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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上四 年 級 英 語 試 卷命題審核:劉崇江題號一二三四五六總 分得分同學們,現(xiàn)在是你們展示的機會了。本次考試共六大題,總分40分,考試時間為40分鐘。我相信:只要你們認真聽、仔細做,你們就一定能夠取得優(yōu)異的成績!下面我們開始聽力考試吧!聽聽做做(20分) 現(xiàn)在是試聽時間。請聽一段對話,然后回答問題。 Where is the ruler? A. Under the chair.B.On the table.C.In the schoolbag. 答案是C。1、 請聽下面10個句子,每個句子后有一小題,從每小題后所給的A、B兩個選項中選擇最合適的應答語,將其前標號填入相

2、應小題前的括號內。聽完每個句子后,你都將有10秒鐘的時間回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題,每個句子讀兩遍。(1分×10=10分)( )1.A.My new schoolbag is heavy.B.Some pens, three books and a notebook.( )2.A.He is sixty years old now. B.He is in his new study now.( )3.A.Some bread and some fish.B.Dinner is ready now.( )4.A.There are only two apples in it. B.I

3、would like some apples now.( )5.A.He is very tall and thin. B.Miss Jones is( )6.A.She is a basketball player. B.She is very friendly.( )7.A.Me too.B.Can you?( )8.A.Theyre brown.B.Theyre too big.( )9.A.Your noodles.B.Yes, thank you.( )10.A.But thats only nineteen.B.Oh, you have a big family.2、 請聽下面10

4、段對話,每段對話后有一小題,從每小題后所給的A、B兩個選項中選擇能夠回答問題的正確答案,將其前標號填入相應小題前的括號內。聽完每段對話后,你都將有10秒鐘的時間回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題,每段對話讀兩遍。(1分×l0=10分)( )1.Who is this woman?A.Johns mother.B.Mikes sister.( )2.Whats Mikes fathers job?A.A teacher.B.A cook.( )3.What would Sarah like?A.Some soup.B.Some beef.( )4.Whats for dinner?A.Some

5、 vegetables.B.Some noodles.( )5.Where are Chen Jies keys?A.Under the fridge.B.On the fridge.( )6.Whats in the room?A.Sams cat.B.Sams dog.( )7.Whats Mikes new friends name?A.John.B.Sam.( )8.What color is Chen Jies new schoolbag?A.Black.B.Brown.( )9.How many people are there in Chen Jies family?A.Thre

6、e.B.Four.( )10.Who are Bob and Bill?A. Theyre brothers.B.Theyre friends.同學們,聽力考試結束了,我們繼續(xù)做筆試題喲!讀讀做做(20分)3、 你能行。下面句子中的成員走亂了順序,請你按照正確的句子語序組句并規(guī)范地抄寫在相應小題后的四線三格中。(1分×5=5分)1.six, family, my, I, have, in, people,( . ) 2.our, clean, room, lets, living, now, ( ! ) 3.new, what, job, your, is, friends,( ?

7、) 4.you, a, like, fork, knife, and, would,( ? ) 5.blue, he, and, his, glasses, has, are, shoes,( . ) 4、 對話交際。閱讀對話,從方框中選擇合適的句子補全對話,使對話內容完整、意思通順。將答案符號填寫在相應小題后的橫線上(有兩個多余選項)。(1分×5=5分)A.A girl.B.I have a good friend.C.This is my new friend.D.Yes. Youre right.E.Where is she from?F.And she has a red h

8、at.G.She is tall and thin.Amy:Hi, John. (1)John:A boy or girl?Amy:(2)John:Whats her name?Amy:Guess!(3)John:Is she Sarah?Amy:No. She has glasses. (4)John:Its Chen Jie. Haha!Amy:(5)5、 閱讀對話,判斷對話后所給出的句子是(T)否(F)符合對話內容。(1分×5=5分)Jones:This is our new classroom.John:Wow. It is big and nice!Jones:I like

9、 the yellow walls.John:I like the TV. Its cool.Jones:Now lets put up our pictures.John:OK. Lets do!( )1.The classroom is new but small.( )2.The walls are white.( )3.We can see one TV in the classroom.( )4.Jones and John have some pictures.( )5.John and Jones are in their classroom.6、 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內容選擇最佳

10、答案回答問題。(1分×5=5分)Im Simon. Welcome to my home. This is my father. Hes 40 years old. He is a driver. Hes in the living room. This is my mother. She is 38. She is a housewife(家庭主婦)She is in the kitchen. Where are my grandparents? Oh, they are not at home. I am a student. Im in the study. I read bo

11、oks here. My bedroom is near the study. It is not big. It has a bed, a desk and a chair. I like my bedroom.( )1.How old is Simons father?A.40.B.38.C.35.( )2.Where is Simons father?A.In the living room.B.In the kitchen.C.In the study.( )3.What is Simons mothers job?A.A driver.B.A housewife.C.A studen

12、t.( )4.Where is Simons bedroom?A.Near the living room.B.Near the kitchen.C.Near the study.( )5.How many people are there in Simons family?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.同學們,題目做完后可別忘了檢查喲!另外,記得一定要寫上自己的學校和姓名噢。江西吉安遂川縣二一七年下半年期末考試四年級英語試卷筆試:三、1.I have six people in my family.2.Lets clean our living room now!3.What

