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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?171、1)彈吉他play the guitar2) 敲鼓play the drums 3) 拉小提琴 play the violin 4) 彈鋼琴彈的好 play the piano well2、1) 下象棋 play chess2) 踢足球 play soccer3) 打籃球play basketball3、唱一首英文歌 sing an English song歌手 singer4、喜歡跳舞 like dancing會跳舞 can dance舞蹈家 dancer擅長跳舞 be good at dancing5、說英語speak

2、English/ say it in English不要講話 Dont speak。和某人談論某事talk about sth with sb 告訴某人某事tell sb sth/ tell sth to sb告訴某人做某事tell sb to do sth 告訴某人不要做某事 tell sb not to do sth6、加入一個音樂俱樂部(表動作) join a music club 加入一個游泳俱樂部(表狀態(tài)) be in a swimming club7、擅長唱歌be good at singing/ do well in singing8、 給某人展示某物show sb sth/ s

3、how sth to sb帶領某人參觀某地show sb around sp。一個脫口秀a talk show9、我喜歡唱歌和跳舞.I like singing and dancing.我不喜歡唱歌和跳舞。I don't like singing or dancing。10、表演中國功夫play Chinese kungfu11、也also/ too/ either/ as well12、老人之家Old peoples Home13、呆在家中stay at home 回家 go home/ get home14、善于應付be good with 對有益be good for 對友好be

4、 good to/ be friendly to / be kind to15、和某人交朋友make friends with sb16、今天的故事todays story17、幫助某人某事/ 做某事help sb with sth/do sth在某人的幫助下with ones help= with the help of sb18、在周末on the weekend/ on weekends/ at weekends19、教給某人某事 teach sb sth/ teach sb to do sth/ teach sb how to do sthteach的單三 teaches 老師 tea

5、cher20、聽音樂listen to music 音樂家musician 音樂的,悅耳的musicalUnit2 what time do you go to school?sectionA:1、what time2、go to school 3、get up(late)4、get dressed dress+sb ,put on或wear+衣服 be in+顏色5、brush (ones)teeth6、eathave breakfast7、take have a shower8、at about six thirty =at about half past six9、an interest

6、ing job10、from to11、at a radio station 12、at night =in the night13、thats a funny time for breakfast14、be late for 15、onat weekends16、on school dayssectionB17、in the morningafternoonevening 18、a quarter past three19、a quarter to seven 20、do (one's)homework21、go home 22、take a walk23、go to bed ear

7、ly 24、eat quickly25、play sports =take exercise 26、for+時間段27、get to get home ,get there28、eitheroreg:I either watch TV or play computer games in the evening.29、watch TV 30、play computer games31、It tastes good 32、Have a healthy life 33、Here are your clothes 34、It's good for your teeth35、Have time

8、to do sth 36、Make sb sth=make sth for sb37、the sound of 38、have fun (in)doing sth39、v:He exercises twice a day。 un:If you don't take exercise ,you will get :Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes。Unit3 How do you get to school?1、 get to school  到達學校2、take t

9、he train 乘火車3、take the subway 乘地鐵4、 ride a bike  騎自行車5、how do you get to school  怎么到達學校6、ride the bike to school 騎自行車到學校7、walk to school 步行去學8、 walk to , d

10、rive to  ,fly to9、how long does it take sb to do sth花費某人多長時間做某事10、ten  minutes-how long11、need about 10 minutes to get to school 需要十分鐘的時間到達學校12、 every day 每天  13、ten

11、 minutes' walk -how far14、how far is it 多遠   15、one hundred and five  105 16、 about= around 大約17、10 kilometers away from 十公里遠18、 good exercise 好的鍛煉19、I'm

12、0;not sure  我不敢確信 20、get home  到達家21、drive his car to work 開車去上班 22、in his father's car 坐父親的車23、I want to know where Bob lives我想知道鮑勃住到哪24、 what do you think 

13、;of =how do you like 你覺得怎么樣25、crossing the river is  穿過河是26、 it is easy to get to school=its+ adj。 +for sb。 to do sth. 到達學校很容易  27、there is 就近原則28、 between

