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1、英語作文汽車的發(fā)明初三的【篇一:汽車的重要性英語作文】汽車的重要性英語作文the automobile has become one ofthe most important means/ways of transportation in the world since it was invented. the automobile has completely changed the lifestyles of almost all the people in the world.in the past, animals like horses and camels were used fo

2、r traveling and transporting goods. automobiles are more comfortable and faster. automobiles have also made it possible for us to transport large quantities of goods and people at the same time.besides, the invention of the automobile has provided jobs for millions of people all over the world.翻譯:汽車

3、已經(jīng)成為世界上最重要的交通工具之一,因為它是發(fā)明的。汽車已經(jīng)完全改變了世界上幾乎所有的人的生活方式。在過去,像馬和駱駝的動物被用來運送貨物。汽車更舒適,更快速。汽車也使我們能夠在同一時間運送大量貨物和人。此外,汽車的發(fā)明為全世界上百萬的人提供了工作?!酒?015 年人教版九年級上學(xué)期英語作文】九年級上學(xué)期英語作文1 、假如你叫李華,請你就“英語老師用英語還是用英漢雙語教學(xué)這一問題,根據(jù)下面的提示和要求,給你的老師miss li 寫一封信,談一談你的看法。提示:(1 ) what s your idea ?( 2) why do you think so ?(3) what is your

4、advice ?dear miss li,i think youd better use english in class. when you speak english, well have a good chance to improve our listening skills. it is also helpful for our reading, speaking and writing. we can copy what you say all the time. the more chances we have, the more progress we will make! s

5、o i hope you can teach in english. but please use simple english as much as possible and speak clearly and slowly. this way, we can learn english better and better.i hope you can think about it.best wishes!yours, li hua dear miss li,i think youd better use both english and chinese. the best way to l

6、earn english is to use it. when you teach in english, its good for our listening. at the same time it is helpful to improve our speaking, reading and writing .however, if you only use english, we cant follow you sometimes, especially when you explain gramm ar rules and language points. so my advice

7、is“ useenglish when possible and use chinese when necessary” . thisway, we can learn english better.hopefully you can think about it.best wishes!yours, li hua2 、假如你叫李華,5 月 11 日母親節(jié)那天,你為母親做了很多有意義的事情。請你根據(jù)表格中必須包括所有內(nèi)容要點,但不要逐句翻譯,可以增減適當(dāng)情節(jié),使其通順、連貫。參考詞匯:pocket money 零花錢,vase 花瓶, overwork 過度勞累, be moved to te

8、ars 感動得流淚11th may , sunday rainytoday is mothers day. i love mother so much that ive donemany things for 1 her.in the morning i bought some flowers with my pocket money and put them in the vase. in the afternoon , i went to the market and bought vegetables and cooked a simple but delicious dinner fo

9、r my family. after supper, i gave my mother the card that i made mys elf and said “ happy mothers day ” to her. then i told her to pay more attention to her health and not to overwork. i also promised to help her do some housework from today on.hearing the words, mother was moved to tears.today is a

10、 special day, warm and meaningful.3 、假如你叫王洪,你的一位美國筆友tony 今年暑假要來西安參觀,并想與你共處幾天。你寫信告訴他:1 、你住在西安市西陵大街68 號。2 、從火車站下車乘10 路公共汽車或從飛機場乘15 路公共汽車到歷史博物館下車。3 、也可以干脆坐的士到你家門口。4 、如果乘公共汽車的話,到時你會在歷史博物館接他。xi a, n chinathmay 6 , 2014dear tony ,i m very glad to hear that you ll stay at my hoeuws hen you come to xi an th

11、is summer holiday. now i d like to tell you how to get to my house.i live at no. 68 xiling avenue, xi an. when you arrive in xi an bytrain, you can take a no. 10 bus and get off at the history museum. anyway, you can also take a no. 15 bus to the same museum if you get off a plane or take a taxi to

12、reach my home directly. call me as soon as you get to our city so that i ll meetyou at the museum if you take a bus.hope you ll have a pleasant journey.yours,wang hong4 、以 “ great changes in my hometown ” 為題用英語寫一篇短文描述家鄉(xiāng)小鎮(zhèn)所發(fā)生的變化。great changes in my hometownin the past, my hometown was very small. peo

13、ple used to live a poor life. the houses were old and small. pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere. the traffic was not convenient, so few visitors come here.now great changes have taken place in my hometown. the environment has become more beautiful. the mountains have turned

14、 greener, the rivers clearer and the sky bluer. there are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. people live a better life. their houses are large and bright. many people have their own cars.i m sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.5 、請你根據(jù)以下要點提示寫一篇題為chinese tea 的短文,向外國朋友介紹中國的茶文

