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1、Unit 6 I am going to study computer science一學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo): 1.掌握本課的重要詞匯及短語(yǔ):1)職業(yè):Computer programmer, engineer, doctor,  pilot,  cook, scientist, actor, basketball player, teacher, driver, pianist, violinist;2)動(dòng)詞,名詞,等詳見(jiàn)單詞句型解析2.掌握以下重要句型A: What do you want to be when you grow up?B:I want to b

2、e an actor.A: How are you going to do that?B:I am going to take acting lessonsA: Where are going to work (in the future)?B: Im going to moving to Shanghai.A: When are you going to start?B: Im going to start when I finish high school and college.二學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)(一) 一般將來(lái)時(shí) 1. 含義:一般將來(lái)時(shí)表示將來(lái)某個(gè)時(shí)間要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài),也表示將來(lái)經(jīng)?;?/p>

3、反復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作. 1). In the future, there will be less fresh water. 2). Theyre going to buy some food right away.3)We will have a vacation next mouth. 2. 常與一般將來(lái)時(shí)連用的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)有: in the future, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next (month), at once(立刻;馬上), soon, right away(立刻;馬上), right now(現(xiàn)在;馬上), soone

4、r or later(遲早), later,in + 一段時(shí)間(in two days)等結(jié)構(gòu):3.肯定式:1) 主語(yǔ) + will/shall + 動(dòng)詞原形 + 其他 will 用于各種人稱,shall 用于第一人稱。 2) 主語(yǔ) + be going to + 動(dòng)詞原形 + 其他 be 隨人稱、數(shù)和時(shí)間的變化而變換。如果表示計(jì)劃去某地,可直接用 be going to + 地點(diǎn)We are going to Beijing for a holiday.3) 否定式: 在will/shall/be 后面加 not. will not = wont .4) 一般疑問(wèn)句: 將will/shall

5、/be 提到主語(yǔ)前面。4. There be 句型的一般將來(lái)時(shí):1)There will be + 主語(yǔ) + 其他 ,意為 :將會(huì)有。 A. 否定形式是:There wont be + 主語(yǔ) + 其他, 將不會(huì)有 B. 一般疑問(wèn)句形式為: Will there be + 主語(yǔ) + 其他??隙ɑ卮鹗牵?Yes, there will. 否定回答是: No, there wont.C. 特殊疑問(wèn)句是: 疑問(wèn)詞/ 疑問(wèn)詞組 + 一般疑問(wèn)句? When will there be a nice basketball match? 2)There is going to / will be + n.:

6、將會(huì)有.u 5. 注意: 1). 在口語(yǔ)中, will常縮寫為ll, will not常縮寫為wont. 2). 在疑問(wèn)句中, 主語(yǔ)為第一人稱(I 和we)時(shí),常用助動(dòng)詞shall: Shall we meet at the school gate tomorrow? 3). be going to 與 will 的區(qū)別:從不嚴(yán)格的語(yǔ)法角度而言 ,be going to與 will二者可以互換, 但: be going to 也可以表示將要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或安排,更強(qiáng)調(diào)判斷及將要發(fā)生的事情 含有“ 計(jì)劃,準(zhǔn)備,打算”的意思,常表示某事肯定發(fā)生,而且很快就要發(fā)生。 主觀: Im going to ta

7、ke a trip this weekend; Look at the clouds ! It is going to rain . 而will表示客觀上將來(lái)勢(shì)必發(fā)生的事情: He will be twenty years old next month. 主觀上看表示說(shuō)話人相信或希望要發(fā)生的事情 I believe Lucy will be a great doctor. 4). There be 句型的一般將來(lái)時(shí)結(jié)構(gòu)為: There is/are going to be + n. ; There will be + n.: 將會(huì)有. (不能與have連用) 5). come, go, lea