13、is your friends new job?4英語四年級上冊 期末真題卷1. 選擇題( )1. Let_clean the blackboard.A. MeBMyCI( )2. -_are the books? -They are in the study.A. WhoBWhereCWhen( )3. She_quiet and she_long hair.A. has; isB. is; hasC. is;is( )4. -_in your schoolbag, Mike?-A maths book and three storybooks.A. What'sB. How man

14、yC. Where( )5._name is John. He is friendly.A HerBHeCHis( )6. She is my cousin's mother. She's my_.A. SisterB. AuntC. mother( )7.I have_English book and_Chinese book.A a;anBan;aCa;a( )8. How many people are there in your family?A. My family has 3 people.B. He is a farmer.C. I have 3 books.(

15、)9. -What's for dinner?-_A. Some beef and rice.B. No, thanks.C. OK, here you are.( )10你請客人自便,可以說:A. You're welcome.B. Help yourself.C. Thanks.2. 閱讀理解I'm Kitty. This is my home. Look! There are four people in my family. My mother is a teacher. She is in the kitchen now. My father is a doc

16、tor. He is strong and tall. He is in the living room now. My sister is a student. She has blue glasses. She is in the study.I am a student,too. Lunch is ready. I'd like some beef,soup and rice.( )1. There are_people in Kitty's family.A. 3B4C5( )2. Kitty's mother is in the_.A. living room

17、B. StudyC. kitchen( )3. Kitty's father is.A. strong and shortB. tall and strongC. strong and fat( )4. Kitty would like some_for lunch.A. beef, soup and juice B. soup, beef and riceCbeef, juice and rice( )5. Kitty's sister has_.A. white shoesB. short hairC. blue glasses3. 填空題1.讀一讀,選出不同類的一項。(

18、)1.A.window B.door C.uncle( )2. A. find B.right C.pass( )3.A.study B.bed C.sofa( )4.A.storybook B.notebook C.driver( )5. A. cute B.quiet C.clean2.判斷畫線部分發(fā)音是否相同,相同的寫A,不相同的寫B(tài)。( )1. she be he( )2. use duck cute( )3. apple name cake( )4. rice kite like( )5. nose Coke dog3.讀一讀,根據(jù)問句選出正確的答句。( )1. What's

19、 her name?( )2. Is this your uncle?( )3. What would you like?( )4. Are the keys on the fridge?( )5. What colour is it?A.No, they aren't.B. I'd like some chicken.C. Yes, it is. He is a cook.D. Her name is Amy.E. It's blue and white.4.看圖片選擇正確的選項,把序號寫在括號里。( )1. A. Open the door. B. Close th

20、e window.( )2. A. Go to the study. Read a book. B. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.( )3. A. He is tall and strong. B. He is short and thin.( )4. A. Put your Chinese book under your desk. B. Put your Chinese book in your desk.( )5. A. Pass me the bowl. B. Pass me the knife.5.讀句子,根據(jù)所給圖片選擇正確的單詞,并規(guī)范書寫。D

21、octor noodles classroom keys table1. -Where are my books?-They are on the _.2. We have a new _.3. -What's your uncle's job?-My uncle is a _.4. I have five _ on my desk.5. I'd like some_.答案:一.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B 二.BCBBC三.1.CBACC2. ABBAB3. DCBAE4. AABBBtable classroom

22、doctor keys noodle英語四年級上冊 期末真題卷4. 選擇題( )1. Let_clean the blackboard.B. MeBMyCI( )2. -_are the books? -They are in the study.B. WhoBWhereCWhen( )3. She_quiet and she_long hair.D. has; isE. is; hasF. is;is( )4. -_in your schoolbag, Mike?-A maths book and three storybooks.D. What'sE. How manyF. Whe

23、re( )5._name is John. He is friendly.B HerBHeCHis( )6. She is my cousin's mother. She's my_.D. SisterE. AuntF. mother( )7.I have_English book and_Chinese book.B a;anBan;aCa;a( )8. How many people are there in your family?D. My family has 3 people.E. He is a farmer.F. I have 3 books.( )9. -Wh

24、at's for dinner?-_D. Some beef and rice.E. No, thanks.F. OK, here you are.( )10你請客人自便,可以說:D. You're welcome.E. Help yourself.F. Thanks.5. 閱讀理解I'm Kitty. This is my home. Look! There are four people in my family. My mother is a teacher. She is in the kitchen now. My father is a doctor. He

25、 is strong and tall. He is in the living room now. My sister is a student. She has blue glasses. She is in the study.I am a student,too. Lunch is ready. I'd like some beef,soup and rice.( )1. There are_people in Kitty's family.B. 3B4C5( )2. Kitty's mother is in the_.D. living roomE. Stud

26、yF. kitchen( )3. Kitty's father is.D. strong and shortE. tall and strongF. strong and fat( )4. Kitty would like some_for lunch.C. beef, soup and juice D. soup, beef and riceCbeef, juice and rice( )5. Kitty's sister has_.D. white shoesE. short hairF. blue glasses6. 填空題1.讀一讀,選出不同類的一項。( )1.A.wi

27、ndow B.door C.uncle( )2. A. find B.right C.pass( )3.A.study B.bed C.sofa( )4.A.storybook B.notebook C.driver( )5. A. cute B.quiet C.clean2.判斷畫線部分發(fā)音是否相同,相同的寫A,不相同的寫B(tài)。( )1. she be he( )2. use duck cute( )3. apple name cake( )4. rice kite like( )5. nose Coke dog3.讀一讀,根據(jù)問句選出正確的答句。( )1. What's her name?( )2. Is this y


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