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1、2011年河南省普通高等學(xué)校選拔優(yōu)秀專(zhuān)科畢業(yè)生進(jìn)入本科階段學(xué)習(xí)考試公共英語(yǔ)Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentencesin this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completesthe sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on

2、the Answer Sheet.1 .The shop assistant was dismissed as shewas of cheating customers.A.accused B.charged C.scoldcd D.curscd【答案】A2 .The murderer was brought in,with hishands behind his backA.being tied B.haveing tied C.to be tiedD.tied【答案】D3 .Needless to say, he his good looksand sense of hunor form

3、his mother.A.inherited B.carried C.inhibitedD.resembled【答案】A4 .They have most carefully the time and thematerials needed tocomplete theproject.A.picked out B.left out C.taken outD.figured out【答案】D5 .The room is quite neat, it.A.doesn't need to cleaning B.needn't tocleaningC.doesn't need

4、cleaning D.needn/t cleaning6 .tight now, she would get thereon Sunday.A.Would she leave B.lf she leaveC.were she to leave D.lf she had left【答案】c7 .He must have stayed up late lastnight,he?A.mustn't B.needn't C.hasn't D.didn't【答案】D8 .he does not come,shall we gowithout him?A.Supposing

5、 B.To suppose C.supposed D.To besupposed【答案】A9 .He will pass two milestones, thatis ,he will receive his master degree and find a challenging job.A.long ago B. not long ago C.before longD.long before【答案】c10 .Some diseases are by certainwater animals.A.transportcd B.transmitted C.transformdeD.transpl

6、anted【答案】B11 .Our hopes at the first sight oft he doctorA.arose B.raisdd C.rose D.aroused【答案】A12 .Eating too much fat can heartdisease and cause high blood pressure.A.attribute to B.contribute to C.attend toD.devote to13 .That lady is their English teacher.A.young beautiful foreign B. beautifulyoung

7、 foreignC. young foreign beautiful D. foreign youngbeautiful【答案】B14.1 don think it advisable thatTom to zhe job since he has no experience.A.is assigned B.will be assignedC.be assigned D.has been assigned【答案】c15 .He is of those boys who siwilling to take on another assignmentA.the only one B.only on

8、e C.one D.a【答案】A16 . I don't think it will rain, but I takean umbrella it does.A.as if B.in case C.as though D.evev if【答案】B17AII the tasks ahead of time, theydccided togo on holiday for a week.A.had been fulfilled B.were fulfilledC.having been fulfilled D.been fulfilled【答案】c18.He didn't allo

9、w in hisroom,actually he didn allow his family at all.A.to smoke .to smoke B.smoking. to smokeC.to smoke . smoking D.smoking . smoking【答案】B19.Susan is to lift the heavy boxA.strong B.enough strong C.strong enoughD.strong too【答案】c20.By the end of this term,we thetextbook.A .finish B.have finished C.w

10、ill finish D.will have finish【答案】D21.This hall can 1000 people. You can whereyou like.A. hold.scat B. be seated.seatedC. seat.be seated D. hold.seating【答案】c22.1 like English and I spent every minutel can English.A. to study B. studying C. studied D. study【答案】B23. of his name, we had a lot of trouble

11、 infinding the panient.A. Not informed B. Not having informedC. Not having been informed D. Having norinformed【答案】c24. No matter how hard I searched my bag,my new pen was .A. nowhere to find it B. nowhere to befoundC. to be found nowhere D. to be found anywhere【答案】B25. Rather that the bus, he ranall

12、 the wayhome.A. take B. to take C. taken D. took【答案】A26. with the book I bought yesterday, theone from the library dosen't seem interesting.A. When comparedborrowed B. Whilecomparing.borrowedC. Compare.borrowing D. Comparingborrowing【答案】A27.1 f you con't see the word written on theblackboard

