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1、學(xué) 校班 別姓 名學(xué) 號考生答卷不要過此線鎮(zhèn) 區(qū) 六年級英語Unit 12單元練習(xí) 第二學(xué)期 (答題時間60分鐘,滿分100分)內(nèi)容一二三四五六七八九十合計得分聽力部分(滿分50分)一、 Listen and choose (聽錄音, 選出與錄音相符合的一項,并將其字母編號填在題前的括號里,每小題1分,共10分)( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. boy B. toy C. soil ( )4. A. take a trip B. take a train C. take a rest( )5. A. a big hand B. a bigger ha

2、nd C. a little hand( )6. A. tall and strong B. tall and thin C. small and thin( )7. A. This is a big house. B. This is a big mouse. C. Is this your blouse?( )8. A. Amy is 13. B. Amy is 30. C. Amy is 14.( )9. A. I like black. B. I like red. C. I like brown. ( )10. A. Ben is heavier. B. Ben is happier

3、. C. Ben is busier.二、Listen and judge (聽錄音, 判斷句子或圖片的是否與錄音內(nèi)容相符, 相相符的在相應(yīng)題號下的括號內(nèi)打“” , 不相符的打“×”,每小題1分,共共10分)Tom BenWang Fang1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( )250kg Ben 4( ) 5 ( )( )6. Im 1.60 meters tall.( )7. My mother is shorter than my father.( )8. I aml tired.( )9. Its rainy and windy today.( )10. You will be O

4、K soon.三、Listen and answer( 根據(jù)你在錄音中聽到的問題,將下面每組答句中最合適的答案選出來,并將其字母符號填在句子前面的括號里,每小題2分,共10分) ( )1. A. I am 50kg. B. I am 50. C. I am 150cm.( )2. A. Shes tired. B. No, she isnt tired. C. Yes, she feels happy.( )3. A. Im 12. B. Hes 12 years old. C. Yes, Im 12.( )4. A. I am five. B. I am fine. C. You are f

5、ine.( )5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, he isnt.四、Listen and finish the sentences.(根據(jù)錄音內(nèi)容填寫下列句子中所缺的單詞, 使句子完整,每空只填一詞,每詞1分,共10分) 1. Whats the _? I have a _. 2. How _ are you? Im _kg. 3. Mike is _but Ann is _.4. Are you _ than Tom? No, Im _. 5. How does Mary _? Shes _. 五、Listen and judge(根據(jù)你在

6、錄音中聽到的內(nèi)容判斷句子的對錯,相符的在相應(yīng)題號下的括號內(nèi)打“” , 不相符的打“×”,每小題2分,共10分)( ) 1. Tom is younger than Mike.( ) 2. Mike is 15 years old.( ) 3. Tom is shorter than Mike.( ) 4. Mike likes playing football.( ) 5. Mike is stronger than Tom.筆試部分(滿分50分)六、Read the conversation and choose the answers(選擇合適的句子,將對話補充完整, 將字母編號

7、填在橫線上,每條橫線2分,共10分。)A. Thank you. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. How tall are you? D. How do you feel? E. How heavy is Mike?F. Who is taller, you or Mike? G. Whats the matter?Liu Yun: Hello, Sarah . 1 ?Sarah: I am 165cm.Liu Yun: 2 ?Sarah : Im taller than Mike. He is only 162cm.Liu Yun: You look tired t

8、oday. 3 ?Sarah: I have a bad cold.Liu Yun: 4 . Do you see the doctor?Sarah: Yes. He asked me to take some medicine.Liu Yun: Have some rest and youll be better soon.Sarah: 5 , Liu Yun.Liu Yun: Youre welcome.七、 Read and choose the answers (閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案,并將其字母符號填在句子前面的括號里,每小題2分,共10分)Kate has a bedroom.

9、Theres a bed, a desk, a bookcase and two chairs in it. It has a green door and two clean windows. Theres a clock on the wall. Its made in Shanghai.It is seven in the evening. Kate is sitting at the desk .She is doing her homework. Kate has a black cat. It is lovely. It is playing with a toy mouse. (

10、 )1. There are two _in the bedroom. A. beds B. chairs( )2. The windows are _. A. green B. clean( )3. The clock on the wall is made in _. A. Dongguan B. Shanghai( )4. Kate is doing _. A. homework B. housework( )5. The cat is playing with _. A. the toy mouse B. the mouse八、choose the words and finish t