14、and  在兩者之間29、the river run quickly 河水流的快  30、quickly 動作上  fast 速度上  soon時間上31、on a ropeway 在索道上32、 go on a ropeway to cross the river 坐索道穿過河33、love to do &

15、#160;喜歡做某事34。 an 11yearold boy一個11歲大的男孩  35、 ten minutes walk / a tenminute walk 10分鐘的路36、leave for 。 離開到某地 37、 be afraid to do, be afraid of sth / doing害怕做某事38、

16、0;come true 實現39、 be like a father to me 像父親一樣做某事40、why -because41、 leave sth at/ on /in +地點 把某物留在某地42、 why not +v原形 43、 thanks for +n /doing  sth為什么而感謝 44、how&

17、#160;to do it 怎么來做它 45、at about 8:00 在大約8點  UNIT4 Dont eat in class。1、 arrive late for=be late for 2、be on time 3、 run in the hallways 4、 eat in the classroom 5、 in the dining hall 6、 listen to music 7、 fight with 8、fight for 9、 have a fight 10、school/cla

18、ss rules 11、a lot of rules 12、follow the rules13、break the rules14、have to15、 a uniform 16、be quiet 17、be noisy18、go out 19、 practice doing 20、on school days/nights 21、bringto 22、see friends 23、some of 24、too many/much 25 、leave sth。+地點 26、make one's bed27、in the kitchen28、do the dishes 29、make

19、breakfast30、before dinner31、feel like doing32、remember doing/ to do 33、be strict in sth. 34、 be strict with sb。35、 good luck 36、 lucky dog 37、keep ones hair short 38、 learn to do 39、 learn from 40、 learn by oneself 41、 have fun doingUnit 5 Why do you like pandas?一、重點詞組:1、kind of scary (= a little =

20、a bit = a little bit) 有點兒嚇人 2、all kinds of animals 各種動物3、South Africa 南非 an (African) elephant 一只非洲象4、 walk on two legs 用兩條腿走路 5、 sleep all day 整天睡覺6、 come from = be from 來自 7、 save the animals 拯救動物 8、get lost 迷路9、a symbol of good luck 好運的象征 10、be in (great) danger 處于(極大的)危險中11、cut down the trees 砍樹

21、 cut them down12、 lose their homes 失去他們的家園13、places with food and water 有水和食物的地方 14、be made of 由制成 15、 forget to do sth。 忘記要做某事 forget doing sth。 忘記做過某事16、 over = more than 超過17、kill elephants for their ivory (U) 為象牙殺死大象18、 be friendly to 對友好 make friends (with sb。) (與某人)交朋友二、重點句型和語法:1、 Let's se

22、e the pandas first。 咱們先去看熊貓吧。此處first為副詞,作狀語,表“首先”,前面無冠詞the.區(qū)別:He is the first one to get to school。 此處first為序數詞,“第一”,前面要加冠詞。2、Why do you want to see them? 你為什么想先看他們呢? Because they are kind of interesting。 因為他們有點有趣.Why + 一般疑問句? 用來詢問原因,一般用because引導的句子來回答。注意:because表“因為",so表“所以”,但他們不能同時出現在同一個句子中.我

23、們可以說:Because koalas are really cute, I like them a lot。 或者 The koalas are really cute, so I like them a lot。3、Why dont you like the cat? = Why not like the cat? 你為什么不喜歡這只貓?Why dont you + 動詞原形?= Why not + 動詞原形?用來提出自己的建議或征求對方的意見4、 The elephant is one of Thailand's symbols。 大象是泰國的象征之一。one of +可數名詞復

24、數,表示“之一”.5、 We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory。 我們必須挽救樹木,不買象牙制造的東西。 此處made of 是過去分詞作定語修飾things.區(qū)別:The desk is made of wood. 這張桌子是由木頭制成的。Unit 6 I'm watching TV.1、 watch TV看電視 2、read a newspaper 看報紙3、 make soup 做湯 4、 do some cleaning 打掃4、go to the movies看電影 5、 talk on the phon

