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1、.天門市春季學(xué)期小學(xué)英語六年級綜合訓(xùn)練三Listening Part 聽力部分共四大題,計40分一、聽錄音,從句子中選出你所聽到的單詞。每題讀兩遍。共10小題,計10分 1、A、waitB、wantC、what 2、A、workB、walkC、wake 3、A、feelB、fallC、fail 4、A、stopB、dropC、shop 5、A、worryB、sorryC、angry 6、A、motherB、fatherC、brother 7、A、watchedB、whatC、today 8、A、eveningB、feverC、have 9、A、todayB、tonightC、yesterday

2、 10、A、lastB、lateC、go二、聽錄音,選出正確的答語。每題讀兩遍。共5小題,計10分 1、A、Im 46 kg. B、Tom is 3 kg heavier than me. C、Mike is taller than me. 2、A、Im tired. B、Im twelve years old. C、He is tired. 3、A、she is 162 cm tall B、My bed is 200 cm long. C、Im shorter than Tom. 4、A、I have a headache. B、Her nose hurts. C、You look so h

3、appy. 5、A、She is short and fat. B、He is tall and thin. C、He is a student.三、聽錄音,完成對話。對話讀兩遍。每空1分,計10分Last Sunday, Mike was very . In the morning, he to a park with his friends. They football. Then they went together. the afternoon, Mike his homework and a book. In the , he felt a little , So he went t

4、o early.四、聽錄音,判斷以下句子正T誤F。每題讀兩遍。共5小題,計10分 1、Im going to buy a skirt. 2、I feel very sad. 3、He is younger than his teacher. 4、Your shoes are bigger than mine. 5、John won the game.Writing Part 筆試部分共十大題,計60分五、從下面每組中找出不同類型的單詞,將序號填在題前括號內(nèi)。共5小題,計5分 1、A、am B、isC、areD、saw 2、A、work B、wentC、tookD、ate 3、A、today B

5、、tomorrow C、yesterday D、holiday 4、A、Friday B、Sunday C、yearD、Monday 5、A、tall B、thin C、strongD、nose六、英漢互譯。共10小題,計5分1、去旅行 6、go hiking _2、發(fā) 燒 7、go to a park _3、看醫(yī)生 8、clean the room _4、放風(fēng)箏 9、go fishing _5、聽音樂 10、climb a mountain _七、選擇填空。共10小題,計10分 1、I want teacher.A、to a B、to be a C、a 2、Chen Jie .A、like

6、dancingB、like to danceC、likes dancing 3、whats the matter you, Lily?A、inB、onC、with 4、 did you do last weekend? I played football.A、HowB、whatC、where 5、Did you your clothes on the weekend?A、washB、washedC、washes 6、My throat sore. My nose .A、are, is hurtB、are, hurtC、is, hurts 7、We got back Tianmen bus.A、

7、at, takeB、on, byC、to, by 8、I helped my mother their room yesterday.A、cleanedB、cleanC、cleans 9、We played ping-pong Thursday.A、inB、onC、at 10、Ill back home tomorrow.A、beB、isC、are八、給問句找答語,把其序號填在前面的括號內(nèi)。共5小題,計5分 1、What do you do?A、He went to a park. 2、How did you get there?B、I an a policeman. 3、What did y

8、ou do last night?C、By train. 4、What can you do?D、I can empty the trash. 5、where did he go?E、I did my homework.九、連詞成句。共5小題,計5分1、where, on, you, go, your, holiday, did_?2、did, how, go, the, park, to, you_?3、than, taller, me, youre_.4、played, with, he, his, football, friends_.5、last, do, weekend, you,

9、did, what _?十、選詞填空。共5小題,計5分How What Why When Where1、 did you do last weekend? I watched TV.2、 did your mother go to work yesterday? By bike.3、 I went to your house.You were out. did you go? I visited my grandparents.4、 did you go to sleep? At 10:305、 wasnt she at school? she was ill.十一、給以下句子排序。共5小題,

10、計5分 No, I didnt. I played basketball. How about you? what did you do yesterday? I watched TV. Did you climb a mountain? 十二、按題后要求,完成句子。共5小題,計5分1、Did you go to the park? 作否認(rèn)答復(fù)_2、Mike went to Harbin yesterday. 對畫線部分提問_ did Mike _ yesterday?3、I went to school by train.對畫線部分提問_ did you _ to school?4、He w

11、ent fishing last weekend.變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧鋉 he _ fishing last weekend?5、He cleaned his room last Sunday. 對畫線部分提問_ did he _ last Sunday?十三、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正誤。共5小題,計5分Mike and Tom are in the same school. They are in the same grade, too. Mike has English class in the morning, but Tom has English class in the afternoon.