13、 very well, maybe you need .A. examining B. to have your eyes examinedC. to have examined your eyes D. to beexamined your eyes【答案】B28.She must be looking forward as mush tofrom him ad he himself is to from her.A. hear.hearing B. hearing.hearC. have heardhearing D. hearing.hearing【答案】D29.1 sent invit

14、ations to 20 people, came.A. of whom only 10 of these B. only 10 ofthese whoC. of whom only 10 D. only 10 who【答案】c30. of the land in that district coveredwith trees and grass.A. Two fifth.is B. Two fifths.areC. Two fifth.are D. Two fifths.is【答案】D31. Free tickets will be given to phones usfirst.A. th

15、at B. whoever C. whomever D. who【答案】B32. his words, there were no grounds tojustify his complatints.A. Such being B. Such were C. Were such D.Being such【答案】A33. It was ten o'clock he came back.A. that B. Whea C. so D. which【答案】B34. didicuhies we may come across, we willhelp one another to get th

16、em over.A. Whatever B. Whichever C. However D. What【答案】A35. raw materials into useful products iscalled manutacturing.A. Tansform B. TranstormingC. Being transformed D. When transforming【答案】B36. Smoking should be in all public placeslike theatres,cinemas and restaurants.A. banned B. specified C. pas

17、sed D.preserved【答案】A37. for your help, we wouldn't havesucceeded.A. Hadn't it been B. Had it not beenC. If it had been D. If it were【答案】B38. All the students were by the speechgiven by the headmaster.A. inspired.inspired B. inspiringinspiringC. inspired.inspiring D. inspiring.inspired【答案】c39

18、. He knows little of Maths, and ofchemistry.A. much less B. much more C. even more D.still more【答案】A40. John is the age of mary.A. old B. twice C. double D. as old as【答案】BPart II Cloze (1 x 20 )Directions: There are 20 blanks in thefollowing passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B

19、, Cand D. You should choose the ONE that bestfits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage is the capital of the Europeannation of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and 41 cities in the world.Paris is called the City of Light. It is 42an international

20、 fashion center. What stylish women are 43 in Paris will be worn by women 44_ the world. Parisis also a famous world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations45 , Scientific, and Cultural Organization. The Seine River 46 the city into two partsThirth-two

21、 bridges 47 this seenic river.The oldest and 48 most well-kown is the Pont Neuf, 49 wasbuilt in the sixteenth century.The Sorbonne,a famous university, 50 on the left Bank (southside) 51 the river .Thebeautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies 52 the hill called Montmartre on the Right Bank (north side

22、)of the Seine. There are many other famous places inParis, 53 _ the famous museum the Louvre _ 54_ the cathedral of Notre Dame. However; the most famouslandmark in this city 55 the Eiffel Tower.Paris is named 56 _ a group of people 57 _ the Parisii. They 58 a smallvillage on an island _59 _the Seine

23、 River about two thousand years ago. This island, called the lie dela Cite, is _ 60 _ Notre Dame is located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.41. A. famousest B. most famous C. famouserD. more famous42. A. as well B. too C. also D. as well as43. A. clothing B. dressing C. put

24、ting onD. wearing44. A. all over B. over all C. whole overD. over whole45. A. Educating B. Education1 C.Educationally D. Educational46. A. divides B. breaks C. arranges D.classifies47. A. pass B. cover C. cross D. lie48. A. perhaps B. possibly C. likely D.similarly49. A. it B. that C. where D. which

25、50. A. is locating B. locates C. is locatedD. located51. A. on B. of C. over D. above52. A. on top of B. on top C. at top of D.top of53. A. as such B. such as C. such like D.like such54. A. and as well B. well as C. as well D.as well as55. A. must be B. has to be C. can be D.need be56. A. behind B.

