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1、學位英語1總分:96考試時間:100分鐘一、單項選擇題1、Many people thought he was a man of good_.(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、manB、callingC、reputationD、fame2、What he did is a _cheating.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、trueB、plainC、indeedD、actual3、We must recover the stolen goods at all _.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、accountsB、conditionsC、paymentsD、costs4、The populati

2、on of the world is growing at a dangerous_.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、stepB、rateC、measureD、progress5、She told me to use my dictionary to_anything I didnt understnand.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、look outB、look upC、look forD、look at6、This exercise is certainly not so diffcult as it_.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、showsB、appearsC、expectsD、

3、happens7、I have got to go. Something has just_at home and I am needed there.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、come toB、come inC、come downD、come up8、Industrial countries_a great amount of raw materials.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、consumeB、absorbC、applyD、employ9、These sessions are designed to _better working relationships .(正確答案:B

4、,答題答案:)A、formatB、fosterC、formerD、forever10、She _a strong desire to scream for help.(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、oppressedB、repressedC、suppressedD、embarrassed11、A lot of people looked on him _an authority.(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、likeB、forC、asD、to12、England is _from France by the Channel.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、isolatedB、separate

5、dC、distributedD、distinguished13、Youll get more skillful at this job as you _.(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、go downB、go upC、go alongD、go over14、The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _the investment plan within a week.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、work outB、put outC、make outD、set out15、Too much _to X

6、-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、disclosureB、exhibitionC、contactD、exposure16、There was nobody in_when we came round the corner.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、sightB、glimpseC、glanceD、view17、Alice _ her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live

7、 with them.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、convincedB、convictedC、demandedD、required18、The task before us _great courage and perseverance.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、calls upB、calls onC、calls forthD、calls for19、It is a hard and long struggle we are _with.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、busyB、engagedC、strikingD、going20、All of us agree that he h

8、as an_housewife.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、economicalB、economicC、economyD、economics21、Such kind of cartoons have great_not only to children , but to some adults.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、interestsB、differenceC、likenessD、appeals22、As part of their advertising campaign, they distributed_of the new shampoo.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、

9、similaritiesB、sentimentsC、examplesD、samples23、The plant_electricity for the entire city.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、makeB、generatesC、formsD、manufacture24、You must_yourself or they will continue to bully you.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、distortB、assertC、elicitD、adapt學位英語2總分:92考試時間:100分鐘一、單項選擇題1、I _ my breakfast when the morn

10、ing post came.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、was havingB、hadC、had hadD、am having2、It _ for a week and the streets were flooded.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、was rainingB、has been rainingC、had rainedD、had been raining3、“Did you check your paper?” “No, I _ it now.”(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、checkedB、have checkedC、am checkingD、checking4、He h

11、ardly _ ever a mistake when he writes.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、madeB、makesC、had madeD、has made5、He always _ with his windows open now.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、sleptB、sleepsC、was sleepingD、has slept6、Lets go to school, _ we?(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、willB、shallC、canD、should7、He _ smoking, but a year ago he smoked 100 cigarettes

12、 a week.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、has given upB、gave upC、had given upD、gives up8、Theres something wrong, _ there?(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、are notB、areC、isntD、is9、Few people know him, _ they?(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、dontB、willC、wontD、do10、You dont have to ring her up; she _ be at home, for I hear she has gone abroad.(正確答案:A,答題答

13、案:)A、cantB、may notC、must notD、wont11、“Must we hand in the papers this week?” “No, you _.”(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、must notB、may notC、needntD、cant12、Only when he had handed in his exam paper, _ he had made several grammatical mistakes.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、he realizedB、did he realizeC、he has realizedD、realized he13

14、、Hard _ diamond is, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、althoughB、thoughC、likeD、as14、No sooner _ the bell rung than the class began.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、hadB、wasC、hasD、there was15、_ had I sat down when I heard someone knocking at the door.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、No soonerB、HardlyC、B

15、eforeD、After16、No teacher and no student _ admitted into the laboratory.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、areB、wereC、not isD、is17、Tom as well as two of his classmates _ invited to the party last night.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、areB、wereC、haveD、was18、A committee of five men and three women _ to consider the matter.(正確答案:A,答題答案:

16、)A、isB、areC、wereD、will19、During the holidays, every train and bus _ crowded.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、wasB、areC、wereD、are not20、This is the key _ an improvement of their living conditions.(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、ofB、toC、forD、about21、It is no use _ him to come now. He is busy.(正確答案:D,答題答案:)A、askB、to askC、askedD、asking