15、化。2chinese teait is 4000 years since the chinese began to grow and drink tea.there re many kinds of tea in china , of which longjing tea is famous all over the world.tea is usually drunk in tea sets. a tea set is made up of a teapot and some teacups, which are both made of china.most chinese like dr

16、inking tea. tea is served not only at teahouse and restaurants but also at home. people also drink teaduring breaks at offices or factories.it has been discoveredthat drinking tea is good for people s health. a cup of tea canmake y ou relaxed and refreshed. and it s said that green tea can prevent c

17、ancers.that s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people.6 、發(fā)明創(chuàng)造改變了世界,長大后你想當(dāng)一名發(fā)明家嗎?作為一名中學(xué)生你應(yīng)該怎樣做?請根據(jù)以下提示,以“ how to become aninventor ”為題,寫一篇 80 詞左右的短文。提示:1.努力學(xué)習(xí)是基礎(chǔ);2.興趣是最好的老師;3.需要創(chuàng)新(creativity )精神;4.持之以恒、永不放棄。how to become an inventorbecoming an inventor is many people s dream. would you

18、liketo be an inventor? as a student, we need to do these things.we must study hard. knowledge is the basis( 基礎(chǔ) ). if you don t master some knowledge, it s impossible for you to invent anything. interest is the best teacher. when we are interestedin something, we will do it well, so we should have in

19、terest.creativity is very important, too. we need to come up with new ideas.finally, we should keep on studying hard and never give up.don t be afraid to fail.7 、現(xiàn)在越來越多的家庭擁有私家車,拿到駕駛證的人也日漸增多,甚至有些學(xué)生也拿到了駕駛證。你不反對開車,但你覺得中學(xué)生不應(yīng)該開車,因為這個年齡段的孩子們不夠認真。中學(xué)生應(yīng)該把更多的時間花費在學(xué)習(xí)上,去實現(xiàn)他們的夢想。等長大了,他們會有很多的機會去開車。請以 teenagers sh

20、ouldn t be allowed to drive 為題,寫一篇80詞左右的短文。teenagers shouldn t be allowed to drivenow more and more families have their own cars. and thenumber of people who get their drivers licenses is alsoincreasing. even some students have got their driving licenses,too. i have nothing against drivi ng, but i d

21、on t think teenagersshould be allowed to drive, because they aren t seriousenough at that age. they should spend more time on their studies and achieve their dreams. after they grow up, they will have a lot of chances to drive. so teenagers shouldnt be allowed to drive.8 、假設(shè)你家的寵物狗旺旺走失幾天了,至今還未找到。你尋思著

22、他可能正在尋找回家的路;可能被好心人送到警察局;也可能掙餓著肚子在街上游蕩;還可能正在和其他的狗玩耍。你們一家人都很著急,希望能早日找到它。請你根據(jù)上述提示寫一篇短文。3my pet dog, wangwang, has been missing for several days. where can it go? it might be trying to find out the way home now. or it might be sent to the police station by a kind person. or maybe it is walking along the

23、 street with an empty stomach. and also it is possible that it is playing somewhere with other dogs.we are all worried about it very much. we hope it can come back home early.9 、音樂是另一種語言,在不同的場合會帶給我們不同的感受。有的同學(xué)認為在寫作業(yè)時聽音樂可以讓我們愉悅心情、放松身體、清醒頭腦;也有一些同學(xué)認為這樣做會影響思路;感到困倦;浪費時間 ? 請你圍繞“中學(xué)生該不該寫作業(yè)時聽音樂”這一話題,展開思路談?wù)勀愕母?/p>

24、想。can we listen to music when doing homework?life is boring without music. it s good for usistoteln to musicproperly. well, is it good or bad for us to listen to music when doing homework? here are some students answers.some students think listening to music can make them excited, relaxed and clear-

25、minded, so they like to music as they do homew ork. but some students don t think so. they think music affects their thinking. as a result, it just makes them feel more tired. it s really a waste of time.as for me, i like doing homework with music. sometimes it canbring us some inspiration (靈感).10、剛

26、到中國學(xué)習(xí)不久的john 應(yīng)中國朋友邀請到家里做客,因此,他向你請教相關(guān)禮儀。假設(shè)你是李明,請你用英語給john 寫一封 80詞左右的電子郵件,告訴他一些注意事項。dear john,i understand that you will visit your chinese friend s home. ifyou do the following, i don t think you will feel uncomfortable.first, you should arrive a little earlier. being late is impolite. it is also goo