25、e 通過電話聊天5、eat out 出去吃飯 6、drink tea 喝茶7、 swimming pool 游泳池 8、listen to a CD 聽CD9、 use the computer 使用電腦 10、wash the dishes 清洗餐具11、 Not much。 沒干什么 12、join me for dinner 加入我吃晚餐13、 see you then 到時候見 14、live with。. 和。.。居住在一起15、make zongzi 做粽子 16、 watch 。. on TV 在電視上觀看。.。.17、 any other 任何一個其它的18、 host fam

26、ily 寄宿家庭19、 like .。. a lot 非常喜歡 20、 study for a test 為考試而學習Unit 7 Its raining1、今天天氣怎么樣?How is the weather today? What s the weather like today? 2、廣州經常下雨. It's often rainy in Guangzhou。 It often rains in Guangzhou。3、上海天氣怎么樣?(3種) -陰天/ 刮風/ 有霧。What's the weather like in Shanghai? How's the w

27、eather in Shanghai? It's cloudy/ windy/ foggy.4、Jim 的爸爸是個廚師。 Jims father is a cook。他做飯很好。 He cooks well。 他正在廚房做飯。 He is cooking in the kitchen。 5、 做給某人吃 cook sth。 for sb。 /cook sb. sth.我媽媽給我做了一些魚. My mom cooks some fish for me。 / My mom cooks me some fish. 6、廚具很貴. The cooker is dear/ expensive。

28、7、 我是Jim. (電話用語) This is Jim speaking。 = Jim's speaking。 8、最近怎么樣?很好/ 還行/ 糟糕. How is it going? Great!/ Not bad。/ Terrible。 9、 在公園里 at/ in the park 去公園 go to the park10、 在他朋友家 at his friends home11、 那聽起來不錯。 That sounds good。 聽起來你好像玩得很開心. That sounds like you are having fun。 那聽起來是個好主意. That sounds

29、like a good idea。 12、捎口信給他 take a message for him留口信給他leave a message for him得到口信get a message13、你能幫我嗎? Can you help me? / Could you help me? 14、沒問題 no problem15、讓某人(不)要做某事tell sb。 (not) to do sth。 老師讓她打掃教室。 The teacher tells her to clean the classroom。 老師不讓我們上課說話. The teacher tells us not to talk i

30、n class. 告訴某人關于某事 tell sb. (about) sth。 告訴我你的夢想。 Tell me about your dream. 16、給我/ Tom回電話 call me back call Tom back = call back Tom17、做某事很高興 have fun/ a good time (in) doing sth。 他們在公園里踢球踢得很開心。 They are having fun/ a good time playing football in the park。 18、 做某事有問題 have problems doing sth. Lucy學英語

31、有問題. Lucy has problems learning English. Tom說英語沒問題。 Tom doesn't have problems speaking English。19、外面在下雨,是嗎?Its raining outside, isnt it?他們在公園玩得很開心,是嗎?They are having fun in the park, arent they? 她能給我捎個口信,是嗎? She can take a message for me, cant she? 你每天早上早起,是嗎? You get up early every morning, don

32、t you? 她不喜歡刮風, 是嗎? She doesnt like windy days, does she? 20、每周六 on Saturdays = every Saturday在周六on Saturday 21、 現在 right now = now22、 感冒have a cold23、 他每年去北京。 He visits Beijing every year。 我總是去看望爺爺奶奶.I often visit my grandparents。 這是我第一次去洛陽。 This is my first visit to Luoyang。公園里有一些游客。 Some visitors

33、are in the park。 24、 在加拿大/ 歐洲in Canada/ Europe25、去夏令營go to summer school/ camp26、 學英語學得好study English well 27、 學了很多l(xiāng)earn a lot = learn much 學了一點/ 沒學Learn a little/ little28、 我的許多朋友來自美國.Many of my friends are from the USA。 我的一個朋友來自美國. One of my friends is from the USA。 29、 我很高興又見到了他們。 Im happy to see

34、 them again. 30、 坐在游泳池旁sit by the swimming pool在海邊散步 walk by the sea 站在河邊stand by the river31、 喝橙汁drink orange juice 兩杯橙汁two glasses of orange juice32、馬上見! / 下個月見!/ 明天見! See you soon/ next month/ tomorrow.33、 她不在。 She is not here。 / She is not in。 / She is not at home。 34、 在雨天in the rainy weather /

