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1、關于經濟類英語文章閱讀范文欣賞經濟方面的問題一直都是為人們所重點關注的,作為寫作話題也 是很常見的。今天小編在這里為大家介紹關于經濟類英語文章閱讀, 歡迎大家閱讀!關于經濟類英語文章篇1東南亞諸國無懼英國脫歐唯怕中國經濟放緩or Southeast Asia, the slowdown of Chinas economy may have a bigger economic impactthan the British vote to leave the European Union.對東南亞地區(qū)來說,中國經濟放緩對其經濟的影響可能要比英國 公投脫歐大得多。Chinas government

2、reported the countrys economy expanded at 6.7 percent in the first threemonths of this year. That is high compared to many countries. However; it is the lowestincrease of its Gross Domestic Product, or GDR since early 2009.根據政府報告顯示,我國今年前三個月的經濟增速為6.7%O這 個增速已經比很多國家要高了。但是,這是自2009年年初以來國內 生產總值(G D P)最低的一

3、次增長。Joseph Incalcaterra is an economist with the British bankHSBC. He has studied economicgrowth in Asia from 2000 to 2014. He says Chinese trade became more and more important inthe area during those years. Yet, he notes that Chinas slowing economy is, in his words, weighing down exports in the res

4、t of the region.尹正和是在英國匯豐銀行工作的經濟學家。他研究了亞洲2000 年至2014年期間的經濟增長。他表示,這些年來,中國的貿易在該 地區(qū)變得越來越重要。但他也指出,中國正在放緩的經濟用他的話 說壓制了區(qū)域內其他地方的出口。Estimates place the value of Southeast Asias economies at $2.6 trillion dollars. However,growth has slowed in seven of the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Natio

5、ns.東南亞經濟的價值估值為2.6萬億美元。但是,東南亞國家聯盟 中的10個成員國有7個都出現了經濟放緩。Indonesia has been most affected, at least partly because it exports commodities such as rawmaterials to China.However; Southeast Asias relatively young population and increasing wealthkeep growth possible, although its exports to China are slowin

6、g.印度尼西亞受到的影響最大,至少一部分原因是該國向中國出口 原材料。雖然對中國的出口減少了,但是東南亞的年輕群體及日益增 加的財富使經濟增長成為可能。Le Hong Hiep is with the Singapore-based research group ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. He saidhe has not seen a lot of impact from Chinas economic slowdown in Vietnam. He said last year,Vietnams exports to China grew by almost

7、 15 percent He said those exports which are mainlyraw materials and agricultural products are less affected by a slowing economy.黎洪和在新加坡尤索夫伊薩東南亞研究院工作。他表示,自己沒 有看到中國經濟放緩對越南造成太大的影響。他說道,去年越南對中 國的出口量還增加了約15%。這些出口主要是原材料和農產品,受 經濟放緩影響較小。Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines, Myanmar; Vietnam and

8、 Laos have hadchanges in political leadership recently. But that has not stopped the flow of foreign investmentto the area. Not only China, but India, Russia and the United States have been increasinginvestment in the area.菲律賓、緬甸、越南和老撾這樣的東南亞國家最近發(fā)生了政權更 替。但這并沒有阻止外國投資流向該區(qū)域。不止中國,印度、俄羅斯 和美國都增加了在該地區(qū)的投資。Tr

9、ade between the U.S. and Vietnam increased to $45 billion in 2015. In addition to existingtrade, U.S. President Barack Obama has pushed for the Trans Pacific Partnership 第3頁共1。頁tradeagreement2015年,美越雙邊貿易增長達450億美元。除現有貿易外,美 國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬還推動了跨太平洋伙伴關系貿易協定。The trade deal includes 12 Pacific nations. Four of tho

10、se countries, Brunei, Malaysia, Singaporeand Vietnam, are in Southeast Asia. Supporters say the deal counterbalances Chinas influencein the areas economy.該貿易協定涵蓋了 12個太平洋國家。其中包括文萊、馬來西亞、 新加坡和越南這四個東南亞國家。支持者稱,該協議可以平衡中國對 該地區(qū)經濟的影響力。Brian Eyler is deputy director of the Stimson Centers Southeast Asia Progr

11、am. He thinks U.S.investment in the area will continue to increase. He says, We see the U.S. investing more inSoutheast Asia, training more, restructuring its diplomatic architecture, to better integratewith Southeast Asia.布萊恩艾勒是史汀森中心東南亞項目的副主任。他認為美國對東 南亞的投資將會持續(xù)增長。他說:美國向東南亞投入了更多資金和培 訓I,為更好地促進與東南亞的關系而

12、調整其外交政策。Eyler said India and Russia are seeking to do the same. He noted that Chinas slowdown leavesroads, ports and other public systems underused. In his words, No one wants to see that goto waste.艾勒表示,印度和俄羅斯亦是如此。他指出,中國經濟增速放緩 致公路、港口等公共設施未得到充分利用。沒人愿意看到這些設施被 廢置。關于經濟類英語文章篇2預計2020年中國高)旬直家庭數量將增至388萬戶Ch

