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1、初中英語短語動詞試題經(jīng)典一、短語動詞1. Could we the arriving time for school to 8:00 am, Mr. Li?-You mean 7:30 is a little earlier? Lets discuss it with the headmaster.A. find outB. give upC. put offD. cut out【答案】C【解析】 【分析】句意: 一一李先生,我們可以將到校時間推遲到早上八點(diǎn)嗎?一一你意思是7點(diǎn)半早了一點(diǎn)嗎?那么我們和校長一起商量一下吧。A.弄明白;B.放棄;C推遲;D.切斷。由于覺得7點(diǎn)半有的早,所以將時間推

2、遲到 8點(diǎn),故選Co【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析。注意 find out , give up, put off和cut out的詞義和用法。2. -Talking loudly in a library is impolite.-In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public. (找出與畫線部分 意思相同或相近的選項(xiàng))A. look afterB. be carefulC. take care ofD. look up【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:在圖書館大聲喧嘩是不禮貌的。一一實(shí)際上,我們應(yīng)該當(dāng)

3、心,不要在公共場所咳嗽或者打噴嚏。take care當(dāng)心,小心。look after照顧;be careful小心;take care of 照顧;look up 查找。故選 B。【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析。3. Nowadays more and more people food safety.A. pay attention toB. look afterC. take it easyD. look out【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:現(xiàn)在,越來越多的人注意食品安全。pay attention to注意;lookafter照顧;take it easy別著急;look out當(dāng)心。故選 A

4、。【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析。4. 一 What bad weather! The ground is covered with much snow.C. pour outAnd it may result in traffic jams.A. take inB. lead to【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:一一天氣真糟糕!地面被很多雪覆蓋。這可能會導(dǎo)致交通擁擠。result in=lead to意為 導(dǎo)致,take in意為 吸收,pour out意為 倒出來”,故選B。【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語詞義。5. The traveler his map to make sure he was not

5、lost.A. looked afterB. looked upC. looked forD. looked down【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:旅行者為了確保自己不會迷路去查閱地圖。A.照顧;B.查閱;C.尋找;D.瞧不起,向下看。此處應(yīng)是查閱地圖,以防迷路,故選 Bo【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析。注意選項(xiàng)的詞義和用法。6. Scientists are trying to ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.A. come up withB. look forward toC. talk aboutD. give up【答案】A【解

6、析】【分析】句意:科學(xué)家正努力想出辦法治療叫H7N9的可怕疾病。come up with想出;提出;look forward to盼望;talk about談?wù)?;give up放棄。根據(jù)句意可知選A?!军c(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析。7. The boats take different routes, but they all in the same place.A. give upB. clear upC. end upD. make up【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意:這些船走不同的路線,但是他們的終點(diǎn)都在同一個地方。give up放棄;clear up清理干凈;end up結(jié)束;make up

7、編造,彌補(bǔ)。根據(jù)句意可知,船走的路線不 同,但是都在同一個地方結(jié)束,即都去同一個地方。故選Co【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語。8. We must plant more trees after we every year.A. cut off them B. cut them offC. cut down them D. cut them down【答案】D【解析】 【分析】句意:我們必須每年在砍掉樹木之后種植更多的樹。cut off切斷;cutdown砍倒。根據(jù)前文的 trees可知砍伐樹木用 cut down ,作賓語的代詞 them應(yīng)放在cut 與副詞down之間,故答案為 Do【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短

8、語辨析及動詞短語的用法:及物動詞+副詞”構(gòu)成的動詞短語在跟代詞作賓語時,代詞放在動詞后副詞前9. The cat is missing, will you please it?No problem.C. look atA. look forB. look up【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:一貓丟了,請你找找它好嗎?一沒問題。look for尋找,look up查詢,look at看,故選 Ao【點(diǎn)評】考查短語動詞。掌握詞組意義。10. Its difficult to fix my mind on what Im doing.一 I think you need some rest. Why