8、ve, arrive等表示位置移動(dòng)的動(dòng)詞常用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示將來(lái):He is arriving at 8 oclock tomorrow. The bus is coming. My mother is leaving for Shanghai. 6). 在條件、時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句中,一般是主將從現(xiàn)。 If(如果) it is fine tomorrow, Im going on a trip. I will tell you when he comes back. 引導(dǎo)條件狀語(yǔ)的詞: if(如果);as long as 引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)的詞:when , after, before, as soon a

9、s , not . until. 隨堂練習(xí)句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. He is going to the zoo this Friday.(改為否定句)_2. Are you going to come, too?( 做肯定回答)_.3. We are going to have an English lesson this afternoon.( 劃線提問(wèn))_?4. Lucy is going to watch TV after school.( 改為一般疑問(wèn)句) ._?5. There will be fewer trees in the future. (按下面的要求轉(zhuǎn)換)_.(改為否定句)_ (改

10、為一般疑問(wèn)句,并作肯定否定回答)6. What are you going to do tomorrow?(改為同義句) What _ you _ to do? / What _ you _(do) tomorrow?選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空。1. A: What is she_(do)?   B: She_(cook)dinner in the kitchen now.2. Listen! Who _(sing) ? 3. We are going to _(have) a picnic on weekends. 4. What will you do tomorrow afte

11、rnoon?I _(play)basketball with Jim. 5. He _(be)a teacher after he leaves college. 6. What is he going to do when he _ some money?A. is going to save B. save C. saves D. will save7. -_ the Greens going to move?-Maybe Beijing or Shanghai. Im not sure yet. A. What is B. What are C. Where is D. Where ar

12、e8. -What are you going to do this weekend?      -I am going _ my grandmother and grandfather.         A. visit           B. to visit       C. visitin

13、g D. visited9. -What are you doing now? Why are you so busy, Jane?-I have to take what I need on business, because I _ Shanghai tomorrow. A. am going to leave for B. will leave for C. am leaving for D. will be leaving for10. There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening. (2007 河北邢臺(tái))A. will have

14、 B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is having 11. Attention, please. There_ a football game between China and Korea this evening.   A. is going to be  B. has been   C. has    D. will have (09淄博)(二) 職業(yè)名詞1.-er teacher, player, driver, reporter, dancer, singer,

15、2.-or doctor, conductor, actor, governor, tailor, 3.-ist scientist(science), artist(art), pianist, violinist, tourist4.-ant assistant, servant(serve), 5. eer engineer, pioneer, volunteer astronaut(三) 動(dòng)詞及短語(yǔ)用法Section A.1 What do you want to be when you grow up?1) want to be 想當(dāng)。,想成為。2) grow up 指人或動(dòng)物長(zhǎng)大、

16、成年、成熟。 I grow up in Qingdao.3) when “當(dāng)。時(shí)候”引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句。在含有when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句的主從復(fù)合句中,如果主句和從句的動(dòng)作都發(fā)生在將來(lái), 主句用將來(lái)時(shí),從句用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表示將來(lái)。 e.g. I will go when your mother comes back.when 和while 都有“當(dāng)。時(shí)候”的意思,其區(qū)別是when 表示“當(dāng)。時(shí)候”,既指時(shí)間點(diǎn),有指一段時(shí)間,when 引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句中的動(dòng)詞可以是終止性(非延續(xù)性)的,也可以是延續(xù)性的When the teacher came in, the children were talk

17、ing.while表示“當(dāng)。時(shí)候”,僅指一段時(shí)間,從句中的動(dòng)作必須是延續(xù)性的,可以辦強(qiáng)調(diào)主從動(dòng)作同時(shí)發(fā)生。 Lisa was singing while her mother was playing the piano.while 還可以作為并列連詞,意為“而,卻”,表對(duì)比關(guān)系Tom is strong while his younger brother is weak.2. practice vt. 練習(xí), 后接名詞,代詞或v-ing 作賓語(yǔ)。Your elder sister is practicing the guitar in the room.常跟v-ing 作賓語(yǔ)的動(dòng)詞有:fini

18、sh, enjoy, keep, keep on , mind, practice, feel like , cant help (情不自禁), look forward to , 以下是動(dòng)詞后跟ing作為賓語(yǔ)的參考記憶法考慮建議盼望原諒:consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse, pardon.承認(rèn)推遲沒(méi)得想: admit, delay/put off, fancy.避免錯(cuò)過(guò)繼續(xù)練:avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice.否認(rèn)完成能欣賞: deny, finish, enjoy, appreciate.