27、d to bring a small gift, such as some flowers or fruit. you will probably use chopsticks to eat dinner. remember not to stick your chopsticks into your food. you d better say thatthe food is delicious while you are eating, and after dinner, saying thanks is also necessary. you are not supposed to st

28、ay long after dinner.good luck !yours , li ming 4【篇三:2014 九年級英語寫作范文】unit1how to be a good learner?as a good learner, we should have good habits and ways in learning. we need to get ready for out lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. after class, we must go over the lessons and f

29、inish our homework on time. it s good tostudy in groups and help each other. as a student, working hard is important, but don t forget to do sports and keep healthy. we should do more reading in our free time. if we have any problems, we d better ask others for help.i hope all these will be helpful

30、to us. unit2三步法寫作介紹自己所喜歡的節(jié)日1. 首先,介紹這個節(jié)日及什么時間開始慶祝。2. 然后,介紹一下人們吃什么及做什么。3. 最后,介紹一下你為什么最喜歡它及自己的感受等。例子:計入你是王建,你最喜歡的節(jié)日是春節(jié),給你的美國筆友tom 寫一封信介紹一下自己。參考詞匯及句式。my favorite festival is spring festival. it always comes in january or february. on that day people wear new clothes and go out to say “ happy spring fest

31、ival ” . and people eat dumplings. some children can get money from their parents or grandparents. a lot of chinese go home from far places and spend the holiday with their families.i like it very much because i can wear new clothes, eat a lot of good food and visit my grandparents. they are old. bu

32、t myparents are so busy that they don t have time to visit them. andmy grandparents love me very much. i love them, too.yours, wang jianunit3四步法寫詢問你想要的信息的短文1. 介紹一下你自己。2. 介紹一下你什么時間來。3. 有禮貌的詢問一些信息。4. 謝謝幫助你的人。例子:假如你要去一個新學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí),你想了解一些有關(guān)學(xué)校的情況,1. 你學(xué)習(xí)的課程。2. 你在學(xué)校所吃的東西。3.你所能參加的活動等。tknow anything about your sch

33、ool. so i want to know about it.could you tell me what courses i will study? and could you tell me what i will eat in the school? and what can i do thanks.yours,tom unit4假設(shè)你的朋友叫wang lin ,請根據(jù)圖示從三個方面敘述他過去和現(xiàn)在的不同,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。100 詞左右。 s interesting for me to talk with him. he used to play basketball. but now h

34、e loves playing football. he thinks before. if you don t believe what i said, just look at the girls around him!unit5假如你是李偉,你的家鄉(xiāng)是以什么產(chǎn)品出名,怎樣制成的?用提示詞寫一篇短文,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。pancakes 煎餅, wheat 小麥, flour面粉, process 加工, pack 包裝。 corn. after the wheat is harvested, it is sent to the flour factory and processed into f

35、lour. then packed with plastic bags and sold in stores and supermarkets.pancakes have helped the soldiers( 戰(zhàn)士 ) to win the war in theold days. they are brought to other countries now. they arealso given to friends as gifts.unit6計算機在我們的工作生活中的作用越來越大,你知道計算機的起源與發(fā)展么?請從計算機的發(fā)明時間(1946 )、大小、用途等方面,談一下它的發(fā)展變化,并

36、說說你隊未來計算機的暢想。參考詞匯和句式:單詞: important 短語 : be invented, for example 句式 : it s hardto imagine computers are becoming more and more important in ourdaily life. do you know the history of computers? the computerwas invented in 1946. at that time, the machine was huge and itwas as large as a big house. it

37、weighted about 30 tons.the computer is a very useful tool in our life. for example, wecan use computers to send some massages to foreigncountries by e-mail. we can listen to music or play games on thecomputer. it makes us relaxed.it s hard to imagine what our life would be like if we had no computer

38、 in our daily life. and in my opinion, computers are going to change our life completely in the near future.請以 ” the ballpoint pen 為題寫一篇短文。 ”the ballpoint penwe know that the ballpoint pen is one of the most useful inventions. it was invented by an american reporter named john lord in 1888.it really

39、 helps us write faster and helps make our life easier.but sometimes the ballpoint pens leak. they are wisely used inmany fields. and the price is usually low.ballpoint pens will become smaller and lighter. they are reallyuseful in our life.unit7school safetymore and more people pay special attention

40、 to school safetynowadays. here are some rules to keep us safe.first, as students, we should follow the school the schoolrules, such as not being late for school or leaving school early.second, we shouldn t go with strangers and we d better not accept things from strangers. third, it s better for us to haveparents on the way


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