35、on rainy days35、我在閱讀。 I'm reading (a book)/ doing some reading。 36、 戴著/上帽子 wear a hat / put on a hat37、我媽總是給我買俄羅斯面包。My mother always buys Russian bread for me。My mother always buys me Russian bread. 38、 你必須帶書包回家。 You must take your schoolbag home。 你必須帶書包去圖書館. You must take your schoolbag to the

36、library。39、 許多男孩在雪里玩。 Many boys are playing in the snow。 40、 一個女孩在河上溜冰。 A girl is skating on the river。 41、一個男人在給雪人拍照。 A man is taking a photo of a snowman. 42、陽光下/ 在雨中/ 在雪中 in the sun/ rain/ snow43、你暑假怎么樣? How is your summer vacation going? 44、 我的手機沒信號了(壞了)。 My phone doesn't work。 / My phone is

37、n't working。 45、 給sb. 寫信 write (a letter) to sb. 收到sb. 的來信 get a letter from sb。 = hear from sb。 給sb?;匦?write back to sb。 46、在你的國家/ 在鄉(xiāng)村 in your country/ in the country47、這個外套對你來說很合適。 This coat is just right for you. 這個地方玩游戲剛剛好。 This place is just right for playing games.48、工作努力/ 雨下得大/ 一道數學難題/ 一張

38、硬床work hard/ rain hard/ a hard math problem/ a hard bedUnit 8 Is there a post office near here?一、重要詞組:1、post office 郵局 2、polic station 警察局 3、pay phone 付費電話4、across from 在對面 5、in front of 在前面 6、in the front of7、go along(the street) 沿著(這條街)走 8、turn right/left 向右轉/左轉9、on the right/left在右邊/左邊 10、spend t

39、ime 花時間11、enjoy reading 喜歡閱讀 12、live in 居住 13。on North Street 在北街14、turn right at the first crossing 在第一個十字路口右轉16、near here 在附近 15、 far from離遠 17、next to在旁邊;緊挨著 18、Excuse me! 打擾;勞駕19、How can I help you?=What can I do for you?=Can/May I help you?需要幫忙嗎?20、around here =near here =nearby=in the neighbor

40、hood在附近21、love to do sth喜愛做某事 22、walk (to)with sb 和某人一起步行(去) 23、You are welcome =Not at all =That 's all right 不客氣24、in our neighborhood 在我們街區(qū) 25、A noisy neighborhood 一個吵鬧的街區(qū)26、watch sb doing sth 觀看某人做某事27、get there easily 容易地到那兒 28、free time 空閑時間 29、shop (v。)=go shopping =do some shopping去購物 30

41、、cross center street =go across center street 穿過中心大街 31、enjoy doing sth 開開心心做某事 32、enjoy oneself 玩得高興33、Time goes quickly!時間飛逝 34、be good at =do well in 擅長二、Asking ways:(問路)1、Where is (the nearest)? (最近的)在哪里?2、Can you tell me the way to? 你能告訴我去的路嗎?3、How can I get to? 我怎樣到達嗎?4、Is there near here/in t

42、he neighborhood? 附近有嗎?5、Which is the way to? 哪條是去的路?6、Do you know how to get to? 你知道如何到達嗎?三、Showing the ways:指路1、Go straight down/along this street 沿著這條街一直走2、Turn left at the second crossing =Take the second crossing on the left 在第二個路口左轉3、You will find it on your right 你會在你右手邊發(fā)現它4、It is about one hu

43、ndred meters from here 離這里約一百米遠5、You should better take a bus 你最好最公車去6、It is next to/in front of/behind/betweenand7、Go across the bridge 穿過橋8、It is about 15 minutes walk 大約步行15分鐘的路程9、It is at the end of the street 在街道的盡頭Unit 9 What does he look like?1、look like 看上去像 What does he look like?2、short/lo

44、ng hair 短/長發(fā) curly/straight hair 卷/直發(fā)3、She is of medium height/build。=She has a medium height/build。 她屬于中等個頭/身材. a man of medium height/build。 一個中等身高/身材的男人4、have/has long straight hair 留著一頭長而直的頭發(fā) have/has short curly brown hair 留著一頭短而卷曲的褐色頭發(fā)5、go to the cinema=go to the movies 去看電影6、a little water 一點

