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1、Module 1 Unit 1School life學(xué)生用書(shū)P6.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1You _ (experience) a different culture in the coming short­term visit to the UK this summer. 2If you have a job, _ (devote) yourself to it and finally you'll succeed.3Please keep us _ (inform) of any danger ahead of us.4Looking at a beautiful pai

2、nting always gives one _ (satisfy)5Upon _ (hear) the good news, he jumped with joy.6In my view, every minute should be made full use of _ (prepare) for the coming exam.7It is my suggestion that an English broadcasting program _ (set) up after school.8We regret _ (tell) you that your application hasn

3、't been successful.9Farmers have to leave their hometowns and go to work in cities, _ (struggle) to make a better living. 10After graduation he would like to be _ (depend), living far away from his parents.11Microsoft has launched its antivirus software for _ (freedom), which means the era of fr

4、ee antivirus service has come.12The patient is pleased to have _ (take) good care of in the hospital.13I wish I'd understood this when I _ (graduate) from college.14It's believed that the _ (hard) you work, the better result you will get.15I hope this will be an interesting and _ (enjoy) day

5、 for you. 1.will experience/will be rmed4.satisfaction5.hearing6.to prepare7.be set8to tell9.struggling10.independent11.free12.been taken13.graduated14.harder15.enjoyable .選短語(yǔ)填空1She _ helping those who were in poor areas so she had little time to stay with her family.2When

6、he _ his childhood with mixed feelings, he used to cry.3Edward's always chasing after rainbows and never _ a really practical idea.4You should study hard in order to _ your teachers and classmates. 5The family, who _ music, go to the concert once a month.6You can borrow my bike if you promise to

7、 _ it _ tomorrow.7It's very kind of you to _ us _ the change of your address.8Mr. Gates is _ the company. If you have any problems, you can ask him.9All the students _ attend school assembly every Monday morning.10I _ quitting school, but then gave up quickly. 1.was devoted to2.looked back ones

8、up with4.earn respect from5.are fond of6.bring; rm; of8.in charge of9.are required to10.thought about.單句改錯(cuò)(每句只有一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤)1The experiencing dancer gained a lot of experience from her performance._2We should show respect the old people because we will become old one day._3In average, there are 20

9、,000 visitors a day in the Forbidden City during summer vacation._4Peter is in the charge of security in Mount Heng. _5I hope PE. class can not only enrich our school life but also enable everyone to find his or her own pleasures in it._6He went to China to study Chinese, and he could speak Chinese

10、fluent._7He taught English to Chinese students and making many friends._8.In the end of the street, you can find a house near the river._9The moment when he spoke on the phone, I recognized his voice. _10One should accomplish tasks independent instead of always turning to others for help._11I approv

11、e you doing a part­time job, for you can get some working experience through it._12The boss is happily with her achievements in the work._13I often look at the words I don't know in the dictionary or on the Internet. _14If you are feeling isolated because you live far away family or friends

12、, resolve to write a personal letter once a month._15My mother entered the local flower show just in fun._1experiencing改為experienced句意為:那位富有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的舞者從她的表演中獲得了許多經(jīng)驗(yàn)。表示“有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的”應(yīng)該用形容詞 experienced。2respect后加for句意為:我們應(yīng)該尊重老人,因?yàn)槲覀円灿欣系哪且惶?。show respect for是固定短語(yǔ),意為“對(duì)表示尊重”。3In改為On句意為:平均來(lái)看,暑假期間每天參觀故宮的人數(shù)達(dá)到了兩萬(wàn)。on averag

13、e是固定短語(yǔ),意為“平均來(lái)看”。4去掉the句意為:彼得在衡山負(fù)責(zé)安全工作。in charge of是固定搭配,意為“負(fù)責(zé);主管”;in the charge of意為“由負(fù)責(zé)”。5pleasures改為pleasure句意為:我希望體育課不僅能豐富我們的學(xué)校生活,還能讓每個(gè)人都能從中找到快樂(lè)。此處pleasure意為“愉快,快樂(lè)”,是不可數(shù)名詞,不能用復(fù)數(shù)形式。6fluent改為fluently句意為:他來(lái)中國(guó)學(xué)中文,而且他中文說(shuō)得很流利。修飾動(dòng)詞speak應(yīng)用副詞。7making改為made句意為:他教中國(guó)學(xué)生英語(yǔ),并且交了很多朋友。and連接的并列謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)應(yīng)該一致,因此要用made。

14、8In改為At沒(méi)有in the end of這個(gè)詞組,但有in the end,意為“最后,終于”,相當(dāng)于finally或at last。at the end of名詞(時(shí)間或地點(diǎn))意為“在結(jié)束時(shí)/盡頭”。9去掉when句意為:他在電話里一說(shuō)話,我就聽(tīng)出了他的聲音。The moment引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句,與when重復(fù)。10independent改為independently句意為:一個(gè)人應(yīng)該獨(dú)立完成任務(wù)而不要總是向別人尋求幫助。修飾動(dòng)詞accomplish用副詞形式。11approve后加ofapprove of (sb./sb.'s) doing sth.是固定短語(yǔ),意為“贊同,同意

15、(某人)做某事”。12happily改為happybe happy with/about 對(duì)感到滿意。13at改為uplook up“查出(找);找到”。14away后加上from。15in改為for。學(xué)生用書(shū)P7.語(yǔ)法填空(填入1個(gè)單詞或單詞的正確形式)(P2)Going to a British high school for one year was a very 1._ (enjoy) and exciting experience for me. 2._ the first day, all students went to attend an assembly. During th

16、e assembly, the headmaster told us the best way 3._ (earn) respect was to devote 4._ (we) to study and achieve high grades. I had many teachers in the past year. My favourite teacher taught us English Literature. There 5._ (be) 28 students in our class. This is about 6._ average size for British sch

17、ools. We 7._ (have) to move to different classrooms for different classes, 8._ it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework a bit 9._ (challenge) for me at first because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky, as all my teachers gave me much encouragement

18、 and I enjoyed all my 10._ (subject) 1.enjoyable2.On3. to earn4.ourselves5.were6.the7.had8.so9.challenging10.subjects.短文改錯(cuò)(P18)文中共有10處語(yǔ)言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào)(),并在其下面寫(xiě)出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯(cuò)的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫(xiě)出修改后的詞。注意:1. 每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。We have a rad

19、io club in our school, that is run by the students. I am luckily as I am in the charge of it. It started two years before. There are a variety of programmes, included the weather, recent news and so on. During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things we should do for preparation. At the end of the school year, many students who are graduating uses our club to give message to their close friends and teachers.


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