9、 not have a rest first?A. give upB. focus onC. talk about【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:很難把思想集中在我正在做的事情上。一一我覺得你需要休息。為什么不先休息呢? fix ones mind on把思想集中在 士; give up放棄;focus on集中(注意力);talk about談?wù)?。故選 B?!军c(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語。11. 一Do you know who my umbrella? I cant find it. Sorry. I went out just now.A. took awayB. took upC. took o

10、ffD. took out【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:一你知道誰拿走了我的雨傘嗎?我找不到了。一對不去,我剛才出去了。take away拿走;take up拿起;從事;take off脫掉;起飛;take out取出。根據(jù)句 意,故答案為 Ao【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析,熟記 take構(gòu)成的短語,根據(jù)句意判斷答 案。12. Students today have to study hard to the quick development of the modern society.A. keep in touch with B. begin with C. make peace with

11、D. keep up with 【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意:今天的學(xué)生必須努力學(xué)習(xí)才能跟上現(xiàn)代社會的快速發(fā)展。keep intouch with 與保持聯(lián)系; begin with 以 開始; make peace with 與講和; keep upwith跟上。根據(jù)句意,故答案為Do【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析,熟記短語,理解句意,根據(jù)語境判斷答案。13. The street will be flooded when it rains heavily.A. filled with carsB. filled with peopleC. filled with water【答案】C【解析】【

12、分析】句意:當(dāng)雨下得太大時,這條街會被淹沒。flood譯為淹沒”;A.裝滿了車;B裝滿了人;C裝滿了水。結(jié)合句意選Co【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語詞義辨析。14. - Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation?-Yes. I think I shouldnt always my parents since Ive grown up.A. fight againstB. argue withC. hear fromD. depend on【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意:你暑假要做兼職嗎?一一是的,我認(rèn)為既然我已經(jīng)長大

13、了, 我不應(yīng)該總是依靠父母。depend on依靠;取決于;fight against與 打架;argue with與某人爭論;hear from收到來信。故選 D?!军c(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語辨析。15. He never learning English .That was why he was successful at last.A. gave inB. gave outC. gave upD. gave away【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意:他從不放棄學(xué)英語,那就是他最后成功的原因。give in屈服,讓步;give out發(fā)出(光,熱等);分發(fā); give up放棄;give away泄

14、露(秘密等),故選Co【點(diǎn)評】考查短語辨析。16. A notice was in order to remind the students of the changed speech time.A. sent upB. given upC. set upD. put up【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意:為了提醒學(xué)生們改變演講時間,學(xué)校貼了一張通知。A.sent up射出;B.given up放棄;C.set up建立;D.put up張貼;主語是 a notice ,張貼廣告用動詞詞組 put up ,故答案為Do【點(diǎn)評】考查短語辨析。牢記短語詞義和用法。17. As a kind of i

15、mportant energy, coal (煤炭) can one day.A. keep outB. run outC. be run outD. run out of【答案】B【解析】【分析】短語run out意為 用完,耗盡(主語是物),keep out阻止進(jìn)入”,run out of用完東西(主語是人)”;選項(xiàng)C是被動形式,其后應(yīng)加介詞of,故選B。18. -Why did you come late again?Because my alarm clock didnt this morning.A. go offB. go outC. go awayD. go over【答案】A【

16、解析】【分析】考查動詞詞組的辨析。go off發(fā)出響聲;go out出去;go away 離開”;go over檢查”。答語句意為 因?yàn)榻裉煸缟衔业聂[鐘沒響?!惫蔬xAo19. Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong.A. makes upB. sets upC. takes upD. picks up【答案】A【解析】 【分析】句意:Jack不誠實(shí),他總是編造一些理由為他做的錯事。make up編造;set up建立;take up拿起,從事,占據(jù);pick up拾起,撿起,接某人。根據(jù)句意 Jac

17、k is dishonest 可知應(yīng)選 A。20. A wolf has become the mascot (吉祥物)of the World Cup 2018 that in Russia.A.took placeB.heldC.will take place D.will hold【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意:將在俄羅斯舉行的2018世界杯的吉祥物是一只狼。took place發(fā)生,舉行,是過去式;held舉行,過去式;will take place將要舉行;will hold將要舉行。根據(jù)句中的時間 2018可知,這里是將來的事情,應(yīng)用一般將來時態(tài),故先排除A和Bothat引導(dǎo)的定語