19、不禁介意與逃亡: cant help , mind, escape.不準(zhǔn)冒險(xiǎn)憑想象: forbid, risk, imagine.3. Im going to keep on writing stories 我將繼續(xù)寫故事。3.be sure about 確信;5. try ones best 盡最大努力 =do ones best 后接to do 動(dòng)詞不定式try one's best to do sthe.g. I'll try my best to pass the exam.6. take acting lessons /take singing lissons.7.

20、sound +adj.(difficult,funny,good, interesting)聽(tīng)起來(lái)sound like a good plan聽(tīng)起來(lái)像8. send sb. sth. =send sth. to sb. (雙賓語(yǔ)結(jié)構(gòu))9. get good grades get a prize get a lot of exercise exercise /U/鍛煉 /C/ 體操,練習(xí) eye exercises / Please do the exercises on page 60.10. foreign (adj) -foreigner (n.)隨堂練習(xí)1. -Lets discuss

21、the plan, shall we? (2012·安徽)-Not now. I to an interview.A. go B. went C. am going D. was going2. Jack is busy packing luggage. (2010·銅川)- Yes. He for America on vacation.A. leaves B. left C. is leaving D. has been away3. Next Monday Lily Paris on vacation.A. is going to B. is going C. go

22、to D. went to4. Her father is an _in a big factory.A. star B. engineer C. worker D. player5. - are you going to be a pianist in the future ?-Im going to practice playing the piano every day.A. What B .When C. How D. Why6. There an art exhibition this Sunday.A. have B. is going to have C. is going to

23、 be D. is going to hold7 He is going to to New York with his parents. A. take B. move C. bring D. stay翻譯句子1. 你長(zhǎng)大后想成為什么? What do you _ _ be when you _ _?2. 李明善于寫故事。 Li Ming is _ _ _ _ stories.3. 我打算堅(jiān)持寫作。 Im going to _ _ writing stories.4. 我父母想讓我成為一名演員。My parents _ me _ be an actor.5. 我打算盡我的最大努力幫助他。Im

24、 going to _ _ _ _ help him.詞匯1-What are you going to do after you finish high school?-Im going to go to c_ in Beijing 2 I want to be a doctor. I am going to study m_ in the university3 -How can I i_ my English? -You can read it every morning.4 -I like to play volleyball. Whats your h_?-I like singin

25、g.5 My foreign friend Tom _(learn)Chinese next year.6 I dont think its easy to buy _(person)things for others.7 We must work hard at the _(begin)of the new school year.8 I will go to mountains when I _(have )time.9 For us Chinese, English is a f_ language.10She wants _(eat)more healthy food _(keep)i

26、n good health.11 My good friend _(buy)a nice present for my last birthday.12 When I grow up, I want to be an e_.13 Computer s_ is Jakes favorite subject.14 Im going to s_ a letter to my friend.1.college 2.medicine 3. improve 4. hobby 5. will learn 6. personal 7. beginning8. have 9. foreign 10. to ea

27、t to keep 11. bought 12 engineer 13. science 14. send Section B.1. at the beginning of this yearbeginning n. 開(kāi)頭, 反義詞為 end,結(jié)束。at the beginning of at the end of from the beginning to end e.g.He will come here at the beginning of this month.2. They are going to start an exercise program or eat less fas