17、22、Fifteen miles _ like a long walk to me.(正確答案:C,答題答案:)A、seemB、is seemedC、seemsD、are seemed23、Other possibilities _ at the meeting yesterday.(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、were talked aboutB、are talking aboutC、is talked aboutD、is talking about學位英語3總分:100考試時間:100分鐘三、判斷題1、Clothes which have been worn only a few tim

18、es have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. 因為時尚的變化,衣裳僅僅穿了幾次就要被丟到一邊。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否2、Many of the centenarians emphasized the importance of being independent and free to do the things they enjoyed and wanted to do , and of maintaining a placid state of mind free from worry or emoti

19、onal strain. 許多百歲老人強調獨立自由地做自己想做的事情,遠離煩惱和情感壓力,保持平靜的心態(tài)很重要。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否3、Even if a job is not perfect for you , every interview can make you learn from it. 假如某一份工作對你來說并不理想,你也可以參加每個面試。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、是B、否4、We and the ancients share a common human nature and hence certain common human experiences

20、 and problems. 我們和古人享有共同的人類的天性,因此也會有共同的經歷和問題。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否5、Perhaps the reason is that advertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer. 也許,目的是登廣告能讓生產者省心,不用去考慮消費者。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、是B、否6、Its vast influence strengthened the anti-slavery movement and angered defenders o

21、f the slave system .這本書巨大的影響激勵了反對奴隸制的運動,也激怒了奴隸制的擁護者。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否7、Money laundering is the process by which money obtained by illegal means is given the appearance of legitimate income and returned into circulation.洗錢是將非法途徑得來的金錢,在流通領域的掩蓋下使之成為合法收入。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、是B、否8、It is also possible for

22、a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice. 學生也可能在學習期間在兩所大學交叉學習,盡管這樣做并不常見。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否9、Bearing in mind the nature of the translators work, i. e., the processing of the written word , it is, strictly sp

23、eaking, unnecessary that he should be able to speak the languages he is dealing with.牢記翻譯者的工作性質,即對書面語進行操作,嚴格地說,并不要求翻譯者一定能夠講他在翻譯的語言。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否10、In this way, better quality products at good values are continually being brought to the people of all income groups. 這樣,性價比高的商品可以不斷地提供給收入層次不同的人們。

24、(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否11、A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. 很多顧客采用的一個簡單有常用的方法是直接向商店經理投訴。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否12、He is, even today, a symbol of courage and adventure. 即使在今天,牛仔都是勇氣和歷險的象征。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否13、In time, the migration became a ha

25、bit , and now , although the glaciers have disappeared , the habit continues.遷徒本來就是一種習慣,現在盡管冰川已經消失,這種習慣任然繼續(xù)。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、是B、否14、The one comfort to recreational skiers, however, is that avalanche incidents on the marked ski slopes are quite rare. 對于度假的滑雪者來是說,令人欣慰的是,雪崩事故經常發(fā)生在有足跡的滑雪坡上。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)

26、A、是B、否15、Losing weight is hard work , but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat. 減肥就是要做苦差事,可是大多數人都想找到一條又快又簡單的減肥方法。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、是B、否16、The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process, because the 20 or 30 minutes you spend with the interviewer may determine wh

27、ether or not you get the particular job you want. 面試是求職過程中一個重要的事情,因為你和面試人一起度過的那二三十分鐘可能決定你是否能得到你想要的那個工作。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否17、Kidneys can be conserved in this simple way for 24 to 48 hours wuth little deterioration , and during this time they can be moved for long distances. 用這種簡單的方法,腎臟可以保存24到48小時而不

28、會變質,在此段時間里能被轉移到很遠的地方。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否18、We effectively use all types of electrical equipment without being able to tell their history or to explanin how they work. 我們能夠有效地使用各種電子設備,因為能夠說出它們的歷史和解釋它們是如何工作的。(正確答案:B,答題答案:)A、是B、否19、At times they even sleep in their van instesd of a hotel, just to save money. 有時候他們甚至在自己的篷車里,而不是在旅館里睡覺,只是為了省錢。(正確答案:A,答題答案:)A、是B、否20、Some critics claim that no excuse is acceptable for not informing subjects about the nature of an experiment and giving them a chance refuse


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