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6、,個個就像長了翅膀的鳥兒一樣飛走了。幸好,我老伴還在我身邊,我們兩個人還都算健壯,受了傷,傷口過段時間就愈合了。疾病時不時光顧我們,過一陣病就好了。我反正是永遠也不想離開土地,插秧的時候手指頭插進水田里那感覺真是太好了,這時候再聽我老伴輕聲說: “老頭子,如果我先死了,我就變成一片云,給你遮擋日頭”,這滋味真是太美了。十一月的時候,聞一聞成熟了的稻子的香味真叫人舒坦。清涼的微風吹動著地里密密的稻禾,掀起了層層稻浪,像金色的波濤閃閃發(fā)光。是的,我熱愛這片土地,我希望有一天我的幾個孩子中能有一個回來過日子,給我生幾個孫子孫女,這樣我就可以把土地的寓意傳遞給他們了。Preview1.C 2.A 3.

7、C 4.D 5.CVocabulary13 1. 心中不高興的納稅人2. 一個不平等的條約3. 不為人知的搗亂分子4. 不幸的結(jié)果5. 未曾預(yù)料到(出其不意)的訪問6. 在可以預(yù)見的將來7. 一個令人難忘的人物8. 變化莫測 的天氣9. 非飲用水10. 在可以付得起的價位上11. 難以描述的痛苦折磨12. 由于可以理解的原因13. 拓寬街道14. 加深湖泊15. 縮短文章16. 重組政府17. 重游故鄉(xiāng)18. 更換舊機器41. represent, represented2. employer, unemployed, employees, reemployed3. well-informed

8、, information4. informer, inform, authorities5. complaints, complain, unemployment6. insult7. insulting, insult8. representative9. be insulted21. mind2. plant/grow/harvest/reap3. dig/sink4. fish/birds/crabs/mice/a thief/a cold/the meaning/the disease5. till/improve/conserve6. plough7. the enemy/the

9、killings8. attention/interest/criticism9. flowers/nuts/information/troops31. it was fate that2. it was/is his son who3. it was in the United States that i4. begging for food with a golden bowl5. trying to fly by lifting his hair6. leading the blind7. She used to be rather weak in English8. Ours used

10、 to be called a country of bicycles9. There used to be lots of fish, shrimps and crabs41. in, of, with, at, with, about/of, to, of, on, to2. of, for, from, till, on, after, against/from, in3. to, in, of, of, for, to, for, in, to4. down, over, with5. by, over6. along with, across7. around/round, away

11、, with8. to, up, off, off, on51. Zhu Yingtai had to (was forced to) obey her father and marry the young master of the rich Ma family although she was extremely unwilling. She was heartbroken.2. The man had never seen such a large note. He said, “It looks good, feels good, and it is good!”3. Leaves h

12、ad turned/got/gone/become yellow, red and purple. It really looked heavenly (beautiful like heaven).4. As she grew older, she began to feel tired easily.5. What he said sounded very convincing, but reasons that sound good do not always mean good sound reasons. There is a big difference between the t

13、wo.6. He likes to talk. He can never keep quiet, and what he says often proves (turns out to be) incorrect.7. He got wounded in battle, lost a lot of blood, and became very weak. His leaders ordered him to stay in the hospital until he was completely recovered (healed).8. They thought they could sli

14、p through our fingers. They were wrong. They couldnt get away with what they had done.9. During the Long March, the Red Army had to get across the Dadu River, throught the grassland and over the snow-covered mountains10. Are you used to the life there? How do you get along with your classmates? Can

15、you get by with the money we send you? (Is the money we send you enough for you?)61. 我的傷口包扎完不久燒就退了,但太陽穴處仍然感到隱隱作痛。醫(yī)生告訴我在這周余下的幾天內(nèi)要多休息。2. 嗯,去年春天他們挖了三口井,但最后都枯了。很多人開始懷疑他們在這片沙漠里能否打出石油。3. 我覺得那條連衣裙的顏色有點太花哨。4. 我看到一條蛇躺在草地里,一動也不動。我以后它死了,沒想到它會突然攻擊我。5. 我不知道她多大年紀了,肯定又九十好幾了吧,但她依然健碩。6. 就連寺廟里的和尚也對學(xué)生們的絕食抗議表示支持。7. 當她說

16、到她媽媽曾經(jīng)與她們幾個成年姐妹共穿一件衣服時,我的淚水不禁涌上眼眶。8. 看看這拔地而起的座座新大樓,我相信這里的生活將會更加美好。9. 那群鹿正飲著泉水,全然不知附近的灌木叢里躲著一只老虎。它只要一撲,就能撲到一只小鹿身上。71. wished2. hoping3. hope, wish4. wished5. hope6. cant, can, wont7. should, would/could/might 8. happened/occurred, happen/occur9. occurred, taken place/happened/occurred10. happen, take

17、 placeGrammar1 1. If I hadnt worked hard, I wouldnt have done well in the College Entrance Exam.2. If the patient had been sent to hospital soon enough, he wouldnt have ides.3. If the firefighters hadnt arrived in time, the fire might have spread to other rooms.4. If the man had driven carefully, he

18、 wouldnt have caused two accidents.5. If he hadnt been aware of the danger, he wouldnt have run out of the house in time.6. If they had known Professor Ji was in town last week, they would have invited him to speak at the university. 7. I f we had left for the airport an hour earlier, we wouldnt hav

19、e missed our flight.8. If there hadnt been a traffic jam, we would have arrived in time for the show.9. If we had known this world famous magician would meet his fans after the show, we would surely have stayed out.10. If we had stayed in Beijing longer, we could have visited the Birds Nest-the Nati

20、onal Stadium.21. 黎明前往往是最黑暗的時刻2. 眾所周知,盡管經(jīng)濟發(fā)展很快,中國仍然是個發(fā)展中國家。3. 她的父親好像正處于中年危機之中,不少男人都有這樣的經(jīng)歷4. 正如報上所宣布的那樣,這次會議將于下月召開5. 他是個外國人,他的口音很清楚地表明這點6. 男孩對那個游戲很感興趣,這點從他的面部表情能看出來31. trying2. enough3. brought4. without5. first6. simple7. any8. times9. in10. only41. If you had arrived ten minutes earlier, you could h

21、ave caught the train2. Your father would have forgiven you if you had told him the truth.3. If it hadnt snowed heavily, I would have taken you along to yesterdays party.4. If there had been more rain in spring, the harvest would have been much better.5. If they hadnt learned a lesson from their fail

22、ure, they wouldnt have achieved so much.6. If my family hadnt supported me, I wouldnt have taken part in this contest.7. May people think that Chinas Great wall is one the seven wonders of the ancient world.8. As so often happens, misfortunes/troubles never come singly/alone.9. As is often the case with many first-year college students, Jim finds it hard to adapt to the life at college.10. As is reported, the president will visit five African countries next month.51. Supermarket


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