12、After school, they play games together. They often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride bikes. They can swim, skate, dance and sing, too. They are good friends. They love their school. 1、Mike and Tom are in the same school. 2、They have English classes in the morning. 3、They are in the

13、same class. 4、They often play games after school. 5、They are good friends.十四、看圖作文10分仔細(xì)看下面的圖片,發(fā)揮想象,寫一下暑假你準(zhǔn)備去做什么。提示詞:fly a kite; row a boat; take photos; play football_綜合訓(xùn)練三聽力部分錄音原文及答案一、聽錄音,從句子中選出你所聽到的單詞。每題讀兩遍。共10小題,計10分1、What is the matter?2、I often walk to school.3、How does John feel?4、Im going to t

14、he pet shop.5、Im sorry to hear that. 6、How heavy is your brother?7、I watched TV yesterday.8、She has a fever today.9、What did you do yesterday?10、I went fishing last week.二、聽錄音,選出正確的答語。每題讀兩遍。共5小題,計10分1、How heavy are you?2、How old are you?3、How tall is Kate?4、Whats the matter?5、What does Jack look lik

15、e?三、聽錄音,完成對話。對話讀兩遍。每空1分,計10分Last Sunday, Mike was very happy. In the morning, he went to a park with his friends. They played football. Then they went swimming together. In the afternoon, Mike did his homework and read a book. In the evening, he felt a little tired, so he went to bed early.四、聽錄音,判斷以

16、下句子正T誤F。每題讀兩遍。共5小題,計10分1、Im going to buy a shirt.2、I feel very sad.3、He is younger than his sister.4、Your shoes are smaller than mine.5、John won the game.聽力部分答案一、1、C2、B3、A4、A5、B6、C7、A8、B9、C10、A二、1、A2、B3、A4、A5、B三、答案依次為:happywentplayedswimmingIn did readevening tiredbed四、1、F2、T3、F4、F5、T筆試部分答案五、1、D2、A3

17、、D4、C5、D六、1、take a trip2、have a fever3、see a doctor4、fly a kite5、listen to music6、去遠(yuǎn)足7、去公園8、清掃房間9、去釣魚10、爬山七、1、B2、C3、C4、B5、A6、C7、C8、B9、B10、A八、1、B2、C3、E4、D5、A九、1、Where did you go on your holiday?2、How did you go to the park?3、Youre taller than me. 4、He played football with his friends.5、What did you d

18、o last weekend?十、1、what 2、How 3、where 4、when 5、why十一、5 2 1 3 4十二、1、No, I didnt2、Where, go3、How, go其實,任何一門學(xué)科都離不開死記硬背,關(guān)鍵是記憶有技巧,“死記之后會“活用。不記住那些根底知識,怎么會向高層次進(jìn)軍?尤其是語文學(xué)科涉獵的范圍很廣,要真正進(jìn)步學(xué)生的寫作程度,單靠分析文章的寫作技巧是遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠的,必須從根底知識抓起,每天擠一點時間讓學(xué)生“死記名篇佳句、名言警句,以及豐富的詞語、新穎的材料等。這樣,就會在有限的時間、空間里給學(xué)生的腦海里注入無限的內(nèi)容。日積月累,積少成多,從而收到水滴石穿,繩鋸木斷的成效。 4、Did, go5、What, do要練說,得練聽。聽是說的前提,聽得準(zhǔn)確,才有條件正確模擬,才能不斷地掌握高一級程度的語言。我在教學(xué)中,注意聽說結(jié)合,訓(xùn)練幼兒聽的才能,課堂上,我特別重視老師的語言,我對幼兒說話,注意聲音清楚,上下起伏,抑揚有致,富有吸引力,這樣能引起幼兒的注意。當(dāng)我發(fā)現(xiàn)有的幼兒不專心聽別人發(fā)言時,就隨時表揚那些靜聽的幼兒,或是讓他重復(fù)別人說過的內(nèi)容,抓住教育時機(jī),要求他們專心聽,用心記。平時我還通過各種興趣活動,培養(yǎng)幼兒邊聽邊記,邊聽邊想,邊聽邊說的才能,如聽詞對詞,聽詞句說意思,聽句子辯


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