18、從句,先行詞是the World Cup 2018與動詞hold構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,應(yīng)用被動語態(tài),故D不對;take place不能用于被動語態(tài),故答案為C=【點(diǎn)評】此題考查的被動語態(tài)和動詞辨析,平時注意區(qū)分動詞短語的意義和用法。注意動 詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)的用法。21. Is the girl really that womans daughter? But she doesnt her at all.But sure she is. She takes after her father.A. look likeB. look forC. look upD. look after【答案】A【解析】【分析

19、】句意:那個女孩真的事那個婦女的女兒嗎?但是她看起來一點(diǎn)也不 像她。但是她的確是。她長得像她的父親。look like看起來像;look for尋找;look up抬頭看;look after照顧;根據(jù)She takes after her father.可知此處表示長得像父親,因此一 點(diǎn)也不像母親,故用短語look like ,故選A。22. Hey, Tom.the waste paper and throw it into the bin. You cant throw it here.Sorry.A. Take upB. Pick upC. Make up【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意

20、:-你好,Tom。請撿起廢紙,把它扔進(jìn)垃圾桶。你不能把它扔在 這兒。-對不起。根據(jù)句意,結(jié)合短語區(qū)別:take up,占用時間,空間;pick up,撿起;make up,化妝,組成。故答案為: B.23. “OneBelt (帶), One Road willserve to markets for China as well as othercountries along .A. put upB. set upC. take upD. open up【答案】D【解析】【分析】句意:帶一路”將會對中國和其他的國家開放服務(wù)市場。A.put up舉起,張貼;B.set up建立;C.take u

21、p占據(jù),從事;D.open up開放;結(jié)合句意和語境可知是 開放市場。故答案為 Do【點(diǎn)評】考查短語動詞。牢記固定動詞短語的意義。24. May Day is on the way. Many shops have _huge posters with the word SALE.A. put onB. put upC. put awayD. put off【答案】B【解析】【分析】句意:五一節(jié)就要到了,許多商店都貼上了寫著“促銷”巨幅海報。A. puton穿上;B. put up張貼;C. put away放好;D. put off推遲。結(jié)合句意和語境可知,應(yīng)該是 張貼。故答案為Bo【點(diǎn)評】

22、考查短語動詞。熟練掌握短語的意義和用法。25. The writers new book will next month.A. come inB. come onC. come outD. come into【答案】C【解析】【分析】句意:這個作家的新書將于下月出版。A. come in進(jìn)來;B. come on快點(diǎn),加油;C. come out出來,出現(xiàn),出版; D. come into進(jìn)入。根據(jù) 新書”可知是將要 出版”了;故答案為Co【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語。熟記短語的意義和用法。26. Tom argued with Alice last night. But now they after

23、 a talk with each other.A. make upB. put upC. set upD. look up【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:湯姆昨天晚上和愛麗絲吵架了。但是現(xiàn)在他們談過之后又和好了。A.make up和好,彌補(bǔ),化妝; B. put up舉起,張貼,搭建; C.set up建立;D.look up 向上看,查閱。根據(jù) after a talk with each other可知交流后和好了,故選A?!军c(diǎn)評】考查短語辨析,注意動詞短語的積累及運(yùn)用。27. Have they thought of ways to solve the problem?Yes. The

24、y have suggestions of their own.A. come up withB. had no idea forC. cancelled out【答案】A【解析】【分析】句意:一一他們已經(jīng)想出了解決問題的方法了嗎?一一是的。他們已經(jīng)想出了他們自己的建議。A.想出,B.沒有主意,C.取消,根據(jù)thought of,想出,和Yes,根據(jù)Yes,可知應(yīng)該是已經(jīng)想出建議,故選Ao【點(diǎn)評】考查動詞短語。根據(jù)語境選出合適的選項(xiàng),牢記這些短語。28. Im afraid I cant go swimming with you, because I have to my little bro


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