28、t food.eat與have這兩個(gè)動(dòng)詞都可以表示“吃”。1) eat可用作及物或不及物動(dòng)詞, 是日常用語(yǔ),但用在日??谡Z(yǔ)中不夠禮貌。讓別人“吃”,通常用have。Where shall we have our dinner? 2) have是普通用語(yǔ), 同樣可以表示“吃”,也可以表示“喝”。用在非正式的文體中。What time do you have supper? I do not have coffee in the evening. 晚上我不喝咖啡。u 注意: “吃藥”, 習(xí)慣上說(shuō)havetake medicine, 不說(shuō)eatdrink medicine。-Your son cat

29、ches a bad cold. -He should have some medicine. 3. Some resolutions have to do with better panning1) 句中planning 為名詞,表示“計(jì)劃、規(guī)劃”如:city planning(城市規(guī)劃)。better plan 意為:合理規(guī)劃,指通過(guò)制定計(jì)劃來(lái)更加充分地利用時(shí)間、空間、精力。 plan V. plan to do sth.2) Have . to do with 表示“與相關(guān);與有關(guān)聯(lián)或有關(guān)系”Many resolutions have to do with self-improvemen

30、t.This problem has something to do with me. 熟背例句:It has nothing to do with you. 這不關(guān)你的事。 u have something in common 4. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.1) 句中情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 may 表示推測(cè), “可能;也許;大概” may+do, 不隨人稱數(shù)的變化。 maybe 和 may be 區(qū)別You may be right this time, but I m not sure.Maybe you are ri

31、ght.可能性更小的(might)2) 英語(yǔ)中tooto是一個(gè)固定結(jié)構(gòu),表示“太而不能 The kid is too young to play this game. (改同義句)The kid is _ _ _ to play this game.enough 的用法 enough +n. adj. + enough3) 句中的動(dòng)詞keep表示“履行(諾言等);遵守(慣例等)”:keep a promise(信守承諾)keep ones promise (遵守承諾;說(shuō)話算數(shù))等。如:We always keep our word.我們說(shuō)話是算數(shù)的。5. take up a. 拿起,撿起 He

32、 took up telephone receiver and began to dial. b. 占用,占據(jù)(時(shí)間,空間,精力等) I won't take up much of your time.This thing takes up all my attention. The table takes up too much room. c. 以某事作為愛(ài)好或消遣 take up gardening, golfd. 開(kāi)始從事(一項(xiàng)事業(yè)、一種職業(yè)等),學(xué)習(xí)(某種知識(shí)、技能等);He has taken up a job as a teacher.6. promise:v. 用法n

33、1)promise to do sth. _My mother promised to buy a piano for me.n 2)promise sb. sth. _ My aunt promised me a bike.n 3)promise + that 從句_ Tom promises that he can return on mise n. 允諾, 諾言 n 1) keep a promise eg:Lily is a dishonest girl. She never keeps a promise.n 2) make promise to sb. 7. wri

34、te down (寫下;記下) 8. for this reason(為此;由于這個(gè)原因)9. improve Vt. improvement n. self-improvement11. be able to do sth. 注意:此短語(yǔ)和can do sth 的區(qū)別。can更多的是表示一種能力。be able to強(qiáng)調(diào)經(jīng)過(guò)一定的努力之后能夠做某事。12. a kind of 一種 a kind of animal all kinds of 各種各樣的 all kinds of colors different kinds of 不同種類的 -fishes. kind adj. be kin

35、d to sb. 13. tidy V. 1) tidy sth. 2) tidy up tidy adj. untidy be tidy14. remember 1) remember sth2) remember to do sth. ( 沒(méi)做) -Teddy,remember to close the window when you leave the room.3) remember doing sth. (事情已做)Well, I remember meeting you in Beijing.隨堂練習(xí)一 選擇1. Remember _ off the lights when you leave the classroom.A. turn B. to turn C turning D. turned2. Dont _ about me, I can take care of myself. A. worry B. look C. talk D. listen3 My New Year


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