral 背腹兩面分明的 abaxial 遠軸 - adax

20、ial 近軸Proximodistal apical 頂端 - basal 基端 Lateral 側生 margin 葉緣 blade 葉片 midrib 主脈Stage 2. Development of suborgan domains Cells derived from L1 layer differentiate as epidermis. Cells derived from L2 layer differentiate as photosynthetic mesophyll cells Cells derived from L3 layer differentiate as va

21、scular elements and bundle sheath cells.Stage 3. Cell and tissue differentiationThe arrangement of leaf primordia is genetically programmedFive types of leaf arrangements (Phyllotaxy) 16.5 Root development 根尖有四個發(fā)育帶 根幹細胞形成縱向細胞列 根頂端分生組織包含幾種型式的幹細胞根尖有四個發(fā)育帶1. 根冠2. 分生組織帶3. 伸長帶4. 成熟帶根幹細胞形成縱向細胞列 Quiescent c

22、enter: 根分生組織較少分裂細胞 Anticlinal division 垂周分裂: 細胞分裂時,新形成的細胞壁方向與表皮垂直的分裂方式 Periclinal division 平周分裂:細胞分裂時,新形成的細胞壁方向與表皮平行的分裂方式 根頂端分生組織包含幾種型式的幹細胞 靜止中心細胞 Quiescent center cell 皮層-內(nèi)皮層幹細胞 cortical endodermal stem cell 子柱幹細胞 stele stem cell 根冠-表皮幹細胞 root cap-epidermal stem cell 中柱幹細胞 columella stem cell16.6 C

23、ell differentiationThe process by which a cell acquires metabolic, structure, and functional properties that are distinct from those of its progenitor cell.細胞所需的代謝、結構與功能特性等過程與其起始細胞有差別What differentiation ?Totipotency The differentiated plant cells retain all the genetic information required for the development of a complete plant. 分化的植物細胞具有所有遺傳訊息可發(fā)育成完整個體的能力16.7 Initiation and regulation of


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