13、ina will become one of the largest markets of high-net-worth individuals in the world, withthe number of high-net-worth families rising from 2.07m in 2015 to 3.88m at the end of 2020,according to a report released by Industrial Bank Co Ltd and the Boston Consulting Group.興業(yè)銀行與波士頓咨詢公司日前發(fā)布的一項報告顯示,我國高凈

14、 值家庭的數量將從2015年的207萬戶增至2020年年底的388萬 戶,成為世界最大的高;爭值客群市場之一。During the same period, Chinas personal investable assets will increase from 113 trillion yuan to200 trillion yuan at a compound annual growth rate of 12 percent.同期,我國個人可投資資產將以12%的復合年均增長率由113 萬億元增至200萬億元。Despite the slowing Chinese economic grow

15、th, the wealth of high-net-worth individuals is risingsteadily, said the report.報告指出,雖然中國經濟增速趨緩,但高;鋁直人群的財富正穩(wěn)步 增長。It is estimated that the investable assets of Chinas high-net-worth individuals will account for51% of Chinas individual wealth in 2020, offering great opportunities for the development o

16、fprivate banking business.據估計,2020年,我國高倒直人群可投資資產將占國內個人資 產的51% ,為私人銀行業(yè)務的發(fā)展提供巨大的機遇。Chinese banks are increasingly turning toward capital-light activities and asset managementsaid Chen Jinguang, vice-president of Industrial Bank. During the transition, private bankingwill become a crucial profit growth

17、 engine for the banking industry.興業(yè)銀行副行長陳錦光表示:中國的銀行正越來越多地轉向輕資 本業(yè)務和資產管理。在這一轉型過程中,民營銀行將成為銀行業(yè)的一 個重要利潤增長引擎。From 2014 to 2015, among 12 banks that announced their performances in private banking,nine posted more than 20 percent growth in assets under management從2014年到2015年,在12家披露業(yè)績數據的私人銀行中,9 家的管理資產規(guī)模增速超過

18、20%oBCG partner and managing director David He said huge market opportunities will continue toemerge in the next five years, as an increasing number of private banking clients allocated alarger part of their assets overseas.波士頓咨詢公司合伙人兼董事總經理何大勇表示,隨著越來越多 的私人銀行客戶在海外分配他們較大部分的資產,巨大的市場機遇將 在未來五年內持續(xù)出現。Compa

19、red with other countries, the current proportion of Chinas overseas personal assetsto the total is much lower; he said. We estimate that the proportion will rise to 9.4 percent in2020 from 4.8 percent at present, increasing the size of the overseas investment market by 13trillion yuan.何大勇說:和其他國家相比,目

20、前中國的海外個人資產占總資產 的比例要低得多。我們預計這一比例將從目前的4.8%上升到2020 年的9.4%左右,新增市場規(guī)模將達到13萬億元人民幣。關于經濟類英語文章篇3調查顯示中國消費能力依然堅挺Most Chinese consumers will continue to spend, this year despite slowing economic growth and market volatility, according to research by Boston Consulting Group.根據波士頓咨詢公司的一項調查顯示,盡管今年的經濟增長有所 放緩,市場也有所波動

21、,不過大多數中國消費者仍會繼續(xù)消費。About three-quarters of Chinese consumers plan to maintain or increase their spending in 2016, down slightly from 81 percent in 2015, according to the consumer sentiment survey conducted by the BCG Center for Customer Insight第7頁共1。頁根據波士頓咨詢中心進行的消費者情緒調查顯示,2016年,約 75%的中國消費者計劃維持或提高消費水平

22、,相比去年81%的比例 有小幅下降。The two principal drivers of growth are that consumers have more disposable income and they are willing to spend more, led by upper-middle-class and affluent households, younger consumers, and those employed in high-paying services, the survey pointed out該調查指出,消費增長的兩個主要驅動因素是消費者擁有更多

23、的 可支配收入以及他們愿意進行更多消費。上層中產階層和富裕家庭、 年輕消費者以及高薪服務行業(yè)的從業(yè)者主導著這兩個因素。More than 40 percent of Chinese urban households are in the middle class and affluent (MAC) category.超過40%的中國城鎮(zhèn)家庭穩(wěn)定處于中產階層及富裕群體。Chinas younger generation is growing quickly in both numbers and income. Those aged 18 to 30 years old will likely

24、 make up more than one-third of the urban population by 2020. Their consumption is growing at a 14 percent annual rate twice the pace of the last generation, those older than 35. The young generations share of total consumption is projected to increase from 45 percent to 53 percent by 2020.中國年輕一代的人數和收入在快速增長。到2020年,18至30 歲的年輕人口將占全部城鎮(zhèn)人口的三分之一以上。年輕一代的年均消 費增長率為14%是上一代人,即年齡在35歲以上人群的兩倍。到 2020年,年輕一代在消費總額當中的占比預計將由目前的45%升至 53%OConsumption in 2016 will be tantamount to consumers moving from the fast lane to the middle lane on the economic highway. They are not pulling into the emergency lane,


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