11、he paragraph (選擇合適的詞填空,使短文的內(nèi)容完整,每詞只能用一次,每條橫線1分,共10分。)(10 分)(old, older, younger, shorter, longer, one, two, three, reading, watching Her, his,)John is 12 years _. He has _ friends. They are Sarah, Amy and Mike. Sarah is 12. She has long hair. Sarah likes playing the piano very much. Amy is 13. She i

12、s _ year _ than John. _ hair is not long. It is _ than Sarahs. Amy likes _ books. Mike is 10. He is _ years _ than John. Climbing mountains is _ hobby. They often play together. 九、Write down the question according to the answers.(根據(jù)答句寫問句。第小題2分,共10分)1. Amy: _, Sarah?Sarah: Let me see. 1.56 meters. Im

13、 1.56 meters tall.2. Lily: _?Mike: No. Tom isnt older than me. Im old than him.3. Kate: My legs are 77 cm. _, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: Let me see. My legs are 78 cm. My legs are 1 cm longer than yours.4. Doctor: _?Mr. Lee: I feel sick. I think I have a fever.5. Jane: Long time no see. (好久不見)_? You are str

14、onger than me.Bill: Thank you. Im 45 kg.十、看圖作文。根據(jù)所給的圖片寫一段話,介紹如果你得了流感( flu),會有哪些癥狀,不少于五句話。( 10分)_出題:道滘:林愛文、黃小琴;四聯(lián)小學(xué):劉婉嫦、艾秋琴;新城小學(xué):鐘海敏;南城小學(xué):黃襯嬌初審:道滘鎮(zhèn)英語輔導(dǎo)員陳錦愛老師、陽光小學(xué)梁詠杰老師終審:教研室鄧寧霞老師參考答案與聽力材料聽力部分:一、1. pen 2. eye 3. soil 4. take a trip 5. a big head 6. tall and strong 7. This is a big mouth. 8.Amy is 30.

15、9. I like black. 10. Ben is happier. C C C A B A C B A B二 、(×)1 .Ben is taller than Tom. (×)2. Wang Fang is so happy.(×)3. I am heavier than you.()4. The elephant is much heavier than the boy.()5. Toms leg hurts.()6. Im 160cm tall.()7. My father is taller than my mother.()8. My throat

16、 is sore.(×)9. The weather is fine.() 10. You will feel better soon.教師范讀的是閱讀教學(xué)中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范讀,讓幼兒學(xué)習(xí)、模仿。如領(lǐng)讀,我讀一句,讓幼兒讀一句,邊讀邊記;第二通讀,我大聲讀,我大聲讀,幼兒小聲讀,邊學(xué)邊仿;第三賞讀,我借用錄好配朗讀磁帶,一邊放錄音,一邊幼兒反復(fù)傾聽,在反復(fù)傾聽中體驗、品味。三、1. How tall are you? C2. Is Amy tired? B語文課本中的文章都是精選的比較優(yōu)秀的文章,還有不少名家名篇。如果有選擇循序漸進地讓學(xué)生背誦一些優(yōu)秀篇目、精彩段落,對提高

17、學(xué)生的水平會大有裨益?,F(xiàn)在,不少語文教師在分析課文時,把文章解體的支離破碎,總在文章的技巧方面下功夫。結(jié)果教師費勁,學(xué)生頭疼。分析完之后,學(xué)生收效甚微,沒過幾天便忘的一干二凈。造成這種事倍功半的尷尬局面的關(guān)鍵就是對文章讀的不熟。常言道“書讀百遍,其義自見”,如果有目的、有計劃地引導(dǎo)學(xué)生反復(fù)閱讀課文,或細讀、默讀、跳讀,或聽讀、范讀、輪讀、分角色朗讀,學(xué)生便可以在讀中自然領(lǐng)悟文章的思想內(nèi)容和寫作技巧,可以在讀中自然加強語感,增強語言的感受力。久而久之,這種思想內(nèi)容、寫作技巧和語感就會自然滲透到學(xué)生的語言意識之中,就會在寫作中自覺不自覺地加以運用、創(chuàng)造和發(fā)展。3. How old is your

18、brother? B4. How old are you? A.5. Is your father sad? A四、 1. Whats the matter? I have a cold. 2. How heavy are you? Im 42kg. 3. Mike is excited but Ann is bored. 4. Are you shorter than Tom? No, Im taller. 5. How does Mary feel? Shes tired.五、Doctor: Good morning, Sue.Sue: Good morning, doctor. I feel sick.Doctor: Whats the matter?Sue: I have a headache. Sometimes I feel


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