26、about C. after D.concerning57. A. called B. calling C. to be calledD.being called58. A. have built B. built C. had built D.build59. A. among B. between C. in the middle ofD. over60. A. in which B. which C. where D. that【答案】4145 B C D A D 4650 A C A D C51-55 BABDA 56-60 CABCCPart t III ReadingCompreh

27、ension ( 2 x 20 )Directions: There are 4 passages in thispart. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.Passage 1Researcher

28、s have found that REM(rapid eyemovement) sleep is important to human beings.Thistype of sleep generally occurs four or five times duringone night of sleepjasting five minutesto forty mimutes for each occurrence.The deeper a person's sleepbecomes,the longer the periodsof rapid eye movement. There

29、 are physical changes in the body toshow that a person has changed from NREM(non-rapid eye movement) to REM sleep.Breathing becomesfaster,the heart rate increases,and,as the name implieshe eyes begin to move quickly.Accompanying these physical changes in thebody is a very important characteristic of

30、 REM sleep.lt is during REM sleep that a person dreams.61. According to the passage,how often doesREM sleep occur in one night?A.OnceB.TwiceC.Four or five timesD.Fortytimes【答案】c62. The word "deeper" in pagragraph 1 isclosest in meaning to which of the following?A.heavierB.louderC.strongerD

31、.happier【答案】A63. Which of the following shows that aperson is NOT dreaming in his sleep?A.His eyes begin to move.B.His bueathing becomesfaster.C.His heart rate increases.D.His eyes stopmoving.【答案】D64. The subject of this passage is.A.why people sleep65. he human need for REMsleepC.the characteristic

32、s of REM sleep0.physical changes in the human body【答案】c65. Which of thefollowing is the best title of the article?A. REM SleepB. Two Types of SleepC. SleepersD. What Happens to Sleepers【答案】DPassage 2Foxes and farmers have never got on welLThese small dog-like animals have long been accused of killin

33、g farm animals. They are officiallyclassified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.Farmers can also call on the services oftheir local hunt to control the fox population. Hunting consists of pursuing a fox across the countryside, witha group of speciall

34、y trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses. When the dogs eventually catch th efox they kill it or a hunter shoots it.People who take part in hunting think of itas a sport; they wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes ofbehavior. But owning a hors

35、e and hunting regularly is expensive, so most hunters are wealthy. It is estimated that up to 100,000 peoplewatch or take part in fox hunting. But over the lastcouple of decades the number of people opposed to foxhunting, because they think it is brutal (殘酷的), has risensharply. Nowadays it is rare f

36、or a hunt to pass off withoutsome kind of confrontation ()中 突)between hunters and hunt saboteurs (阻攔者).Sometimes these incidents lead to violence, but mostly saboteursinterfere with the hunt by misleading riders and disturbing the trail of the fox'ssmelL which the dogs follow.Noisy confrontation

37、s between hunters andsaboteurs have become so common that they are almost as much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxesitself. But this year supporters of fox hunting face a much bigger threat to their sport. A Labour Party Member of theParliament, Mike Fosteo is trying to get Parliament to appr

38、ove a new law which will make the hunting of wildanimals with dogs illegal. If the law is passed, wild animals like foxes will be protected under the ban in Britain.66. Rich people in Britain have beenhunting foxes.A.for recreationB. in the interests of thefarmersC. to limit the fox populationD. to

39、showoff their wealth【答案】A67. What is special about fox hunting inBritain?A. It involves the use of a deadly poison.B. It is a costly event which rarelyoccurs.C. The hunters have set rules to follow.D. The hunters have to go through stricttraining.【答案】c68. Fox hunting opponents often interfere!n the

40、game.A.by resorting to violenceB. by confusingthe fox huntersC. by taking legal actionD. bydemonstrating on the scene【答案】B69. A new law may be passed by the BritishParliament to.A.prohibit farmers from hunting foxesB. forbid hunting foxes with dogsC. stop hunting wild animals in thecountrysideD. pre

41、vent large-scale fox hunting【答案】B70. It can be inferred from the passagethat.A. killing foxes with poison is illegalB. limiting the fox population isunnecessaryC. hunting foxes with dogs is consideredcruel and violentD. fox-hunting often leads to confrontationbetween the poor and the rich【答案】cPassag