45、/少量的水 little water 幾乎沒有水 be a little late=be kind of late 有點晚7、wear glasses 戴著眼鏡8、See you later . 一會見。/回頭見。9、a big nose 一個大鼻子 a small mouth 一張小嘴巴 a round face 一張圓臉 big eyes 一雙大眼睛10、 another student 另一個學生another three chairs=three more chairs 另外三把椅子11、 an interesting job 一份有趣的工作12、 draw a picture of

46、畫一張的圖片13、 tell him what the criminal looks like。告訴他罪犯長什么樣。 tell sb。sth.=tell sth。 to sb. 告訴某人某事/給某人講某事 tell sb. (not) to do 告訴某人做/不做某事 tell sb。+賓語從句告訴某人14、 in newspapers 在報紙上 on television 在電視上 put it in newspapers and on television put sth。+介詞短語/副詞 “把放在"15、(in) the same way 用相同的方式(in)this way用

47、這種方式(in)that way用那種方式16、describe the same person differently 將同一個人描述的不一樣17、 in the end=an last=finally 最后;終于18、 first of all 首先19、 a short and heavy old man 一位矮胖的老頭20、 let sb. do sth 讓某人做某事21、-Whats his height?=Whats the height of him?=How tall is he?Hes two meters in height/tall.22、-Is he tall or s

48、hort?-He isnt tall or short. He is of medium height.Unit 10 Id like some noodles。1、would like sth. 2、would like to do sth。 3、would like sb. to do sth。 4、a small/medium/large bowl of .。 5、 take ones order6、 what size 7、 make a wish 8、 blow out 9、 cut up 10、 come true 11、bring good luck to 12、get popu

49、lar 13、 around the world =all over the world 14、green /black tea 15、 tomato and egg noodles 16、 some mapo tofu with rice 17、 beef noodles with carrots =beef and carrot noodles 18、on her birthday 19、The number of candles is。. 20、A great mumber of students are 。21、a symbol of long life22、 good luck 23

50、、You are a lucky dog。 24、Luckily,。 but unluckily, he can't pass the exam。 25、 be different from 26、all/many/ different kinds of 27、There are many differences between。and. 28、be short of 29、all of these birthday foods 30、in one go 31、 Dont worry。= Don't be worried。 32、in different countries 3

51、3、in the same country 34、make/let sb。do sth.35、 in /at the restaurant 36、in some places 37、 a symbol of life 38、the person's age 39、put。 in。40、the child with candy 41、many people 42、birthday noodles / noodle restaurant 43、like to do/ like doing 44、orange juice 45、put on your glasses 46、 a small

52、one for two yuan 47、the spider on your bread 48、in my porridge 49、 special food 50、If it rains tomorrow, he won't come here。 51、If he blows out all the candles, the wish will come true。(主將從現)Unit 11 How was your school trip?1、 go for a walk 去散步 2、milk a cow 給奶牛擠奶 3、ride a horse 騎馬 4、feed chikens

53、 喂雞 5、 talk with/ to 跟某人交談 6、take photos 照相 7、grow apples 種蘋果8、pick some strawberries 采摘草莓9、go fishing 去釣魚10、climb the mountain 爬山11、show sb。 around 帶領某人參觀12、take sth. home 把某物帶回家 13、watch the stars at night. 晚上看星星14、visit a fire station 參觀消防站15、go on a school trip 進行一次學校郊游16、play chess with 與某人下棋17

54、、draw pictures 畫畫18、 Lucky you! 你真幸運 19、learn a lot about 學到很多關于20、take the train to 乘火車去21、teach sb. how to make a model robot 教某人怎樣制作機器人模型22、 come out 出來 出版 23、be interested in 對某物感興趣24、in the countryside 在鄉(xiāng)下 25、under the tree 在樹下26、last week 上周27、get cloudy 天變陰了28、Its so much fun。 它有趣極了 29、all in all30、 quite a lot 非常多31、learn a lot about 學到很多關于32、too many 太多 33、 to


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