42、e 3If you listen to American music, watchAmerican television or magazines, you w川 probably agree that the most popular subject of these forms ofentertainment is love. Romantic love always finds an audience in the United States. Falling in love, solving theproblems of love, and achieving the happy en

43、ding - the big wedding are subjects of interest to the adult as wellas the teenage public. Millions of Americans celebrate Valentine's Day with special cards and gifts that announce theirlove to their mates, their friends, their coworkers, and their families.Popular songs tell us that “all the w

44、orldloves a lover”. A popular saying is “Love conquers all”. Numerous columns in magazines and newspapers offeradvice to the lovelorn, those with difficulties of the heart. To most Americans, romantic love is central to ahappy life.Not only do Americans believe in romanticlove but they also believe

45、that it is the best basis for marriage.Despite the high divorce rate in the UnitedStates, young men and women continue to marry on the basis of romantic love. Americans consider marriagea private arrangement between the two people involved. Young Americans feel free to choose their ownmarriage partn

46、ers from any social, economic, or religious background. The man or woman may have strong ties withparents, brothers, or sisters, but when he or she falls in love, the strongest feelings are supposed to be for the lovedone. When an American couple marries, they generally plan to live apart from both

47、sets of parents and buildtheirown independent family structure.71. What is the most popular subject of allforms of entertainment?A. Marriage.B.Love.C. Family.0.Friendship.【答案】B72. Who is interested in the subject oflove?A.Adults who sre single.B.Teenagers whose parents sre divorced.C.OId people who

48、have no children.D.Both adults and teenagers.【答案】D73. What do most Americans think ofromantic love?A. It is central to a happy life.B.lt is not the basis for marriage.C.lt is not necessarily important in peoplie'slife.D.Many people long for it,but it isunbelievable.【答案】A74. What factors do young

49、 Americansconsider when choosing their own marriage partners?A.They will think about their socialbackground.B.They think economic background isesscntial.C.They won't choose a marriage partner fromdifferent religious background.D.they don't think social economic orreligious background is impo

50、rtant.【答案】D75. What does an American couple plan to dowhen they marry?A.They continue to live with their parentsafter their marriag.eB.They plan to live by themselves.C.They plan to earn more money to buy ahouse.D.They plan to travel all over the world.【答案】BPassage 4In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dic

51、kMcDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California.They carefully chose a busy corner fortheir location. They had run their own businesses for years» first atheater, then a barbecue (烤I肉)restaurant., then anotherdrive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shorte

52、ned menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas.To this small selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents.Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity, for thebrothers

53、 had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks, sticking totheir routine. Their new drive-in became incredibly popular , particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundredsduring the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular th

54、at the brothers had allowed ten copies oftheir restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc. Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonaldbrothers in 1954, when he was selling milkshake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the unique appealof the brothers * fast-

55、food restaurants and bought the right to franchise (特許經(jīng)營(yíng))other copies of their restaurants. The agreement struck included theright to duplicate the menu. The equipment, even their red andwhite buildings with the golden arches (拱.Today McDonald * s is really a householdname. Its names for its sandwic

56、hes have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watchedpeople rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers. In 1976, McDonald , s had over $ 1 billion in totalsales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American businesshistory.76. This

57、 passage mainly talksabort.A.the development of fast food servicesB.how McDonald's became a billion-dollarbusinessC. the business careers of Mac and DickMcDonaldD. Ray Kroc's business talent【答案】C77. Mac and Dick managed all of thefollowing businesses exceptA.a drive-inB.a cinemaC.a theaterD.

58、 a barbecue restaurant【答案】B78. We may infer from this passagethat.A.Mac and Dick McDonald never becamewealthy for they sold their idea to KrocB.The location the McDonalds chose was theonly source of the great popularity of their drive-inC. Forty years ago there were numerousfast-food restaurantsD. Ray Kroc was a good businessman【答案】D79. The passage suggests that.A. creativity i


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